• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 2,992 Views, 108 Comments

Our Guardian Enigma - The Eccentric Mister E

Equestria is in trouble. The fabric of space and time surrounding the world is falling apart, allowing horrible creatures and savages to invade the peaceful world. But a hero has been sent, he is an enigma known as The Wanderer.

  • ...

The Song Chapter: Coins accepted, hit START to continue!

The Wanderer lounged on a rock on the outside of the forest. After the ponies had picked up their jaws he suggested they all exit the woods before something else happened. They agreed and now he found himself on a rock near a cottage looking at the strange town he had seen before which was dubbed Ponyville. Needless to say the name made him laugh as did the names of almost everything else here. It was pun central, pun world the punnest place in the universe. And he loved it.

The ponies had tried to ask him who he was and what was going on but he insisted they wait so that the leaders of this world could hear him too. That was who he really needed to talk to. So the purple one had sent a letter to these princesses who she said were the rulers here.

She had also told him her name which was Twilight and this had caused the Wanderer to almost throw up on a tree. When asked why he simply said, "Bad memories, don't worry it has nothing to do with you personally. Is that your full name?"

"No my full name is Twilight Sparkle."

The Wanderer let out a small breath of relief and said," Ok good, that is a good name. Now what about everyone else?"

It was then that Twilight introduced her friends. The Wanderer already met Applejack and Rainbow Dash, the later was still giving him a death stare while the former had come up to him to apologize.

"Sorry 'bout ropin ya earlier. Ah was jus scared fer ma sister. No hard feelin's?" she said while holding out a hoof.

The Wanderer smiled and took it in his hand and shook it. "Of course not ma'am. It's understandable and I'm sorry for frightening ya. Pleasure to meet you."

He then turned to Rainbow Dash and said, "I'm also sorry to you Miss Rainbow. I hope there are no hard feelings between us either?"

Rainbow Dash just huffed and turned her head away from John, causing him to sag a little.

"Well you can't say I didn't try" he said solemnly. He really did feel a little bad about earlier but he didn't exactly want to receive a face full of hoof. He made a mental note to talk to the rainbow Pegasus later.

While Applejack was talking to Rainbow, most likely to scold her, Twilight introduced him to everyone else. She walked over to the pretty looking unicorn and said, "This is Rarity, she's a famous fashion designer in Ponyville."

"How do you do, Wanderer?" the fashion pony said while holding out her hoof.

The Wanderer, instead of shaking it and because he couldn't pass up a chance to be a huge flirt, gently took her hoof and kissed it saying, "Bonjour mademoiselle, might I say it is a pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady like yourself."

Rarity turned a shade of red and made a rather hysterical sound as she tried to contain herself from the Wanderers lethal charm. "Oh my, a gentleman hehehe"

The crusaders were giggling at her embarrassment and even Rainbow Dash let out a snicker. The Wanderer then noticed the yellow Pegasus with the pink mane trying to hide behind Rarity. He had a quizzical look as he asked, "Who's the scaredy pony?"

Twilight smacked the back of his leg and said, "That's Fluttershy, she's very shy and gets scared easily so try to be nice to her."

The Wanderer smiled and said, "Of course, I think I know how to make her feel better."

Then to everyone's amazement, the Wanderer started shrinking. He kept getting smaller and smaller until he was the size of a rabbit. The only things that didn't shrink were his hat, glasses and sword. The articles lay on the grass and soon the ponies saw a little face poking out of the brim of the hat. The Crusaders were the most awed by it as they bent down to look closer at the small human with a collective, “Woooow!”

The now mini-Wanderer crawled out and walked up to the Pegasus. He pulled a strand of her hair and she peeked out and gasped when she saw the small guardian standing in front of her. He waved at her with a tiny hand and said in a squeaky voice, "Hello!"

Fluttershy was looking back and forth between the small human and the place where the tall Wanderer was standing before. "How did you do that?" she asked in a whisper. Not a whisper of fear but of awe.

He smiled showing his teeny white teeth and said, "It's my special power that only I can do. I can shape myself into any length or shape I want. Fun fact: this is the smallest I've ever been."

"Wow..." Fluttershy said, the others were awestruck as well, "Can you change into like.....another form? Like a pony?"

"I can try? Are you still scared of me Miss Fluttershy? I'm completely harmless to you I swear."

