• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 8,042 Views, 186 Comments

Black and White and Red All Over - SuperGiantRobot

A journey made, a green eye caught, a quest begun, a treasure sought...

  • ...

Epilogue: The Half-aversary

“…are you sure I can’t do anything to help? I could…”

Granny Smith gave Macintosh a smack on the muzzle with a wooden spoon.

It was six months to the day. Six months since he’d first seen and fallen in love with Zecora. Six months since Macintosh had made his ill-fated trip into the Everfree. Six months since Zecora admitted she felt the same as he did.

A whole half year.

In those six months, quite a few changes had occurred. Zecora, in the hopes of getting more of a feel for Macintosh’s way of life, asked if she might be taught some of the ways of the farm. She was welcomed with open arms, becoming the student of both Macintosh and his younger sister, Applejack, who taught her the finer points of applebucking.

She managed to surprise Applejack in that respect. The zebra had quite a kick to her.

Zecora had taught Macintosh and the Apples in turn, taught them what she knew and had learned. How to combine herbs, roots, and leaves into combinations that would heal the sick or injured, help plants grow stronger and faster, or just make a good meal taste better. She also showed the ways of her forest: how to deal with certain creatures, safe paths through it and, with a pointed look towards Macintosh, which leaves, fruits and berries were safe to eat and which weren’t.

"Now you just never mind none, Macintosh; I don't need you hangin' over my shoulder an' crowdin' up my kitchen!" Granny Smith gave Macintosh a stern look that almost immediately melted into one of affection. She was proud of him; he'd found his very special somepony at last. Zecora had a beauty the likes of which Granny had never seen in all her years (and there were many of those!), she was as polite as you could ever ask for, and the way she spoke was almost literally music to the ears.

Granny's punishment for Macintosh's stupid stunt was therefore quite lenient: an entire week of doing everypony's chores (cooking included) and no meet-ups with Zecora for the week. She relented in the 'no visits' rule three days in, however: Macintosh needed to be shown the error of his ways, but it sort of felt like she was punishing Zecora, too.

The green mare gently tapped Macintosh's nose with the handle of the spoon. "We'll make sure she gets a dinner worth remembering. You just worry 'bout fetchin' her here. This day's fer the two've you alone, and we won't leave either of you wantin'. Now fix yer vest and get out there. Ain't proper to keep a filly waitin'."

As it was their 'Half-aversary,' Granny felt it fitting that this event be commemorated: six months together was quite an achievement.

In those six months, Zecora had endeared herself to the citizens of Ponyville as well, dropping her aloof mannerism for a much more open one. Ponyville quickly grew to accept her fully, and her visits — which became more and more frequent as time passed — were always looked forward to. She was no longer a stranger to be feared, but a friend to be welcomed. Beneath Zecora's previously cold exterior lurked a warm heart, and her relationship with Macintosh allowed this personality to emerge and thrive. The two becoming an item was a source of gossip amongst the mares of Ponyville: gossip tinged with more than a touch of envy.

Zecora had visited Cheerilee's schoolhouse one day, impressing the foals with her exotic ways. She told them of her home — the Marengeti — and how she had come to live in Everfree forest: she had been performing a ritual to speak with the spirit of an ancestor, but had accidentally used too much of a certain flower in the special incense that was used to guide the spirit to her. Instead, the ritual ended up sending her away, and she appeared just outside the forest. Being unable to find any of this flower in Everfree and also being uncertain if recreating the accident in the ritual might make things even worse for her, she decided to simply accept her lot and make the forest her new home.

When asked if she missed the Marengeti, she admitted she did from time to time, but the friends she had made in Ponyville made up for it; even at home she had preferred solitude and had no real family. In a way, her arrival outside Everfree was one of the best things to ever happen to her, making an almost entirely new mare out of her. And besides, if she weren't here, how could she have made friends with Cheerilee and her students?

The foals were enraptured.

During lunch, Apple Bloom 'accidentally' let slip the knowledge that her brother was dating Zecora, raising her standing amongst her classmates to no small degree. Even Diamond Tiara was impressed, though she took the greatest of pains to hide this.

Macintosh straightened out his vest as best he could. He'd never quite gotten used to wearing anything other than his standard harness, but Macintosh wanted this to be an extra-special date for Zecora; he wanted this to be an evening that she'd remember forever.

