• Published 24th Dec 2012
  • 1,424 Views, 18 Comments

Guardian Angel Fluttershy - Scott Grimm

Fillies can be mean, and no one knows that more so than Fluttershy's baby sister Blossom. Being born mentally handicapped, she has to take abuse from her peers daily. Fluttershy had tried her best to protect her but her plans did not quite work

  • ...

First Day of School

So like I said in the description, this is in no way making fun of any mental handicap. This is actually a story idea from a Pegasister friend of mine who in fact has a mental handicapped brother.

Guardian Angel Fluttershy

Fluttershy's mom was a blur as she sprinted back and forth in front of her daughters. Fluttershy and Blossom sat on their haunches; their heads following every move her mom made.

"Oh, where is it where is it?" Their mom said as she began chucking random objects out of various boxes.

Fluttershy's family had recently moved to Ponyville, and still had yet to unpack all of their belongings.

"Uhh... Mom, we're going to be late..." Fluttershy softly spoke.

"Oh I know dear, just give me a minute here... If I could just find it!"

Today was the two fillies first day at their new school. Going back to school was nothing new to Fluttershy, but for Blossom it meant the world for her to be able to go. Being born with autism she had a speaking problem, and a social awkwardness about her. All the same though, she was able to fully function by herself with any and all of her daily activities. You see, back in Cloudsdale she would attend a class specifically designed for people with her disability. She hated the fact that she had to be watched over twenty four seven... That she was this fragile being that needed help with anything. She just wanted to be a normal filly like everypony else, and this was her first step in doing so due to the fact that Ponyville's school didn't have a class designed for ponies like her.

"Found it!" Their mom sprung up, raising a camera well above her head in a triumphant victory stance. "Okay girls, smile for me." Fluttershy put her hoof around Blossom and leaned in, mere inches apart and smiled. Blossom did the same and stood up immediately after the flash went off.

"C-come on mom, w-w-were wasting time!" Blossom stated as she walked to the front door. Her mom checked the clock that hung on the wall in the living room, they were indeed going to be late at this rate.

"Oh my, yes yes let's get going." She started scooting the fillies out the door so they could begin their walk over to the school.

Blossom could hardly contain herself, this was it! This was going to be the first time in her life that she could act like a normal filly!

"Are you excited Blossom?" Fluttershy asked in her naturally hushed voice. Blossom nodded back at her with a large smile.

Besides Fluttershy, no one knew how she felt. Fluttershy was the only pony she could really connect to, and that really cared for her on a level beyond a sister or a friend. Blossom could be more than this being meant to be looked after around her.

Being autistic, making friends proved harder on her than most other ponies. Not to say she never had any friends, but now that they lived in a new town Fluttershy was her only friend. However this was a fresh start for Blossom, the fact that nopony knew who she was or that she even had a disability gave her a clean slate.

"Did you girls pack up everything you needed for today?" Their mom asked as they strolled into town on their way to the school. Other fillies walking with their parents on their way to school could be seen heading in the same direction.

"Mmhmm." Fluttershy responded.

"Did you pack Blossom's things as well?"

"Sure did mom." She lied. Fluttershy knew Blossom could handle herself, especially with packing her belongings away. Blossom gave her sister a wink and Fluttershy giggled a bit.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing mom, just excited for school is all."

They finally approached the small red schoolhouse that rested on top of a grassy hill. When Blossom saw the site she shouted aloud and began running her little heart out toward's the house.

"Wait Blossom! Wait!" She said extending her hoof as to reach out for her.

Blossom was already a mile away before she could finish her sentence. She slowly retracted her hoof and set it to the ground, letting a proud smile appear on her face. She looked back down at Fluttershy who sat their with her, watching her sister become smaller and smaller. Fluttershy figured she should follow her and get to class early so she began to trot over but was stopped by a hoof being placed on her shoulder. Looking up she saw a tear of joy in her mom's eyes.

"I want you to do me a favor for me Fluttershy. I want you to look over your little sister. I'm worried that this change in schools may not be the best thing for her." She cleared the tears from her eye's.

"I uhh, I think she'll be fine on her own mom."

