• Published 17th Dec 2012
  • 1,457 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria's Mirage - Alchemystudent

Twilight's worst dreams and fears come true, but why and who is causing it

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The mirage dispelled

The mirage is dispelled.

As the girls got accustomed to their new surroundings, they began to look around, “Where are we,” Dash asked, flying up to the ceiling.

“Mirage’s throne room,” Twilight turned to where she had heard the word’s ‘end game’, and looked to Mirage, “And that’s Mirage,” an angry growl is heard from within her throat as she said those words.

“OH, she looks like a big kitty cat,” Pinkie said, looking the woman up and down, “Hello kitty!”

“So yer Mirage, good to finally meet ya,” Applejack said, lowering her head to charge, “Ah have a few words Ah want to share.”

Rarity put her hoof to her chin, “Y’know, I can't say much for her personality, but her fashion sense is atrocious. Heaven’s, were you honestly planning on trying to kill us in THAT?”

Trixie stood on trembling legs as Fluttershy walked next to her, “Are you ok?”

“Trixie is doing,” a small grunt of pain escapes her lips as she stumbles, “Great. N...never better.”

Hearing the talking of her friends, feeling their spirits with her, and seeing them stand with her, somehow lifted up Twilight’s spirit, “Let us go Mirage! We won your stupid game.”

Mirage chuckled as she wagged a finger at Twilight, “Ah ah, I never said that I would let you go if you won the game, my pet,” Mirage smiled as she leaned over and tucked Twilight’s chin, “ If you’ll recall, I said ‘maybe’ as in, there was a very likely chance that I am going to play a new game with you.

“Why you dirty,” Rainbow Dash yelled as she tried to charge at Mirage, but was held back by Applejack.

“Patience there, sugarcube,” Applejack said in a low tone, “Lets let the gal speak, then you can buck her in the face,” A smirk went across Applejack’s face as she said this. As the words hit Rainbow Dash’s ears, she nodded in approval.

“I have been doing some thinking you see, and I came to a conclusion,” Mirage said as she walked before the seven mares. Turning her head around fiercely she pointed a claw at Twilight, “The only reason why you got out of my nightmare was because that little blue mage snuck in and interfered.”

Interfered? But Trixie...”She let out a painful yell as she is slashed by Mirage’s claws, five big red gashes appearing in Trixie’s right side, and sending her flying across the room into a wall. She slowly raised her head in an attempt to get back up, but then fell back down as her eyes slowly closed.

“TRIXIE,” The girls yelled unison.

Fluttershy flew over to where Trixie laid, looking over the big gashes along Trixie’s side, blood slowly sliding down from the wounds. Softly, the young mare put a hoof to the unicorn’s throat, “It’s ok, she’s still breathing,” she sighed in relief that the wounds were not as deep as they seemed. Rainbow turned, her eyes narrowing in determination while Applejack pushed her stetson down over her eyes. Pinkie began to reach behind her as the unicorns flared up their horns with magic.

(it’s fight time)

“Oh, how I loathe being interrupted,” Mirage said as she turned around and walked away slowly, “Now as I was saying,” she turned to face the six mares, “My new game is this: I am putting you back into your little cells, only this time I am going to send you so far apart that, even if you free yourselves, It’ll take too long for you to save anyone. And no little UGGH,” She let out a grunt as Rainbow Dash flew straight into her stomach, hooves driving themselves deep into her abdomen. HEr chin was then slammed with a right hoof from the blue pegasus.

“Yeah, here are two reasons why that ain't happening, me,” Dash nudged her head over her shoulder pointing to her friends behind her, “and them.Stinks, doesn’t it,” Dash said with a smirk as she flew away from Mirage’s claws. A smile on her lips, Mirage raised her claws to create a fireball; however, this was interrupted by a rope lassoing around her neck. Turning her head to the location of the rope, she growled at the sight of Applejack holding the rope fast in her teeth. Baring her fangs, Mirage grabbed Applejack’s lasso and pulled the orange pony towards her, dragging her through the air. Reaching out with her left claw, she cut Applejack’s hind hoof. Applejack rolled to the ground in pain, but got up a few seconds later and shook off the wound.

