• Published 17th Dec 2012
  • 4,318 Views, 145 Comments

The Equestrian Trace - Wafflegodman

The griffon king screws up. He found an ancient artifact, and ends up summoning a very strange creature into the magical world of Equis.

  • ...

Some roses have no thorns.

Chapter 5

Some roses have no thorns.

I heard bells ring out... I could only hope that they were docking bells. I looked up, the sky was an icy blue, and the wind stung my cheeks. Over time I became slightly more aware of my surroundings... the first thing I truly noticed was the pain in my gut, no doubt caused by my hunger. I would need food soon, or risk an unpleasant death... that would be a humiliating way to go out, especially after all I've been through so far. The second thing I noticed was the peculiar mare that had been resting near me the majority of the time I was conscious on the vessel... her head was now on my lap, and a content smile found its way to her lips. It was an absolutely adorable sight.

I ran my hand through her mane, it was soft, and thick. In return, she snuggled up closer to me, rubbing her head against my chest. It was a heart warming moment... there was no doubt that I needed one of those desperately. Amid the adorable, albeit unconscious, display of affection, I finally realized how much I truly needed food. I started thinking of deserts... It didn't help that the mare on me had the same color scheme as a cherry tart.

I licked my lips as I kept thinking of the wonderful treat known as the cherry tart... but then I heard a rather girlish scream in the distance.

"That beast is going to eat her!" I heard from somewhere in a growing crowd of animals.

The mare woke up gently, and looked around with half lidded eyes... first at me, then at the crowd.

"Alright ya beasty, let da lass go, an' na'body gets 'urt." An approaching zebra warned.

The zebra was wearing quite the uniform, and it was decorated with medals of all sorts... he was probably the captain.

"What's going on?" The red haired mare asked the captain.

"Da beast was going ta 'ave ya for its first light meal." The zebra explained.

The mare looked at the captain for a couple of seconds, and then shifted her view to me, a look of intrigue was on her face. "Were you going to eat me?" She asked, her voice was soft.

"No." I answered quietly.

"Yes it was. Da ting be lickin' its lips like it be given a ripe bowl of da flower ya know!" The zebra accused.

"Why were you licking your lips?" The mare questioned, rather content to stay on my lap as she questioned me, even with all the risk it entailed.

"You reminded me of a cherry tart." I answered.

The mare brought one of her hoofs up to cover her mouth as she struggled, and failed, to suppress a girlish giggle. "I like you. What's your name?" She asked.

I was about to answer, but I was rudely interrupted by the captain. "No more of dis nonsense, get em lads!"

I got up slowly giving ample time for the rose haired mare to get off my lap safely. I sat down on the railing of the ship, and took in what was happening.

About ten crew members were rushing toward me. They were all going full tilt, whether it be sprinting, or flying, but I still had plenty of time. I directed my attention toward the kind mare, so that I could answer her question. "I'm called many things, but most know me simply as The Kraken." I spoke nice and loud so everything could hear me.

Unexpectedly, but all too amusingly, the crew members that had been approaching me slowed their pace... one even tripped. I looked toward the captain, his steely blue eyes had lost their edge, and I could have sworn I saw the color drain from his face.

It appeared that legends from the sea still held their fabled effects on the sailors of this world... it was a curious thing to be sure.

Slowly, I leaned backward, ready to dive into the depths of the sea. I herd rushing foot steps, and as I fell backward, I looked up."I'm Roseluck!" The red haired mare yelled to me with a smile

I managed to get off a flirtatious wink before I hit the water.

I was a good swimmer... secretly, and I suppose somewhat foolishly, I always thought having Kraken as a name helped me become one. I was one of the best swimmers on my high school team. I could hold my breath for five minutes without a problem, and my endurance swimming was on par with the best of them... unfortunately my sprints left a considerable amount to be desired.

When I finally got my bearings underwater, I swam under the hull of the vessel so I could lose myself in the shadows the ship cast underwater. I didn't get that large of a breath whilst I was falling, so I probably had a maximum of three minutes of down time. I spent two of those relaxing, but as soon as the third minute started, I began my ascent. I slowly came out of the water, taking a deep breath as I surfaced. No one saw me yet... which was surprising, but nonetheless welcome. What wasn't dandy however, was the fact that the ship I was currently clinging to was stationary. It made sense, the vessel was too large to dock at a natural port... which meant the passengers would have to be ferried to shore. I'd have to focus if I wanted to stay hidden on my way to the island... or wherever it was the ship was docking. I waited until the ferries arrived to transport the passengers, then I took a deep breath, and submerged myself.

