• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 6,018 Views, 104 Comments

Prototype: Friends until the bitter end - Carmine Prophet

Prototype 2 and crysis crossover. About two evolved blackwatch troopers. rewritten

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Tango Primary

“red crown?”

“Go ahead raptor two one.”

“I have eyes on tango primary. I repeat, I have eyes on James Heller. Requesting Permeation to engage.”

“Roger that raptor two one. You are cleared hot To engage Tango Primary”

“lets go, Quann”

“Right, Cooper.”

And the two soldiers of Raptor walked around the corner to engage the second prototype James Heller. Unaware that their lives would change forever. Cooper leveled his M4 assault rifle and Quann brought out his SAW (squad automatic weapon) and stepped around the corner they were going to avenge the rest of Raptor Company. Knowing that they had what other Blackwatch troops never had when it came to engaging Tango primary the element of surprise. Unaware that the lights on their gas masks, goggles and armor flashed a red (Quann) and orange (cooper) then back to blue.

They ran towards the Tango primary firing there weapons in short controlled bursts just as they were trained to do in the ranger special forces.

“FUCK YOU HELLER!” Quann shouted scoring 25 hits out of the 40 he shot.

“Fucking Blackwatch.” Heller said. transforming his arms into the hammer fist and slamming his right arm into the ground sending a shockwave through the ground toward them.

“Cooper, Jump now!” Quann shouted.

As the shockwave came toward them they both jumped over the broken ground created by the hammer fist And kept shooting when they hit the ground.

“Thanks, man” Cooper said, reloading his M4, Scoring almost every hit with that last mag.

“These fuckers ain’t bad.” Heller said taking more hits from Coopers M4 and from Quann’s SAW.

“but now they are pissing me off.” Switching to the whip fist he made a long swipe at the two Blackwatch troopers.

“Quann. Down slide now!” Cooper shouted to his friend as they both dropped down sliding on their knees.

‘If they did anything right with this uniform it is giving us knee pads.’ Both troopers thought

“What the FUCK!” Heller said, seeing the two he could tell they were friends since they were using first names instead of sir and their teamwork, dodge his a swipe from his whip fist when not even Mercer dodged it all he did was block, but now they were in range of his other attacks. With a smirk he switched to the blade arm. And waited as the one called Quann got up first.

“Fuck that was close.” Quann said as he stood up and extended a hand to cooper to help him up

“Thanks, Quann” Cooper said as he got up with Quann’s help they both pounded fists.

“no problem, bud.” Quann said to his younger friend of 19 while Quann was 21.

“Are you two done yet?” they herd Heller say and they both turned to him. And saw that his right arm was a huge blade they both aimed at him.

“Ok, just as we planned Cooper.” Quann said

“Right Quann.” He said.

“Your move,. . . . Blackwatch” Heller said with a smirk. Wanting to see what these two young troopers could do they were already proving they were better than those bulky Orion super soldiers.


1 week before twilight sparkle’s journey to Ponyville.

Night time.

Princess Celestia stands outside of her chambers on a balcony.

“I sense that a power full friendship is in jeopardy. I have to do something.”

Focusing concentrating on a centuries old spell when she opened her eyes again she was standing somewhere she had never seen before. It smelled of death and burning embers. She saw a poser that said NYZ-RZ and under that it said New York Zero Red Zone.

She turned her head to see two strangely armed and armored bipedal figures wearing one angled shoulder piece on their right foreleg with a rounded one on the other shoulder, a triangular blade with three strips of blue on the side of their left foreleg. Both had on midnight blue and black clothing. Under that with knee pads and their pants tucked into their boots and above the kneepads where metal coverings on the sides of their hind legs, collars made of metal behind their heads which were covered with hoods on their faces where gas masks and glowing blue goggles with one round eye on the left and three smaller circles on their right eye.

But there were a few differences the one on the right (Quann) with what appeared to be small child had another of those blades on the other fore hoof. And fingerless gloves like the other but unlike the other one his skin was brown while the other (Cooper) was a softer cream color they both have some kind of large tube on their back, Both of these two helping others who were not wearing any armor which she guest where civilians.

But standing away from them where a group of what she guessed where soldiers dressed like them but these soldiers where firing strange weapons at another group of civilians and disfigured civilians not caring if they hit the civilians.

Seeing this made her sick.

“What is happening?“ She said to herself, turning back to the other two expecting them to shoot the civilians as well but was shocked when they didn’t and another civilian turned to them with a quizzical look.

“Why aren’t you shooting us too?” He asked The duel bladed one who looked at him.

“Sir I joined Blackwatch to help people same as my friend here.” He said while the other one put another smaller one over the barricade. And say something to his friend.

“Quann, there not going to make it to the checkpoint alone. What should we do?” He asked

“We go with them to the checkpoint. hooah?” the now identified Quann said to Cooper.

“Hooah.” Cooper said

“Okay, now follow and stay behind me. Cooper you watch our flank and keep us covered. Rangers lead the way” Quann said, earning nods from the civilians and a salute form Cooper.

“All the way” Cooper said

“At least some of them have a heart.” Celestia said following the two as they lead the way.

Quann and Cooper have delivered the civilians to the extraction checkpoint. Still being followed by the Princess of the sun they get back only to see the Tango primary finish off their CO and dive behind cover both unknowingly in haling some stray tainted White light gas. They watched Tango primary walk off and they made a plan to avenge there Squad.


“Your move. . . Blackwatch” Heller said going into his fighting stance.

