• Member Since 13th Dec, 2012
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This story is a sequel to Technicolor Dreams

After the episode, "Sleepless in Ponyville", Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo have grown quite close. However, when Rainbow Dash learns that Scootaloo's need for acceptance is more than just hero worship, Rainbow Dash refuses to back down. She pushes her limits - financially - to be there for this filly who's like a sister to her how she's needed most.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 63 )

Pretty solid stuff. and stuff

This story gave me so many warm, fuzzy feels. I always like Scootadash family stories, but I cringed with disgust when Luna mentioned Candy Cane's dreams. My God...he was a pedophile, wasn't he?:twilightoops:

Yes, yes he was. The very worst sort, taking advantage of the physically and/or mentally disabled in his care. Shall we say there's a reason Luna wished nothing more than to crush his mind like an egg.

When she's done, can I crush his face?

>> LordSiravant
There's quite the line for getting a crack at Candy Cane.
I'm a bit surprised, mind, that no one's had anything to say about Scootaloo's folks, all things considered.

1797269 I love stories where scoots gets adopted by Dash. Either as mom or sister either one is fine by me... anyone now of a group specifically set as scoots gets a home stories?

>>Archivist Nightwatch

If there is such a group, I'm interested in joining...and reading any other stories thereof.

Great Story

Omg so cute! *squees until I die* Poor Scootaloo though.

I take it Luna scrambled his mind in punishment? :pinkiehappy:

and following that...HNNNNG!! :heart:

yes i would be highly interested in joining that group as well.:scootangel:

a great climax would be an epilogue of scootaloo flying next to rainbow dash and prooving the doctors wrong

Actually, I am considering expanding this story into another that would be sequel to both this and "Technicolor Dreams", another story of mine, exploring not just Scootaloo's development, but also the hurdles Rainbow Dash faces as both a new sister AND guardian, juggling her new responsibilities, her finances, and her own life while trying to do right by Scoots...along with how this adoption impacts her relationships with other ponies, not just the other mane 6.


I think I will.
Everyone can keep an eye out for it. I'm thinking for a title, "Whatever it Takes: I love you."
What do you think, everyone?

1816915 the title is ok:pinkiesmile:

Aaaaah. This is so amazing oh my gosh. I'm very bad with words, so I doubt I'll be able to compose a decent reply, but yeah. xD
This was so beautiful. <3


I wanna know what's inside Dash's dream door :pinkiecrazy:

.... No words :pinkiesad2::yay:
BTW was Candy Cane a pedo? Let's rip his wings off and throw him off the cloud :pinkiecrazy:


Yes, Candy Cane is a pedo. And there is a long line for brutalizing him.


It is...a memory of something that almost happened to her, but did not. For further details on that, I will be expounding on it - among other things - in "Whatever it Takes: I Love You"

Yeah you already explained that when I asked this question on 'whatever it takes I love you' :rainbowwild:

Meh it happens to me a lot except I'm usually the one forgetting

I tip my hat to you, my friend! No words can truly describe how much I love this story!

Can I join you? Please?


Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy it so much!

It seems the line to slaughter Candy Cane just keeps getting longer.

I think I've come back to this story at least a dozen times now, and each time I end up smiling at the end. Of course, then I move onto the sequel and I always end up reading it front to back without a break because it's just so engrossing.

Very well done. :scootangel::rainbowwild:

I'm glad this story always brings you back. I'm really proud of this one.

1811475 please do, the story uve made so far is really great, i'd teally like to see scoots and dash to prove those docs, and her rents wrong. xD better yet after dash makes it into the wonderbolts, scoots could be a recruit when dash is top pony. just to rub in docs/rents faces. :rainbowdetermined2: :scootangel:

The story is written and heavily expanded. It is called "Whatever It Takes, I Love You."

2271422 lol ya found it under ur stories, reading it now, sry i didnt look earlier

okay, one complaint:

The "scootaloo will never fly" garbage.
Please. Roid Rage can fly. They got a TURTLE to fly. There is no way that they wouldn't be able to get a filly with wings as powerful as Scootaloo off the ground.

