• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 353 Views, 5 Comments

the story of Wared - dakingofmuffins

Wared was never a vault dewler but grew up in the wastes he is only 15 and he is on his own until a sniper sends him on an intesting adventure

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every end is a beginning

"FUCK YEAH!!!." I yelled as I sped on my motor bike through the Wasteland, Sure I may be dying from rad sickness and infected wounds and a whole load of other shit but I can't still have fun. As I ride through the Wasteland I can see smoke in the distance witch is the whole reason im out here in the first place. That and to have a little fun but the main reason is to see if it is a alien crash or what ever all I need is some supplies.

While im riding though im in a state of pure joy jamming out to my favorite song riding though the Wasteland the wind flowing though my hair its not in my face because of the gas mask but I don't care. But the shear adrenaline high that I have right now I'm really having fun witch I haven't had in a long time. I was snapped out of my trance when I realized I had arrived at the smoke. Dear god. There was the ruins of a town that stood before me the large dune i was on gave me a good view of the destruction in front of me.

("mom....dad?" A young boy asked as he crawled out of the ruins of what he called home, What the young boy saw is what no one should ever have to see, Destroyed homes dead bodies every where some deformed beyond what the young boy could comprehend only to think of them as monsters, And then there were the bodies of people he knew and some he was good friends with, Some mangled beyond recognition but what horrified him was the dead body of his father. "Dad?" The young boy asked even though he knew he wouldn't get an answer "Dad?" The boy asked tears now in his eye's "Dad?" The boy now sobbing the boy felt scared. He cried for what felt like hours until he made an oath "I will make who did this pay." The boy said now standing up with clenched fists with that he took his fathers gun and ammo as well as his pip boy and left the town with a new born rage.)

"I swear If it's the last thing I do I will make them pay." I said dismounting my bike and started to walk into the ruins of the town feeling the same rage that I did when I made that oath, I pulled out my laser rifle shooting the occasional rad roach but so far things were going alright except for not finding any rad away but that's besides the point... well that's the main reason I came here in the first place. As I walked I noticed something in the corner of my eye and looked over to see a sniper on the roof of the school aimed at my head.

*BANG...* And everything went dark.

Author's Note:

Characters thought's are in italics.