• Published 18th Dec 2012
  • 1,249 Views, 5 Comments

The End. - Broneyofnoel

Facing the end, what will friends do?

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Celestia stood at the edge of her castle steps, gazing at the flaming mass that was once her bright and pleasant Sun. This was the day she had feared for more than a millennia, and it had come at the worst possible time.

Many things of the future would not happen because of it, but a main subject was being focused upon by the Princess of the day; Twilight and her quest to find the meaning of friendship.

Why had her creation decided it was now when it was to end itself and all around it, right when Celestia took in her closest apprentice and had grown close again to her dearest sister, she felt sorrow, as if all of the following events would be her fault.

She still knew this day had to come, although ponies around the land danced to their happy Sun, Celestia could see right into its unhealthy core, a mere black void of nothingness. Her magic replenished the void daily, but once its appetite grew too large for even her to control it.

Celestia did not regret her creation, for it had brought life to her land and to her people, and especially to Luna and herself, but she still felt a source of guilt for the lives of which would be taken by it. In previous events, the mass could be stopped with the help of Luna, but an event like that would not show these signs, for the end of her reign and her very existence was limited.

Allthough she wanted her subjects to be happy and not at all concerned with their impending doom, she felt she must tell her Student and her sister, they had the right to know what was happening.

She slowly walked through the corridors of the old castle, admiring every piece of artwork, every piece of architecture, and every guard in their royal armor. She hid her knowledge from them, letting them serve their duty, letting them continue loving their families out of pureness, and not simply a necessity to show affection to ones they would soon loose.

Pureness, hah, most pureness had been banished from her the many a time when she had fought her enemies with the blackness of Sombra’s tricks. The others when she had banished them, some for eternity, some for a minute, and one for a thousand years.

Celestia thought of the latter once she stood outside of Luna’s chamber, unsure as of how to enter and break the horrible news to her beloved sister, one she owed so much, but had time to give so little.

“Dearest sister......” Celestia entered the chamber, slowly pushing the grand doors aside, inside was Luna, her sister, guardian of dreams, guardian of the night.

“Tia, what brings thee here?” Luna said, sounding surprised.

“I have terrible news, the Sun, our greatest achievement, is dying.” She said, fearing the worst from her sister, who had had less than four years back from the banishment, yet had grown so much.

“How do we know?” Luna said, she was stone faced, Celestia was unable to tell er emotion.

“Its core, it’s too black, we cannot stop it.” Celestia put her head down upon one of Luna’s pillows, now fully realizing the situation.

Luna sighed, “For 1000 years I stared at the Earth, and then at the Sun again, wondering how I would get revenge, but down inside, away from Nightmare, I wondered in the event of this, how we would stop it, in my night I have seen thousands of stars and, some quietly, some in spectacular events of heat and light, but I know that every one has to end, and I have been attempting peace with myself to accept that one day I would lose this star, myself, and even you.”

“Lu...” Celestia breathed.

“We must keep our citizens safe.” Luna said firmly.

“Sister, forgive me.”

“Tia...” Luna said sadly, “I forgave you the moment I saw you after Nightmare left, all I ask is for the ponies of Equestria to be safe.

“I need to let Twilight know.”

“I do not advise that, she may panic ponies.” Luna said, imagining her night sky, with peace of mind.

“I must.” Celestia said more firmly, making her point clear.

“How long do we have?” Luna said after a moment or two of silence.

“Two hours, once the Sun is setting, it will set for the final time, one the other side of the world it will silence all of us at once.” Celestia said, leading her and Luna towards their tower observation deck.

“Sister....” Luna questioned, “What happens after we die?”

Celestia stopped walking, turned to her sister, and spoke a grand sentence,

“When our lives are up, I do not believe we stop living, I believe that we will see somewhere grand, somewhere neither of us can imagine, we have a second chance, but let us finish our lives here, and make them pure before we think of the next life we will share.”

Once Celestia started walking again, Luna pondered the idea of a second life, the idea was a grand one, the ability to lose her reputation of a monster, to gain the one of an ‘Angel’ perhaps.

Celestia was looking out of the window as the sun was high in the sky, she started writing the letter to send to Twilight, she also attached a small item from Twilight’s past. As Luna walked into the room, Celestia sent the letter away to Twilight’s library, where hopefully Spike would not be the one to break the news.

Today, today is the day that will live forever, today is the day that everypony will remember, for today is our last day on this planet, our last day in this life, and to think of not seeing another sunrise would be agonizing, but now it is a reality.” Celestia said as she sat with her sister in their common.

“How shall we spend our last moments?” Luna asked peacefully.



Comments ( 4 )

A very promising story, thumbs up. I wonder where this is going.
Makes you appreciate every moment you have in your life.

Here is a song I think would go marvelously with this:

1817422 MCR is a pretty damn good band. :moustache:

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