Fluttershy wrung her hooves nervously but said, “Well…..you do seem nice enough…..and you did save us…….you’re sure you won’t hurt any of us?

“Ma’am,” the Wanderer began, “I am a Guardian, a magical being of a place far beyond your understanding. I am incapable of harming the ones I am sent to protect. I pledge to you I am here for your protection and you have my word no harm will come of you.”

“………ok” she finally said, “You are kind of cute when your small by the way.”

The Wanderer turned a shade of red and quickly grew back up to his original size. Fluttershy simply smiled, she was feeling better now about the Wanderer and he was glad for that. Twilight then introduced him to the others and when she came to Lyra and Bon Bon the Wanderer had a strange feeling about the green one. Bon Bon seemed nice enough but when he said hello to the unicorn she suddenly asked him, “What are you?”

“Oh for the love of clichés, must I be asked that question again?”

“No no no!” she said quickly, “I meant what is this um….. “form” that you are in? What species?”

“Oh! Well this is a human form”

The unicorn stared with wide eyes as a really creepy look appeared on her face and the Wanderer began to feel very uncomfortable around her.

But then the face disappeared and she said, “What’s a human?”

(Yes that’s right Lyra doesn’t know what a human is you are welcome)

The Wanderer let out a breath of relief and said, “I’ll tell you later Lyra.”

He then turned to find himself staring into some very crossed wired eyes. He reeled back a little before getting close to them again trying to turn his head to stare into both eyes. The owner of those eyes followed him and giggled at the look on his face.

“Hi there!” she said happily.

“Hiiiiii…” said the Wanderer slowly, “Youuuuuu feeling alright there?”

“Oh yeah!” she answered, “This is normal and I can actually see pretty well. My name’s Derpy.”

At the mention of that name, all the gears in the Wanderers head came to a screeching halt. Every part of him was stopped and trying to understand just what he had heard.

“Her name is what now?” asked the brain.

“Please tell me she ain’t serious.” the heart demanded.

“Guys I don’t like it here…” added the testis.


“You always have to pee Bladder!”

Back on the outside, the Wanderer (now really feeling the urge to piss) was staring with a flabbergasted face at the crossed eyed pony. She simply smiled back at him.

“Is that really your name?” he asked.

“No my real name is Ditzy but everyone else just calls me Derpy.” the pegasus said with an even bigger smile.

“Well it’s better than fucking Derpy” he thought.

“I still don’t like it here….”


“Could you excuse me real quick?” the Wanderer asked before zooming at high speeds into the trees. Everyone stared in confusion until he zoomed back a few seconds later zipping his pants. He brushed his hands against his coat and held out his right one to the Derpy.

“Well Miss Derpy, it is a great pleasure to meet such a unique character like yourself.”

She took his hand in her hoofs and said back, “Likewise!”

Twilight then directed him to the two music ponies, “This is Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. They’re ponies whose talents lie in music.”

“Fellow music lovers eh? What are your preferences?” Long John asked.

Vinyl was the one to answer, “I’m into techno and dupstep and Octavia is a classical orchestra girl. I do DJ while she plays Cello.”

“Holy shit it’s like the same ends of a magnet. How do these two stay friends? Well maybe it’s not about the music………hey no! Bad Wanderer, stop thinking like that!” the Wanderer thought in his imaginative head.

He turned to Octavia and said, “So you play strings huh? I’m more of a guitar man myself. Who’s your favorite composer?”

“Beethoofen” she answered.


He suddenly felt a presence behind him and turned to see the pink pony who fucked with physics earlier. He narrowed his eyes and she simply beamed back at him.

“Hi there!” she said rather loudly.

“And what might your name be?”

“I’m Pinkie Pie!”

"Shoulda guessed…"

“Well Miss Pinkie, what’s your job here?” he asked with crossed arms.

“I’m the premier party pony of Ponyville!” she said happily.

“Oh are you now? That’s funny because where I come from that’s my job as well.”

Pinkie Pie gasped loudly and said, “REAALLY?! Oh wow that’s so cool! Though I doubt your parties are as good as mine. I throw the best parties in Equestria.”

“Oh yeah?” asked the Wanderer not backing down from this challenge, “Well I throw the best parties in the universe so I’ve been told.”

Pinkie Pie stared for a moment before narrowing her eyes and getting as close to the Wanderer as possible and saying, “Oh yeah? Well we’ll just see about that. I’m going to throw you the best “Welcome to Equestria” party ever and prove that I can throw a better party.”