"Just make sure nothing bad happen's to her okay? And if something bad does happen, don't hesitate to tell a teacher alright? Promise me you'll do that for me Fluttershy."

Reluctantly Fluttershy nodded her head in response and began to catch up to Blossom.

"Have a good day sweethearts!" Their mom shouting aloud and flailing her hoof goodbye at them, embarrassing them half to death.

Fluttershy caught up to Blossom who was being greeted by a pinkish purple mare with flowers for a cutie mark.

"And what's your name sweetie?" The mare asked, leaning down to Blossom's eye level.

"Ma-my name is-"

"Her name is Blossom." Fluttershy interjected. Blossom gave an angry pouted face to her sister.

"Oh? And what might your name be?"

"I'm Fluttershy." She responded turning her head away and hiding her face behind her mane.

"Didn't quite catch that."

"I'm Fluttershy."

"Fluttershy? Is that it?" Fluttershy only nodded in response. "Well my names Cherilee, nice to meet the both of you." Cherilee turned her attention to clipboard she had near by and flipped through a few pages. "Yup right here Blossom, and Fluttershy. Here you two are." She said as she handed each of them a piece of paper.

"What are these for?" Fluttershy inquired, waving the paper around a bit.

"Your class schedules of course." Fluttershy inspected it.

"But there's only one class on it."

"Oh yes, well due to a recent influx of enrolling students we have not had time to set up every class for every student. That being the case at the end of each of your classes today, you will receive a new slip telling you where you next class is."

Fluttershy looked over at Blossom's schedule. They both had the same class, 'Cutie mark 101' with Ms. Cherilee. After thanking Cherilee for the schedule they headed into the building and began to look for their classroom. Blossom's face had not changed since Fluttershy interrupted her and answered for her.

"Do you w-want to tell me what in t-the hay that was all about?" She said in a stern tone to Fluttershy.


"Back there... I can a-answer for myself you know!"

"I know, I just thought you could use the help, that was all."

Fluttershy passing it off as a kind gesture that was nothing more than her helping out her sister. But to Blossom it was infuriating. Never before had Fluttershy ever helped her out, unless she asked for it. They both knew what she was capable of doing things on her own.

She was probably just looking out for my best interest. Trying to help me make a good first impression with the teacher and all. She thought trying to convince to herself of Fluttershy's actions.

They found their classroom, entered it and began looking for seats but saw none other than the two in the back of the class. They truly were late. The two sister's made their way through the aisles toward's their seats. With each student they passed they could hear the gossip being made about the new comers. Fluttershy took her seat next to a tan filly with a ten gallon hat on top her head, where as Blossom took her's next to her sister and a filly with pink hair and white fur. Blossom looked over at the pink and white mare, she was so excited about being in school and having the chance to make to new friends. She was about to strike up a conversation with the filly but the stranger beat her to the punch.

"Hi!" She leaned over, whispering to Blossom. "My names Redheart, you can call me Misty though."

"H-hello, mah name's Blossom."

"I havnt seen you around at school before, are you new here?"

"Yes." She replied giddily.

"Umm is everything okay Blossom?" Fluttershy asked Blossom as she tapped on her shoulder.

"Y-yes Fluttershy everything is f-fine. This is M-Misty." Redheart waved her hoof over at Fluttershy.

"Ohh... Alright, just tell me if anything's wrong." She finished telling her before Cherilee entered the room. Blossom just rolled her eye's

"Okay class, welcome to a new year of learning and cutie mark's 101. I'm your teacher Ms. Cherilee, but most of you have already had me last year so you should know that. However I see we have two new faces in the class this year, so why don't the both of you come up and introduce yourselves?" Cherilee said pointing toward's the two sisters.

Fluttershy got up as soon as she was asked to do so,where as Blossom cowered a bit in her seat. She felt a nudge on her left shoulder and saw Redheart tapping her.

"I think she means you, you might wanna go up there."

"Oh r-right." She said embarrassed as the whole class was watching her, waiting for her to get in front of the class.

Both of them made their way up to the front of the class and stood side by side with one another.

"So why don't you both start by stating your names and telling us something about yourself."

"My name's Fluttershy, and I like animal's.

"What?" A random classmate said.

"Why don't you try again dear."

