• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 3,031 Views, 32 Comments

Tears for the Rising Moon - Inky Shades

Celestia regrets having sent her sister to the moon. Luna wonders if her sister hates her.

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Epilogue: Reunion

Epilogue: Reunion

Celestia couldn’t believe her eyes. After one thousand years there she lay in front of her, Luna was back! All traces of Nightmare Moon seemed to have been destroyed by the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Twilight and the others did what she couldn’t have all those many years ago; they saved her sister. She owed her most faithful student a great debt.

In the centuries leading up to this day she came up with a plan. This plan included all the things she wanted to express to her sister. She wanted to tell her about how she regretted banishing her. How she longed for the day she could hold her in her hooves again, but most importantly she wanted to tell her how sorry she is. However, now that she had her back her mind went blank. She’d been given a second chance and she had no idea where to start. Would Luna even want to hear what she had to say?

Celestia approached her sister’s prone form. “Luna,” she said softly. Her sister’s eyes shot open at the sound of her name.

When the two of them made eye contact, Luna’s eyes lit up like a little filly’s on Hearth’s Warming Eve. Then in a flash it vanished; the light was replaced by what she could only describe as fear. Luna shrank away from her as she approached. The sight of her sister like this made her eyes well up.

“Please sister, don’t be afraid of me,” she said bringing herself down to her sister’s level.

“I tried to plunge the world in darkness again,” Luna whispered.

Her sister spoke so softly that she almost missed what she’d said. After just getting her back did she really think she’d just send her away again? Why not? It’s what you did last time. She took a deep breath. Time to tell Luna how she felt, forget the plan.

“Don’t fear sister. I have no desire to send you away again. I made a terrible mistake that I realized a moment too late; I have regretted it ever since.” She paused briefly; her next words came out slowly as she resumed speaking, “Luna, I have a request to make of you. Though I don’t believe I have any right to, but do you… do you think you could accept my friendship again? I’d like to be your big sister once more.” She braced herself for the rejection that she expected would follow.

“I… I…” Luna stammered. The look on her little sister’s face was difficult to read. A swarm of emotions seemed to be flooding Luna all at once: Happiness, fear, doubt, sorrow, there were so many feelings that she recognized. At this moment she felt all those things too.

After a lingering silence her little sister did something that she never expected. Luna threw herself at her and buried her face into her chest. “I’m so sorry! I’ve missed you so much Tia!”

“I missed you too Luna,” she said as she rested her chin atop her sister’s head. Anything else that needed to be said could wait. For now she was just content with having her sister nuzzled against her. This time she’d make sure that she did things right. Luna would never have to feel alone again. I think this occasion calls for a celebration. In the background she could hear that somepony else had the same idea.

Celestia had no idea how it happened, but somehow an unnaturally energetic pony named Pinkie Pie managed to somehow commandeer the plans for Luna’s welcoming party. Of course seeing what the pink pony could do on such short notice impressed her. So she couldn’t say that she minded. Crowds cheered for her sister as they rode into Ponyville on a golden chariot.

“Sister who are these ponies cheering for?” Luna asked.

“Why they are cheering for you of course!”

“Me,” her sister said looking up at her in disbelief.

“Yes you.” Celestia couldn’t help but smile when she saw a large grin on her sister’s face. I can’t wait to see what you think of what I’m about to say next. “Luna, in order to properly welcome you back I want you to raise the moon.”

“Are you sure?”

“It would only be for a little while, but I think that if we are to rule together again then the moon should get just as much attention as the sun. Don’t you think so sister?”

Luna’s smile grew wider as she wrapped her hooves around Celestia. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Celestia felt a tear slide down her cheek at her sister’s thanks. Her sister thanked her for something that should’ve belonged to her from the start: The adoration of her subjects. At least now her eyes were open to what her sister needed. There would be a lot she’d need to make up for, but she was determined to make up for the past. Today her penance would begin.


The party went on late into the evening, but Luna enjoyed every second of it. When the time came for her and her sister to return to the castle she honestly felt tired. The Princess of the Night wanted to retire for the evening and it was almost time for the moon to be raised! This didn’t come as a surprise to either of them. Today had drained her both physically and emotionally. Tia assured her that she’d take care of the moon tonight so that she could rest.

Instead of heading straight off to bed she decided to wander the halls of the castle for a bit; even after all this time it was almost exactly as she remembered it. She had to admit that she felt a certain comfort knowing that at least one place in Equestria remained mostly untouched by the hands of time. One thousand years is a long time to catch up, but just how much did she miss in her absence? How much did she have to relearn?

It would take a long time, but she had the determination to make her readjustment work. Tomorrow she’d begin her studies and take back her duty of raising the moon. She had hope for tomorrow. Things were going to be different this time. However, even if they weren’t she’d still be okay. At least this time she’d have her sister with her and in the end she’s all that mattered. Even though she craved attention from her subjects all she really needed was affection from her sister.