I'm in wholehearted agreement with you there. She will fly, proving everypony who doubted her wrong. That doesn't mean there magically aren't any doubters.

Read the related stories in this continuity, "Technicolor Dreams" and "Whatever it Takes, I Love You" (Technicolor Dreams happens before this, and gives a bit of insight into Rainbow's mindset and a few other things) for more.

now scootaloo needs to perform the dark sacrament and summon the dark brotherhood to kill candy cane


Thanks for guiding me here, I made a mental note to read this but it slipped my mind, so glad I got around to it, you're really talented! :scootangel:

Thanks. I'm glad you like it.

I have one question. Why do people assume that Rainbow Dash isn't rich when evidence to the contrary is in canon?

For example while most of the main six live in simple shelters like a tree or store/house, Rainbow Dash lives in a majestic as fuck mansion in the sky with it's own rainbow fountain.

Rainbow's job is easily a high paying job since she oversee's the fucking weather for an entire town and has no one to take orders from besides the mayor meaning she is the top of her chain there in her position.

Further I like to point out that there has never been an episode canon that has shown rainbow dash in need of bits or anything. She even once made notion to buying out an entire barrel of apple cider just to drink it infront of pinkie. (Super Cider Squeezy 6000) .

So why in blue hell are most fanfictions depicting Rainbow Dash as some low paid bum? Granted fanfiction doesn't always follow canon but it's mind boggling to see how many fanfictions have Rainbow Dash as this bit-less pony. Who somehow has this roman themed architecture that is three tiers high when rarity only has a two tier home. Rainbow Dash's mansion seems almost regal in a sense but anyways that is my only criticism about the premise.

My logic here was that she's far from bitless but - up until recently - has been far from responsible with her bits, and the requirements for a single parental unit adopting in Equestria are incredibly strict. In essence, she has little to no savings and needs some serious lessons on fiscal responsibility, which is what the whole session in the library was.

Well I apologize but this wasn't an attack on your fic, I mean I guess every fic needs conflict and you tried a new approach instead of the "fucked up past" or "Wings broken" approach and I admire that but it just seems that no one understands Rainbow Dash as much as I would expect people to.

One thing I find some writers understand is Rainbow Dash's Invincible Shield which is her way of not letting emotion through. She is the epitome of Flutter Shy while being her opposite. Rainbow Dash's ego isn't the only thing faulty as there are hints that Rainbow Dash (canon) has some issues with her wealth or position in life. See she has this huge mansion in the sky but never is seen inside it enjoying it. She is hardly at home in canon and is usually napping on a random cloud or on trees (sometimes applejack's trees) I would want to see an approach from any writer that shows how Rainbow Dash who obviously has this surplus wealth is shown having hang up's about it. I think her "wanting to be a wonderbolt" is a way to outshine her wealth with fame. Then again I am probably reading too far into a show about ponies, but I feel like the writers of the series have a great emotional drama on their hands with this one character and I wish some fanfic writers brought up the issue of her cloud mansion being less than occupied.

That being said I haven't really read your fic just made a comment about the premise because for some reason I got a tad bit "russled in my jimmies" by it.

Well, considering it is a cloud mansion and - like all pegasi buildings - is made of clouds, it is probably a lot cheaper to build than a building on the ground. All she'd really need to pay for is the zoning permit. It even makes sense for pegasi to build expansive housing - which all of Cloudsdale seems to be - because flying creatures like pegasi would naturally dislike being enclosed, the same way a lot of birds fight being in cages. That would make sense too, not that she's rich just that's it's inexpensive to build with clouds - which are just water, really - and that pegasi have the - in D&D terms - racial flaw of claustrophobia, and that Rainbow designed her house to be impressive because she has a hidden artistic side.


Touche I believe you have hit a good spot there. Still that doesn't answer the fact that unlike the other characters in the show RD doesn't ever seem to run out of money nor ever complain about it.

I do understand about zoning permits but you can't deny the roman pillars are somewhat expensive. The rainbow fountain itself must be costly since it seems to run infinitely and I believe rainbow's are produced by the weather company if the (Sonic Rainboom) episode served correctly.