He stared back at her through his glasses and said with a smile, “I look forward to it cupcake.”

Then the party pony was gone in a blur of pink as she ran towards Ponyville. The Wanderer just stood there and shook his head. He was never going to get used to it here. He turned back to Twilight to see if there was anyone left when he spotted someone new behind her. It was her assistant as she called him and he was a small purple and green dragon.

He walked up to the small reptile and greeted him, “Hey there didn’t get your name dude?”

The dragon seemed surprised to be addressed by the Wanderer, “Huh? Oh hi! I’m Spike.”

“Nice to meet ya. To be honest this is the first time I’ve met a dragon and it wasn’t trying to eat me. Put her there man.”

They then began to do an intricate pattern of high fives and down lows and other forms of handshakes. Spike flawlessly following the Wanderers moves and needless to say the guardian was impressed.

“Hey little man’s got some flavor!” he said.

“Flavor?” Spike asked nervously.

“Slang for coolness”

“Oh okay. Sweet!” the dragon said happily. Maybe the Wanderer was cooler than he thought. Then Spike had another thought, maybe he actually had someone that could actually understand. Not another mare but a……what did they call it?

“A bro, Spike” answered the Wanderer.

“Oh yeah thanks……wait a minute.”

Spike looked up at the guardian who simply winked back at him with a smile. There was definitely more to this figure than met the eye.

“Hey! What about us?” said a small voice suddenly from behind the Wanderer. He turned to see the three small fillies he had saved earlier.

“Ah yes! The three small fillies nearly turned into bug food. You are welcome by the way.” he said as he knelt down in front of them, “Now then what are your names?”

The one with the bow was the first to speak, “Ahm Applebloom and this is Sweetie bell,” she pointed to the white unicorn with the pink mane, “and this is Scootaloo.” The last one she pointed to was the orange pegasus, “And thanks for saving us Mister Wanderer.”

He studied them for a moment before saying, “It is my pleasure and my job. It’s also nice to meet a few souls interested in becoming badasses. I could teach you if you like?”

All three of them went wide eyed and began pelting the Wanderer with questions. He liked the attention and answered their questions as best he could without revealing anything important yet. Scootaloo jumped and landed on his shoulder and asked, “Can you fly?”

The Wanderer put on a thoughtful face and said, “Um I don’t know, why don’t you look down and find out?”

Scootaloo did and gasped as she saw they were floating a few feet off the ground; the Wanderer somehow levitating himself in midair while everyone stared in awe.

“That’s not possible…” said Twilight softly.

The Wanderer smiled and Scootaloo couldn’t contain her excitement, “Awesome! Do you think you could also teach me to fly?”

It was at that moment when Rainbow Dash’s look of mistrust in the Wanderer turned into pure hatred. John could clearly see the jealousy behind her eyes as she attempted to light him on fire with her death glare. He laughed nervously and said as he dropped back down and put Scootaloo back on the ground, “Well now I think I’m not the best qualified for that task in particular I think there are other ponies that could do a lot better than me.”

He looked over to Rainbow who was still giving him a murderous stare and he smiled innocently. He suddenly noticed it was night out and looked up at the moon that was rising into the sky. It was a lot bigger than any moon he had seen before and quite bright. Suddenly the night was illuminated by a bright light and he looked at the source as two figures surrounded by ponies in armor appeared. They were two tall ponies with both wings and horns. One was a bright white with an ethereal man made up of all kinds of colors. She wore a golden crown and collar with slippers of shining gild. Next to her was a smaller alicorn, this one the exact opposite with a dark blue coat and a man of what looked like the deep of space and it swirled in the calm wind. A black crown and collar adorned her with slippers of the same material and she had eyes that seemed to look past his eyes at his very essence and he didn’t like so even though it was night out he put his glasses back on. Because he’s a badass and he can do that.

“And I thought I liked to make big entrances” he said. The light faded and the alicorns stepped forward, their guard keeping pace and holding their spears out towards the Wanderer.

“So you are the reason for all that chaos earlier,” the white one spoke in a rather regal voice, “I am Princess Celestia and this is my sister Princess Luna. We are the rulers of this world and the raisers and setters of the sun and moon. Who and what are you and why are you here?”

“I will answer that in a minute but first a few things, one you should tell your guards to relax as I can’t actually hurt you and their spears can’t hurt me and second, did you say you raise and lower the sun and moon?”

