• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 2,795 Views, 240 Comments

A Silver Summer - Fanboy

Silver Spoon's summer vacations couldn't start any worse. Diamond Tiara left with her family, Silver Spoon's parents are at the family's summer house and she has to stay behind in Ponyville.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

For an endless second Apple Bloom just stood there in the doorway, the knob still in her hoof, her eyes widened in disbelieving surprise. And Silver Spoon was sure she looked the same herself.

A string of questions shot through her head. Why was Apple Bloom here? Was this why she had been so sad back when they met in the park? Why didn’t she look as upset now? And why was she coming over to her?

“Do you have to sit there?” she asked, making a point of not looking at the new arrival. Really, of all the desks in the room, Apple Bloom had to pick the one next to her?

“It is ma’ desk. Ah’ always sit here.” was the reply. Silver Spoon almost facehoofed. How could she forget that? But then again… “This is not regular class. You can sit anywhere you want.”

“And Ah’ want to sit at ma’ own desk. What’s yer problem with that?”

Silver Spoon was dumbfounded. Did she really have to ask that?

“My problem is you sitting right next to me.” And it wasn’t just the mere presence of her. Having another filly at her side would mean that Cheerilee would look over here more often. And that meant Silver Spoon would have to act more focused than she wanted to.

“Then why don’t ya’ move away?” Apple Bloom wanted to know.

This was getting on her nerves. Silver Spoon made no effort to conceal her anger when she said: “Because I was here first. Isn’t it obvious? You came last, so you sit somewhere else. Why is a know-it-all like you at makeup class anyway?”

For the first time this day, Apple Bloom didn’t give an immediate reply, much to Silver Spoon’s surprise. That had been an honest question for a change and not a try at getting to Apple Bloom. The silver maned filly thought about turning her head a little to get a glimpse of Apple Bloom’s current expression. But still, she had to show her that she wasn’t interested in her presence at all, so she kept her gaze fixed in the other direction. Nonetheless Apple Bloom decided to answer, her voice sounding clearly embarrassed: “Well, Ah’ didn’t do so great in mathematics this year. And so…”

“…you got sent here as punishment.” Silver Spoon smiled to herself. “So that’s why you almost cried when we, er, met in the park.”

“What? No! Ah’ didn’t get send here. Ah’m here because Ah’ want to. Ma’ sister even said a C is no big deal, but it was the only one on ma’ record sheet and Ah’ want to fix that.”

Silver Spoon’s mind went blank. She must have misheard something. Apple Bloom was here on her own free will? That was so exceedingly stupid. Even for her. And wait, did she say that was her only C? If she was here for a C and it was her only one that had to mean she got only A’s and B’s in all the other classes. That proved it, getting good grades had nothing to do with being smart.

<As if mine hadn’t been the proof already.>

“Say, is this yer ‘important appointment’ ya’ spoke of?”

Apple Bloom’s question pulled her back to reality with a vengeance. That was so typical for her. Making Silver Spoon’s life miserable whenever possible. What should she say to that?

Now she was glad she had kept looking away from that redhead. Otherwise she would have been able to see the surprise written all over Silver Spoon’s face. She had absolutely no idea what to say to that. Trying to force her mouth to come up with words, she opened and closed it a few times but not even as much as a simple sound would escape her throat.

Then she heard Apple Bloom adding: “Ah’d never thought ya’d take school this seriously.”

That was so silly. Who could ever take school seriously? The few things that were actually useful could have been taught to Silver Spoon by some private teacher in much lesser time. She had never understood why she had to do all the other stuff she would never need ever again.

But all this aside, there was something that really confused her. Apple Bloom’s remark had sounded so… cheerful. Or was it hopeful? She was pondering for a moment if Apple Bloom was enjoying Silver Spoon’s misery. But there had been no trace of maliciousness in those words. Was she actually happy that Silver Spoon was here? Not like happy about what happened to her but that she decided to come here? Was that it? Did Apple Bloom really think she had come to summer class because she wanted to?

