• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 8,798 Views, 48 Comments

Rainbow Dash: Damsel in Distress - Vexy

Sometimes there's more to friendship then first meets the eye. Spike and Rainbow Dash discover this first-hoof when they discover an old book.

  • ...

The Knight in Shining Armor

Ponyville’s library has a book on just about everything. If ever you need a book on apple bucking, it’s there. Perhaps a guide on how to overcome Writer’s Block? It’ll be there. Necromancy for beginners? Hay yeah!

The sheer quantity of literature was largely due to the fact that the resident unicorn demanded a constant supply of prose to sate her seemingly never-ending cravings. Unfortunately for one little dragon, it was usually his job to organize the unwavering torrent of books.

It was also Spike’s duty to run the library during Twilight’s bouts of reading, and as such had grown accustomed to the ponies that commonly came and went, and this morning was no different.

“Hey, Fluttershy.” the dragon called, “This week’s subscription of your magazine just arrived if you want it?”

“Oh, thank you, Spike.” The pegasus in question squeaked before grabbing the book and escaping the library as quickly as she could.

“Oh! And Scootaloo,” Spike continued unfazed, “I have that ‘Extreme Guide to Extreme Sports’ you were asking about the other week... although I’m not sure what you plan to do.”

“Just for Crusading stuff.” the filly replied, confirming the dragon’s fears.

Indeed, Spike knew each and every pony that walked through the tree’s thick door.

So it was a surprise when Ponyville’s local daredevil came walking into the library. Or rather, ungracefully came crashing through the window.

“Rainbow Dash?” Spike asked in surprise, “Erm, are you after the next Daring Do novel?”

“Ow,” Rainbow complained, picking herself up of the wooden flooring. “Heh, no,” she replied, “I’ve finished up all the work my for the day, so I thought I’d check on Twilight.”

“Well, Twilight’s asleep in her room. I woke up this morning and found she’d been up all night studying.” Spike chuckled, “I can wake her up, if you want?”

“All night?” Rainbow snorted, “That pony needs to tone down the reading a little. She really puts the ‘egg’ in ‘egghead’.”

“Yeah,” Spike giggled, “Her mane was as puffy as Pinkie Pie’s this morning!”

"It is?" Rainbow burst into a fit of laughter, “Oh, this chance is too good to pass by.” she cackled, rubbing her hooves together.

“Chance?” Spike asked, confused.

“Just wait here.” Rainbow replied with a wicked grin on her muzzle, and flew stealthily into the bedroom.

Thirty seconds ticked by, and Spike couldn't even hear any hoofsteps from upstairs. His mind ran over the possibilities of what Rainbow could possibly be up to. Another thirty seconds later Rainbow returned with her unfaltering, mischievous grin.

“What did you do?“ Spike asked, quizzically.

“Well,” Rainbow began, smirking, “I may have used some of Twilight’s manespray.”

Spike couldn't help himself. He burst into a fit of laughter, the thought of Twilight’s bedhead flashing before his eyes.

“Twilight’s in for a surprise when she sees this one.” the mare giggled.

The dragon laughed, clutching his sides, “Wait, wait! I got one.”

Rainbow Dash watched curiously as the baby dragon disappeared into the kitchen. A few seconds later he emerged, triumphantly clutching a jar.

“Is that... grapefruit jelly?” Rainbow asked, bemused.

Spike nodded, and ran into Twilight’s room, chortling to himself. He was much quicker than Rainbow, emerging from the room only a few moments later.

“What was that all about?” the pegasus asked.

“You remember the Poison Joke?” Spike asked, still unable to contain his snorts.

Rainbow nodded, “Uh-huh, but what does that have to do with jelly?”

“Twilight’s horn...” Spike whispered, before bursting into another fit of laughter.

Realization hit Rainbow Dash, and she toppled over, gasping for breaths between her howls of laughter, “Hah! This is too good to be true!”

“Just wait ‘til Twilight wakes up and sees this!” Spike snickered as the pair giggled menacingly on the floorboards.