“Fire!” Quann said

Causing both him and Cooper to fire there weapons at James Heller who charged forward jumping to do a down word slash at the two. Who both dodge rolled out of the way at the last second and focused on cooper but as he turned made a swing at him he rolled under and away from the attack.

Leaving Heller open to Quann’s SAW and taking 30 bullets to the back and side turning around he focused biomass into his legs and kicked Quann in the chest sending him flying into cooper and both hit a car making it bend from the impact and knocking Cooper unconscious.

“TIME TO END THIS!” Heller shouted and charged the two. Quann saw Him coming and got up. He slung his gun and got in front of his friend.

“He is going to sacrifice himself for his friend. I have to save them, with That spell. I just hope there is time to charge it.” Celestia said

'Fuck! I cant afford to dodge or else he will kill Cooperi hope this works.' Quann thought

As Heller Brought his Blade down on Quann who brought his left arm bayonet up.

The two blades met Heller’s Blade arm and Quann’s left Arm bayonet. To both’s surprise there was a loud clang.

The blades locked instead of the usual where Heller’s Blade would cut you down the middle the blades and there wielders. They were locked in a power struggle. Heller was shocked no one was ever able to stop his blade except Mercer.

‘Could he be an evolved. . . no I killed all of them. Unless…’ Heller was brought out of his thoughts when he felt a slash go from the bottom of his chest to his collar bone and felt like he was being drained from that slash. Looking down he saw some of his biomass go into the Blackwatch troopers right arm.

‘He doesn’t know but how unless that CANISTER I blew up! It must have been the last canister of white light then I did see two guys show up just as I killed that one trooper it must have been there CO. These are the two who helped those civilians. The gas must have been diluted by the time they got back and is just now taking affect. I have finish this now’ Heller Thought.


Heller was knocked backwards with a whole in his chest looking up he saw that this new evolved Quann had pulled out a shotgun and shot him in the chest he saw large chunks of biomass absorbed into the trooper and by the looks of it unnoticed.

‘What the fuck why do I feel stronger from that slash and that blast from getting chunks on me? No matter I have to keep Cooper safe.’

Looking down he saw the lights on his armor glow red then back to blue. He got into a fighting stance and waited for Heller to attack.

“Your move. . . Heller.”

Heller charged switching his blade to his claws in his left hand and the hammer fist in the other. When he got in range he slashed at the evolved with his claws but, that was blocked and as the two blades struggled Heller brought down the hammer fist. Quann saw it coming and punched. The hammer fist and Quann’s Fist met but because of the blade on his left hand he cut into Heller’s Hammer fist and unknowingly drained biomass from Heller.

‘SHIT if I don’t think of something he is going to overpower me… wait I’ve got it!’ Quann thought.

‘The spell is almost done, just hold him off a little longer Quann.’ Celestia thought as she was charging the spell and watching the fight. She saw the flash of red again on Quann.

‘Damn that’s the third time that flash has happened and its getting longer. It must be the same with his friend.’ Heller thought

“Hay Heller.” Quann said

“What?” he asked.

“This!” Quann used Heller’s arms as springs to hoist himself up and kick him in the chest sending him flying backwards, but not before scratching Heller again. Heller swiped at him with the whip fist but it was only blocked.

“AAHH!” Quann screamed as the lights flashed red again and he was covered in black and red tendrils. His arms turned into the same claws as Heller’s. Going unnoticed by the princess of the sun

‘Fuck his transformation is complete and he copied my claws I can only guess he has my shield, blade, whip, and hammer fist too.’ Heller thought.

‘The spell is done. Here goes nothing. Welcome to Equestria, you two’ Celestia thought as the spell activated.

Heller crouched and focused all of his biomass in to going outward. He was going to us the critical mass attack.

“Fuck, Cooper!” Quann said as his arms and lights went back to normal. He dashed over Cooper, who’s lights flashed Orange.

“NOW DIE!” Heller shouted as tendrils shot out of his body at the two. Just as they were about to be squared in a bright flash of golden light they were gone, weapons and all.

“got them.” Heller said and walked away.

Portal to Equestria

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Quann’s whole body hurt but more so in his back and his head. As visions of a land a planet that was not his. His whole body changed as he was transformed into a quadruped. The burning in his back intensified as wings sprouted and skull spit as a horn appeared and knowledge of a life he didn’t live was installed but keeping the integrity of his old life.

FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Quann shouted in pain as he and his unconscious friend slammed into the ground.



“Fuck you, I don’t want to get up.” Quann said


“OK, what the fuck” he said as he opened his eyes and tried to stand up and fell flat on his ass.

Looking down he saw that instead of arms and legs he had 4 hooves. He got up and looked at his right bayonet and saw that he had a set of wings on his back and a horn on his head and was still in his Blackwatch uniform, which had somehow changed with him. Seeing a nearby rock he focused on it and levitated it in a blood red glow.
Finding balance he stood up on his hind legs ant turned his fore hooves into the claws, hammer fist, blade, shield and getting back on all fours.

Hearing a grown he turned his head and found another pony lying there on the ground in a Blackwatch uniform. It snapped who it must be.

“Cooper.” Quann said and ran to his side and saw that instead of having wings and a horn, Cooper just had wings but, one was broken and he was losing blood. Quann hoisting him onto his back and began walking toward a small cottage on the horizon.

“I hope somepony is home”

‘what the fuck did I just say?!’

A/N what do you think