I swam forward until I found myself under a ferry, and grabbed on to a dangling piece of rigging the ferry just so happened to have astern itself, letting myself get pulled along silently. I looked up, and did a double take. Looking back at me with half lidded eyes was Roseluck.

"Nice seeing you again." She said quietly.

"The feelings mutual." I returned, as I scanned the horizon for anything that might be looking for me.

"Nopony's searching for you." Roseluck informed, as if reading my mind.

I gave her a questioning look.

"You scared every sailor on that ship half to death." She informed, "I wouldn't be surprised if you made a couple of them quit their jobs." She continued nonchalantly, leaning her head against her hoof.

I didn't say anything, instead I just shrugged my shoulders.

"So..." She said.

"So what?" I asked.

"Are you really the Kraken?" She asked.

Again, I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I thought so." She said, a smirk growing on her face. "What are you anyway?"

I shrugged my shoulders yet again.

"Quiet, aren't you?" She asked.

"I guess. I'm sort of out of it... hunger does that to you." I answered the best I could.

"How 'bout I get you some food when we reach land?" She offered.

"That sounds good." I said, smiling at the prospect of a meal.

I looked around... we'd be hitting land in less than a minute. I saw a patch of forest off to the left side of the port. I pointed over at the forest. "I'll be over there somewhere." I informed Roseluck.

"Alright. I'll look around for you." She returned cheerfully.

I had let go of the rigging on the rear of the ferry, and started to swim, but before I submerged myself Roseluck shot me a wink, the act bringing a smile to my face.

The swimming was easy enough, it was when I reached shore that everything hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to crawl on hands, and knees up onto the rather small beach that found its place betwixt the ocean, and the forest. My clothing felt like lead, and my head ached something fierce. I puked my guts out on the sand, and just stayed there for a bit, trying to recover from my rather sub par disposition. I forced myself to rise to a somewhat standing position, slouching over slightly, and favoring my left leg. Once I was up on my feet, things started to get easier... I must have been literally starving for me to have that kind of reaction to a little exercise. I made my way into the woods.

Once I broke through the initial tree line, I was greeted by a field of blue, exotic looking flowers. They filled the air with a sweet, and what only be described as warm, aroma. I dropped to my shaky knees, leaned over, and picked one of the flowers. I proceeded to take in the wonderful, if not a bit overpowering, scent. Once I got sick of the smell, and mustered up the considerable amount of will needed, I made my way toward the treeline on the opposite side of the surprisingly small, yet extremely thick, patch of forest. I didn't breach the treeline, opting to sit down a short way into the forest instead. I then proceeded to wait... if you could call it that. I was more fighting for consciousness. Eventually, Roseluck found her way into my line of sight.

"Hey!" I yelled.

Roseluck's eyes met mine, and I waved my hand, signaling for her to come to my position. She made her way over to me, and looked me over.

"What happened to you?" She asked.

"I wish I knew." I responded sincerely.

She had a bag wrapped around her shoulder, and by biting down on a latch, she released it, having it drop to the ground. She opened it, and much to my delight, brought out multiple sandwiches. The sight was glorious. She offered me one, and I gladly accepted. I started eating without hesitation... Roseluck soon joined me.

We'd finished about twenty minutes later, and Roseluck rested her head on my lap once more. I was about to voice my distaste for the action, when I heard a soft snore. I was lost in its sheer adorableness, and decided to just let her be. I looked up at the sky like every other day I found relatively enjoyable. It was night... when did it become night? Was I that dazed, or did I actually spend that much time resting at the base of the tree?

Thoughts ran through my head a mile a minute, but it didn't matter. I was content now... so why should I care about anything else... right?

Slowly sleep overtook my ability to stay aware. I had dreams that night... they were good dreams, I guess. It was all very cryptic, but a few things were certain, Gilda was to my right, Roseluck was to my lift, and in front of me was the world. I took Gilda's hand, and Roseluck offered her hoof. Together the three of us started to fall. Before we hit the ground, I woke up.

The morning came sooner than I'd have liked, and my drowsiness was not an easy foe to fight off. I slipped back into my slumber multiple times, before I was completely awoken by Roseluck prodding my chest with her hoof.

"What?" I asked.

Roseluck just gestured toward my chest with her hoof with a wide grin plastered onto her face. I brought my hands up, and squeezed my new found assets.

"I have tits...wait... WHAT?"

Author's Note:

I can be lighthearted too! See, no dead things, and no depressing thoughts, just a potential love interest... and rule 63!