Lastly I would follow with that contraption she must have bought for tank must be expensive as well since it's new age-ish and also seems to have an almost infinite power source. Then again this is a show about ponies and one of them can instantly make stuff appear and break the 4th wall so I guess logic isn't something that should be considered in an argument about wealth for these characters.

Because technically they should all be broke especially fluttershy yet somehow she makes a living by ... ? (Rumors say she is a secret vet or what not but no canon sources show her at a job of any kind.)

My own theories on all of that.
The roman pillars, to be standing on clouds, must also be made of clouds.
Actually, Applejack is the only one who's ever complained about money or running out of it, when she said she was going to the Gala to make money for the farm. None of the others has ever even mentioned money ever, which could make sense. Twilight is obviously on a student stipend from Celestia. We've explored Rainbow. Rarity sells dresses (which shouldn't make her anywhere near the money it apparently does when all of Equestria is clothing optional...of course, then again, it means only the super rich buy clothes, so she can charge huge prices). Pinkie Pie...is Pinkie Pie. As for Fluttershy and money, my guess is something like this.
:fluttershysad: Oh dear, it looks like I'm running out of money again, I hope the bank won't close my account, I don't know what I would do if I couldn't afford to tend all of my animals...
Angel Bunny: ...*hops away*
Next day...
:yay: Oh my! It seems I've gotten another massive anonymous donation to my account! Somepony obviously wants me to keep doing what I'm doing, that makes me so happy! Thank you, whoever you are!
Angel Bunny: ...*smirk* *finishes washing paws*

As for the Rainbow fountain, fountains generally function on a cycling system, and since we don't see it pouring off to the ground, we can assume it does.

As for the contraption for Tank, I assume Pinkie built it and Twilight enchanted it, since it's got the same design as Pinkie's Candy Cane coptor but doesn't require a power source.


Well Flutter Shy complains about bits in one episode where she takes assertive lessons from the minotaur when she is trying to buy a cherry. She was being over charged and didn't have enough.

As for her money I like your theory but where does the rabbit get the money then? Robbing banks? Because are there banks in equestria?

As for Rarity I understand her situation but again she is also making free dresses all the time and her money can be explained by the shitton of gems she collects (Diamond Dogs, source) .

Apple Jack's farm should technically be auctioned because we don't really see ponies buying apple products in the show much besides cider season but I won't get into that.

Twilight is a bitch, I don't like her character and I hate how she has an infinite wealth system because her mouth is always on Celestia's flank. I think it's unfair that all twilight does is have her "fun" (Science shit) and get's to be fed money by celestia.

Pinkie.... ok I don't understand Pinkie regardless of her being some 4th wall breaking omnipresent goddess she seems to be costing the cakes more money they make with her there.

The point is the economic system in the show fails because there isn't a direct currency system for example. A cherry costs two bits, and so does a cup of cider and 3 tomatoes... etc etc. Yet there has been no episodes where you see something cost over 50 bits and anything yet to cost even 50 bits. So in that regard What is the point of even having money in Equestria when it seems no one pays any rent, electricity, water, gas? That is the one problem about this show, since it is a show for little girls and since 5 year olds know jack shit about economy there isn't any need for logic.

I mean first issue is most of these characters are either 16-20 or 20-25 , I would wish it was the latter but evidence suggests it is the first part since the girls seem younger than the background ponies The only issue with this is that only Apple Jack seems to be living with family, and another issue that doesn't help is the fact there isn't a time scale or chronological map. A timeline would help too since it would help the people understand the characters more.

With the fact that most girls live alone it would seem that cost of living in Equestria is bupkis and any pony can afford a house. Why also are most of the characters Devoid of parents. It took season 3 before any light was shed on the origin of Rainbow Dash and we have yet to see any of flutter shy's parents. The reason I even bring that up is because Rarity's parents are seen in one episode dropping off sweetie belle before they mysteriously disappear and are never seen again ( but of course they were vacationing for a week and so no one questions it). So how do these girls live on their own if they are making meager pay?