Luna made her way to her bedroom. She threw herself on the bed and waited for a deep slumber to embrace her, but it never came. For what must’ve been hours she remained there on the bed in a state between slumber and consciousness. She knew the problem. Her banishment weighed heavily on her mind. If she wanted to get any rest tonight then she had to get some answers.

She felt a little awkward pestering her sister at such a late hour, but she went to her door anyway. “Tia,” she said opening the door as quietly as possible. “I’m sorry to disturb you at such an hour, but—” Then she noticed that her sister’s room was empty. Where is she then? Is she still in her study?

She decided to try there next. To her surprise her sister was indeed there. Tia was lying in front of a lit fireplace writing something down on a piece of parchment. “Umm, Tia, do you have a moment?” she asked while pawing at the ground.

Her sister put her quill down and said, “Luna I thought you were in bed.”

“I couldn’t sleep. I wish to discuss something with you if you’ve got the time available.”

“Of course I do. Come lie next to me. Tell me what is on your mind. Though I have a feeling I know what it is.”

Luna laid herself down by her sister’s side. “It’s about my banishment.”

“I thought so. What would you like me to say, sister? What could I say to put your mind at rest?”

“I… don’t know. Maybe, just, why?”

“Why? This is an easy question without an easy answer. I’ll tell you what I eventually told myself. I did it because Equestria was dying. Under constant moonlight there was no way Equestria would’ve survived much longer.”

“Weren’t there any other options? Did you even try to find any?”

“I suppose I could have talked to you, but I was too ashamed of myself at the time to even try.”

“So instead you decided to send me to the moon! You sent me to the moon for one thousand years because you couldn’t talk to me?”

Celestia winced at her words. “That’s not—”

“That’s not what, fair?” Luna snapped. “Do you know what it was like for me up there? I was alone and terrified. I missed you! I thought that you hated me and didn’t love me anymore. I thought that you replaced me!” She got up and trotted a short distance away. Right now she just couldn’t bring herself to look at her sister.

“Do you think I had an easy time banishing you?” Celestia snapped back. “Do you think it was easy for me to see your face on the moon every night? Knowing that because of me you were there in the first place? Do you— Luna…”

She tried to stifle herself, but couldn’t. All the things that she felt on the moon were returning full force. The grief wracked at her body. “Luna.” She heard her sister say again. Then she felt hooves on her shoulders.

Celestia turned her around. Luna could see the tears dripping down her sister’s cheeks when she looked down at her with a soft expression. “One thousand years Tia,” she whimpered.

“I know. I wish that things had gone differently. That maybe I could’ve acted like the sister you deserved. Maybe all of this could’ve been avoided. I can’t offer you a good explanation for my actions back then. To this day I am still trying to figure it out and I probably will still be trying when the sun sets for its final time. All you need to know is this: I love you. I always have and I always will.” Her sister embraced her tightly. “Now come on. Let’s lie by the fire again.”

A silence fell between them for a few minutes before Luna thought of something else to ask. “Tia, what if my darkness comes back?” It was the only question that she had left.

“Then I shall try to save you from it. I won’t lose you again.”

Luna nestled closer to her sister and laid her head down. That was the answer she hoped for. With her mind at ease, she could feel her eyelids grow heavy.


Celestia smiled at her sister. Luna had fallen asleep. “May your dreams be sweet,” she whispered as she draped a wing over her body.

In the quite she wondered what the future had in store for them. It wouldn’t be easy whatever it was. There would be high and low points, but no matter what they would stick with each other this time. Because that is what sisters do, they protect each other, through it all.

“I love you big sister,” Luna said with a yawn.

“I love you too little sister,” She said resting her head next to her sister’s. This reminds me of the time you came into my room because of that nightmare. Do you remember that night? I always loved that memory.

Comments ( 25 )


The epilogue is complete I hope you both like it.

Comment posted by Celestias Paladin deleted Dec 28th, 2012

*applause* Good job on the story. This is one of the better ones I have read.


Thank you! Do have any suggestions for it?

1868447 Well, you did a pretty good job of wrapping it up. I can honestly say that I can't think of any improvements.


That makes me very happy to hear! Thank you for reading!:twilightsmile:


Thank you to you too. Your view and comment are appreciated!