Fluttershy attempted to make what she was saying heard by everypony another 10 times, but after the eleventh fail Cherilee just politely asked her to take her seat and announced who she was for everypony to hear. After Fluttershy took her seat Cherilee started with Blossom.

"Okay and why don't you introduce yourself deary."

"Hello, my name is B-b-b" Blossom was struggling with her speech, due to being in front of a crowd. She took a deep breath trying to regain some composure so she could speak her name, just then she heard a loud cry from the back.

"Her name is Blossom." Fluttershy said in a more than loud enough voice for everypony to hear. Blossom instantly stared daggers at her sister with a scornful face, while Fluttershy sunk her head from all the eye's staring back at her.

"Yes... Well, thank you Fluttershy. Why don't you take your seat Blossom." Cherilee said.

Blossom did as she was asked and reluctantly began walking back to her seat. All the ponies in the classroom snickered as she headed back to her seat.

"She can't even say her own name!" One voice said. "What a ditz haha." Another said.

Blossom closed her eye's as the snickering and gossip flowed freely into her ear's. The twenty foot walk back to her desk felt like an eternity. When she arrived she took her seat and waited until Cherilee faced the chalkboard and began writing down her lecture.

"What the hay are you d-doing Fluttershy?!" Blossom asked in a hiss filled whisper.

"What? You looked like you needed help up there." Blossom paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before speaking again.

"This is my first day, let me take care of things myself-"

"Blossom, is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us?" Cherilee asked as the whole class focused on her.

"N...No ma'am..."

"Good, then you wouldn't mind telling me what a cutie mark is."

"It's wh-w-when-"

"It's when a colt or mare find's their certain special talent that makes them special." Fluttershy spoke without thinking.

"Very good Fluttershy, but next time let Blossom answer." Cherilee turned back to her board and resumed her lesson.

"S-See! That's what i'm talking about!" Blossom said continuing their conversation.

"Ohh, I was just trying to help is all."

Why is Fluttershy acting this way? She's never finished my sentences for me or spoke on my behalf before... Blossom thought to herself as she ended the conversation and began taking notes on the lecture.

Throughout the entire lecture, Blossom was called upon three more times. Each time Fluttershy jumped in and answered for her sister, each answer infuriating Blossom more and more. The bell rung signaling that class was over and it was time for everypony to get their new schedule slip and go to recess. Blossom quickly shoved her things into her saddle bags and exited before her sister. Not trying to loose sight of Blossom, Fluttershy quickly followed her, only to see Blossom standing right outside of the door in the hallway, staring down at her sister.

"Okay w-what's going on with you today? Every time I get a c-chance to a-answer Cherilee you steal my moment."

"I umm just thought you would like the help." That sentence caused something in Blossom to snap.

"Help?! I don't need or want your help! I want to be me!" She rose above Fluttershy as Fluttershy began to cower and curl up into a ball.

"But, I just-"

"Bu-but nothing! I don't need anypony's help! Especially not yours!"

Blossom being a bit more harsh than she had to in order to make her point, but she wanted to make sure her position on how she felt was presented to Fluttershy. The tear's that had been forming in Fluttershys eye's from Blossom towering herself over her had finally begun to streak down her face. Blossoms face changed from that of anger to regret, she had not realized how forceful she was being to her sister.

"F-Fluttershy, i'm sorry..."

Not listening, a cry escaped from Fluttershy as she ran away from her sister and through the hallway until she was out of Blossoms sight. Blossom plopped herself onto her haunches, heart broken about what she had just done to her sister. All Fluttershy was doing was looking out for her sister's best interests and helping her out in anyway possible... Blossom had now come to realize that.

Figuring that is was best to leave Fluttershy be for now, Blossom got up and hung her head low and proceeded to her next class 'Mr. Fiddlesticks History of Equestria'.

Fluttershy ran until she was outside. Once out there she saw all the happy filly's playing and cheering at the playground. Removing the tears from her eye's, she tried to hide her sadness long enough for her to find a dark shadowed area behind the school where no one could see her weep. She did not want to be bothered for the time being.

