• Published 5th Jan 2013
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Equestria First and Only - Verlax

Tanith First and Only Cross-Over. Equestria joined the Imperium of Man, and due to Imperial Law homeland of ponies need to provide Imperial Guard Regiment of their own. Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt is sent to ensure everything is going well.

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Chapter IV : We Care

Chapter IV : We Care

Thought of the Day : Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.

Location : Equestria, Canterlot Castle
Time : 16:28 PM 08/11/1003 in the Equestrian Calendar. Six months after Celestia’s speech.

This was absolutely unbelieveble.

No reasons for that. Nothing at all.

And still...

Equestria did this.

Maybe Luna was right about the ponies trustfulness. Her calculative mind gave about twelve percent of a chance to do this correctly. And she did it. However, neither Celestia nor Luna suspected that it would be appreciated so much.

The lying part was actually easy, Luna was right again. Ponies just... forgave her? No, bad word. Maybe ignore would fit better. They just didn't care about it at all. Maybe one thousand years of peace and prosperity created such a love between her subjects and her that they would forgive her for anything. Still, Celestia didn't want to test her subjects tolerance anymore.

The God-Emperor and the Imperial Law part was easy. Mostly, because ponies didn't care about it at all. Luna released a new law codex with a large amount of references to the Imperial Law. The Sun Princess had to admitted, that her sister actually managed to write it in such a way that it would please the ponies of Equestria and representatives of the Adeptus Arbitres, the galaxy-sized police force of the Imperium.

Speaking of it, the first visit of the humans was rather uneventful. Bureaucrats of the Munitorium didn't have any objections to their ruling style. Ponykind greeted them as just a new kind of equine, she was surprised that ponies treated humans like any other kind of pony. She wasn't relieved, however. Celestia wasn't sure if that was because the Munitorium actually "liked" their government, or rather they "liked it" because Lord-General Anders said so. Something in her mind was telling her, that Anders was plotting behind her back, but she couldn't sense what exactly this long bearded general wanted. He seemed like the usual leader of the Imperial Guard, but Celestia "felt" that this was only the mask.

Inquisition came too. Ordo Malleus, the Deamonhunters arrived and started investigating. However, Celestia hided Discord pretty well and humans couldn't find Discord body. She didn't like the presence of the inqusitors and their stormtroopers but she didn't have any choice.

Regiment part... this was the most surprising at all. Sister decided to make this speech quite early, to ensure that they would gather nine thousands ponies in four years.

They managed to do that in less than six months. And she still didn't know how.

That's why she invited one particular pony to her castle.

The majestic golden gate to the Throne Room opened after being pulled by two unicorn guards, standing on each side of it. Another unicorn trotted inside, Celestia's heart started beating faster after she spotted her favourite pupil. Twilight Sparkle looked as usual, her violet mane, lavender coat, her plain and heart warming smile... some things never changed.

Celestia's heart started beating even faster, when she found one thing, that changed however. The head of Twilight was now decorated with the beret. The distance was far, but from her throne she spotted the characteristic red colour of hat and famous golden badge of the Equestrian Regiments, she and her sister invented. One skull of pony, three daggers intersecting in the middle of it and the inscription below it : "For Equestria, For Emperor". The lavender unicorn approached her, standing below her.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight said vigorously

Despite the fact, that the plan she created thirty years ago was now turned into dust, she managed to keep her perfect, smiling face. Her voice was a bit problem, but she dealt with it too.

"My faintful student. I called you, because I need answers. Can I ask you a question?"

Twilight was taken aback, it was first time when it was Celestia who was giving questions, not her.

"Ehm... of course." she answered hesitantly

“Here it goes.” she thought

"You centairly know, that ruling this country for such a long time was and will be a demanding job. I'm planning things a dozens years ahead. After the speech I made, you said that you don't mind my lying, I was doing it for the Equestria, to keep her aside from the cruel reality. However... I still don't understand why you were so kind, so voluntary... It's not something like the war with the Griffon Kingdom, it certainly isn't something like the Red Revolution in Stalliongrad and it's even more than the short reign of Discord. You read for sure the Imperial Guardspony Uplifting Primer. My sister clearly pointed out how dangerous the world outside of Equestria is. And you know what's the most terrifying? What Luna wrote, isn't even the ten percent of this universe dangers. So why, ponykind decided to leave their homeland, to leave everything they hold dear?"