He would ensure that.

Many of their dates took place during the day, but some were early evening, as Zecora loved watching the stars, and star-gazing was how the relationship between the two had started. They commemorated this from time to time by having dinner dates, which they quickly named 'gazing-dates'. Macintosh suggested they have such a date this evening and she readily agreed; these dates were particularly special to her.

This would be quite a bit more than a typical gazing-date, which were much more casual and laid back. A gazing date usually began with a good meal, followed by watching the heavens, your very special somepony by your side. Granny Smith had broken out recipes she hadn't used in a decade just for this one meal; she wanted to see that Zecora only got the best of the best tonight. She deserved it. She was just as dear to the rest of the family as she was to Macintosh, and they wanted to show it.

Half-aversaries only ever come once after all.

Macintosh made his way down the path, being sure not to get his vest dusty: he may not be so comfortable in 'fancy-type' clothes (or clothes at all, really), but the vest he was wearing was handed down to him by his Pa, so he owed it to his spirit to keep it in good condition. Like Applejack's Stetson, it was the only thing of their parents they had other than memories. While he almost never wore the vest, unlike his sister's hat (which she almost never took off) that was no reason not to treat it respectfully.

As Macintosh trotted onwards, he hummed a tune under his breath and was soon whistling happily. It was a beautiful day, he was off to see a beautiful mare and she was going to have an unforgettable night. Why shouldn't he be so happy?

No reason whatsoever.

He reached the outskirts of Everfree and waited for his love to make her appearance. As he waited, his eyes were caught by a rather pretty flower growing from a stump. The blossom was an interesting shade of purple with a silverish highlight. It was the sort of flower that might look good decorating a certain mare's mane. While he was considering the flower, there was the tiniest of rustles. "'Afternoon, Zecora," said Macintosh, without looking up. He heard an extremely faint gasp and Macintosh smiled to himself.

In the beginning of their relationship, Zecora would sometimes accidentally spook him by seemingly appearing out of nowhere. To make amends for this, she taught him the secret of focusing his hearing on one particular point. Macintosh, being generally a quiet sort, found this quite an easy skill to pick up, having nearly reached the point where he could identify a pony by how they trotted. Zecora, however, always seemed capable of hiding her movements with just enough skill to defeat that advantage. Though her sudden appearances had long since stopped surprising him, he felt a tiny thrill of victory for finally managing to catch her in the act. He stopped 'closely admiring' the flower and raised his head to look at her.

"It seems that you've passed my test at last; I've never met one who could do that so fast," replied Zecora with a grin. She cocked her head in curiosity at the stallion's attire. "I must say you look handsome in that dapper vest, but why have you come calling so formally dressed?"

Macintosh said nothing; he simply gave Zecora a wink and a smile and politely led her back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Zecora tried to get an answer from Macintosh as they continued down the path, only to be given a grin and nothing more as a reply. She stopped asking after a short time; the great red stallion was a master of silence, and when he chose to clam up practically nothing would get a peep out of him. If he wasn't going to divulge his secret, she'd have to resign herself to not knowing until he decided to let her.

She soon noticed that some of the trees had three ribbons either tied around their trunks or hanging from branches: one red, one white and the last black. She looked up at Macintosh, who now wore a decidedly smug smile on his face. She gave a sigh of mock exasperation and they soon reached Sweet Apple Acres. Zecora came to a stop and her eyes widened.

Granny Smith, Applejack and Apple Bloom stood just outside the farm gate, awaiting the pair's arrival and all done up in their finest. Granny Smith wore a particularly fetching hat and matching shawl, Applejack's mane and tail were done up in the intricate braid that Granny had sported when she had been Applejack's age, and, for just this one time, she had forsaken her trademark hat. Apple Bloom was wearing a bright red, sparkling bow and was grinning from ear to ear. The house itself was decorated with the three ribbon pattern that she'd seen along the path, short lengths hanging from the eaves of the roof and the frames of windows.

Macintosh turned to Zecora. "I don't know if you're aware, but today's a very special day for you an' me. It's been six months since we first met an' began seein' each other. Six months. A darn impressive feat, an' one that needed celebratin'. An' so we chose to. Took days to set up, even with the help of Applejack's friends. Granny's callin' it a 'half-aversary.' "

Zecora didn't appear to register his words, her mouth practically hanging open as she took in the scene before her. Macintosh continued.