“Am ah interuptin’ somethin’?” a voice asked. The duo looked over to see Applejack had entered the library.

“Oh, hey, Applejack.” Spike greeted, swiftly switching to his professional librarian personality, “Is there anything I can get for you?”

Applejack eyed the pair warily, “Naw, ah jus’ came to check on Twilight. She’s alrigh’... righ’?”

“Oh, erm, she’s fine. You don’t need to check on her, though.” Spike said, a little too quickly. Applejack’s eyes narrowed.

“Hmm? well, if you’re sure...”

“Yeah, everything fine, AJ. Don’t you worry your tail over it!” Rainbow insisted as she pushed a flustered Applejack from the library.

“Well, ah guess ah’ll be goin’ then?” the earth pony asked, her eyes dancing between the dragon and the pegasus, “Ah can see you two jus’ wan’ t’be alone.”

With that Applejack made a hasty retreat down the road.

“Haha, that was a close one.” Rainbow chuckled, wiping her brow with a hoof, “What else can we do?”

“Oh. Well, I really need to get back to sorting out the books; Twilight’s had another one of those ‘reshelving days’.” Spike sighed, “In other words she threw every book on the floor, and I need to go and put them back on in order.

“Books? Eurgh, but that’s so boring!” Rainbow complained, “Know any interesting books? Like books that make you super fast? Or super cool? Or maybe super awesome!?”

“A book?” Spike laughed, “How would a book make you go super fast?”

“I don’t know,” Rainbow shrugged, “But I remember Twilight reading a book for the Running of the Leaves last year, and she beat me.”

“Hmm, well I know we have plenty of books on warm-ups and exercises.” Spike said as he grabbed a ladder and began scaling the bookshelves, expertly pulling books from the shelves, seemingly at random. “I hope these help.” the little dragon said, smiling as the books crashed down onto the wooden flooring with several dull thuds. Rainbow Dash eyed them warily, clearly intimidated by the thick tomes.

“Err, is there anything less...” Rainbow searched for the word, “Boring?”

Spike rolled his eyes, “Well, let me have a look.” he said, scanning the top shelves. “No... no... no...” he muttered under his breath, running an extended finger over each title in turn.

“Neh, don’t worry, Spike. I can be fast without a book,” Rainbow said, nudging the pile of books in front of her.

“Wait! What’s this?” Spike gasped. Rainbow turned back to see the dragon searching through the back of a book. “‘The Crimson Opal’? Huh, bummer. Ah well, sorry, Rainbow, I got nothing.”

“Hey! What’s this?” Rainbow demanded, eagerly lunging for the book.

“Ponyville’s Urban Myths.” Spike replied.

Rainbow scanned the page, “‘The Crimson Opal: an artifact believed long-lost that was said to grant whoever possessed it incredible speed and agility.’ Sounds like my kind of gem!” the pegasus said, grinning.

“You’re not actually gonna to go looking for it, are you, Dash? You know it’s only a myth?”

“Of course I’m gonna to go looking for it.” Rainbow chuckled, “Even if it isn’t there, I’ve got nothing else to do.”

“But you don’t even know where it is.” Spike protested.

“Yeah I do; it’s right here.” Rainbow giggled, pointing at a picture of a map in the book. It pointed to a cave on the outskirts of Ponyville.

“Oh.” Spike said, “But that map was drawn like a hundred years ago. It says the gem is in a cave which has probably already collapsed.”

“Meh, I’ll go check it out anyway.”

“But what about,” Spike whispered, “What if there’s... monsters in there?”

“Hey, don’t you worry.” Rainbow replied with a grin, “Ain’t no monster in Equestria the Rainbow Dash can’t handle.”


“I’ll be fine, Spike.” Rainbow Dash sighed, “Just don’t tell Twilight, or she’ll probably try stopping me - or worse: coming with me.”

And with that, the pegasus flew out the library.

“Rainbow Dash, wait!” Spike called, running after her.