Celestia nodded at the guards and they raised their spears but not taking their eyes off the Wanderer and then she said, “That is correct. We maintain a balance on this world with our magic. It has been this way for a long time. But please we must know who you are now. Every single one us deserves an answer to that question.”

“Oh very well then if you all insist” he said with a smile and he held out his arms to his side and his hands began to glow again. Suddenly there was a bright flash and when it faded everyone gasped as they saw they were in a place of nothing with purple mist and glowing orbs that floated slowly through the smoke.

They all started to panic when a voice said, “Relax. It is all an illusion.

They turned to look at the source to see the Wanderer floating above them. His glasses were gone and his eyes shone a bright white. His voice was also different, it echoed throughout the illusion and sounded like it was coming from all sides.

They all fell silent as they listened to his speech.

“There is a realm of existence so far beyond what you comprehend. It is a place called the Ether, far from your world. It holds all of Creation, all of the universe, every dimension. There are so many worlds in Creation you cannot even imagine it. Time is born here and it moves through the essence of every world and moves life itself. Here in this void your world is held in a flow of movement that keeps all of balance in check. But sometimes that is not enough and another force is needed to protect the dimensions. I am a part of that force; I am a creature of the Ether. I……am a Guardian. I travel the Ether to worlds that need my aid and help to restore the balance. I am tasked with helping everyone who needs it. The Guardians are forces that are chosen by the Creation to be the soldiers and peacekeepers of it. There are so many of us that our forces can block out the light of every world. I have saved more worlds than you can fathom. And your world is now the one who needs help the most. A catastrophe has befallen you and your world. Someone has taken thousands of dimensions and caused their essence to fall upon your world. This will let creatures invade your home and destroy it. I have come to help stem that flow and repel those invaders and repair all of the damage brought to this peaceful world. But I am also here to help you and to become your saving grace in these dark times and to be a symbol of hope that all will be okay. For if you ever need me, you only need to say my name three times and I will come. My name is one of the oldest in time, uttered on more worlds than any other. I am the foremost Guardian. I am called the Wanderer and it is my duty now to save your world.”

They all stared, opened-mouth, at the Guardian and at what he had summoned. His words reverberated in their minds several times as they tried to understand it all. Celestia and Luna grew fearful at his words and asked, “Why would someone do this to us?”

“We do not know,” answered the Wanderer, “While I am here fixing the leaks that fall on you all, my fellow Guardians are doing what they can on the outside to try and figure out who is behind this and why they are doing this. I can assure you, your safety is our top priority and so long as I am here, I will never let harm befall you. That is my promise as a Guardian.”

Then the illusion faded and the ponies found themselves where they were before with the Wanderer standing in the same place.

“So you are here to help us with not just this catastrophe but also our own problems?”

“Correct,” he said, “That is my job.”

He walked a ways towards the forest and he heard several voices saying things of disbelief behind him.

“It sounds too good to be true.”

“How can we trust him?”

Maybe this is all just a dream?”

“Can he bring me muffins?”

He knew they didn’t believe him and before he knew it he was singing and a fast music started playing.

“Ladies!” he said as he spun around and began growing to the size of a house as a couch appeared behind the ponies, “I don’t think you quite realize what you got here. So why don’t you just roominate whilst I illuminate the possibilities.”


“Well in those woods there’s about a hundred thieves, maybe a couple bloody thousand fiends,
But look here you’re in luck cause up your sleeves you got some power that can never fail,
You got some muscle in your corner now, some heavy ammunition in your can,
You got some punch! Pizzazz! Yahoo and how?
Well all you got to do is say my name and I’ll go, ‘My little ponies, let me put your problems at ease!’
Let me take your order, jot it down. You ain’t never had a friend like me ho ho ho!”

“Hold on, are those things invading really that bad?” asked Twilight.

“Well you see, they see this place as a restaurant and YOU’RE THE MAIN ORDERVE!
So you got to whisper what it is that’s wrong, you ain’t never had a friend like me!
Yes sir, I pride myself on service.
You’re the bosses, the kings, the shahs!
Tell me what to do, even what to use,
Add a little more blackpowdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!
Choose some of column A, pick all of column B!
I’m in the mood to help you dudes!
You ain’t never had a friend like me!”

Then he began to dance around while making strange noises in time to the music and the ponies were actually enjoying the show despite the fact they were being tossed around sometimes.