My theory is that Rainbow Dash being rich and a secret softy is secretly helping Fluttershy and Apple Jack and you could say it's because I have shipping goggles but if you think about it with canon sources it would make sense.

Evidence 1) Rainbow Dash loves Fluttershy (though maybe not as lovers, but definitely cares for her) They have been long standing friends and when they are alone RD is a softie (Cutie Mark Chronicles, Hurricane Fluttershy)

Evidence 2) Apple Jack and RD have some kind of sideline business or deal going on since RD seems to help AJ alot and stick by her ( The Ticket Master, Lesson Zero, Fall Weather Friends)
I am not talking about some secret relationship because I would have to cite more episodes for the canon sources I just mean they seem to be helping eachother out or at least RD helping AJ out.

Something to note AJ never made money in the grand galloping gala and yet She was able to get granny a new hip(so it seems atleast) and get a new barn raised (Sleepless in ponyville, Too many Pinkie Pies) So somehow she got money and I am sure she isn't going to run her mouth off to people begging for donations with her being so stubborn. It would take someone she would trust and who can you trust more than someone your always grabbing their back end with your teeth?

We obviously have very different views on the show and its characters as far as how things work. Beyond that, while the cherry is stated as being one - or two - bits, all we see for the cider is coins without visible denomination being exchanged.

And I was suggesting that Angel Bunny gets the money through more...direct means, which explains why everyone else in Ponyville always seems to be so dirt poor.

As for the rest, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on how we see things, given I'm able to accept most of the things you point out as fallacies by the simple expedient of "these ponies aren't human, so logically their culture - while somewhat similar to human culture - would not be identical." For all we know, a pony is considered of age to move out and get a job the moment they get their Cutie Mark, and anypony who doesn't is either spoiled or a freeloader (probably not accurate, but a possibility). Don't even want to think about how their economy works when gems are as common as rocks and gold is their primary currency.


Well then atleast we agree that it is asinine either way for any character to be rich or poor when diamonds and rubies are as common as water. The big issue is that ponyville almost seems like a socialist or communist based system. Capitalism isn't prevalent because not everything is bought or sold stuff is just given most of the time. Though there is some kind of trading system it doesn't hold up because goods are not even a commodity.

Off-track sorry. The point is their culture is suppost to be similar to ours even though they are ponies besides the fact that men in that show are portrayed as Dicks, Idiots, or just plain irrelevant the societal system seems to have no background or standing. Also the time period is vague they have coal powered trains that also require stallions to pull it? That aside it just seems that when dealing with the finances of characters that have no canon definitive it makes for more vague interpretations.

I don't mind RD's character being an over spender but it seems the cost of living in Equestria is less than 40 bits a day maximum, The key issue that is bothering me is that they don't go into the cost of living much in canon and it seems as if the girls don't have a sense of money in that show because they either don't spend much or aren't being charged for things. The multiple train rides from canterlot or the crystal empire, the one train to appleooosa (fuck the spelling). How much is a train ride? Why does RD even go on a train when she could probably get to any destination faster than them on account that she can fly at mach 5 like it's nothing. The show makes no sense Ponies like RD don't need money because travel expenses average to 0 bits a year when their wings can bring them places faster than any transportation system in Equestria (besides magical means).

As for my theories they were not meant to be taken too seriously about RD feeding AJ's farm and Flutter Shy money. I was just saying it could be one possible explanation since Flutter Shy doesn't have a job and I doubt Angel Bunny is good at stealing money when he is too impatient like RD.

Anyways I am sorry for gassing on like I have been but I am glad you didn't take offense and even chatted back with me usually people would just tell me to "buck" off or something.

Nah, I actually like these discussions of how things actually work in the world. It's actually why I got into fanfiction, to explore those questions the shows don't answer, or create scenarios the world of the story doesn't account for. So discussions like what we've just had are what I go for when I write. It's what I hope to find.
That and I hope to entertain my readers. Speaking of, is 'Rainbow's financials' really the ONLY thing that caught you in the entire story?


Yes I myself want to write a fanfic of MLP:FiM and I hope when I pony up and do so I can have you read it and then discuss some points too.

