• Published 18th Dec 2012
  • 1,257 Views, 5 Comments

Another MLP Love Story - booklover41

Trixie returns and challenges Twilight to a magical duel. When two spells collide Twilight is sent to another realm. Where is she? Will she make it back home? and Finally who is the mysterious pony that is saved her? Rating liable to go up

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Chapter 1

Authors note: I received most of this first chapter's idea from Xaldensmutanthamster. I could have come up with something else but it was so well written that I had to put it in my story. All-in-all I just what to thank Xaldensmutanthamster for helping me get started.

Chapter 1

"You did what!?" The purple unicorn fumed, staring at Rainbow Dash angrily. Dash recoiled slightly, never seeing Twilight Sparkle this angry before.

"Well, I mean Trixie is back, and you're the only one in Ponyville strong enough to duel her with magic, and I…" She trailed off. Twilight let out an exasperated sigh.

"You can't just speak for me! I don't want to fight Trixie!"

"Twi, last time you showed Trixie up by a mile and a half! I'd bet you could do it again!"

"That was six months ago! She's probably gotten much stronger since then!"

"Well, so have you, silly!" Pinkie rose out of a bowl of apples sitting on a nearby table.

Twilight's anger subsided slightly as she pondered how long Pinkie had been there. Pinkie just stood beside her, munching an apple. "C'mon, Twilight, it'll be fun!" She said, mouth full.

"Yeah Twi, we've got till sunset to prepare!" Dash chimed

Her brow furrowed, knowing that she really had no way out. If she declined, it would seem as if she was backing out. If there was one thing to never do, it was back out of a challenge set up by someone like Trixie. And it probably would be fun. From Dash's explanation, Trixie just wanted to test her new magic. She sighed.

"Fine. But I'm still mad at you" She trotted outside. "At least there'll only be a few people there"


"Don't know why I thought that" The stands were filled with ponies, cheering for Twilight. "How'd you even get these stands out to the outskirts of Ponyville?"

"Big Macintosh helped" Applejack said, motioning toward her brother. "Now don't you worry, Sugarcube, we've all got your back"

Her friends sat on the sidelines, hooping and hollering. Even Fluttershy could be heard once in a while, and Angel sat on her head, waving a small flag.

"Still no sign of Tri-" As if on cue, the blue unicorn appeared in a brilliant puff of smoke.

"The great and powerful Trixie!" Snips and Snails yelled in unison

"The one and only! Now, Twilight Sparkle, are you ready for the duel?" Trixie reared up.

Twilight sighed. "Ready as I'll ever be." She said as she lowered herself to the ground. Spike, Snips, and Snails All stood between the two.

Spike turned to the crowd. "Fillies and Gentlecolts! Welcome to the magic duel between our own Twilight Sparkle and-"

"The great and powerful Trixie!" Snips shouted.

Spike shot him a glance. "Thank you, Snips" He said through gritted teeth. "Let's just have a good clean match. And now, without further ado, let the duel begin!" They all ran to the sidelines opposite the bleachers.

Trixie fired a blue beam at Twilight, who stepped out of the way swiftly. She responded in kind, hitting Trixie with a blast that made her stumble. Twilight charged at Trixie, her horn glowing with her next spell. Trixie regained her footing and smirked, firing a purple light. It hit Twilight, and she teleported away, running into a tree.

"Teleportation spells? Two can play at that game"

She shot her own spell, putting Trixie up in a tree. They kept throwing teleportation at each other, disappearing and reappearing all over the field. They finally ended facing each other, almost where they had started. They fired again, the beams collided in midair, growing into a large orb. They pushed all their energy into it, pushing it toward Trixie, then Twilight, then back.

"Twi-light! Twi-light! Twi-light!" Her friends cheered.

Trixie and Twilight pumped all their energy, panting. The Ball grew giant, until finally


A bright light blinded Spike and the ponies for a minute. When they looked back, Twilight was gone. Where she stood moments before was now just a smoking crater.

"Twilight?" Spike asked into nothing

"What happened?" Snails looked around

"She's gone!" Applejack shouted.

The crowd gasped and started yelling.

"Where…Where'd she go!? And...what if she can't get back..." Spike fell to his knees, Yelling at the sky. "NOOOOOOOOO!


Twilight woke up, looking around groggily as she took in her surroundings. She was in a misty forest. 'Where in Equestria am I…wait…no it can't be…can it. Is it rea-' She stopped in mid-thought as she heard a howl. 'I had better move elsewhere'

Twilight started to stand up when she heard a fearsome growl from behind her

There, behind her was a demonic-looking K-9 (picture a diamond dog on steroids) with blood-shot eyes.

'Oh Celestia, what the hay is that thi-' she thought before the creature lunged biting into her left

There was a sicken crunch as bone was crushed between the beast's

Just than a Blast of blinding bright-white light hit the demonic creature causing it to drop the mare to face this new threat. It hunched down and leapt at in the direction of the projectile but was blasted twice more in the middle of it's jump. It hit the ground, Hard, it laid still for a moment rose to its feet, shook it's head, then took off in search of easy

But Twilight saw none of this for she had passed out the second her leg was snapped in half.


Sometime later

Twilight woke up screaming, "Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" she stopped realizing she wasn't under attack. "Huh, I…I'm still here."

She got up and looked around noticing that her surroundings had changed. She was now in a cave, a river flowed by just outside the cave's entrance.

Then she noticed something her long wasn't hurting as much as it should and when she looked she found out why. Someone or something had bounded it.

"Good, you finally awake. You had me worried there for a bit, though you might want to take it slow, you've been out cold for at least two days. You fortunate I found you when I did" a voice said from the back of the cave.

Twilight, who had thought herself to be alone, jumped.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." the voice said again. "So What's your name?"

"I'm Twilight…Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said holding out her hoof.

When he stepped forward to shake her hove she got a good look at him and gasped. He was a head taller than her with a golden main, sapphire blue eyes. He torso was snow white with a indigo stripes with a cutie mark that had a blue crescent moon covering the right side of a bright yellow celestial sun. He also two silver bracelets with a ruby in the center one each leg, one right above his hooves and the other above his knees. Twilight noticed these second, right after the fact that he was a winged unicorn.

"What's wrong!?" he asked, worried. "Is it you leg?"

"No…it's…well…you're the only alicorn I've seen besides princess Celestia and her sister, princess Luna." Twilight answered.

His eyes show a great loss the moment he heard those names, but it was gone so fast that Twilight thought she simply imagined it.

Just then Twilight's stomach growled furiously. "Sorry." Twilight said, blushing.

"That's alright, as I said before, you've been asleep for a few days now and, as a result, haven't had anything to eat, so it's perfectly natural. Anyway, I just gathered some golden delicious apples earlier, as they are personal favorite of mine, and you more than welcome to as many as you want." He said, nodding to a pile of apples beside Twilight

After Twilight had eaten her fill of apples she asked "What were those things? I've never seen or heard of anything like them before."

"That creature is called a Hellhound. Fortunately it was only one, and a scout at that. The warrior class are much stronger-"

"Hold on a second. A Hellhound, which is a creature that lives in the fabled realm of-"

"Yep, welcome to Uldum, Twilight Sparkle"

Author's Note:

AN: Uldum is a realm basically a massive forests, entire countries almost, full of feral animals and untamed weather! It is filled with Hellhounds, giant cats that can turn invisible, giant alligator beasts, tribal raptors, trolls, and other things yet to be mentioned