• Member Since 16th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 28th, 2014

Colt Vulpes


The sun has stopped moving! Twilight has become an alicorn! What madness is this?
No, it's not what you're thinking. The royal sisters just decided to take a vacation, that's all! And they left Twilight Sparkle in charge! This is a test run for the young mare—one does not simply go from zero to princess in an instant, and so our dear purple pony friend needs some training first. Trollestia Style!

(In case you're wondering: Trollestia Style = give Twilight the crown and temporary wings, run off, and see how she fares on her own. Then again, this might just be an excuse for the royal sisters to go on vacation. You never really know.)

Will Twilight pass the test? Will Celestia and Luna decide she is ready to become a permanent alicorn? Uh, duh, I think we already know the answer. But Twilight doesn't!

Takes place shortly before Keep Calm and Flutter On. It's also worth mentioning that Twilight has no freaking clue how to fly.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 113 )

1819415 Huh, that's weird... Maybe I messed up a tag somewhere, but when I view it it's not in all caps. (Now if Luna were the narrator, then we might have a problem!)


Edit: OK, it may have involved the "smcaps" tag. Should be fixed now.

Wit how this "Alicorn" hub-bub going around....I'm hoping this is what they have planned...Celestia and Luna taking a vacation and leave Twilight the keys to the kingdom until they return, dood.

I'll keep an eye on this one, dood.

Good to know Luna is keeping them on the straight and narrow with paying for stuff.

Bwahahahahahah!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :rainbowlaugh:

You could either call this an acid trip gone wrong or just plain random. The pacing of it seems... Nonexistent, to say the least, but that actually ADDS to the quality of it. Least, that's what I think.

All in all... It's quite amusing.

Against my better judgement... Faved. Tracked. (Why?)

~Skeeter The Lurker

1824686 Thanks for the fave!
And this crazy thing does actually have a plot. It's not quite there as of Chapter 3, but it will come together soon.
The weird thing is, I did not mean for this to have any real rhyme or reason, at all. Buuut then I wrote a (still being proofed) chapter and, well, it actually made sense of things. And I was like Dangit Brain why do ya have to go and make sense! :trollestia: So while the moon may be doubled, the randomness may actually be halved quite soon.
But I guaranatee nothing! (Except that Derpy will make a guest appearance. Because Derpy is best pony thing of any type ever. :derpytongue2:)

And with that we can agree, Derpy is awesome.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Dude. If you can pull some semblance of sense from this, I'll truly be impressed.

I gotta know, are you just writing what you think of? Not really caring what it is you write, just as long as you write it down?

~Skeeter The Lurker

1827808 It's a little like that, although I usually think out something before I write a chapter. As of right now I do have a rough idea of everything that will happen until the end of the story, but it still needs a lot of ironing out. And I think I've made it where every chapter has at least one thing it in that ties into the overall plot.

I don't know if I'll be able to make that much sense of everything (hence the "Random" tag), but some interesting plotline stuff will happen soon.
(Sorry to say, but "soon" isn't until Chapter 6. Chapter 5, oh that Chapter 5, is uber-random. It's not really related to anything else, it's just there to showcase the sort of BS that Twilight has to deal with while Celestia and Luna are gone. :facehoof:)

Comment posted by Colt Vulpes deleted Dec 20th, 2012

Admit it. You haven't a clue to the damn plot. You HAD an idea for a plot, but somewhere along the way it bitch-slapped you and ran to frolic in a meadow whilst tearing off it's clothes.

In short, just admit it.

~Skeeter The Lurker
(You DO know I'm joking, yeah? This is quite entertaining.)

1829912 Hah! I know, this must look bad right now. I mean, you thought things were random before and then, well, this. :derpytongue2:
I will admit, this chapter is entirely unnecessary and has absolutely nothing to do with anything. But I figured hey, we're dealing with griffins and Pinkies and zebras (oh my!) and it would be good to see what ol' Princess Twilight's up to. So yup, this is what she's stuck putting up with while Celestia and Luna are out goofing off. (I mean really, no wonder those two wanted a vacation so badly.)

Anyhow, thanks for reading! (Despite the fact that it's saturated with randomness.)

P.S. I just got a closer look at your avatar. That is one scary avatar you have my friend.

.......... It's over?

~Skeeter The Lurker

1846920 Nope! Twilight's got a big day tomorrow!

Edit: Plus, they've still got to solve the Nightmare Moon thingy! In the grand scheme of things, this is roughly the halfway point.

Why the hey doesn't this have more views? Anyway, poor Twilight. I hope she enjoyed being the royal stand in anytime Celestia needs a break.