“I’ll be back before lunch, don’t worry!” Rainbow called from the distance.

Spike was used to being the one that stayed behind when everyone else went off on adventures, and he was used to being concerned for them. This was different. Spike couldn't stop thinking about Rainbow Dash, and for good reason; it was now well into the afternoon and Rainbow Dash still had yet to return to Ponyville.

“Have you seen Rainbow Dash?” he asked.

“Spike, you only asked me five minutes ago.” Twilight protested. “She’ll probably be out clearing the sky.”

Spike glanced up uneasily at the sky, through the window, which was beginning to accumulate rogue clouds. But he knew Rainbow Dash wasn't up there. Instead the pegasus was still in a cave just outside Ponyville searching for a gem that probably didn't even exist. Spike needed to tell someone.

But what if I get into trouble? I let Rainbow Dash go there alone. I should have gone with her. And she said I shouldn't tell Twilight. But if I don’t tell Twilight, Rainbow could end up getting hurt. Would she forgive me if I told Twilight and stopped her from getting hurt? But what if she doesn't forgive me for not telling Twilight, and she gets hurt?”

Spike groaned at his dilemma.

“Is everything okay, Spike?” Twilight asked, noticing his frustration.

“Huh? Yeah, everything’s fine, of course!” Spike said quickly.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, “Well, how about you take the rest of the afternoon off?”

“What? How come?” Spike gasped, unused to this kind of generosity.

“Oh, you know, just go check up on Rainbow Dash, or whatever.” Twilight said, grinning mischievously.

“Hey, thanks Twilight!” Spike said, beaming as he ran out the door.

Twilight smiled to herself, and trotted over to the bathroom to begin her day. She glanced at the mirror and screamed.


Spike wasted no time as he ran to the cave just outside Ponyville. Luckily the dragon’s photographic memory recalled where it was located. The cave in question was dark and foreboding, and the dragon wondered what could have possibly been going through Rainbow Dash’s head when she had entered it. Spike gulped as he took his first step into the dark.

“I’ve found it!”

It had taken longer than she’d expected, but she’d found it. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but grin as she plucked the gem from a simplistic pedestal as she crowed in satisfaction. The long search had been worth it.

Now I know how Daring Do feels, and it is so awesome!

Suddenly a deep rumbling echoed throughout the dark cave. Rainbow realized she may have shouted a little too loud. Dread creeped up her spine as she saw the ceiling began to crumble. Rainbow yelped and leapt straight into the air, diving in the direction of the exit with gem in mouth. She expertly dodged between the rocks, a sense of Déjà Vu washing over her as she recalled the avalanche in Ghastly Gorge. Suddenly she yelped as a rock hit her in her left wing, knocking her off course. She tumbled to the ground, rocks cascading around her.

When she opened her eyes again she tried to move, but a rock hung over her, completely immobilizing her wing. A sickening sense of claustrophobia overcame her, and her vision swayed. Rainbow forced her eyes shut and whimpered for help.

Spike lost track of time as he wandered through the cavernous depths of the caves. He could’ve been there hours, or perhaps just minutes. He wondered whether he should’ve told Twilight about Rainbow Dash when he had the chance.

He shook such thoughts from his head as he reached a cavern strewn with rocks. Looking through them he saw a blue figure lying among them.

“Rainbow Dash?” Spike gasped.

The mare in question pricked her ears, “Spike?” she breathed.

“Dash! I’ll be there in a second, hold on!” the dragon called.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. Just my wing trapped.” Rainbow sighed, rubbing her head. She felt woozy. Perhaps a rock had hit her. Looking back up she found Spike at her side.

“How did you do that?” she gasped.

“Do what?”

“Move those rocks?”

“Oh, they’re lighter than they look.” Spike shrugged off the questions. “Here, lemme help you.”

Rainbow watched in awe as Spike pushed the rock crushing her wing as if it was lighter than he was. For such a little guy, he was pretty strong.

“C’mon, let’s go.” he said, ushering her to get up.