"I love you, Zecora; in fact we all do, an' we wanted to show it. This night — this half-aversary — is for the both of us alone, but mostly for you."

"For me? Truly?" she asked in a small, lightly quavering voice.

Macintosh smiled. "For you. It's true."

He gave Zecora a gentle kiss on the cheek and escorted his guest of honor onward into the Apple home, Granny and his sisters following a polite distance behind.

That evening, Zecora was treated as though she were royalty itself. She wanted for nothing - neither food nor drink nor the gentlemanly attentions of Macintosh. It was perfect. And though the entire family were there, it felt as though it were simply Macintosh and herself alone, as the others took pains to make themselves as unobtrusive as possible. The two were given the entire dining room for themselves and soon dinner began.

Eventually Zecora stepped away from the table, albeit hesitantly and with more than a touch of regret. She was full but sincerely wished she wasn't. She had never tasted dishes the likes of what she was served that evening in her life: a cream soup made from the essence of rose petals and apple blooms which started with the lightest of flavor and slowly strengthened as you swallowed, mashed potatoes with the texture of a cloud, corn slow-boiled in lightly-sugared water and then baked...

And then there were the desserts. Oh, the desserts. There were no words in either language she knew to describe them. Apples and cinnamon and chocolate and ginger along with other spices and fruits came together so perfectly it was as if it were magic.

She wished that she had eaten a bite less so she could eat a bite more, but...

And all that time, Macintosh sat with her, smiling as each new dish elicited a gasp or a sigh of pleasure. Seeing the bliss on Zecora's face was a gift he would treasure; all that mattered to him on this day was her happiness and it pleased him to no end that he and his family were succeeding brilliantly.

And the best was yet to come.

Zecora sought out Granny Smith and practicality blessed her for the feast she had prepared in honor of both herself and her beau. Granny blushed and modestly accepted Zecora's thanks, though she was really just following the recipes of Apples before her. She may have added her own touch here and there, but the praise really belonged to others.

Macintosh appeared outside the kitchen and cleared his throat quietly. "When I set this up, I promised you a gazing-date, and we've still the gazing yet to do. Looks to be a clear night an' it'd be a shame to waste it."

Granny Smith shooed Zecora away with an affectionate grin; there was a table to be cleared and dishes yet to do and Macintosh deserved more attention than she did. With a final bow of thanks, she let Macintosh lead her out onto the porch. The final pink of sunset had faded from the sky and it began to grow dark. The two waited for evening to commence, and raised their eyes to the heavens as the last of the light drained away and the stars made their appearance.

There was an unexpected meteor shower that evening. Macintosh and Zecora soon found their attention fully captured by this rare display, and turned from watching the hanging stars to the falling ones. There were bright flashes from time to time as a meteor would use itself up in a single burst instead of a quick streak of light, and the two made a game of trying to predict where the next falling star would come from, as many were simply caught from the corner of an eye and gone before they could get a clear view. Soon they were nestled together and breathing in tandem as they watched the sky in silence.

Soon enough, though, a yawn escaped Zecora's lips. It had been a full day for her, and one full of wonders as well. She had been shown the greatest of honors, feasted upon delicacies the likes of which had never been tasted, and seen an event even more rare than the sight of the stars in her forest. And it had all been orchestrated by her beloved Macintosh.

But all good things must come to an end, despite how one would wish otherwise.

Though the hour wasn't particularly late, she found that the pure contentment she felt was having a toll on her. It was time to call it a night. At the sound her quiet yawn, Macintosh turned his attention from the sky to Zecora. "Reached your limit for the day, Zecora?"

She reluctantly nodded. "I fear that I feel heaviness within my head. Perhaps it is time to go home to bed."

Macintosh, however, would hear nothing of it. "No. You're almost asleep on your hooves. Stay the night and we can head back tomorrow."

Zecora considered the offer.

Macintosh smiled. "Please. We'd be honored."

Zecora let out another yawn. With a rueful grin, she accepted his offer, and the two re-entered the house.