1871630 I always loved the Idea of Nightmare Moon being a mystical force that claimed Luna, and if i ever find inspiration to writing a fic, that will be the premise, but what you've done giving her anger and jealousy voice was amazing. well played and well done. i look forward to seeing your future works.:twilightsmile:


Thank you! I am glad that you enjoyed it. I will be curious to see what you end up writing someday when that inspiration strikes. :twilightsmile:

Although short this was a very enjoyable read, going to be looking forward to any future storys you're writing.:twilightsmile:

With this story, you have earned a like, fav, and a new follower :heart: P.S: made me cry, WELL DONE


Thank you both! I am glad that you two liked it!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

PS: Is there anything either of you would change or add?


umm...could you somehow involve a sequel? :pinkiesmile: i would love that...:raritywink: question is, where would the story go? Celestia and Luna rebuildin their realtion ship? or Luna trying to get redemption for turnign into NightMareMoon? :unsuresweetie:


I suppose a sequel could be a possibility. This is assuming that I could get the proper inspiration for it and make it just as good as the first one. Hmm... we shall see what happens in the future. Thank you for the response and for reading! :pinkiehappy:

I can't believe how long I delayed to read that last chapter. It definitely didn't deserve that!
The story, even if it's rather short, is so hearth-warming as a story of this length could be. I loved how you drew Celestia's and Luna's points of view parallel, never touching each other and yet the same at the same time, while Luna's dark side strikes through again and again. Bravo! I really enjoyed this one.

Carpe noctem,

Thank you for reading and commenting! I am glad that you enjoyed it! Is there anything that you would add or change?


It's never a good idea to ask me whether I would add something or not. I'm a fan of complex and long writing, so I find something that I would have loved to read almost always.

As in this case, on the one hand everything that was necessary to tell the story has been told. There's nothing I would see as a absolutely needed addition or change. But also, what I personally would have loved to read about, however, are the details about Celestia's spell and Luna's punishment. The story sounds like Luna is physically banished to the moon, but how does that create Luna's face on the moon? Is NNM's voice, which speaks up on several locations, only a dead relict of her dark side, never going to grow again but also never going to be exterminated completely, or is it a potent seed for further problems? Is Luna even aware of the danger, if there is one? How does Luna physically feel about the punishment? Even if she is immortal, is there pain? It's not told how she feels about that, giving me the feeling as if there were no physical harm. But then again, there's nothing to eat on the moon, so if she's trapped physically on the moon, she's most likely starving for thousand years. That would definitely leave marks on her soul, despite the damaged trust because the two sisters, which is portrayed perfectly to say it once more. Luna is physically exhausted, but seems to have a still properly working brains when returning. That is almost the opposite of the type of banishment that she seemed to have received! Why that? How could she keep that up for such a long time span? Does Luna's dark side play a bigger role than both of the goddess still believe it to do?

Baaaad timing to ask me such a thing. :moustache:

Thank you for the response. All of your ideas are excelent! Perhaps I could write a second story and maybe go into some of the things you suggested. I don't think they'd fit into the story as is, but if I could think of a plot for a sequel then I think it could be great!
Also it is never a bad time to ask such a thing. :moustache:

I can't say that I'm all that good at commentary, but I'll do my best. First, the idea/plot/execution. It falls into my number two category for ideas; that is to say, ideas that have been done, but have a new twist and a unique point of view when presented here. I think you're well on your way to finding your particular voice and the subtleties and details will continue to evolve with time. Just keep writing as far as that goes.

Second, the characterization/dialogue. That could use a bit more work. It seems to me that you know what you want to say, but perhaps not how to say it with as much nuance and meaning as might be wished. One might well imagine the scene with Celestia pouring out her regrets, but the language and words used seem alternately too formal and too stylized, like lines in a Shakespeare play. For me at least, I believe realism is better whenever possible. I grant you that no one talks in real life like they do in stories, but still, I would expect someone that broken-hearted and remorseful to have great difficulty speaking and when she did speak, it would likely be in an informal style, full of sentence fragments that might mean something only to her and Luna. This leads me to another point. When Luna first returned, it was as Nightmare Moon, fully commited to world conquest, thus, it follows that she was like that when she was banished, yet the second chapter is from Luna's viewpoint, not Nightmare Moon's. If you intend to put forth a different theory, which is perfectly viable, you need to flesh it out a bit more and show that this is, in fact, how things happened.

A final point: the psychology and build-up to Luna's banishment is extremely important and I get that sense that you have thought about it carefully. Again, the articulation is where things seem to let the reader down. If you intend to frame that background through Luna's memories, I would expect less talking to herself and more remembering, such memories would be something visceral, something primal, less detached.

In summary: Good take on a standard idea, excellent thought, lacking execution, but with the potential to become something worthy. I hope you find my remarks of help. Keep writing!

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Thank you for the review. I too have noticed that my dialogue could use a little more work. I should look into adjusting some of Celestia's lines. As for Luna, I could consider adding more to her memories. You do make a point she should be experiencing much stronger emotions while she recalls how everyone treated her.

Honestly this is probably the most helpful review that I have received on one of my stories. While I don't know how much of my story I'll adjust I certainly apreciate the time you took to give your remarks. Thank you! :twilightsmile:

That was fantastic.

Sooooo beautiful. I wish that Luna hadn't forgiven Celestia as quickly though. I've always thought that though, so it's not really you. But try putting in more commas. I saw a few places where there should have been commas, and it kinda threw me off.


Thank you. Yeah, I'm sure there are quite a few places that need commas, but this is one of my fics that I posted back in 2012. So there are probably more mistakes in it then in some of my latest ones.

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