"Ah got it!" A voice sounded off from the other side of the wall that Fluttershy was sitting behind. A baseball rolled itself out into Fluttershys view, along with the tan filly from before. She was giggling as she picked up the baseball. She wound her hoof back to throw it back to her friends when she heard a sniffle from Fluttershy who was trying to stop her crying so as not to be noticed. She paused looking at the filly for a moment, the filly doing the same, halting her throw.

"What's the hold up Applejack?! Throw it back already!" A irritated voice could be heard from a distance.

"Yeah, uhh... One second."

Applejack took her attention off of Fluttershy for a second to throw the ball back at her friends. Planting herself back on all four of her hooves she walked towards Fluttershy who now was cowering behind her hair.

"Uhh hi there, Fluttershy was it?" Applejack started off. Fluttershy only whimpered at her question. "Riiight.... You doing okay sugarcube?" Fluttershy looked away at her, hoping that she didn't see her tears. "Look just sitting here sulking ain't gonna solve anything. So why don't you tell me what's wrong?"

Fluttershy looked up at the concerned filly before her. She got out from behind her hair and wiped her eye's clear. She took a moment to clear her throat and sniffles before she began talking.

"I'm fine, go ahead and go back to playing with your friends."

"That ain't gonna happen. Tell me what's wrong because i'm not gonna leave until you do." Applejack demanded as she shook her head and plopped herself onto the ground.

"Well... I have this friend... Who has this sister."

"Uhh huhh..." Applejack stated as she rose an eyebrow. She was not fooled by Fluttershys terrible lie.

"Her sister umm, has a condition you see... She's mentally disabled somewhat."


"But she's fully able to take care of herself... It's just that, her sister wants to make sure that shes okay."

"Yeah and?"

"Well her sister doesn't want the help... She hates in in fact. She even yelled at m-her, for helping her out. What should she, my friend do?"

Applejack was not born yesterday. She was there in Cherilee's class just like every other filly out at recess right now, she knew that Blossom and Fluttershy were sisters. But that did not change the fact that Fluttershy needed her advice on what actions Fluttershy should take. Applejack took a moment to take into account everything she had just been told before coming to a conclusion.

"This friend of yours... She's only doing what she think's is right for her sister right?"


"Then what I think is best for your friend and her sister, is to leave her alone. Give her some space and let her handle things on her own. If thing's get too out of control, then she should step in and help her out. Otherwise why intervene?"

Fluttershy took Applejack's advice to heart, and let a smile out. She would no longer worry over every little frivolous thing and let Blossom take her life into her own hooves. The two fillies both turned their heads over to the sound of the class bell ringing. Extending her hoof, Applejack helped Fluttershy get up.

"We best be heading to class. Whatcha got?"

"I got Cherilee again, for language arts."

"Heh, me too. Come on let's walk to class."

"Umm, Applejack..."



Applejack just smiled warmly as she wrapped a hoof over Fluttershy and began to lead her back to class. Once they were in the schoolhouse Fluttershy noticed Blossom walking into a different classroom, her initial action was to panic and worry about her sister's well being but then she remembered Applejack's advice, and didn't give it another thought. The two sister's made a quick glance of eye contact before they both entered their respective classroom's.

Fluttershy took the same seat that she had before. New faces filled the classroom except for Redheart and Applejack.On Blossom's side, it was a different story. All the seats were taken with the fillies from the past class, except for one in the exact middle of the class. Once they saw her, they all paused their conversation's and the whole class began to gossip upon her arrival. Blossom hung her head low as she proceeded to talk towards the empty chair. She sat down and could hear the loudest conversation coming from the conversation right behind her. She could make out words but not enough to form out what they were saying. The talking ceased as Mr. Fiddlesticks walked into the classroom and Blossom lifted her head up for the first time in that class.

Mr. Fiddlesticks was an elderly colt with a red and white spotted bow-tie, thick glasses, and nearly bald head. He sat down behind his desk and shifted his glasses some before taking role. Her started alphabetically.

"Ms Blossom?"


Blossom announced and almost immediately felt something hit her from behind her head. She jerked back and saw giggling colts and mare's looking at her. She looked down and saw nothing on the floor. She gave them a glare as she turned her head back around. She felt another impact on her head, this one she decided to ignore. Mr. Fiddlesticks checked off Blossom and continued down the list. He finally reached a filly that sat behind her.