“Oh, yeah thanks saving my tail and all-”

“Wait! Is that the gem?” Spike gasped, pointing to a ruby-red object nearby. “Does it actually exist?”

“Heh, yeah I must have dropped it. I can’t wait to see what kind of crazy magic it can do. Wonder if I’ll pull off two Sonic Rainbooms?” Rainbow grinned excitedly at the thought.

Spike grabbed the gem and handed it to Rainbow, “Here.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Rainbow said, adjusting her limp wing before accepting the gem with her mouth.

The pair walked in the direction of the exit. The cave was very dark, but the gem glimmered faintly, casting an eerie light across the walls. Spike could make out crude drawings from times long-forgotten.

“Hey, Spike? Rainbow said.

"Huh?" the dragon replied.

"What do you think Twilight will say about this gem?” Rainbow asked, her words muffled by the gem she held.

“She’ll probably want to write a whole report on it.” Spike chuckled.

“Twilight’s always doing reports. I’ll have to get some more invisible ink next time.”

Spike laughed, “Yeah maybe you could try sending her a fake report? I mean all I gotta do is breathe fire on it.”

Rainbow inhaled sharply, “The potential!” she squealed, “We could prank Celestia herself! We could send fake letters through. Or maybe something more sneaky.” Rainbow began hopping about excitedly, ignoring her damaged wing, “Just imagine what we could do with your breathing-to-send-letters weird business!”

Suddenly the cave rumbled again. However this time it didn’t come from above. Instead the floor in front of them groaned and began to give way down into a chamber below. Dread befell Rainbow Dash as she realized her wings couldn’t help them.

“Go!” Spike yelled decisively as he ran forward and leaped over the gap in the floor, expertly landing on the other side. He glanced back to see Rainbow still standing there. “C’mon!”

Rainbow sprung into action, galloping forward and launching herself over the widening gap. The edge threatened to collapse as she landed, but Spike grabbed a foreleg.

“Thanks,” Rainbow gasped, nodding as the pair continued running.

The floor didn’t stop collapsing, and the rock directly beneath them grumbled and cracked. The duo yelled as they dived for the exit.

“I see daylight!” Rainbow called, before watching in horror as she lost her grip on the gem and it flew out of her mouth, bouncing almost comically over the cave floor. Rainbow lunged for it desperately.

“Help!” Spike yelped. Rainbow looked back and saw the dragon clinging to the edge. The gem continued to roll away.

Spike closed his eyes as his claws lost their grip on the edge, and he began falling.

He opened his eyes. He realized he wasn’t falling, and Rainbow had grabbed his claw. The gem was nowhere to be found. He felt his eyes grow hot as the pegasus pulled him.

“Come on!” she yelled, launching the dragon into the air and onto her back. The pair rushed towards the exit.

Finally they made it out, breathing the fresh air. The sun was setting on the horizon over Ponyville.

“Thanks, Dash.” Spike breathed, dismounting from the pegasus’ back.

“Nah, Spike I should be thanking you,” Rainbow rasped, “I don’t know what I was thinking. I... I was just so stupid. I would have been trapped down there forever if you hadn’t come and saved me...”

“Meh, it was nothing.” Spike blushed, shrugging away the praise.

“No, I mean it. I...”

Rainbow Dash wasn’t even sure how she was feeling. She had felt so scared inside the cave. She had never really been one for claustrophobia, but back there, she could barely breathe. The pegasus looked at Spike. Despite his small size he had been able to rescue her, and a strange feeling crossed her when she thought about it.

She felt safe.

Rainbow had never felt anything like it before; she was always the strong, loyal friend who never backed down from a challenge, who never gave up. She also didn’t cry, so she wondered why her eyes were feeling so hot.

As if on impulse she leaned forward and planted a kiss on the dragon’s lips.

Spike was startled: his eyes were wide, and his mouth agape.

Did I seriously just do that? To Spike? I mean... Wow this is awkward.

Instantly Rainbow’s mind prepared apologies as she blushed furiously.

