• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 3,497 Views, 46 Comments

Two Ponies, One Heart - jdb1984

Spike is trying to figure out his feelings, with help from an unlikely source

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“Oh, Spike, this is just a beautiful spot you‘ve chosen,” Rarity moaned. “The view of Ponyville from here is just breathtaking.”

Spike smiled as he spread the red and white checkered sheet on the hill he chose for them to have their picnic, before turning and looking at the view himself. Before them, all of Ponyville could be seen, and there was even a good view of Canterlot Castle in the distance.

“That’s why I picked it,” Spike said, as he pulled out a sandwich.

“The view…it awakened a feeling I never thought I’d feel towards you.” Rarity continued, lying on her side, her sapphire-blue eyes looking into Spike’s green ones. “Oh, will you kiss me?”

Spike’s thoughts were racing faster than Applejack could clear an apple tree. This is the moment he dreamed of since he met her. The moment that he knew would be one of the single greatest accomplishments of his whole life. He wasn’t going to waste it.

It’s a dream, it has to be. Well, if this is a dream, I hope I don’t wake up anytime soon.

But right before their lips could touch, a purple hoof wrapped around his head and pulled him back. Spike followed the hoof to find that it was attached to the unicorn pony that he’s known all his life.

“Nopony touches my Spiky-poo without my permission, drag queen!” Twilight told the snow-white pony angrily.

Spiky-poo? And why is Twilight insulting Rarity?

Rarity was instantly back on her hooves, glaring at the unicorn before her. As her horn began to glow, Twilight just gave a smile, as her own horn glowed with her purple magic. They both stepped forward until their horns crossed.

“Try it. We both know who would win a magic duel.” Twilight taunted.

“You can’t stand in the way of our true love,” Rarity shot back.

“True love? I’m the one that took care of him almost all his life. The one he knows best,” Twilight said, as she went back to stroke his face, leaning in close. “You remember, don’t you honey? What we did last night?”

Honey? Last night?

Spike wanted to say something, but it’s like his voice was caught in his throat. He stepped away from both of them, holding his head in his hand, trying to wrap his mind around all of this. He hoped the pain he now felt would go away soon.

Did I…no, I wouldn’t do something like that…would I?

“If you didn’t keep your horn in those books all day, you would be able to spend more time with him,” Rarity yelled. “If Rainbow Dash would have taken you as her pet, Celestia would contact the police for stealing.”

“If you didn’t spend all day on those ugly dresses, you could see how he feels about me,” Twilight snapped back. “It’s a miracle you can even fit in any of them.

“Okay. That. Is. IT!” Rarity roared, before leaping at Twilight.

Both of them were kicking at each other, using their horns like swords, neither one able to get a decisive advantage. As their fight rolled down the hill, a purple glow surrounded Rarity. When they reached the bottom, Rarity was pulled off Twilight and frozen in place by magic.

“Twilight, don’t!” Spike yelled, suddenly finding his voice. I do love you…but I love her…I don’t know…I can’t decide…Aaaaaaaaaaa!”


“Aaah!” Spike yelled a bit, snapping straight up, gasping for air.

He found himself in bed, in the familiar bedroom he shared with Twilight. Downstairs, she could see Twilight, with her horn in a book like always. He put a hand to his chest to try and slow his racing heart.

That was a strange one, he thought, before something else occurred to him. And I can’t even kiss Rarity in my dreams.