"Mr. Filthy? Filthy Rich?"

"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-" began to respond, stuttering.

"HERE! SWEET CELESTIA HERE!" Shouted one of the mares sitting next to filthy.

They all instantly busted out laughing, grabbing their rib cages. Blossom lowered her head as her cheeks became red.

"Now now settle down back there."

The fillies laughter slowly began to die down as Blossom continued to sink her head lower. Mr. Fiddlesticks finished role call and began to his lecture for the day. Blossom was as stiff as a statue, hoping not to attract the attention of those behind her, that is until she was called upon.

"Back a thousand years ago, a mare by what name was banished to the moon. Does anyone know who? Hmm... Let's see, Blossom, why don't you answer this one?"

A snicker sounded off behind Blossom. She straightened herself and began to respond.


"Newt!" Filthy yelled, his posse jeered with him.

"No, Ni-nightma-"

"Monkey!" Filthy added again.

"Settle down Filthy" Fiddlesticks said.

"Nightmare mo-mo-"

"Oh for Luna sake, answer him already!"

Blossom gave up and began to silently weep as she slouched back in her chair. Mr. Fiddlesticks just glared down at Filthy as he continued.

Blossom knew that she could end the teasing and torment with simply raising her hoof and telling the teacher. And the thought did cross her mind. It's just that if she were to tell on him, and possibly get Filthy sent to the principals office her mom and Fluttershy would catch wind of the issue. They may seem her as not fit to continue in normal school. She may never have another shot at being normal again! And if that meant biting her tongue, so be it.

"Correct Nightmare moon, thank you Blossom."

"Yeah, way to go B-b-b-blossom." Filthy hissed at Blossom.

Blossom did not know what she had done to attract the attention of Filthy, but it didn't matter. She had his full and undivided attention.

The class ended and Blossom could not wait to be out of there. She had never felt more humiliated in her life than during those hell filled minutes.

She had spit wads spat at her. She was tripped once as she went to the board to answer a question. A thumb tack placed onto her chair, and worse of all a text book was thrown at her with full force in the head whilst Fiddlesticks back was turned. A single tear shed from Blossom's eye and rolled down her cheek, but she did not make a single sound about it.

As she exited the classroom she quickly snatched up her slip for her next scheduled class and went out into the hallway. She hid among the crowd of fillies that had now gathered in the hallway as to stay away from Filthy and his crew's line of site. She caught a slight glimpse of Fluttershy along with Redheart and the tan filly from before. The site just depressed her even more. Fluttershy was having a great day so far... She had made two new friends and seemed to be enjoying herself. Blossom on the other hand had only made friends with her desk as she silently sobbed into it.

Trying to break the site, Blossom ran into a nearby restroom and went into a stall just to sit down and get away from everyone else. As she sat there trying to regain herself, two fillies walked into the room giggling their heads off.

"Ha! Can you believe Filthy?"

"Yeah an absolute riot!"

Blossom lowered her head a bit and saw the hooves of the two mares. One was a bright pink where as the other one was a dull gray.

" I can't wait to see what he does next class."

"Do we all have the same class?"

"Yeah Ms. Stormrager."

"And B-Blossom?"

"Oh I hope she does! Filthy is sure to make me bust a gut!"

Blossom was so distracted with getting away from Filthy she hadn't even bothered checking her schedule. She took out the paper from her bag and smoothed it out

Period 3: Ms. Stormrager, Weather studies

Blossom's heart sank as the bell rung and the two fillies stopped their conversation and headed out. She sat there, hoof in hand as she started blankly at the stalls door.

No way was she going to have to deal with that again! She couldn't bare to go through another class like that... But she would have to endure it for the rest of the semester...

She stared blankly at the door and looked up to the clock that stood on the wall above. She was already five minutes late to class. She disregarded the time as images from her past class ran through her head. All the teasing and pranks being pulled on her, and what awaited her at her next class as well. All this frightened the filly more and more. Her mind raced to think of a way to get out of it without getting anyone involved. Just then the answer dawned on her.

I just wont go to the classes that I have Filthy with! That way I don't have to deal with him anymore than I have to.