“Uh, excuse me,” Fluttershy said as she flew in front of Mirage, “Just want to warn you that I am a distraction,” She said, just barely flying out of Mirage’s swipe. As the little pegasus flew away, Mirage got a look at Rarity who had two large gems in her magic. With a grunt, Rarity sent the two large gems flying towards Mirage; rolling allowed for the embodiment to dodge one but get hit in the head with the other. Brushing her thumb under her nose, she wiped some of the blood off. With a roar she produced a magical wave of flame and launched it at Rarity, only to watch part of it blocked by a shield from Twilight. The rest was fed into a very large Bazooka that Pinkie had brought out. While Dash rapped her hooves along Mirage’s head and bobbed out the way of some of her slashes, Pinkie aimed her bazooka at her foe, the others arching their eyebrows at the weapon. As Mirage cut Rainbow’s shoulder, sending her careening into the floor, she turned to see Pinkie firing her Bazooka at Mirage. She let out a painful yell as scalding hot pie filling covered her.

Conducting electricity between her fingers, she launched a lightning bolt at Pinkie, going right through the pink pony. She arched an eyebrow as she heard a loud, “SURPRISE,” and was bucked in the back by Pinkie. Grunting, she turned and slashed Pinkie across her chest and sending her sliding across the floor, bleeding. Charging another lightning bolt in her left hand, she threw it towards Pinkie while Rainbow dropped Applejack onto Mirage’s back, onto a target that Pinkie had put onto it.

Twilight stepped in front of Pinkie and absorbed the lightning bolt with her magic, and then sent the lightning bolt straight back Mirage hitting her as she slashed at Applejack’s side, cutting into back and throwing Rainbow against the wall. Her body covered in scorch marks, raised her hands to generate three lightning bolts and threw them at the ponies in front of her. Gracefully, Twilight and Rarity grabbed the lightning with their magic and redirected it back at Mirage. Rainbow slowly got up and then bucked the third lightning bolt into the ceiling.

Fluttershy came up quickly behind Mirage and lightly tapped her back. Turning around, she tried to attack the demure pegasus, onl to keep missing as she began to get spun around. Soon managing to cut into Fluttershy’s back and sending her to the ground. She looked to see Twilight flaring up her horn. Aiming her horn at Mirage, Twilight unleashed a barrage of fireballs and magic bolts at Mirage. Using a shield, all but one was blocked. The magic bolt hit the feline square in the chest, making her stumble back. Roaring in rage she caused the entire floor to rumble and break apart, sending debris everywhere.

“It’s over,” She snarled as she began to laugh in victory. The laugh was short lived; as she watched the debris clear to reveal a white unicorn, holding several large rocks with her magic. Though several cuts, scratches, and gashes adorned her body, she was still standing with a determined look in her eyes. Smirking, she held the rocks in the air as Applejack, her left front hoof broken, went to each rock that was held fast and began to launch them rapidly with her hind legs at Mirage. Twilight stood next as she began to fire bolt after bolt at Mirage, while Pinkie was next to her, legs trembling while she threw party cannon bombs at Mirage. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, tough both had deep wounds on their sides, caught Trixie before she fell and put her someplace safely. Flying back, they rejoined the fray.

As Mirage got pelted by attacks, she let loose a fierce growl, “You FOOLS! Why do you keep fighting,” Mirage stumbled a bit, her once calm voice now filled with rage, “Haven't my nightmares taught you five ANYTHING? Those ideals, those VIRTUES, that you hold yourselves to are nothing more than weak faiths that you break easily. Honesty will deny the truth in front of her, Loyalty has a selfish desire, Laughter breaks into tears, Generosity can be greedy, Magic will fade, and Kindness is probably the greatest lie that any creature could come up with. You are all just pathetic creatures, holding onto false ideals. The elements picked very VERY poorly for bearers.”

“You just don't get it at all do you,” Twilight said, smiling as a golden tiara adorned her head, a star shaped jewel on top of it.

“An element, but how...” Mirage turned her head to look at the fallen Trixie, who was raising her head up a little.

“S...stupid Mirage, c...can't even recognize an illusion when she sees one,” Trixie chuckled in pain as she smirked, “Trixie had the elements with her the whole time. Each time she talked and came close to one of the bearers, Trixie would place one of the elements onto the bearers, coated in an invisibility spell of course. Trixie has just fooled a mirage with a mirage, HA,” she then rested her head back down as illusion spells began to fade.

Before Mirage could swipe at Trixie, Dash slammed her hooves against her stomach to send her back against the throne, “Like Twilight said, the elements didnt just choose us, we earned them by proving ourselves,” a light sparked Rainbow’s neck as a necklace with a red lightning bolt appeared.

