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Now officially ded and Lurking indefiniTely


The Cutie Mark Crusaders have tried EVERYTHING to get their Cutie Marks. What more is there to possibly try? When Apple Bloom hears her older sister talking about the week long trip she and her friends are taking to Las Pegasus, and activities such as 'gambling' and 'drinking' that can be done there, the three fillies decide to go crusading once again! What could possibly go wrong??

CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS GAMBLERS AND DRINKERS!! YAY!! I think we all know what happens next.

Thanks to Carpe Diem for prereading and ensuring me that this wasn't utter crap!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 62 )


This 'first' post is dedicated to the recent discussion concerning 'shit posts' in a bit of a protest. Yes, I am one of those guys who thinks shit posts are funny, especially if done in a witty or clever manner. So as the author of this story I'm here to say: I don't give a damn what you guys want to say in this comment thread. Feel free to turn this place into an absolute zoo. Half of the entertainment I get from this site is from reading the comment sections. If I don't like your comment I will just IGNORE IT. Wow, what a concept that is. Might be too much.

Anyways, knock yourselves out I will not complain about any posts in here, and I will proudly FIRST post my own damn story. Oh, but no spam plzkthx. Variety is what makes zoos fun, after all.

Happy Holidays!

This is one of the most hilarious stories I've read in a good while. The blackjack scene almost made me cry through laughter.

Kudos to you! :moustache:

1831982 Hehe, I chuckled while writing it. Glad you enjoyed yourself. :twilightsmile:

That was awesome! :rainbowlaugh:

It's just like this scene here only with more lols.

Also go home Cuite Mark Crusaders you're drunk. :applecry::scootangel::unsuresweetie:

1832144 Loool that video. I find that most amusing. Glad you enjoyed it!

Gambling? My weakness...

1832169 Must...resist!!

1832167 How could I not. Also the CMC are going to wake up tommorrow and have one heck of a hangover. Heck someone ought to write a sequel dealing wih the hangover and the CMC learning about what they did. :rainbowlaugh:

1832172 This is of course assuming that anyone remembers anything. Crazy nights tend to result in mass memory loss :rainbowlaugh:.

1832177 Yeah and after all the drinks they had the CMC probably won't remember a thing. :rainbowlaugh:

Also I didn't know Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were that desperate. Really girls have you no shame? :ajsleepy::raritycry::rainbowderp:

1832194 What can I say? When you're several drinks under Pinkie can be very, VERY convincing.

1832212 Ah so Pinkie Pie talked them into it, Pinkie would you care to explain how you could take advantage of your friends like that? :trixieshiftright:

1832249 Nope! She doesn't remember a thing. It's a vicious cycle, and the only ones who win are us :rainbowlaugh:.

1832261 How does she not remember talking her friends into something like that, let me guess she was drunk too. :trixieshiftleft:

If that's the case that means only Twilight and possibly Fluttershy were sober. :twilightoops::fluttershyouch:

1832299 Silly! It's a trip to Las Pegasus for a week. They were ALL drunk. Or rather, WASTED. Drunk ponies are best ponies.

1832303 But then how come Twilight didn't look or act drunk, dang that mare can really hold her liquor. :twilightsheepish:

Also it would have been even better if Vinyl Scratch was present and started playing "Tick Tock" by Ke$ha for it is a night of bad decisions. :rainbowlaugh:

1832360 She was drunk, just not quite enough to cause serious slurring. You'll notice that I mentioned bloodshot eyes and a slight slur to her voice as she started to scold them.

1832384 Oh I see. :twilightoops:

Still out of all her friends she's likely faired the best. Sounds to me like someponies have a friendship report to write to Celestia. And some killer hangovers to recover from the next morning. :ajsleepy::fluttershyouch::pinkiesick::rainbowderp::raritycry:

Haha I can see it now

Applejack has a killer headache.

Fluttershy is too embarrassed to even say anything.

Pinkie Pie for once is completely drained of energy and she's spending a lot of time with the toilet.

Rainbow Dash can't remember anything.

Rarity ashamed of what she may have done is spending all her time in the mares room (in her own hotel room, not with Pinkie Pie) sobbing to herself.

And Twilight is just trying to piece together everything that happened.

Meanwhile the Cutie Mark Crusaders are expierencing all of these symptoms and possibly more.

If this song was playing no one would have bated an eye at what happened, because they'd just say "It is a night of bad decisions." :rainbowlaugh:

1832437 Haha, I actually haven't thought too much about the next morning. That sounds like a pretty accurate (and humorous) description though!

“Well, girls. Looks like these guys…” she put on the sunglasses. “…Are D’AWWWn for.”
Inexplicably, a group of drunk ponies across the street suddenly shouted “YEEEAAAAHHH!!”

i have ent finished reading in fact i stoped right there because it would get too hilarious

1832779 that video you posted was um uh *cough* its hard to describe

1833554 Haha! I had to put in one of those jokes, I just had to! I'm glad you are finding this funny, it was very fun to write! :twilightsmile:

1833572 Like I said it is a night of bad decisions. :rainbowlaugh:

1833638 i didn't see that part

:rainbowlaugh:All that hilarity, AND a well-placed spongebob reference?