“Oh... Spike... um... I don’t know what that was... but-”

She was interrupted by a pair of scaled lips pressed against her own. Whatever she was going to think next was washed away by the spell of the kiss. She felt her face grow hot as the daredevil in her protested. But she didn’t want this to end. Ever.

She wrapped her hooves around the dragon and pulled him closer, and in response Spike wrapped his arms around Rainbow’s back. She could feel the wind in her mane, and the earth at her feet, but most of all she could feel the dragon in her hooves. His breath was warm, and it tickled her muzzle, and his hug was firm and reassuring.

And then it was all over.

The pair broke apart, much to Rainbow Dash’s dismay, and Spike smiled sheepishly at her.

“Heh sorry, Rainbow, I dunno what came over me.” he mumbled, fiddling nervously with his tail.

“I... erm...” Rainbow began, but realized she had no words to say.

Instead she tackled Spike into a tight hug, tears springing in her eyes.

"I’m sorry for making you come after me, Spike.” she breathed.

“Don’t ever run off like that again.” the dragon said.

“Heh, sorry, Spikey. Guess I kinda got ahead of myself a little.

Spike raised his eyebrow at her.

“Okay fine, maybe more than a little.”

Spike chuckled.

“C’mon,” Rainbow continued, “let’s go back to Ponyville.”

“But what about the gem? Do you still have it?”

“I dropped it back in the cave.”

“Should we go back and get it?” Spike asked, uneasily.

“No, I got something way better than some silly old gem.” Rainbow smiled coyly.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Hi there, it’s Spike. I just wanted to write because today I learned something about friendship. Well actually Twilight’s kind of forcing me, but I’ll tell you all about it anyway. Sometimes, we can think that things are completely out of hand. Sometimes, the situation can seem out of control, but that's when you need to trust your friends more than ever. A loyal friend will be there to help you no matter what trouble you’re in, all you have to do is ask them for help. And that's what friendship is all about.

P.S. Rainbow’s doing fine. Her wing’s healing up nicely. Yes we’re doing well but how did you know about me and her and... you know.

P.P.S. Sorry about all those fake letters I accidentally sent over. And the snowballs. And the bucket of apples. I just don’t know what went wrong...

From Spike

Author's Note:

Welp, finally it's finished.

I'm actually rather pleased with the way this has turned out.
Written for MallaJong's SpikeDash Challenge. (And since it's the season, let it be your Christmas present from me to you!)

Special thanks to PaleRider for bouncing ideas with me throughout the night(s).

Time is 0747. I should be in bed. :3

Comments ( 47 )

Oh my sweet Celestia, this turned out so good! :pinkiegasp:

And thank you for the honorable mentioning Vexy! I'm so pleased that I could explode! :rainbowkiss:
Your power to write things while deprived of sleep will impress me 'till the end of the time. :rainbowlaugh:

Hope everyone enjoy this one as much as me. :twilightsmile:

This is a great way to write a SpikeDash. Me gusta. J'aime. I liek.


Thanks, a little unsure of the kind of response it will receive. But overall I'm rather pleased with the way it's turned out. I hope everyone else enjoys it as much as you do.

Oh and if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask them :twilightsmile:

I have just decided that all of my comments for the next 24 hours will be in french!
Ou: J'ai juste décidé que tout mon discours sera en français pour 24 heurs. Ma grammarie va être terrible!
Et non, je ne veux pas poser une question.


My heart's stuck in my...throat. I'm choking on d'awws.

At least...before I go...I was able to read...this heart-wrenching piece.

Thank you so much for writing this! It has provided proper satiation for my growling hunger.
Expect a full review soon.

Oh, and you're awesome.



This made my day :scootangel:


And yes I eagerly await your review! Some people just downvote without telling me why :fluttercry:
But your review will make me happy!


