• Published 28th Dec 2012
  • 867 Views, 14 Comments

Too Close to the Sun - UnweptSchlipps

Rainbow Dash and a few old faces embark on a little "foreign relations" trip. The kind of trip that could use some speed, a few skills, bit of bravery, and a whole lotta luck.

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It Only Takes a Feather...

Dash...there's trouble. I know this is going to sound crazy...

Rainbow Dash’s mane was hectic, or at least more hectic than it usually was, especially with her goggles pinning her forelock back messily. Her Wonderbolt uniform was tied in a bundle on her back. After all, judging by Fleetfoot’s urgent message, the cyan mare couldn’t waste any time dressing up. She had raced all the way to Wonderbolt Academy, never slowing down along the way.

Now the pegasus trotted down the familiar halls, trying to remember the layout that had been burned into her mind from all the training. It actually felt quite odd, considering she hadn’t stepped hoof in the training facility since she had graduated almost...was it five years now? However, now circumstances were quite different from when she was a cadet; now, there were to be no warm welcomes.

Finally, the rainbow-maned pegasus found her herself standing in front of Spitfire’s quarters. It’s been a while, she thought as she stood before the mahogany doorway, her now-commander’s name emblazoned on the front. She couldn’t help but remember the time when she had stormed out of this very same door, almost giving up her dream. And yet here she was years later, a Wonderbolt. And not only that, but a sergeant as well, one of the organization’s best.

Puffing out her chest, the mare pushed through the door, saying, “Spitfire! I came down here as soon as I could.”

Spitfire was slouched over her desk, the little black box still held tightly in his hooves. Upon Dash’s brash entry, she quickly sat herself up and stated, “Rainbow Dash, I’m glad you made it. This is a--”

“Fleetfoot told me about what happened down at the border,” Dash interrupted, a look of worry printed on her face. “Everything she said…was it true?”

“I don't know what Fleetfoot said, but I can assure you this is a dire--"

“How many were killed? Who could have done this? How did those monsters--?”

“Rainbow Dash!” the commander shouted, pounding her hooves on the desk. Dash could almost feel her eyes piercing through her thick sunglasses, a glare she had seen many times before. Settling back down, Spitfire continued, “I will tell you everything you need to know. Just stand still and be quiet.”

“Yes ma’am,” Dash piped.

Spitfire slowly removed her aviator glasses, a sure sign, Dash knew, that she meant business. The cyan pegasus looked into her superior’s eyes, which seemed to burn just like her fiery mane. And whenever that happened, it usually meant a bad time for whomever it was directed towards.

Spits began, “So Fleetfoot has already filled you in on what happened?” Dash responded with a curt nod. “Then you already know things are looking grim,” Spitfire said gravely. “We have been attacked Rainbow Dash. Our base near the northern borders has been destroyed. Almost two hundred were killed. All of them were either Royal Guards or our own.” After pausing to let out a deep sigh, the superior continued, “Sixty wounded, all of whom have been transported in critical condition. The rest of them, about fifty ponies in all, are missing in action. Captured. Including…Soarin.”

“They got Soarin?” Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief.

Sadly nodding, Spitfire began to rub her temple. “But, even stranger, there was no sign of enemies. Whoever did this left no trace of who they were. The only thing they left was a destroyed base and two hundred of our comrades dead.”

“Then we don’t know who did this?”

“Well, I suppose what I said wasn’t entirely true,” Spitfire answered. “They did leave one thing behind. This.” She tossed the box over to Dash, who deftly snatched it out of the air. Rainbow flipped the box open with her snout, revealing a slender feather, painted dark red. The pegasus stared at the seemingly harmless feather with raised eyebrows, obviously not quite getting what Spitfire meant.

Right on cue, Spitfire asked, “Do you know what that is?”

“A…painted feather?” Dash replied sheepishly.

“Well yes…but do you know what that means?”

After taking a moment to ponder, the cyan mare shook her head and replied, “Sorry Spits…er, ma’am. I don’t.”

“Never were one for history, kid,” Spitfire said with a half-hearted chuckle. “Back when Equestria was on its first legs as an empire, painted feathers was used by the old pegasi tribes to symbolize many things. Green usually meant it was harvest time. White meant peacetime. And red…” Her voice trailed off, as though she couldn’t bring herself to finish the thought. Finally after a short pause, she let that single taboo word slip off her tongue: “War.”