All these questions seemed to overload Silver Spoon’s head. Just a moment ago, she didn’t know what to say at all, now she was struggling to decide what to say first. Helplessly, her mouth opened and closed a few times while she heard Apple Bloom sitting down at her desk and rummaging in her school bag. After a long moment of futile attempts Silver Spoon took a deep breath to calm her mind. It went almost blank for a second. Before she knew it she was looking at the back of Apple Bloom’s head and heard herself saying: “Why are you so happy about it?”

The filly spoken to turned around. For the first time since she had entered the room, the two had real eye contact. And Silver Spoon could see as much surprise in Apple Bloom’s eyes as she was certain to be shown in hers.

What surprised Silver Spoon wasn’t exactly what it was that she had said rather than how she had said it. It was no cutting remark. There was no spirit of confrontation. It was the honesty, the sincerity in her voice that had really startled her. She wanted to know the answer.

Overcoming her state of mind she refocused on those amber eyes in front of her. Apple Bloom still seemed to be in a state of minor shock. There was more than surprise in her look. Silver Spoon had the feeling she could also see some kind of realization.

There was no telling how long they sat there, just staring at each other in silence, both waiting for the other to finally say something. It felt like hours. Silver Spoon had never felt so uncomfortable. <Please, just answer my question,> she begged silently. And the strangest thing above all this, somehow she knew Apple Bloom wanted to give an answer but just couldn’t.

Her dilemma was ended when the door opened once again. They were able to break eye contact at long last. Both looked around and saw Cheerilee walking up to the blackboard. When the teacher saw who had joined her class while she had been outside, she said: “Ah, hello Apple Bloom. You are here already, very good. Since we are complete, let’s start mathematics class.”

For once Silver Spoon didn’t pay attention to Cheerilee because she was bored, but because she was distracted. Every so often, she would try to get a glimpse of Apple Bloom out of the corner of her eye. Somewhere between them her last question kept lingering around, awaiting an answer of which Silver Spoon wasn’t even sure if it existed. This would last for a few seconds, then she would turn her head to face her desk again and begin asking herself why that answer was so important to her at all. She certainly didn’t want Apple Bloom’s approval for anything she did, does or was going to do. She had never tried to impress her. Not like that. Why would she need to do that in the first place? She was better than that little farm filly, everypony could see that. And if she wanted to do so, going to school would be the very last of all things she would impress her with. Or anypony for that matter. And she most certainly didn’t want Apple Bloom to like her. That thought was so absurd she didn’t even need any reason for rejecting it. Maybe she didn’t really want to know why Apple Bloom was so happy for her to be here. Maybe Silver Spoon wanted to know why Apple Bloom herself liked to be here. But then again, what good would that bring for her? Knowing the reason for somepony’s stupidity didn’t help her in any way whatsoever.

Over time these question grew too tiresome and started to wear her head out. But when she tried to distract herself by looking out of the window again, there was nothing there to keep her attention away from the thoughts currently occupying her mind. Even all those pesky little fillies playing around just to show her how miserable her day was were no point of focus for her any more. So her eyes would turn over to the blackboard for a change. Unfortunately the things there were even more confusing and made less sense than that damn question which just wouldn’t stop bothering her. It took only moments and her head would start to hurt from all the incomprehensible information hammering at it. And above all this she couldn’t shake the feeling that Apple Bloom kept looking at her. Then she would try to catch a glimpse at the yellow filly, only to see those orange eyes were fixated at Cheerilee as if the foal at Silver Spoon’s side was determined to not look at Silver Spoon at any cost. But this would be enough to bring back the question still hanging there to nag her mind and the cycle would start anew.

When Cheerilee finally told her students the class was over Silver Spoon sighed deeply in relief. She was free. Sure, she had to come back here in two days but for now she was free to go. To ultimately escape this place of torment. Hastily she stuffed her books into her saddlebag and the pens and writing pad back into her desk. Ready to storm out and escape this nightmare for now, she heard a voice from behind her that took her by surprise.

“Because it somehow makes me think that ya’ can’t be all that bad if yer willing to improve ya’self. If yer willin’ to work on yer knowledge, maybe yer willin’ to work on yer attitude.”