The next morning, after a hearty breakfast, the two began their trip down the path, Zecora practically glowing with joy. Her sleep had been deep and her dreams more pleasant than ever before. Granny Smith bade her farewell with a promise to share some of her recipes from last night's supper, and she, Applejack and Apple Bloom saw Macintosh and her off with a wave.

Soon, she began to hum happily to herself. After a minute, Macintosh joined in and the two weaved their tunes together as they trotted. All too soon they reached the entrance to Everfree and Zecora had to stifle a sigh of disappointment as she made her way towards the forest path.

Macintosh stepped in front of her and shook his head.

Zecora gave him a quizzical look. Macintosh gave her a look of determination in turn and spoke. "After the evening we shared, it wouldn't feel right to me if you just headed off home by yourself. It'd be like this was just another date, and I don't want to tarnish the memory of yesterday with that thought. Please allow me to escort you home. S'the proper thing for me to do, I think." Without a moment's hesitation, Macintosh stepped into Everfree to accompany Zecora back to her hut.

Zecora blinked. Even after all this time, Macintosh still felt extremely uncomfortable entering the forest, despite having been shown safe ways through it. They generally met and parted ways just outside, and yet Macintosh continued on, as sure of himself as Zecora would be. Furthermore, rather than taking one of the shortcuts to her hut, Macintosh took the route he had upon first questing for her. Zecora followed a short distance behind, surprised by his boldness, but trusting the stallion's actions. Macintosh clearly knew what he was doing. They soon reached a small copse of blue flowers and Macintosh spoke up.

"Heh. Poison joke. That's how my 'big adventure' began: with me becoming small!" He laughed and trotted through the flowers without a thought. Zecora had told him that once you had been affected by the pollen of a particular copse of the plant, you were immune to those specific flowers because 'they'd had their fun.' Zecora smiled; she had been the victim of this cheeky plant herself when she had first arrived. There was a plant much like it in the Marengeti, however, and the cure for that affliction worked for poison joke. Unfortunately, it had taken her most of the day to locate the ingredients, and she spent that time with her stripes flashing on and off like a theatre marquee.

He soon stopped at a small stream.

"And there's where I learned of the joke that was played on me. Don't mind admitting that was a shock..." He shook his head and continued onward until he reached a large tree. He looked up at it and smiled fondly. "I was able to get a leg-up on that smoke critter, thanks to this tree. Pretty much saved my life. Well, up to a point, anyway." He gave the weathered tree an affectionate pat with a forehoof before turning and following the path he had taken after bucking the branch off of it. Zecora gave the tree a pat in turn along with a respectful nod. She'd always felt that some of the forest's trees were more alive than they appeared, and this grandfather of a tree had helped her love out of a tight situation.

They passed the driftaway bush. "Bah. Darn berries. Wouldn't have anything to do with blueberries for weeks 'cause'a this bush..." Macintosh gave it a scowl.

Zecora scowled as well and turned to Macintosh. “These terrible plants have brought many a death and robbed many creatures of their final breath. This very bush nearly stole you from me, so I'll dig it up for the sake of safety."

The two continued onward. Soon they came to the glade Zecora's hut inhabited.

"And here's where I showed that critter that some things just aren't meant to be eaten!" He let out a bark of laughter, which quickly faded. "And then I learned that lesson myself. Almost permanently." He had later been told just how close to death he had come because filling his belly had been more important to him than playing it safe. It was still a sobering thought.

"And then I awoke to one of the most beautiful sights in my life, and one that gets more beautiful every time I see it." Zecora blushed and Macintosh grinned.

Zecora, having for the most part been content to simply listen as Macintosh summarised the events that led up to the two becoming the other's very special somepony, spoke up. "Macintosh, dearest, it's become crystal clear that you have some other purpose for escorting me here."

"Yeah guess it wasn't hard to figure that out, especially as we're taking the long way. My actin' like a tour guide while we went on in didn't help me none either, I suppose." He grinned sheepishly.

Zecora waited expectantly, returning to silence in order to let Macintosh speak his piece.

"Six months ago, you'd visited our farm to stay the night and I'd fallen in love with you from almost the second I saw you. That night when we first watched the stars together had been the tiniest nudge I'd needed to make it apparent to me. Then we both found out that you'd felt the same for me all along."

Zecora nodded, smiling. That day had been one of the best of her life.