1847291 Thanks, glad you like it! Yeah, Twilight had a rough first day on the job. :twilightoops:
I'm writing the ninth chapter right now, and I felt bad for Twilight so I'm making her second day easier. (Warning: that was a spoiler... oh wait that's not how you do spoiler warnings. Trollestia is rubbing off on me I think.)

she has a thousand years of pent up frustration she is begging to hit something

Comment posted by Colt Vulpes deleted Dec 30th, 2012

1870086 I totally agree. She seemed awfully happy to maybe pounce on a griffon. Lol.

Hehehehe, go Twilight!!!! :twilightsmile::rainbowlaugh:

Obviously you don't read 'those' fics in that part of the site...

~Skeeter The Lurker

I can see that. 1000+ years of nice? Let me destroy a country.


~Skeeter The Lurker

I just. You. But.


You went there. You so went there. Troll war with Twilight and Chrysalis. Plus Celestia and Luna.

In the words of Jar Jar Binks: "My give up."

~Skeeter The Lurker

1876644 Don't worry, there's still a plot. But first, Derpy subplot! :derpytongue2: (Yes, I probably use that icon too much.)

I mean come on, we couldn't just leave her and Time Turner hanging. Their wedding got ruined, after all!


~Skeeter (King) The (Sombra) Lurker
(Come find me.)

(Forgot to mention: 1am EST is normal time for me being on)

Prediction: Moral of the story given by Celestia: "We shall never take a vacation again."

Yeah... Probably not.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Twilight be careful -- Celestia is rubbing off on you too much.

This is gonna be good. Or the Nightmare Moon clone, entertaining either way.

How the hell did this not pop up in the alicorn twilight group?

YYYAAAAAAYYY.... You shoehorned chrysalis into this! I figure toyu wouyld!

You have no idea how hapopy I am to have followed this! It bizzarly STRANGE.

toyr drunk friend...

Sjkeeter the luerker

happoy new year!

1884938 Shoehorned? Me? ...yeah it is a little shoehorned.
But I think this makes a good subplot and penultimate battle. Plus, you said earlier you wanted better fight scenes. So, here ya go! (Be careful what you wish for! :trollestia:)

Also, happy new year to you too!

1885282 It did? Oopsie doopsie. Sorry 'bout that! :trollestia:

Cutie Mark Crusader Fractal Ponies! YAY!

You know, I can kinda tell that this is your first story. But, it's wacky enough that I don't really care, and the fast pacing does a lot to smooth out the bumps. Good work! :rainbowdetermined2:

1885814 It... um... okay yeah, this is my first story. :scootangel: But you have to start somewhere, right?

(Also, thanks for the fave! Glad you like it!)


Celestia: Would you get the door Luna?

Luna: of course!


Luna: it seems there are two Neighponese ponies standing on our doorstep holding weird white colored remotes.

Celestia: Uhh...whats going on? We dont have any geishas.

Neighponese ponies: Wii would like to play

Princesses: We!?


I like the less random .. ness ... that happened in the last couple chapters.
heck ... if things keep going like they are then Twilight Really Will be an awesome Princess! :twilightsmile:
eventually :trollestia:

rape dungeon!!!!!!!!!

Celestia: so you want love huh?:trollestia:

It's all reading the same to me, dude. Still, it's always good to admit if you don't like something.

Also... For what I can see.. Meldo is a moron bully. He needs to die.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Heh. $50 on the whole thing being a prank of Celestia's. Right down to the part with Chrysalis.

(Give the nature of this story, I fully expect it. Or not. I dunno.)

~Lurker The Skeeter

1918872 Thanks – maybe the old Ch 14 wasn’t as bad as I thought. In that case, sorry for un-publishing a chapter, and then taking a week to get it back up.

Also, yeah Meldo is pretty much a moron bully. I didn’t like how he was just a flat villain character, though, so I decided to give him at least some depth. It’s also kind of a “what-if” moment for Putting Your Hoof Down, considering Meldo started out a lot like Fluttershy.


It worked. Kinda. Probably could have done a bit more, made it mesh better.

But that's just me.

~Skeeter Lurker The

.........PATRICK!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:
also, :facehoof: what the frak? doctor whooves and derpy were married HOW many times?

Oh dear, Celestia and Chrysalis are going to get caught in the griffin attack, aren't they? :facehoof:

Reminds me of a quantum leap — you end up in front of a truck, in mid-air, etc.

1919615 Thirty-one! Derpy does it because she loves muffins, Time Turner does it because he loves Derpy (d’aww), and Celestia plays along because trololol. :trollestia:

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