No as of the other question. The financial aspect isn't what I only caught on but it's just one of the things that are becoming cliche in Scootadoption (if that is the term) story. I mean everyone assumes that RD makes shit pay or isn't anything. The sad truth is besides Rarity (only because of the gems) I think RD makes the most of out all her friends. If not she makes enough to live very comfortably. You get my drift about that.

I know there are many character flaws in RD that would make her not a fit guardian for Scootaloo pre season 3 though. The old RD who was an arrogant self centered and egotistical person has matured over the seasons. Though I hate the Mare Do Well episode as they literally betrayed RD and broke her. I don't think the people at FiM headquarters actually thought about the kind of fucked up underhanded betrayal they made the "friends" of RD do and the very \actions they took to "teach her a lesson" were atrocious. One of the fanfics brought it out nicely I forgot it's name but it directly deals with the whole Mare Do Well scandal and the Canterlot Wedding Part 1. The point is even though RD is always brash and bragging and arrogant clearly they should have seen through the facade that is RD. She broke that episode and I think it shattered her armor there probably was an unaired episode of RD just crying into fluttershy's shoulder and that was the entire episode because the fucking feels in that episode was off the chart. I mean seeing someone's own friends betray them and then say "Did you learn your lesson" I would have wrote to Celestia:

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned that no matter how loyal I am to my friends, and how long I have known a certain yellow shy one that if I was to need their help and give obvious desperate cries for help, that they will betray me and cast me aside. They would humiliate me infront of the entire town and then laugh at me about it. Then after it was all said and done they would think I would want to do anything with them again.

Your loyal pissed off subject
Rainbow Daring Dash,

When you write it, give me the link and I'll take a look.
Yeah, I actually couldn't bring myself to watch the entirety of that episode from the simple fact that it was obvious from the moment Mare Do Well appeared that it was her friends doing it, and that's the sort of thing I just can't stand.
I don't assume she makes shit pay or anything like that. I can see that that might be common, but it's obvious bunk. I was just trying to make a point in story that Rainbow didn't have much fiscal responsibility, that regulations regarding single guardians adoptions were strict, and that kids are bucking expensive.

As for flaws pre season 4, this story takes place post "Sleepless in Ponyville" and pre "Wonderbolt Academy", and - due to the other stories of mine this one is connected to - kind of neutralizes the rest of the season 3 plot.


Another issue with the whole scootadoption story pre season 4 and any other RD story pre season 4 is and the show itself pre season 4 is the fucking wonderbolts. I mean in the first season alone she surpasses her heroes by breaking the sound barrier and making a Sonic Rainboom (The Sonic Rainboom, Source) She outshines them again season 2 (The Secret to my Excess, That stupid spike episode) I mean she is better than the people she wants to join and it takes them 3 seasons to finally get her at the starting point? The fuck? How is that even logical. She is better than the Wonderbolts at season one and she hasn't been made one at season 3. She is in the academy but broke all records and even quit like such a bad ass that Spitfire basically begged her to come back (though not really).

The funny thing is I already know how it's going to play out. The episode will be called "To be a wonderbolt" or some gay shit. The episode will start with RD being accepted into the wonderbolt and her party with her friends before she leaves then she will do some shows and all the while she starts missing her friends. Pinkie/fluttershy or twilight sparkle will join her in the audience in one of the shows or something. Then tears will be spilled and she will realize that friends are more important than dreams or some bullshit. I mean (Wonderbolt Academy) kind of solidified that notion of RD not completing her dream if it would cost her the friends she has. Worst part is that she is the only one affected by her friends yet Twilight fucking sparkle got made into a princess and that suddenly won't definitely throw off the group dynamic.... (sarcasm).

I am just pissed off that while RD is obviously already living her dream they won't allow her to see that. Her dream is to be the best flyer in Equestria (by wanting to be a Wonderbolt) She has already proven to be better than them and they are a fucking team of ponies while she is just one. She saved a lot of lives Canon Rarities life was saved three times ( The Sonice Rainboom, The secret to my Excess, Wonderbolt Academy) She has saved Scootaloo's life, Pinkiepie's life twice (Friendship is magic part 2 and Wonderbolt Academy) She has saved others too but this could go on all day.

