• Published 20th Dec 2012
  • 3,610 Views, 172 Comments

Ed, Edd and Eddy, the Brony Chronicles. - ianv64

The Ed's try something new, because ponies are the best.

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Adventures IRL

As the Ed's sit at Double D's house, quite bored, "So....what to do today?" Eddy asked aloud.

I myself pondered in thought of what to write. I've been stuck on this writing recently. I need a new... Just as I was a bout to continue my sentence, my wall suffers an explosion, creating a large hole in the wall. Through it I hear a loud, close sounding Helicopter. I run outside. To my surprise, I see the figures above, and I feel as if I've drifted into a weird dream.

"Ian!! COME ON!!! GET IN, THERE'S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!!" Says Double D riding on Rainbow Dash. As I sit there confused, I rub my eyes to see if this was some sort of fantasy that would make me cry when I wake up. I open my eyes again, and see this still. I nod my head, pretending to know what the HELL is going on.

The release a rope latter for me to climb on. I hesitated at first, thinking I wasn't REALLY seeing this. I grabbed on, and climbed up the unstable rope latter. Thankfully, they gave me time to climb it. In the movies, they just make sure you grip it, and ride. Good thing this is real life... Actually, I don't even know if it is, so yeah.

"Alright, good you're in." Twilight said as I finally reached the passenger seats of the helicopter.

"Um, alright, I have just ONE question." I said. "How the HELL ARE YOU GUYS REAL!!?" I shouted.

"Don't worry, we have a mission, and only you can help us." Twilight replied.

"Mission?" I asked.

"Yeah. You're the one who thought this crossover up. And...well" Pinkie cut her off.

"So basically, your imagination was SOOO awesome, it became real!" Pinkie finished. My face froze. For a good seven seconds, I tried to move my mouth and say words. I managed to say one solid word. One word that described my every mixed feeling, and state of understanding.


"What kind of 'mission' is this anyway?" I asked. Twilight sighed, probably not wanting to tell me yet.

"We're trying to eliminate the evil pony hater." She said.

I give her of face of ridicule. "Which one? Out of the thousands that exist?"

"One in particular. We don't know his name, however, we know his address, email, and all of his facebook accounts and fan pages"

"But you don't know his name?" I reply.

"Right." Twilight said. Wow, they make me seem like a genius in real life.

As the helicopter flew to a stadium in a big city, I began to get a better idea on who this might be.

"America's got talent?....Oh.....dear....god... I know who you're after..." They were after the most evil anti-brony ever. The human who propagated us, and made us look like creeps, and conveyed more of a lie than FOX news...Howard FUCKING Stern.

We parked the helicopter on the stadium's ceiling. As we examined the area, I saw a security camera. I freaked, and broke it with my fist.

"Alright, the area looks clear." Eddy said giving a thumbs up.

"Time to meet your maker!!" Ed shouted crashing through the ceiling, blowing our cover. Now we had to take action. Sharon Osbourne looked confused as we all focused our aim at Howard Stern in the far left Judge seat.

"Shit." He said. Howard jumped out of his seat, and took off his sun-glasses. He jumped in the air, and took flight heading for Ed, charging some sort of attack. "Howard PAAAAAWNCH!!" He said, hitting Ed downward, and opening a portal, knocking him in.

"ED!!" Double D said from the ceiling. "EVERYONE GO!!" Double D commanded.

Everyone jumped through the hole. The performer on stage including everyone watching this broadcast, and in the audience was seeing two cartoon humans, along with six cartoon ponies jump through the ceiling, and witnessed Howard Stern take flight, and send one of them through a portal. I stand there looking down in disbelief.

"Ian!! Use your imagination!!" Pinkie shouted right before she got hit.

"Aw HELL NAH!!!" I yelled, finally jumping down. I used my imagination, and I felt power rush through me. I began to hover in mid air, and controlled my flight. Howard could see I was a brony, since I had on my "yay' shirt.

"DOWN WITH BRONIES!!" He shouted in a demonic voice.

"NEVER!" I replied. I put my palms together, and charged a quick amount of energy. "KAMEHAMEHA!!!" I threw the energy blast at him, and he was hit by it.

"He he! You think that little poke is gonna hurt me?" He bragged in his demonic voice. I teleported near him, and tried to give him a hard punch. He unfortunately dodged it, and hit me into the portal everyone else fell into.

As I fell in, I made out my final words. "Ponies foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!!" I then blacked out as the portal absorbed me.

"Hey, Ian, are you alright?" I heard a soft voice ask. I tried to open my eyes. I found it difficult at first. My muscles felt tired, and I felt weak. I was finally able to open, and have my vision focus. It was Fluttershy. "Oh, thank goodness." She said, relived, and nuzzled my shoulder. I tried to return with a hug, but my arms were very weak.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked to no one in particular. I looked around to see the Ed's in a cage, the mane six in different cages, and me and Fluttershy in the same cage.

"I can't use my magic!" Twilight shouted in frustration as she tried to break the cage she was trapped in.

A door opened slowly, and loudly. It was him, Howard Stern. "Well, I wasn't expecting this day so soon." He said, chuckling at us as he walked through the room.

"You'll pay for this!" Eddy yelled through the bars.

"I think you'll find YOU'LL be paying." He shot back. "These cages are strength proof, and magic proof." He said.

"Are they imagination proof?" I asked curiously.

"How the fuck would you block that?" He asked with ridicule.

"Ah...Okay then." I said, imagining all the cages opening...As they did.

"HOLD ON WHAT?!!" Howard stern yelled as all of us exited our cages.

"In the words of Spongebob Squarepants himself. To make anything a powerful reality, you gotta have imaaaaginaation." I said, even imitating the rainbow hands.

"Fuck you guys!" Howard shouted, vanishing.

"I'll get us out of here." Twilight said. She quickly conjured a levitation spell, and brought us back to my house. "Well, I guess this is goodbye for now, until we need you next time." She said.

"Wait, that's it?" I asked disappointed.

"I wouldn't say that's IT." She said, winking.

I awoke from my slumber. I quickly jerked my head upward seeing my computer screen on a "Howard Stern hates bronies" video. Well...Time to add a chapter to my Ed Edd and Eddy crossover then.... I know JUST what I'll be writing.

-----What happens next? YOU DECIDE----- EPIC RAP BATTLES OF, oh wait, wrong outro....i don't have an outro....so bye for now.