It was full proof... Except, how will she know which class she had next? Surely she can't just walk up to her teacher and ask for her schedule after cutting class. What to do, what to do?!

The problem confounded Blossom as she struggled to think of a way that her plan could work. She sat there and rubbed her hooves against her temple until she gave herself a headache. She let out a synchronized groan with the school's bell, not even realizing what time it was.

Blossom looked up and saw that hours had passed since she first entered. This was not the bell for the current class to end, or the new one to begin. This was the bell to let everypony go home. All of her concentration distracted her from what was going on around her. Her mouth became agape as her eye's beaded up.

I missed the whole day!

Blossom thought as she got up onto her now asleep legs and wobbled a bit. She slowly creaked the stall's door open and peaked one eye outwards. She then fully opened the door after seeing no one around, not hearing anyone's sounds for that matter. She repeated the scouting process for the main entrance way of the restroom and once again saw nothing. She slowly walked out with a lowered head and cautious walk, her eye's darting back and forth looking for anyone. The only person she saw was an old dull brown stallion with a floor buffer working on the floors. He did not take notice to Blossom as she made her way by him.

As Blossom finally reached the exit to the school, she was met with a blinding light bleeding through the door's glass. She opened it up with one hoof held to eye's to block out the sun. She was also greeted by another hostile element... Her mom.

"Where in Equestria have you been little missy!? Me and your sister have been looking everywhere for you!"

Blossom could make out Fluttershy standing behind her mom, averting her eye's away from Blossom.

"I uhh had to use t-the bathroom." Blossom's mom let out a sigh in response.

"Okay, well next time come and tell us so we don't have to wonder about where you are okay?"

"Okay mom." Blossom said with an unsure and apologetic tone. Blossom then looked around and saw that they were the only ones around the school. She must have taken a lot longer to get out then she thought.

"Alright, well it's getting dark we best be heading home." The mom said as she began to lead the way.

On their way home, Fluttershy walked side by side with Blossom, avoiding eye contact the whole time. They were about half way home when Fluttershy began to lag back a bit. Taking notice of her sister's actions, Blossom did the same. Fluttershy took a glance at their mom then at Blossom before talking.

"Uhh Blossom, i'm sorry about earlier today. I just wanted to make sure that you were uhh alright is all. I guess I overreacted, blurting out all the answer's and speaking for you. It isn't my place to do so, so i'm sorry. I know you can handle thing's on your own, and i'm proud that you want to do so. So I won't be doing that anymore okay?"

Blossom was shocked, she hadn't expected Fluttershy to apologize for trying to help her. Although she was glad for the apology Fluttershy had given to her, Blossom couldn't help but wish that she hadn't. She did need Fluttershy's help, she desperately needed it. But she was proud of her... Of how she was able to handle herself. There was no way she could even mention to her sister what had happened. She would surely tell mom and if that were the case, she could say goodbye to her school life.

"Yeah, n-n p-problem." Fluttershy let out a warm smile that showed a sign of relief that her sister had forgiven her actions.

The trio finally reached home and the two sister's let out long drawn out sigh's as they entered the door. They set their bags down by the door and went up to their room's to relax. As they headed up the stairs their mom called out to them.

"Don't get too comfortable up there, dinner will be ready in five."

"Okay mom." They said together.

A few minutes later a bang could be head on the wall next to the staircase signaling dinner was ready and it was time to come down. The two sister's gathered at the table as their mom dished up their meals and set it in front of her daughter's. The mother then sat herself down and began to say grace with her daughter's. After grace they all dug into their meals. It wasn't long before thee inevitable question was asked though.

"So how was school today?"

AWFUL! Blossom screamed in her mind but didn't show how she felt.

"It was uhh nice. I made two new friends" Fluttershy smiled bashfully behind her hair at her mom while she fiddled with the peas on her plate.

"Oh wonderful! I had hoped you girl's would be able to make friends quickly out here, How about you hun?" The mom pointed at Blossom.

What was she to do? Option one was to tell her mom and sister about what had happened today. How awful her first experience in school had turned out. How rotten the fillies were to her and how she never wanted to face them again and get taken out school. Or take option two, lie to stay in school and hope that thing's would eventually get better with time and Filthy would pick on someone else. Neither option was very appealing to her.