Even though she has surpassed the Wonderbolts, Saved the world and many people she is still not famed, barely honored since the Mysterious Mare Do Well episode and just considered another pony. I know I am being fanboyish here but the fuck? I mean some new hero comes along and everyone forgets her. That was just too cruel. Now even after all her amazing feats and her "redemption" from the Mare Do Well event she is still just some pony to everyone.

The funniest thing is that while Scootalove is canon most shipping between RD and the other 5 ponies have some canon merit. For example Raridash = Damsel in Distress and Knight in Shining Armor. RD saves Rarity a lot and Rarity seems to have a crush on RD pre Sonic Rainboom episode (just hear her tone during the Sonic Rainboom Episode when she volunteers to be a test subject for the wings)

FlutterDash because of the long term friendship and RD being a softy around Flutters ( Cutiemark Chronicles, Hurricane Fluttershy, The Sonic Rainboom, The Crystal Empire Part 2, The games we play, May the best pet win, Super Squeezy Cider 6000) Shit they might as well make it canon especially after the Canterlot Wedding epsiode 2 fiasco.

Then there is TwiDash though hardly any canon sources besides May the best pet win and the first chunk of Mare Do Well I could just see the merit of the Athlete/Bookworm romance.

AppleDash is probably the second most canon after Pinkiedash and Flutterdash because both of those are tied. AppleDash has been prevalent since the first episode Don't believe me? (Friendship is Magic 1 and 2, Ticket master, Bucking Season(the third episode) ,Fall weather friends, In over a barrel( the appoloosa episode), The one where AJ runs away and has to be chased back, Sleepless in ponyville, and practically every other episode )

Lastly and sadly the second least supported of the popular rainbow ships, the one that is probably most canon and would actually work out well is Pinkie Dash. The thing is The whole Cupcakes fanfiction kind of ruined PinkieDash but. The show itself has an entire season that could be made from the Pinkie Dash episodes. Not to mention that Pinkie Pie is the only pony* to call Rainbow Dash "Dashie" (*= I think at one point Fluttershy in canon calls Rainbow Dash dashie I forgot what episode) She seems obsessed with Rainbow Dash and especially after the Cutie mark Chronicles seems to follow her more. (Gryphon Brush off, Major source) She pepe le pew style chases after Rainbow Dash and if you know pe pe le pew he isn't one for just "friends". She follows her all around just to hang out with her and in the first part of that episode she is gushing over her to twilight who seemed bored. Then there is the awkward wing boner during the song "you gotta share , you gotta care" during the over the barrel episode. The fact she is super happy around rainbow dash. Rainbow dash saves her from her own lonliness during the Party of one episode. She was willing to die for pinkie during the over the barrel episode, Just really so much pinkie dash it isn't even subtle I mean shit the look on RD's face when she caught pinkie in the Mysterious Mare do Well episode just showed the feels. Lastly the wonderbolt Academy is what sealed the deal. Rainbow Dash hates sappy stuff and being hugged and yet not once but twice does Pinkie hold Ranbow dash for over a minute and poker face. Not even an iota of resistance.

That said I just hope they don't try to give RD a love interest in season 4 to stop all the Fanon from shipping RD. Because then I would really get pissed off. I can see it now

MLP Staff: "So RD is kind of a big old lesbian in Fanon, what do?"
Stupid Staff: "Lets make RD date a man or some random stallion or better Soarin."
Thus ends the lesbian support for MLP. Gone with one crushing blow because of "morals and politics".

Okay, in regards to what you said about Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts and all that, I don't know whether or not to direct you to the connected story I wrote, "Technicolor Dreams" which covers that issue and takes place before this one.

In regards to everything else, I honestly hope that the whole 'FlashLight' thing doesn't start a trend of canon shippings for ANY of the Mane 6, and honestly hope that even the 'FlashLight' situation is disregarded completely.

As far as Rainbow getting honored for her achievements, yeah, she really should, but then again that would take quite a while. And seriously, Mare Do Well kind of destroyed any chance of canon Rainbow getting her due honors.

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