I'm so pleased the d'awww-ness worked! i wasn't sure whether I'd executed it as well as I'd have wished. But my fears have been abated :rainbowkiss:


Ooh please continue; I can just about read this! Thank God, Celesia, or whatever deity you wish, that I studied French at school! :pinkiehappy:

Je suis dans mon 4ième année. Je suis un peu de français.

Almost Like A Real Episode. just not the kissing part and yeah. that was really good!

p.s i like the fact that you included a letter to the princess!:pinkiehappy:


Thank you! :rainbowkiss:

But do you think the romance is misplaced? If I had not included and just had a Slice of Life tag/Adventure, do you reckon it would be an improvement in any way? Or negative in any way?


Nah... it wasn't bad at all! I was just saying that the only non-episode part of it was the romance. in other words, it made it feel like a fan-fiction/episode!

I just can't start to describe how I feel happy about seeing MallaJong1 coming here personally and praising this fic... :raritystarry:

I await the review as much as Vexy himself. :pinkiehappy:


Thank you! Your feedback has been just awesome! :rainbowkiss:


Thanks For Making A Good Fan Fiction!:rainbowkiss:


Aww thank you! :twilightsheepish:



Good job, very glad I was able to read this today. Hope to see more work from you sometime:moustache:


Aww thank you :rainbowkiss: you're too kind. I hope to write more as well.

Arhh Tom (MY BEST FRIEND SO BACK OFF!:pinkiehappy:) another great FanFic also a great bedtime story :twilightsheepish:
That reminds me :flutterrage: You're superposed to read this to me with a cup of coco :scootangel:

Still, lovin the Fic!:yay:

O.T.P OUT!:rainbowdetermined2:



I will be sure to read you your bedtime story soonies. I was thinking about testing my new mic out with fanfic readings. I'd love to read MallaJong's 'Spike's Rainbow Dash'

But this will have to wait until the new year when I get back home and set everything back up. (Still not bothered to re install the driver for the sound box.)

This is a very good SpikexDash story, well done.:moustache::rainbowdetermined2:

Vexy #23 · Jan 5th, 2013 · · 1 ·


Aww thank you :pinkiehappy: I hope to write more romance in the future I think. Thank you for the nice comment!
Comments are pretty awesome :moustache:

Don't worry, I shall find the one who disliked your comment :rainbowdetermined2:


People only upvoted because someone downvoted it. I can't understand why, but I guess I was having a conversation in the comment section, maybe? :applejackconfused:


Don't worry. I've got like twenty shipping ideas for Spike on my ideas list :rainbowlaugh:

good end :rainbowkiss:

I like it. What's next


This is one of my older fics. A pretty short romance. I think I'll be doing more romance soon; out of all the genres I've covered, romance has been my favorite by far.

Was very impressed with this, though it felt like RD seemed a bit OOC for some reason, but I could deal with it. You did great with AJ and Twilight as well, very much enjoyable story:yay: I also have some Spike centered stories I think you would like if you want to give a read brother.


I wrote this in a rush, and that's reciprocated in my fic. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I agree with all your points. I do actually have a few more SpikeDash fics in the works, and I'm much more pleased with how Rainbow Dash is turning out in those ones.

2563421 It's all chill bro, it happens, I'm glad you are still writing them though, I love this pairing:yay: Can't wait to see more.

2244717 And still not one has been made yet. :duck:


Writing three at once. :trollestia:

Very nicely done. The kiss felt a bit rushed, but other than that, this was great.


The whole ending was rushed.

There's so many things I wish I could go back and change, but in the end I already know that it'd be better for me to start on something new. Which is exactly what I am doing - without something like ten fics.

I'm unsure of whether to take my next SpikeDash down the mature route or the teen route.

expand this please?:fluttercry:


This is a very early piece. I don't feel it's up to my standards anymore, and I'm moving on to greater stories. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, however I won't be continuing it.

well that sucks!
though I'll give your other works a look at

spike doesn't know what went wrong.:derpytongue2:

Sorta rushed but, thumbs up and fave! :pinkiehappy:

The ending part of the letter made me laugh because I immediately thought of Derpy.

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