“So whoever sent this is trying to declare war? On…us?” Dash asked in shock. Her wings were spread out to the side, rigid as planks. Her striking magenta eyes told it all; a story of anger, disbelief, and just plain fear. She cried, “But Equestria hasn’t fought a war in, like, hundreds of years!”

“Exactly, Dash. This kingdom, no matter how large it might be, isn’t ready for war. Heck, Canterlot could barely stand up to a bunch of shape-shifting bugs.” Spitfire stood up from her desk and began to pace back and forth, her eyes shifting along the floor, and her lips pursed lightly. “When the status quo’s been peace and love for the past few centuries, going into battle ain’t going to be easy for anypony. And this isn’t an ordinary feather either. Does it look like a pegasus feather to you, Rainbow?”

The cyan pegasus began, “Well no, now that you mention it. It looks more like a…a…” She began to inspect the slim feather in the box, holding it up for closer scrutiny. The pointed edges, the blade-like shape, the barbed end, not to mention the fact that it was much larger than a normal pegasus. Dash began to search her memory for the creature that this feather belonged to, and frankly, she didn’t have to look very far. All she needed to do was remember a certain loud-beaked former friend from flight-school. “It’s a griffon feather,” Dash uttered, placing the feather back in its container.

“Unfortunately, that’s correct,” Spitfire responded. “I don’t know if you’ve been aware of this, Rainbow. But our northern neighbors, Lunavut and Venieghzuela, have had unrest brewing for the last few years. And amidst all the craziness, one face has risen to the top. The new face of the revolution. A griffon who calls himself General Razorbeak.”

The commander reached into a cabinet in her desk, pulling out and placing a small, grainy photo on top. The picture was of a disarmingly small griffon, probably only as big as a regular stallion. But despite his stature, his legs were tree trunks, chiseled and thick. The griffon’s wings were spread proudly, revealing a very conditioned (and huge) pair of flyers. He wore a steel helmet, not unlike the kind the Royal Guards wore atop his head, decorated with a few stars and what seemed to be an animal bone. But what captivated Dash most of all was his sharp blue eyes, shining with the confidence to go along with his smug smile. In fact, if she didn’t know any better, Dash might have thought she and him had that much in common at least. But Dash just shook her head, mentally scolding, He’s a murderer. A savage. I’m not.

While she observed the photo, Spitfire continued, “As you know, Lunavut is griffon territory. A while back, they helped overthrow the rulers in Veneighzuela, placing Razorbeak in command of both countries. And now, with two countries at his back, I’m afraid he’s got his sights on even bigger prey.”

“Equestria,” Rainbow finished.

“Exactly. And this massacre was his first message.”

Those words began to sink into both pegasi. Leaning on her table, Spitfire said grimly, “We won’t win a head-on fight against those griffons, Rainbow Dash. From the moment they are hatched, those beasts are trained to go to war. They are savage, ruthless, cunning...and that’s only when they fight against each other. Now that they’re all united under a single leader, there no telling what they’ve got in store. Combine that with the fanatic ponies of Venieghzuela…”

“It’s an invasion waiting to happen,” Rainbow Dash finished once again.

“Yes…exactly.” The yellow pegasus began to twirl her sunglasses in her hooves, glaring at Dash intently. “Razorbeak is as smart as he is dangerous. That is why I need a team to keep tabs on the bird. Watch him closely, figure out his plans, and sabotage his army if they can. If we’re going to even stand a fighting chance, let alone prevent a war, we need to go in there now. Destroy his army from the inside out. Wreak havoc in the country and destroy their morale. We’re playing a mind game right now, and that’s a game I know we can win.”

The cyan mare raised her brow, asking, “So who’s going in? You?”

Shaking her head, Spitfire replied, “No. I’m needed here, so I can prep our men for whatever’s going to happen. Celestia’s orders.”

“Then…who’s going?” Dash inquired unknowingly.

Slowly placing her glasses back on her desk, Spitfire uttered, “It’s you, Dash.”