“So what if we aint showing our elements off perfectly 24/7,” Applejack said as a similar necklace appeared on her neck with an apple jewel appeared, “No pony is perfect.”

Pinkie slammed a pie into Mirage’s face as she skipped to her friends, “And besides, being perfect is BORRRRRRRING! All you get to do when you’re perfect is just sit around on a chair all day, holding a cup of cider while a piece of Broccoli is around your neck,” Pinkie smiled as her necklace, bearing a blue balloon jewel shown on her neck, “Oh, hey element!”

“As much as I hate to agree, they’re right, nopony is perfect, but on the other hand,” A purple diamond jewel on a necklace appeared on her neck, “Who wants a perfect pony anyway” She said as she slammed a rock at Mirage.

Making sure that Trixie is ok, Fluttershy flew next to her friends, “We can only try our best to demonstrate what our elements represent,” Fluttershy looked to her friends, her necklace appearing on her neck, the yellow butterfly jewel appearing, “Right?”

And maybe, behind the scenes, you need that element of trust to bind them,” Trixie thought to herself as she began to lose conscious.

“And you know...thats why we are the perfect bearers of the elements,” Twilight said, feeling the energy of the elements flowing through her body and connecting her to her friends, “Because we represent both sides of the elements, all of the good and the bad.”

“Yeah, we have our faults, except for me,” Dash began to float in the air.

“But in the end, we show that you don't have to be perfect to be a good pony,” Applejack said, hovering.

“That, despite our faults, our fears, our nightmares,” Rarity said as she began to glow.

“We’ll always be there to support each other, to care for one another, and to comfort one another.No pony can survive just being one element, the others need to be there too. So they help lift the other up when they are broken,” Fluttershy said as her hair lifted up with the rainbow’s energy.

“After all,” Pinkie smiled, “Thats what friends do...right?”

The others smiled at Pinkie, none could disagree with her as they were eclipsed by the Rainbow’s brilliant light. Lifting up as a swirling band of energy from the six mares, the rainbow of light flew towards the evil cat lady. Her eyes opened in utter horror she began to crawl away, “No, NO. I CAN'T GO BACK-!!!!!!” She screamed as the rainbow band encircled her, holding her down in the brilliance causing her world to shatter.

It was a few hours before the mares felt like standing up once more, “Y’know, the least that these dang elements could do for us, is to heal all of wounds when we use them,” Applejack said as she stood up, favoring her good leg.

“Don’t worry,” Twilight said walking to Trixie to lift her up with her magic and set her down with the others, “I can heal some of the lighter wounds before we go home.”

“Yeah, HOW?”

Twilight points her hoof to an open portal, showing Ponyville, “That way, I noticed it before the fight began,” she then turned her head to see some hieroglyphs, “Hmmmm, I wonder.”

“Where’s Mirage,” Rarity asked, remembering that the last two times they used the elements, something remained of their opponent.

“Girls...look,” Fluttershy said, pointing to where Mirage once stood.

In the place of the embodiment of evil, was now a tan mare with long black hair and tale. On her flank was an ankh cutie mark, lightly obscured by her pegasus wing and red dress, “Oh my Basset,” She said lifting up her hooves, “I’m...I’m free! I’m...me again!!!! I’m whole! Thank you so much you brave fillies for saving me,” She said, a smile on her face as she began to fade away in a collection of sparkles. Flying up into the darkness of the void, the girls watched as the ghostly young mare ran into the hooves of a much older stallion, hugging him, “I’m home.”

“I welcome you back, my dear one,” Said the old stallion, a bandage covering his eyes.

“What the hey,” Applejack asked, looking up at the scene.

Tears flowing from Pinkie’s eyes as she watched the scene above, “Oh, I am so happy for them! Whoever they are.”

“That...was Mirage,” Twilight said as she read the hieroglyphs before her, “It seems like, eons ago, that filly made some sort of wish with a djinn.”

“You mean Genie, right,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No, Djinn,” Twilight said, looking over her shoulder at Dash, “ Djinns will grant your wish, but will corrupt it. Like he did with her, apparently she wanted the ability to spread kindness over her hometown and help to dispel a lot of the darkness that was in. However, the djinn corrupted it, making it so she could also see all of the evil and horrible things that her people did to each other. This drove her mad to the point where she wanted to destroy everyone on her own, deciding that all hope should be destroyed if it really never existed. She figured, that if they were beyond saving, then they should suffer instead.”

The mane five nodded in understanding as they look back up at the portal, “Girls, lets head home, all of us.”