He suddenly appeared in front of them and asked, “Can your friends do this?”

He took his head off and began to twirl it on his finger while everyone gasped.

“How about this?”

He then spawned several heads and began to juggle them and tossed them up and everyone fell on his neck and came together. He then took his hat and put his hand in.

“Can your friends pull this out of their hat?”

Suddenly he pulled a huge dragon out of his hat and it roared into the air. Everyone screamed at the sight of it but the Wanderer just kept singing, “Can your friends go POOF!”

Then the dragon was gone in a cloud of smoke and the Wanderer appeared again behind them all and said, “Peek-a-boo!”

Everyone spun around and saw the Wanderer continue his wacky song,

“Can your friends go Avada Kedavra let em RIP!
And then make them suckers disappeeeeeeear?!
So don’t just sit there slack-jawed and buggy-eyed,
I’m here to answer all your midnight prayers!
You got me bona fide and certified,
You got a Guardian for a charged affair.
I’ve got the power to help you out so what is wrong I really want to know!
You got a list that’s three miles long no doubt well all you got to do is yell my tiiiiIIIIIiitlllllle!
Dear little ponies-san I got a solution just for thee.
I’m on the job, you lucky dogs!”

Then fireworks appeared as the Wanderer concluded in a big finale.

“You aint never had a friend, never had a friend!”


“You aint never had a friend, never had a friend!”


“You aint never”


“Had a”



Then the fireworks went off all over the place rapidly and light and sound filled the sky. The Wanderer towered over the ponies as he held his hands up and laughed at the spectacle, enjoying himself. The ponies were all excited about their new friend and cheered as the song came to an end.

The Wanderer cut off everything and fell into a lying position on his stomach with his chin propped up by his arm and said, “So what do you think ladies?”

The ponies all stared up at the house-sized Guardian with looks of awe. Everyone, even Pinkie Pie who had appeared out of nowhere with a bucket of popcorn, had found the show quite entertaining.

“So then,” said Luna, “You can help us out with ANY problems?”

“Well almost,” said the Wanderer, “There are a few provisos and a couple of rules regarding it all.”

“Such as?” asked Twilight.

He appeared next to her and said, “Rule number one! I cant kill anybody.”

He then drew a finger across his neck and his head fell into her lap.

“AH!” she yelped.

“So don’t ask!” said the head in a raspy voice. The body picked it back up and stuck it back on before disappearing and reappearing next to Rarity.

“Rule number two! I can’t help you out with any problems involving love.”

He then went stiff as a board on the ground before rising up with rotting flesh and yellow eyes, “Rule number three is I can’t bring anyone back from the dead. It’s not a pretty picture and IT WONT TURN OUT OKAY!”

He then grew back up to house size back to normal and said, “That and the fact I have to verify it’s an actual problem that requires my help which is rare, you got it!”

Everypony seemed pretty psyched about their new guardian save for one, Rainbow.

“Are you serious?” she said, “Limitations? Rules? You don’t seem all that helpful. I bet you can’t even clear this sky of clouds.” She hopped off the couch and started walking back to Ponyville unaware of the anger showing on the Wanderers face.

“Some all-powerful guardian my flank…” she said but a huge boot suddenly blocked her way. She looked up to see the Wanderer staring at her with an angry look.

“Excuse me? he asked, “Did you see me land? Did you hear me talk? Did you hear me sing? Did you see me save you? Now all of a sudden you’re walking out on me?”

He stomped over to her making her back up against the couch, “I don’t think so! Not right now! You are getting your damn help so SIT DOWN!

She plopped onto the couch with a terrified expression as the Wanderer suddenly summoned two miniguns in his hands and pointed them skywards, “Don’t try this at home kids.”

He then lit up the guns and bolts of energy went everywhere each one taking out a cloud. He summoned a rocket pod onto his back and unloaded into the air, six missiles exploded taking out several clouds. Soon the whole sky was clear and the guns disappeared as he looked down with a smug expression.

“How do you like me now miss doubtfire?” he asked.

Rainbow simply nodded her head slowly with her jaw hanging limply and everypony cheered. Both Celestia and Luna seemed pretty pleased with this visitor. Celestia pulled Luna over and spoke to her, “Sister what do you make of him?”

“He doesn’t seem like a threat and is certainly bent on helping us. I don’t know about this catastrophe though. It scares me a lot actually.”