At first, Rainbow Dash could only raise her brow, waiting for Spitfire to say she was joking. But when all she got from her commander was a stern glare, the cyan pegasus’s shot wide open. She took a step back, her jaw slowly opening as what Spitfire said continued to sink in. Quite a few words began to run through her mind at that moment, and none of them were very good or, frankly, appropriate. But the only one Dash could bring herself to say was, “W-what?”

Unfazed, Spitfire replied, “You’re going to be the one spearheading this. You’re the only one who can.”

Trying and failing to remain as cool and collected as possible, Rainbow Dash stammered, “But-but Spits! Are you sure?”

Clearing her throat and lowering her voice to mask her surprise, she continued, “I mean, it’s not that, y’know, I don’t want to or anything. But what about the other officers? I’ve never led my own team on a mission like this before! And-and…if I fail, this could plunge Equestria into a war!” And although she’d never say it out loud, another thought lingered in her mind: I don’t know if can handle it.

Spitfire could sense Rainbow’s apprehension, even if she tried her best to mask it. Spitfire knew Dash was nervous, and rightfully so. After all, it’s not every day somepony gets called to prevent a full-scale war. However, Spitfire remained adamant in her decision, saying, “Dash, I called you here because you are the only one who could do this. You’ve got a kind of speed, stamina, and strength unparalleled by any of my officers. And not only that, you’ve got the leadership to pull this off. And that’s a combination I’ve only seen in a handful of ponies my entire life.”

Staring into the cyan mare’s eyes, the veteran flyer spoke, "Listen to me, Dash. I’m not going to sit here and lie to you. This is a dangerous mission. You’re going deep into enemy territory with nothing but a small team of pegasi at your back. I want you to know that if you or anypony else gets caught…we can’t help you. You’ll be on your own.”

With a soft voice not usually heard from the hardened commander, she continued, “But you won’t fail; I know you won’t. I’ve only the utmost confidence in you. You’re one of the best Wonderbolts I’ve ever had the pleasure of commanding. And I know that a few months from now, you’ll be coming home a hero.” Extending her hoof, Spitfire asked, “So Rainbow Dash? Will you do it?”

Rainbow Dash hesitated, glancing around the room for some kind of sign. First, she saw the picture of General Razorbeak, his smug blue eyes seeming to taunt her, goad her. She looked at the red feather now fallen on the ground near her hooves. And finally, she found Spitfire’s brilliant orange eyes, which resonated with confidence. Confidence that could only be directed for her.

Rainbow Dash could feel hundreds of thoughts racing through her mind at a million miles per second. But through that muddled cloud, one thing was clear. Equestria, her home, her friends were in danger. And frankly, that was all the reason Dash needed.

Grasping her commander’s hoof, the cyan pegasus stated valiantly, “Yes ma’am. I won’t let you down.”

“Good then. I know you won’t,” Spitfire answered. Giving a confident smirk, she added, "You never were one to back down from a challenge, Dash."

Sitting back behind her desk, the yellow pegasus whipped on her glasses once again, asserting, “But first things first, there’s the matter of selecting your team. You’re the leader; it’s up to you to choose. But remember, this is a mission for the best of the best. Choose wisely, then report to the base at Bronco’s Bluff so we can brief you.”

“Wait, you want me to pick out my team?” Rainbow asked.

“That’s right. I don’t care who they are. I just want the best you can find.” Saluting, Spitfire commanded, “Dismissed.”

Returning the salute, Rainbow Dash began to exit the office. But just as she was about to slip out the door, Spitfire called, “And Rainbow Dash?”

“Yes ma’am?”

“I think this should go without saying, but this is a classified mission. I know how close you are with your friends. But you can’t tell anypony, understand?”

Pausing for just a few seconds, Dash then nodded her head, replying, “Of course, Spits.”

Dash exited into the lonely hallway, where nopony could see the fact that she was actually nervous. It didn’t happen often to the normally brash and confident pegasus. But then again, she had just accepted a mission that could threaten the lives of both her and her team. Not to mention the fact that, should she fail, the lives of all the citizens of Equestria would be endangered as well. No pressure, she thought cynically as she began her lonely march down the dim corridor.

Taking a deep breath, Rainbow Dash thought to herself, Gotta take things one at a time, Dash. One at a time…

And the first thing on her list of duties? Finding a team of ponies skilled enough, and willing enough, to accompany her.