Twilight stayed silent for a while. She was just staring into space, clearly meditating about the answer.

"Maybe..." she started. "Maybe... they are caring as much as you, Princess?"

Celestia rose a eyebrows with astonishment.

"What do you mean?"

Her faithful student sighed and continued.

"You have been ruling us for... ten thousands years? Maybe, I don't want to speculate. But this is the point. You care about us. That's also why we forgive you this speech six months ago. It was... evil. But we knew, that it was just you, always having Equestria close to your heart. Princess, you need to know that ponies care about Equestria as much as you. Our land has many names. Friendship, kindness, wealth, prosperity... I don't want to use the entire dictionary. Point is, that Equestria means a lot to us. In that case, ponykind is ready to sacrifice everything to save it. If our motherland needs nine thousand soldiers to save Equestria’s existence, this price seems even ridiculously low. Ponies are ready to pay it. We care about our motherland.

"Is this a reason why you joined the Equestrian Regiments too?" Celestia asked. She was proud of her students maturity, however... she had other plans for her. Why she did this?

"Yes and I'm fully aware of it." Twilight answered.

"But joining the Regiments means that you will abandon your friends. For three years you were learning that friendship is the most powerful thing in the universe and it is truth. Are you ready for that sacrifice?" Are you..."

"Princess?" Twilight delicately cut her.

She stopped her speech. Celestia was hoping that Twilight wouldn't go, she was so wonderful and...

The lavender unicorn rose her hoof in the gest of triumph and cried :

"This is not a problem. We are playing debts together. My friends are coming with me!"

Location : Equestria, Equestrian Regiments Training Facility, a 23 killometers from Ponyville.
Time : 16:31 PM 08/11/1003 in the Equestrian Calendar.

"Try again Big Mac!" Applejack cried to her brother who was desperately firing with his lasgun.

The shooting range of the 2nd Equestrian Regiment was filled with the cracking sounds of the lasguns fire. Their red rays were traveling instantly from the barrels of the ponies weaponry and were hitting the targets thirty meters ahead. Practice targets were designed to show usual "Chaos Heretics", they were made from adamantium, to ensure that that lasers of their weapons wouldn't destroy them immediately.

"He really had a problem with it, isn't he?" Rarity spoke

"Isn't dat' obvious?" Applejack said

It was obvious. In a few weeks Big Mac earned reputation of the worst shooter in the entire regiment, and maybe in the entire army. Applejack’s brother managed to beat Derpy in terms of low accuracy and this was a really big achievment. The abnormally big stallion was pulling the trigger every three seconds, but still none of the shots were accurate enough, usually missing the target completely. It wasn't about technique, Big Mac learned it good enough. It was just... bad luck? Applejack had no idea.

Suddenly, Big Macintosh stopped shooting and head to the armory. If he was frustrated with his lack of accuracy, he didn't show it. Some things never change, Big Macintosh face as always showed absolutely nothing.

"Actually, where is Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked. "She was supposed to meet us here."

"Ehm, Dash said something that she had some "not-finished business." The farm pony sighed "Ah knew she hid something, but Ah didn't want to press on her. Dunno."

"And what with..." Rarity started when suddenly Big Mac entered the shooting range again, holding one of the most powerful weapons in his hooves.

Heavy bolters were one of the few heavy weapons that their regiment were using. Instead of las fire, heavy bolters were firing self-propelled explosive 'bolt' which exploded with devastating effect once it had penetrated its target, effectively blowing it apart from the inside. Thomas, one of the few human instructors invited to the Equestria called this weapon "Back Breaker". Heavy bolters were incredibly heavy, unicorns couldn't levitate it with their magic alone and pegasi couldn't even lift it from the ground. Earth ponies could move and use this weapon, but they had to be two of them to use it properly.

Big Macintosh however didn't care about it, he just took Heavy Bolter, approached the barrier of the shooting range and pulled the trigger. This abnormally heavy weapon in the hooves of the Applejack brother was like toy.