Trixie stood in front of a large crowd, watching as they continued to heckle her, “Get off the stage, You fake.”

This was always the worst part of the nightmare, was hearing those calls. She hated the fact that she knew that there was a small bit of truth to each insult, and that there was nothing she could say against it, her mouth was sealed.

“HEY,” A rainbow mane pegasus yelled, “Shut up and let her do her show, you might enjoy the story she’s telling.”

“Yeah, Shut up,” Applejack said, “Go on sugar, we’ll keep the jerks down from here.”

“Yeah, We want a show, a really awesome one with big explosions and special effects, ooooh and streamers, and maybe a really cool illusion where you disappear the statue of friendship,” Pinkie said as she jumped up and down.

“ Oh, don't mind me and Rarity, we’ll go and get some snacks for everypony,” Fluttershy said as she walked off, but not before staring down one of the hecklers.

“Oh, darling, I do hope the two of you have an excellent show together,” Rarity said as she helped to sweep the hecklers away, leaving behind only a stadium full of fans.

“Two of us, but,” Trixie then put her hoof over her mouth in shock at speaking as she turned to see a purple unicorn wearing a similar magician's hat and cape.

“Come on Trixie, lets see what Celestia’s prized student and the greatest illusionist can do together,” Twilight said, a smile on her face.

A smirk appeared on Trixie’s face as she stood back to back with Twilight, “Yes, lets. Presenting One and all to the greatest show on Equestria, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIXXXXXXXXIIIIIIIEEEEEE, aided by...,

“The Great and powerful TWILIGHT,” Twilight cheered as she held her hoof up with Trixie as her world, shattered.

Trixie slowly opened her eyes with a few blinks, trying to get a clue to where she was. Sitting up a little, she winced at the pain in her sides from the cuts from the battle. Looking around, she saw that she was in a bed, set in the upstairs of a very large tree. As she looked to her left, she could hear a voice, “Spike, could you put the new books in their proper spots? I need to check up on...Trixie, you’re awake,” Twilight exclaimed as she ran to Trixie and gave her a hug.

“You...let Trixie stay here in your house,” Trixie asked looking at Twilight.

Twilight let go of Trixie for a moment, “ Yeah. We tried to figure out the best place to let you rest up from your injuries and we couldn't let you into Applejack’s because with Applebloom it wouldn't’ be quite, the same went for Rarity. Fluttershy had too many animals and I think Angel would want you dead, Pinkie Pie had the twins at her place, and you can't walk on clouds so I was the only one left,” Twilight smiled at Trixie as she shrugged her head, “Come on, lets head to Sugarcube corner to let everypony know you are awake.”

As they walked down the stairs, a small purple dragon walked to the bottom step, “ Hey Twilight, should ‘ancient evils and you’ be placed under the,” He looked up at Trixie and Twilight, “Great, she’s awake! Maybe now I can get some,” before he could finish he was glomped by Twilight, who wrapped her hooves tightly around Spike, not letting go for a moment, “Again Twilight? Not that I mind, but you need to stop doing that everytime you see me.”

Twilight chuckled as she let her little brother go and then went to walk out the door with Trixie, “Every time you see him,” Trixie asked, walking with Twilight out the door.

“Yeah,” Twilight sighed, “The nightmares are still affecting us a little. Rarity keeps checking on Sweetie Belle to make sure she is ok, Dash keeps reminding us how much we mean to her, Fluttershy spends a little extra time with us, Pinkie is just a little extra Pinkie lately ,and Applejack has been working extra hard lately,” Twilight looked to Trixie, “It was kind of like this after Discord, he hit us at our most vulnerable and hurt us very badly. We all had to take the time to work through the pain that he had put us through. But...we got through it, together, like we will through this,” Twilight said, smiling as she led Trixie to the door of Sugar Cube Corner, and opened it.

“SURPRISE,” Pinkie yelled as she leapt back from the door, jumping into the main room of the sweet bakery with a sign that read ‘happy waking up from a deep sleep party,’ across it.

“Wait, how did you know that Trixie was,” Trixie began to ask as she looked around the room to see Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack sitting around the place.

“Well, at first I had a winking eye, and I thought that may have meant that Winona was having puppies, but then my hair started to bounce. That combo can only mean that a dear friend was just about to wake up from a very long nap,” Pinkie said with a smile as she gave Trixie a muffin.

“Wait, how do you...”

Twilight put a hoof onto Trixie’s should and smiled, “Its best not to question Pinkie Pie logic.”