“Me too Luna,” Celestia said, she looked over at the Wanderer who was talking with the other ponies answering their questions, “Luna why don’t you stay here in Ponyville and keep an eye on him. See what you can learn about whats going on and if we can help in any way.”

Luna seemed surprised, “Tia are you sure? Not a lot of ponies here trust me.”

“Luna don’t say that. Everypony has come to love you here. You’ll be fine.”

Luna seemed hesitant for a minute but said, “Well alright then.”

Celestia and Luna walked over to the Wanderer who was back to his normal size. Celestia approached him and said, “You seem trustworthy enough Wanderer that we will let you stay here in Ponyville to work. Luna will be staying here to provide help should you need it. Twilight are you okay with housing her?”

Twilight was a little shocked but overcame it and said happily, “Of course I would Princess! I would be honored.”

Celestia winked at Luna and then said, “Very well then. Wanderer I expect you to do what you can to not let any harm come to my subjects. I will be in touch.”

He bowed with a flourish and said, “Of course your majesty you can count on me.”

She smiled and lit up her horn as she teleported herself and the guard back to Canterlot. Everypony said goodbye before the vanished and soon everyone was standing there in the silent dark before thunder interrupted it. They all looked over the forest to see a storm was brewing over it. Something that isn’t supposed to happen especially since the Wanderer cleared the sky.

He could feel a portal opening deep in the woods and looked down at the ponies surrounding him and said, “I think it would be best if you all headed back to your homes and stayed there. Things might get a little crazy here.”

The ponies all agreed and began to disperse each saying their goodbyes to each other and the Wanderer. He waved back at them at all and soon it was just him, Luna, and Twilight.

Luna looked into the forest and said, “Are you going to be alright Wanderer?”

“Yeah don’t worry about me you just get somewhere safe quickly.” He said as he shooed them away. “Go on get out of here. I’ll check in with you in the morning.”

Luna turned to go but stopped when Twilight stayed. Twilight looked at her questioning gaze and said, “I’ll catch up Princess. I want to ask the Wanderer something real quick.”

Luna nodded and trotted away towards the library. The Wanderer looked down at Twilight with a curious face. She stared back and said, “Wanderer I need to know something. This place is very dear to me and so are my friends. I would be devastated if anything happened to them”

The Guardian frowned and said, “What are you saying?”

She looked into the forest and then back at him and said, “I need you to promise me that no one will be hurt. That everything will be just fine and we shouldn’t worry.”

The Wanderer sighed before kneeling down in front of her. He stared into her violet eyes and she stared into his ever changing ones and said, “Listen carefully Twilight Sparkle. There is only one promise that I can make that I know, 100%, will be kept. And that is that nothing………………..nothing will ever be the same until I leave this world. Do you understand?”

Twilight had a look of fear but nodded nonetheless.

“Are you prepared for that?”

She nodded again.

“Are you sure? Because in those trees there are more than a thousand gateways to places you could only dream of. But it is not dreams on the other side of those leaks Twilight.”

“What is?” she asked, dreading the answer.

Suddenly a faint, low bellow followed by a screech could be heard deep in the woods as a hulking shape could be seen in the distance. The Wanderer and Twilight stared into the distance towards it. He had felt it’s coming and was ready to face it and she was scared out of her mind.

He turned back to her and she manage to look back as well and he answered her, “Nightmares Twilight. Nightmares are coming.”

Then he was gone and a wind suddenly rushed past Twilight into the forest as the storm began to break and rain fell and lighting clashed. Twilight turned and ran to her home, praying that the Wanderer was only joking. But in the sky above her, as the lighting flashed, an evil face could be seen looking down and watching his plans take shape.

Author's Note:

WHOO! This one was fun. So this is just a chapter of introductions and stuff. Shit will pick up in the later chapters. I hope you all enjoyed this and the song. Let me know what you think of it in the comments and don't forget to sign up for the Eccentric Army. Just hit that eyeball and join the ranks today! Also keep an eye on my blog as more questions are coming soon.

One more thing: Do you like gaming? Do you like me? (of course you do) Do you want to play with me? Do you want to blow me up and hit me on the head with a frying pan? Well now you can! I have finally moved up and joined Steam! I am playing some TF2 and I want you to come play with me. Beat my noob ass as I run around with default weapons praying for a random drop of something cool. Hit the link on my user page to visit me on Steam. See you on the battlefields! WOOP!