"And the days since had been as though they were gifts from the Princesses themselves. Our relationship has made better ponies of the both of us."

Zecora nodded again. She had opened her heart to others from that day on; six friends soon blossomed into what felt like six hundred.

"Applebloom practically canters when you pay call, and Granny glows like the sun. As we showed you with the half-aversary, we all consider you part of our family. And that's why I'm here. I've mentioned the past and the present. Now I'd like to talk about the future. Our future." Macintosh sighed. "Bah. That's enough of that. Instead of slowly creeping up on my point, I'm just gonna say what I came here to say. Specifically, what I came here to ask."

Zecora cocked her head.

"It's a simple question, but a hard one for me to ask, all the same. That's the other reason I brought you to your home: to show myself that I had the right to. If I were brave enough to look past my fear of the place, then the time was finally right. "

He carefully lowered himself to his knees, bringing himself eye-level with Zecora. She gave a start, at a complete loss as to what Macintosh was doing. Macintosh lowered his head, cleared his throat quietly and took a deep breath to compose himself. Finally, he raised his head and looked deep into her blue eyes.

"I'm yours. Yours forever and always. I would do anything, dare anything, risk everything if it was for you. You mean more to me than I have words to say, and that will never change."

Macintosh lifted Zecora's left forehoof gently in his own.

"The rest of my life would have no meaning or value if you stopped being a part of it. So the question I wanted to ask you is this: I'm yours, forever and always."

He laid his other forehoof over hers.

"Would you be willing to be mine? Will you...marry me?"

Zecora's eyes went wide and she stepped back slightly, though her forehoof remained between Macintosh's . He remained kneeling and quietly waited. After considering his question a short time, Zecora gave a small smile and stepped forward.

Returning his gaze, she answered: "Macintosh, when I met you, I was mystified. The sight of you lit a spark hidden inside. Through our time together that spark has grown free, fueled by the love between you and me. I wish I'd found sooner the gift that awaited, I wish I'd learned sooner that our love was fated. Each time that we meet, this love burns anew..."

She lowered her head to nuzzle Macintosh's forehoof before raising her glistening eyes to his. Her voice shook ever so gently.

"...I'd be honored to spend all of my life with you. Yes."

Macintosh gently released Zecora's forehoof and slowly got back on his hooves, his eyes still locked on hers. She smiled again and gave him a nod. Macintosh stepped closer toward her and lowered his head. Zecora raised hers in turn and their lips met in a gentle kiss. Without any further words, the two turned and trotted back to Sweet Apple Acres in silence.

Two years later

Seven mares stood in a loose semi-circle at the foot of the bed. Zecora lay upon it, a tired smile on her face. Beside her slept a tiny filly. Her coat was pure white, with light pink, grey-outlined stripes running down her body, her short mane flame red with black and white streaks. She snuggled in closer to Zecora and Macintosh smiled proudly from where he stood beside his wife. The faces of the mares before him — Granny, his sister Applejack and her five closest friends — were all aglow with joy and pride, and there wasn't a dry eye among them.

"Kahndi," he whispered, so as to not awaken the filly or her now dozing mother. His eyes shone, brimming with tears of joy.

"My daughter's name is Kahndi."

Author's Note:

And there you have it. Love, adventure, death, life and love again. As the saying goes: "First comes love..."

And Kahndi's bound to have an interesting foalhood. Maybe someone could cover that...?

A huge thank you to q97randomguy and CDRW for pre-reading help.

Comments ( 54 )

Ok before I go further its anniversaries not averseries.

Alright great chapter, but I have to ask is there another chapter since it still states the story is incomplete.


They've been dating six months: half-aversary, see?

I like this ship.

2307079 Half-aversary is a play on words. It half of an anniversary.

... that is a horrible pun


By definition all puns are horrible. Give me some leeway here.

She was welcomed with open arms

Correction: She was welcomed with open hooves.


Sounded a bit too clumsy. It doesn't all have to be pony-speak.

"But all good things must come to an end, despite how one would wish otherwise." :raritycry:

You have a good story right here. I'm sad to see it end. And I really enjoyed it.