“You know, my teacher is going to be very interested in all of this,” Trixie said, eating her muffin.

Applejack drank a little of her milkshake as she looked to Trixie, “You mentioned yer master before, can we actually meet ‘them one of these days? Cause Ah am interested in who picked you up to be their protege.”

“Of course Trixie will say who it is. Trixie’s master is none other than,” Before she could finish her announcement, the doors of the corner opened wide to reveal two dark grey ponies dressed in armor, their bat wings giving them an air of menace.

“Her royal majesty, Princess of the night-Luna Nix Solarus,” Said the right guard, his eyepatch covering one eye.

Through the doors stepped in a dark blue alicorn, her starry ethereal mane flowed behind her head as she looked around the room at the bowing ponies, “Student, I trust you have a report for us?”

Trixie stood up from her bowing position and ran up to Luna, bowing once more befer saluting, “Trixie would like to say, that her first mission was a complete success. She was able to get into the void with the elements at her side and was able to free each element bearer as you instructed, master,” Trixie again bowed, “Granted, it was a little easier when you helped to free Twilight Sparkle first.”

Twilight’s eyes opened wide in shock, “Wait, the blue cat was you, Princess Luna?”

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle, we had a feeling that some dark force had decided to trespass into our dream realm. When we had seen that it had captured you and your friends, we had sent our personal student to go and save you five while we used our magic to help break you free from your imprisonment.”

“Wait a sec,” Dash asked, flying up to Luna, “How did you pick HER as a student? WHY?”

“Please master, allow Trixie to tell her story,” Trixie asked, a pleading look in her eyes. As Luna nodded, Trixie turned to the others before her, “About a month ago, after the Ponyville incident, Trixie had just begun to get her show back up and running. One performance, near the end, a young blue unicorn named Moonstone had asked of Trixie to tell the tale of Tirac. This was one of Trixie’s favorites to tell of course and so she began. That night, was one of the best shows that Trixie had ever put on and quite impressed the little alicorn. Later on that night, as Trixie was counting up the box office, Moonstone came in. Trixie was surprised, of course, after all she had locked the door. When asked of why she had appeared in Trixie’s room, she said she had an offer to ask of Trixie. That is when she transformed into the princess.”

“Yes, you thought that we were going to kill you where you stood for what happened with the Alicorn Amulet.”

“Yes, you have to forgive Trixie, master. Master told Trixie that she was not there for an execution, but for a request. IT seems that Luna has been wanting her own night school to run, much like Celestia’s day school for unicorns. Celestia has agreed to let Luna to set one up, on one condition, that she demonstrate how she teaches one student before she takes on an entire school of children. So, she picked me after seeing the show. As for why, well, master was impressed with Trixie’s talent for illusion magic that she wanted to see what else the great and powerful Trixie could do with such talents for illusions. Imagine her surprise when Trixie demonstrated control over dream magic and her skill with those spells. Since then, Trixie has been training hard, not only in her show but as Luna’s apprentice.”

“And we see that our faith has not been misplaced. Not only did you prove yourself well with the saving of the bearers, but...you have made some great friends,” Luna leaned in and nuzzled Trixie, “Don't lose them, they will be very important for you later on in life.We will take our leave now, we had mainly arrived here to check on the well being of our student and her friends. Trixie, we expect a full report of the mission upon your arrival in Canterlot in five days from now, Understood?”

Trixie saluted as she watched Luna walk out the door, “Friends huh? Trixie...could get used to that,” She smiled as some music began to play.

Pinkie Pie jumped for joy as the music began to play, “Oh, I love this song,” she exclaimed as she grabbed her friends together.

_(Mane 6)
We may not be related,
But the bonds we've created are strong enough to call "family" (when we're traveling the land!

Rarity- Breathes a calm sigh as she looks over the group she has come to call a second family, no matter what they have been through

Even when the sun has faded, we will always stand
You see we’re more than just friends, we are family!

(Twilight Sparkle) She looks to her dear friends, remembering everything that they have been through, the adventures they have gone through and all of the good times.

Go ahead and look around
Everywhere in Equestria
I would doubt sincerely doubt that you’ll find
Any group of that is a match for ours

(Pinkie Pie) She leaps around, thinking of all the laughs that they have had together, every joke they shared
We can be, a bit silly
But with friends that is the best time

(Applejack) Looks around, remembering all of the times that they could be stupid, but were helped by the close bonds that they shared

Forget sense, we don’t care for it
We just do what feels right

(Fluttershy) Thinks back to dangerous times that they have been through, but had saved each other

Sometimes, I get scared when the danger is near
But together, I know we’ll survive
(Rainbow Dash) Takes a long drink of cider before joing her own voice, her memories of adventure and fun flowing through her mind

Risking our lives on a daily basis
But, together we are always standing!