When the first bullets left the barrel of the stallion weapon loud, stunning sound filled the air. Big Macintosh didn't care about accuracy, he just covered entire shooting range in the storm of bolts, hitting all the targets. Small explosions of the bolts hitting the adamantive bodies of "heretics" covered part of hall with the smoke. Big Mac was pulling trigger until finally he emptied the entire ammo cartridge.

After the smoke disappeared, ponies saw that entire line of targets was devastated by the fire from Big Mac heavy bolter. All targets received at least five hits, some of them have more holes than Changeling's bodies.

"Well... Ah guess this bolter fits yer better." Applejack said, watching the devastated targets of the shooting range.

"Yup." Big Mac simply agreed.

Location : Segmentum Pacificus, Sabbat World Crusade HQ on Balhaut.
Time : 765.M41

"Okay, I want an explanation. Why for the Golden Throne we allowed xenos to join the Imperial Guard?" Ibram Gaunt asked.

"I said it three times, but I can repeat it again if you want. They are not xenos." answered Rogan, adiutant of Lord-General Anders.

This annoying prick...

"They are speaking, magical ponies dammit! Don't even try to say that bullshit again!" - he outbursted.

"They are not xenos. Fifth times." Rogan said with the taunting smile.

Good that Ibram Gaunt left his chainsword in the armory, because he would tear him apart for sure. He knew however, that he couldn't even touch Rogan, he was the closest advisor of Anders. He was assigned to be his "adiutant" but it looked rather like "spy". Or maybe he was just the typical, useless idiot.

After Slaydo’s death, chaos erupted in the command center of the Crusade. Thousands of contradictory messages, hundreds of officers without their units and dozens of regiments without their commanders. The battle over Balhaut was victorious thanks to the brave soldiers and their leading Warmaster, but now totally different battle awaited. Entire officers crew was assigned to deal with disarray in the Crusade structure, it was battle to the death by the pen and paper. Ibram Gaunt was now in the HQ of the Crusade, talking with one of the most annoying officers he ever met. He was the Commissar, the political officer of the Imperial Guard, so he was assigned to this war too. He purely hated it. War wasn't about plotting behind the officers backs, it wasn't about the small "deals" behind the Regiments structures. What was the point of it, if Chaos warbands were ravaging entire sector? And this Equestria case...

"Could you at least explain it without your annoying commentary?" he asked irritated.

"Oh, of course. We found a lot of evidences, that these "ponies" are in fact abhumans. For example, the usual pony from Holy Terra is colorblind, while ponies here see exactly like humans. Also, their civilisation and history seems extremely similar to ours. We got confirmation from "trustful" institutions that their incorporation will not negatively affect the Imperium."

It didn't convince him. Anders was against the Macaroth promotion, maybe he was plotting something behind his back? Maybe this was this thing Slaydo didn't forgive him. Anyway, Ibram Gaunt was certainly sure that it was a very bad idea. And whatever Rogan was telling him, speaking, magical ponies certainly didn't sound like abhumans. Not saying, how ridiculous this thing sound.

"By the way... I have a special message for you!" Rogan said. "It just came from Warmaster and you are officially the commander of the Equestrian 1st, 2nd and 3rd Regiments. Congratulations, you definitely earned it."

Rogan saluted and his smile grew even bigger. This time however, he spotted that it was the malicious sneer. Colonel-Commissar finally came up why exactly he got these regiments. It wasn't the Slaydo decision, it was the Macaroth one. As far as he know, a new Warmaster didn't like the old crew. Maybe this was kind of punishment, for siding with Slaydo? Wait... no. Slaydo certainly made this decision, he told him face to face. The more he thought about it, the more confusing it became. Commissars were political officers, but still it was the weakest side of him. Why the war couldn't be that simple, like during the old times?

"Yea, yea... when I will arrive on "Equestria"? Ibram asked "I want to inspect these soldiers quite early, I don't want any more surprises. You gave me a lot already."

Rogan laughed hard.

"Suprisingly soon."

Location : ???
Time : ???

/ Incoming Transmision...
/ Proceeding...


This... arrogant fool...

It was me who show him a path to them. It was me! ME! I’m the instrument of His will and I will not be ignored. Never again. I’m the torch, I’m the sword, I’m their executor and their doom! For every second I’m delayed I will strike with the bigger fury and zeal!

May the Emperor forgive them, because I will not.


/ Transmision Ended.