Oh, this story is awesome, just sad it had to end.
You think there is any chance for a sequel? :unsuresweetie:

During lunch, Apple Bloom 'accidentally' let slip the knowledge that his brother was dating Zecora, raising her standing amongst her classmates to no small degree.

As of this moment, Applebloom is in a state of Schrodinger flux, both male and female at the same time. :twilightsheepish:

I liked the story before the rewrite, and I like it still.
However, I don't feel like the rewrite added anything significant other than a sequel hook.

I suppose my question now is: What next?


Shush. She can be both if she wanna.

Congrats on making it to Equestria Daily. :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:


i didn't. It's been there for quite some time. You're seeing a story update, not the story itself.


Oh, you mean congratulations for having made it in the first place. Sorry - I thought you'd misconstrued the story update entry.

Kandi. A fitting name, for it fully acknowledges and embraces both cultures of which she is a part: Kandi Apple.

Isn't that sweet? :pinkiesad2:


That was the idea - I wanted a name that sounded like it came from both parents. "Candy Apple" obviously, but the way I spell it gives it a foreign look.

I imagine that the two would pronounce it differently. Y'know, with Zecora using a long "a" like in Khan.


I like think I fleshed it out a lot more - it's not just 'this happened and then that happened', now it's more like 'this is happening and you're there watching'.

yay a baby Khandi Apple will be extra ordinary


D'awwwwww...sad to see it go, but it seems you've already got it set up for a sequel. Mac is Mac, ofc, but I couldn't help thinking about how Zecora is so cute in this chapter.
Third completed story I've read today though, it's giving me a sad.

I couldn't help but to think silly things at the question part.
Mac: What time is it again?
Zecora: A watch I have not, it leads to hoof-rot.
Then everypony facepalms.

Amazing ending. :heart:

I enjoyed this quite a lot. Excellent work.

Congratulations on finishing your story, and I really liked the way you ended it. I still like the idea of Kandi.

Kandi will become an alicorn!

With red and black stripes.


2207044 Of course not, but still. Routes exist, he should learn them.

I sudenly have a new head cannon ship. :pinkiehappy:

A wonderful ending to a great story.

I hope we get to see more of Zecora and Big Mac's daughter :yay:


Actually, I'm kicking that idea around right now. No promises, but I've more or less got a character build for her.

Aww. Cute. As far as general Applecora goes, while my heart will always be with Zecorabloom this is a close second (And heck, I also shi. Macinpants. So this breaks two ships and I still love it.)

Awwww! :heart: This is a great fic! I actually cried when big Mac died but so glad it wasn't for long. I never would have thought of Zecora and Big Mac together but it worked out great! :eeyup: if only they had a Zecora emoticon lol.


Lovely story also poor big mac ^_-

cute story

OK, the ending could have used a bit more detail and dialog but still a very good story.
I've been thinking about what happens to Sweet Apple Acre's with an expanding family. What about Kahndi's possible siblings and Cousins? (:ajbemused:)
you really got me thinking on this one.

So count my vote for a sequel to this one.


The epilogue was more of a mood-setter than anything else, and like to think it did its job.

Kahndi...well, I'd been batting around a few ideas about the kid, but with 'Ballad of the Two Sisters' to finish up and my mad idea (a story synopsizing every episode using Ballad's format), when or if I do anything is unkown.

I have come up with an interesting ability for her - a sort of pseudo-mutation, compliments of Zecora. She spent so much time making potions that the fumes and scents slightly changed her magically/genetically, and this change affected Kahndi.


I did a quick take on the description given (The red in the mane was pulled from the same image of Big M and Zecora for cover art)


I also added her into this image as well. I thought it gave a good Idea of her and her parents.

Please make a sequel.:fluttercry:

when Macintosh died i was screaming internally.

you know how to write:twilightsmile:

Aw, you know I wouldn't do that to Big Little Mac, don'tcha? :derpytongue2:


well you sure got me there.:moustache:

I know I may be quite late to read this Fic, but I'm new (roughly 3 months since I joined). I never actually heard of a Zecora x Big Macintosh fanfic before (known to me as ZecoraMac). Though I always knew they had to exist somewhere. That's when I stumbled upon this while searching through FimFiction. My main point is this: you have quite the mindset throughout this Fic. And I admire that. Anyway, I enjoyed the read and wish there was a Sequel. Keep on writing! :D

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