(Trixie) You know, maybe being friends with them, wont be too bad, She thought to herself as she jumped in.

We're the best in all of Equestria
We never back down from fear, because we’re stronger together

(Mane 7)
We may not be related,
But the bonds we've got are more than enough for "family"
When the sun had faded, we’ll all be here
More than friends, we are family!
They then ended together, in a group hug.

They then ended together, in a group hug.

Somewhere, in the darkest areas of the void, a blue cat with wings flew in and landed next to a black mist, “Ohhhh, now haven't we lost big time. Your host, the bearers, and your favorite past time. Of course, I knew you couldn't take them, I mean after all look what happened to me.”

The mist growled, “Shut up Chaos, and use your other form, this one annoys me.”

“Fine, fine,” Said the cat as he slowly morphed into a tall snake like figure with mismatched animal parts, “I prefer my Discord form anyway.”

“There, now that wasn't so hard, wasn't it?”

Discord smiled, his red eyes glowing, “Of course not. Now what are you going to do? Not some boring revenge scheme I hope.”

“No no,” The mist said, “For now, I will rest, let them have their bits of hope, and then maybe one day,” the mist then chuckled evilly.

The End

Author's Note:

Well here we are, the end of the fic.

Thanks to Opuscon789 for being a great editor and getting through this fic. It couldnt have been easy.

Thanks to those who comment and rate, To lappy my faithful laptop for being such a strong and awesome computer.,


Thank you for reading.

I'll have a blog talking about this fic in a few.

Comments ( 14 )

This review is brought to you on the behalf of the group: Authors helping Authors

Name of story[/b]: Equestria's Mirage.

Grammer Score:7 out of 10


An excellent, albeit short introspective on the traits of the Mane Six plus Trixie.

The characters were in-character for the most part.

Mirage is an awesome villain.


Twilight figuring out what was wrong with Fluttershy was a bit confusing as she mentioned that the dimming meant that she was dying before she realized the problem.

There are some annoying typos and format errors.

There needed to be some better lead-up to Mirage's backstory in the last chapter.


This is an interesting story. It gives some mild nostalgia with Mirage being the Big Bad. There are some typos here and there and the formatting needs some work. Some of the dialogue gets confusing at times. The story is pretty good however and the characters are pretty well intact.

Enjoy your review! Please help me out by reviewing my story: "Royalty"


then my work here is done. It was what I was going for

2312138 its alittle too unbelievable. If people dont have the patience to tolerate all of it, they'll just think its some badly written fic

Oh man. This felt real... Like it could have been the mane 7 for season 4 (since season 3's first episode is known lol)....

still, i cant stress the importance of grammar, punctuation and proof reading your work first... This could have recieved much more upvotes, snd less down votes...

But for now, faved :D

The end confused me. But I liked it still. So lemme get is straight. The cat was Luna? And the whole thing was to help free the element berrors from the void? Right?:rainbowhuh:


Yes, the blue cat that Twilight saw at the beginning of the fic (The one that showed her being in a nightmare) was Luna, the egyptian cat was Mirage watching her toy suffer. And yes it was a plan to get the bearors out of there. Luna let Trixie go there first in order to help Twilight get the other bearers out of their voids. Luna decided to get Twilight first, just in case Trixie couldnt find the others.


Holy fucking shit, man. I j-just love this fic. Fav'd. Nao. You're in FBC now.

This story has been reviewed by: The Equestrian Critics Society

Story Title: Equestria's Mirage

Author: Alchemystudent

Reviewed by: Shahrazad

Equestria’s Mirage is a character drama with some good action thrown in. It’s a fun story that anyone can read. It has some flaws, but it’s worthy of a light read. Despite the rocky start, it shows what an author can do when a good idea is allowed to run its course.

Full Review

Score: 7.0/10

Wow...that's about all I got. This was really good and needs more views. Approved for Twilight's Library :rainbowdetermined2::pinkiesmile:

This is freaking epic man, So EPIC Ending!

Does Chaos appear or is at least mentioned in this story? What about the sequel?

All around brilliant story.:pinkiehappy:

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