Fluttershy and her mom looked back at each other then back at Blossom who had been quiet for a while now as she formulated her answer. Her mom cleared her through at Blossom, snapping out of her thoughts.


Blossom opened her mouth and raised her right hoof. She took a big exhale and began speaking...


Oh aint that a pain? :P Well like all my other stories I want to see the response this will get before I continue. So if you liked it, please let me know by any means necessary (I would prefer comments though if'n you wouldn't mind). And based on the reviews I will choose which action to take with the story. To continue it, to stop it, or to flat out take it down.

Comments ( 18 )


I can fully understand how Blossom feels.

Surely some pony like Applejack could help out with Fluttershy's problem, right ? :fluttershyouch:

I mean AJ of all ponies would understand what it's like to have a sibling or two.:ajsmug:

Nice start...please do keep up the good work.

i enjoyed this and i hope you continue it

Lovely story, I enjoyed reading up to here. Something that annoyed me however, was that you used apostrophes incorrectly throughout the whole chapter, you didn't use them when they were needed and used them when they were not needed. I only noticed a few correct uses of apostrophes. This is not that important though, and do keep up the good work, I am enjoying this.

I know exactly how Blossom feels, and I feel the exact same way... :fluttercry:

1850711 Wow that sucks if your going through that right now, I feel for you man.

1849287 Yeah... Grammar and punctuation nooooooooot really my strong suits :derpytongue2:

1848824 I am very glad you enjoyed it. The responses have been good thus far so it's looking like I will continue it. :raritywink:

1848400 You would think so, but Fluttershys current circumstances are different then anything AJ and Big Mac would have.

1848333 :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry: INORITE?!:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

Well I just loved this story and absolutely cannot wait for the next one!

Go now and post it! Hurry! Go post!:heart::pinkiesmile::rainbowkiss:

Teasing is never fun in class :fluttercry:

if blossom was my sister i wouldn't sit there and do nothing, i would stand up for her and protect her no mater what.:flutterrage::twilightangry2:

who's with me.

1880835 I would defend her, if she was in the same class as me and I knew about it :\

Thank you anyone/pony else

Name of story: Guardian Angel Fluttershy
Grammar score: 5
very unique plot
solid, believable OC character
Characterizations all seem good

various grammar/proofreading errors; misused apostrophes and wrong words

Notes: All and all a very good start to story. There's a lot of potential here. For the grammar problems I'd recommend just doing so proofreading work before submission (trick I use- wait a day or two to proofread, makes it less likely for me to just see what I meant to be there rather than what is there) or find an editor in one of the many groups.

Enjoy the review. When you have time, please check out my story Peice of Chaos

Thank you, and I'm looking forward to more :pinkiehappy:

Guardian Angel Fluttershy

Grammar score: 6

- Good OC
- Interesting premise
- Interesting

- This kinda bugged me a bit, but why is Fluttershy fine with speaking confidently over here own sister but not otherwise. Perhaps this could be explained more.
- I am not brilliant at grammar, but towards the beginning there seemed to be some typos...
- Unless those particular fillies are bitches the younger ponies seem far more prone to being vindictive and bullying than normal. This might be peer pressure, but I am unsure :applejackunsure:

Notes: A good start and I shall be interested in seeing where this is going, but I am uncertain of a few elements. These did not really detract from the story, so please write more :twilightsmile:

If you could review my story Winter Solstice I would be very happy :pinkiehappy:

It is a good start so far. I'd like to see more chapters in the near future. :raritystarry:

Autism and speaking problem certainly do not mean mental retardation by any measure. Many autistic individuals are rational, and loathe to be seen as mentally inept.

Very nice characterization of colts and fillies. Children are quite vile in speaking their minds like that. It's odd that we as adults don't wish to engage in a tongue exercise to outright roast a child for the venom that they can spill from their mouths at times.

Dang cliffhanger by the way. You had me hooked bad.

2874060 Yeah... I probably should finish this story huh? :twilightblush:

My brother has autism...usually, with the speech problem, it's not stuttering, it's more of a slur...its really confusing :applecry: ...the only weird thing is...I can almost always understand what he's saying :rainbowlaugh:

Please continue this.

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