XD When the crusaders are found out.
Best comedy ever! 6/5 mustaches!

OMG! This story was too epic and funny. I loled the whole way through x3

1836456 Hah! That video is hilarious. Good thing I used both references! :rainbowlaugh: Glad you enjoyed it!

1838705 And I lol'd considerably while writing it. Glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

1840730 Of course I enjoyed it! Although, I can't quite remember the "my eyes" gag coming into play...:derpyderp2:

1849449 It was when Sweetie Belle was spamming the camera. "MY EYES!!!" :rainbowlaugh:

That was damn epic. :rainbowlaugh: It's a good thing physics took a break, too, or else the CMC's would be all kinds of dead (SEVEN cocktails as a kid? :twilightoops:)

What i want to see now is what the mane 6 were up to! Twilight freaking out when her perfect estimates still don't make her win? Pinkie in an environment that accommodates her? Whatever led up to the six of them stripping? Yes please! :pinkiehappy:

1941484 Heh, didn't even think about that. Oh well, now we now what ice cubes and the CMC have in common. :moustache:

Man I missed out on a lot of potential. Perhaps this needs some...expansion...

Also, I don't think getting drunk actually blurs your vision. It didn't do it to me.(then again I only had 11 shots, thats not alot is it?)

2121145 I wouldn't know, I haven't actually partaken of alcohol myself (soon...). As the Author's Note disclaims, relation to actual experiences may vary. :ajsmug:


ooh,ooh,ooh. IDEA!!!!! Maybe a different timeline, where instead of getting caught, they get home they next day and try to figure out what happened the night before. basically, The Hangover: CMC Edition.

2125925 Honestly I haven't put any thought into what happens after. If you wanna go for it, though, be my guest!

I might just take you up on that offer.

2126660 I would be most eager to see your work. :twilightsmile:

A little much with the lazy writing, but definitely an amusing fanfic! ^_^

2171630 Why thank you! What exactly do you mean, though, by "lazy writing," if I may ask?

Well you specifically put in your story itself about you, the author, being lazy and I felt it distracted from the comedy of the actual story itself

2174141 Ah. Oh well, then. Monty Python-esque attempt to break fourth wall is apparently a failure. For shame. I have no plans to do so in my newest comedy, at least.

Great stuff, had some good lols, keep up the great work.
Felt weird a bit at the stage part..felt interested and disguised (due to all 6 being there) at same time, poor fillys.
Also Scoot and Twi shipping? Very nice, haven't really seen that before me thinks.

2188292 Stage was done for that awkward humor. Gotta have that right? And yes, no one does Twi x Scoot, which was ALSO done entirely for the lols.

I pretty much had a one-track mind with this story. Approached it from a bajillion different angles, though.

Inexplicably, a group of drunk ponies across the street suddenly shouted “YEEEAAAAHHH!!”

I laughed sooo hard here!!!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Great story, man. This is only the second one of your stories I have read, and I've got more on the waiting list.

That's all for now. PEACE!!

2213347 I had to do that at least one, you know? I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading!

So many references! I think I got all of them.

Why does life have to be so…so…ironic??”

“Sweetie Belle, Ah’m not sure that word means what ya think it does.”

One Bad Apple, and I think The Princess Bride

Rarity and her friends stood out like a pink-and-yellow tree in an apple orchard


“Well, girls. Looks like these guys…” she put on the sunglasses. “…Are D’AWWWn for.” Inexplicably, a group of drunk ponies across the street suddenly shouted “YEEEAAAAHHH!!”

I just looked this up, and apparently it originates from CSI: Miami

“Here Scoots, lemme try. Ah’ll bet with all th’ ‘psychic powers’ practice Ah did on th’ farm that one time, this’ll be easy as pie!

The Show Stoppers

“Aren’t you a little young to be drinking?” she questioned.

Phineas and Ferb much?

“Wheeee! Round and round and round I go! Whosh picture I take, even I don’t know!! Hahahaha!!”

I just know this is a reference to something, but I have no idea what it is. And it's driving me crazy.

“Stop right there, criminal scum!! We have you surrounded!”

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, this one should be obvious

Their antics escalated as a sudden explosion sounded from the building behind them. Looking up into the sky, they all saw what appeared to be a porta-potty rocket ship blast through the roof and hurtle towards the heavens, obviously containing an individual who clearly did not wish to live on this planet anymore.

I'm not sure, but that was probably the TARDIS.
And of course, the "My leg!" and "My eyes!" are from SpongeBob.

Long comment is long. Deal with it.

Comment posted by Shanenator deleted Apr 25th, 2013

2480260 Hehe. You got some references, missed some others, and made up a few more. Not EVERYTHING was a reference, some of it was just me being a goofball.

I had so much fun writing this.

Long story is long. Deal with it.

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