Wow. I put a lot of effort into getting this to work right. I wanted to do something with Poison Joke, but everything I thought of wouldn't do. Poison Joke causes something embarrassing to happen to its victim... but here is the catch, it has to contrast with the victims personality. I couldn't think of anything that would still allow me to continue the story fluidly... until the internet happened.

I was doing my own thing, just searching for some ideas, when BAM! I got my answers. Kraken is a real man... the kind of man that just exudes manliness. SO, rule 63.

Now a new branch of the story starts, and the first layers are being added. Will Kraken regain his status as a male? What's with Roseluck? Will Gilda ever take on a role as more than just a side character? Find out when I finally decide to get my act together!

Next time on The Equestrian Trace... this... this happens.

Comments ( 34 )

"I have tits...wait... WHAT?"

Enjoy them while you have them because you won't see any more of them unless you meet a female Minotaur.
Grope and fondle well friend
*The Most Interesting Man in the World commercial music*

Freakin' poison joke. Always good for a laugh

I don't think poison joke works that way dude, Kraken was only a nickname, and poison joke reverse what you are best, like Rarity with her perfect fur or Dash wings, what he is best is free running right? So Poison joke probably would have gave him big and clumsy feet's. That would make sense, and over all it would not make sense that he is manly because what he call himself, that he likes to flirt? Then make him ugly, that he optimistic? then make him extremely scare. that he likes to run around? Then make him fat and slow.

Over all rule 63…doesn't have much sense, to me.

Can you change that ending? Please, I fell is just cliche and boring, it wasn't even funny in my opinion. Please!, I bet it will have more sense if he wakes up with giants feet's and breaks everything while he walk

3040042 I won't change the ending, because the whole reason I added it was not purely comedic in nature. Something similar was going to happen so that it would have similar effects later on in the story. I was going to do something else, but then I would've needed to add a dark tag to the story, and probably make it mature. This way, I can keep everything less... grim. Don't worry though, because Kraken is only going to be female for the immediate story arc (It should only be about two to five chapters or so), then everything goes back to normal with him... more, or less.

Oh I hope so, and I really hope it will not happen something creepy like he getting rape or having sex as a girl, that is just mess up, but I like to hear, you made that for a reason

3040227 Well crap. I completely forgot about Squid Girl....

I'm going to have to make a bunch of references, aren't I?

well done sir well done sir.

i wish i could do something more like a kick to the balls to that guy to make fun of him how is not as manly or something.

I would love to give them hell, but that just me there.

Anyway here some history

In the time of history of the ninja they was the 1st real freerunner in our history, tho to the fact that they do free in treetops and city top buildings. Oh tho they id do it out of fun they did it out of hiding from one kill, most of the time ninja after they was well known to be hire guns to say the less.

Ninja are in a way like me the Sniper but unlike ninja a sniper job is to do a one shot kill and get it over and hide in the shadow and know how to take that one shot to kill at 1, 2 maybe 3 miles to kill him.

3047495 No problem, I'm going to try, and do it more often.

wish fulfillment 101

3073417 I have absolutely no clue what you're saying.

3440030 I'm on it cap'n! You can count on me! :rainbowdetermined2:

Well Genderbender is something I didn't expect from this, I'll be watching this story from now on, there really needs to be more HiE romance stories with roseluck in it.

well... fuck

3838616 German, and Latin root names are weird. I hope it's not too terribly off putting.

3040511 YOU SHALL NOT SEE!!!

Yay! Sudden tits 10/10 IGN

4997069 It's coming. I've been... delayed, lately. Medical reasons, etc. The next chapter is in the works.


Coming, I've been... doing business.

5615008 ...I'll not question you further on that one, because I'm not sure I WANT to know.


I quit this story, k thx bye.

Comment posted by WhatTheFuckManImNotCobra deleted Feb 18th, 2015


Aight. I'd suggest you hold out a bit further, but I'm greedy.

The last update was in 2013.
How 'bout that?
I'mma give you a couple weeks, then I'm adding it to the abandoned stories group.

5793042 Sounds reasonable. I've been writing music and teaching parkour, but I've only recently got some free time on my hands. I'd apologize for the delay, but that doesn't seem good enough. Hopefully, then, a series chapters will be.

5799641 I do try to be reasonable, and only commented my intentions because, unlike so many other, you're still actively on the site.

I have no words that could describe what a absolute BUCK I just watched... Y u do dis Roseluck

i realy hope you get back to this at some point this is the only decent free running fic iv found... then aging i wasn't looking vary hard but still. now that i think about it its the only freeruning one iv seen

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