The words hit her like a hammer in the back of her head. She was so astonished by Apple Bloom’s words, she completely forgot to get angry about the farm filly keeping her from leaving. She simply turned around and said: “What?”

“That’s the answer.” Apple Bloom smiled.

“Answer? To wha… Wait, you mean the answer? To what I asked you?” Silver Spoon’s head was spinning. It was as if Apple Bloom’s word had only now reached her conscious mind. Like her head had taken in the sounds but refused to process what had been said because it was too absurd. Now it had no other choice than to give in and accept it as reality.

“Work on my attitude? Why... How…What makes you think-” Silver Spoon stammered on until Apple Bloom interrupted her.

“To be honest, it took me a while to figure out why Ah’ was so happy maself. But that’s it.”

<Improve my attitude? I’m not the one here who needs to do that,> Silver Spoon wanted to say. But Apple Bloom’s happiness still perplexed her. So what came out of her mouth instead was: “Why would you want me to ‘improve my attitude’?”

Apple Bloom sighed. “Well, it’s no secret we don’t get along with each other.”

<That’s not my fault.>

“Yer always pickin’ on me, yer always makin’ fun of me and yer always walk around as if yer better than anypony else.”

<I am better than anypony else.>

“But truth is, Ah’ don’t like not gettin’ along. We don’t have to be friends but not gettin’ into fights whenever we see each other would be nice.”

<As if that’s my fault.>

Silver Spoon couldn’t stand it anymore. Finally, her curiosity had moved aside and made way for agitation. With a grim face she asked: “And what about you? Are you willing to improve your attitude?”

Now it was Apple Bloom’s turn to look like somepony had slapped her out of nowhere. “Ma’ attitude? What’s wrong with that?”

“You’re an annoying teacher’s pet who can’t get through a single lesson without showing off how much of a know-it-all you are every five minutes. You and your stupid blank-flank friends cause nothing but trouble bugging everypony around you with whatever comes to your mind. Even worse, you always come out of those messes ahead of anypony else, even getting praised for it. None of you seem to notice that you’re just an annoyance to everypony around you. And the three of you seem to celebrate being blank-flanks. Why would you do that? That just shows how stupid you are. Not to speak of that you are the reason why my best friend lost her place as the head of the school newspapers. Speaking of her, you keep spreading lies about her family.”

All that flew out of Silver Spoons mouth as if it had waited somewhere inside her throat to break free at the first opportunity possible. She didn’t shout, she didn’t scowl, she didn’t change her expression or tone at all. The whole delivery was done matter-of-factly.

A second later she added, almost like an afterthought: “And you keep bragging about what a great sister you have.”

Apple Bloom was finally speechless. <Strange,> Silver Spoon thought, <if I knew that was all it took to shut her up, I’d told her sooner.> With growing amusement she watched Apple Bloom fighting for words.

All of a sudden, Cheerilee’s voice reminded her that they still were in school. "Come on you two, I want to lock the door and get home. And I’m pretty sure you’d like to run along and play outside after all this hard work.”

Apple Bloom trotted to the door looking at the floor. <I must have really impressed her this time.> That idea heightened Silver Spoon’s spirit. She kept staring at Apple Bloom, determined to take every little bit of this precious moment in. But the longer she looked she noticed something. Apple Bloom wasn’t impressed. In fact, she looked rather depressed.

When they had left the school house and were out of their teacher’s range, Silver Spoon inquired tauntingly: “What’s the matter? Does the truth hurt so bad?”

Apple Bloom gave no answer. Silver Spoon was certain she saw tears forming in her eyes. The next second, Apple Bloom ran off. Silver Spoon stared after her for a moment.

<I guess it does.>

Author's Note:

first of all, thanks to all who fave'd and/or commented on the first chapter. I hope all of you like the second one two. I guess it'll take longer to publish the next chapters, with work and upcoming tests at vocational school. But I hope I can keep up one chapter per month.
Again, I'm greatful for any kind of critique, as long as it is constructive :).