• Published 15th Feb 2012
  • 3,822 Views, 118 Comments

A Second Chance - Tridon2951

Taylor, a 16 year old in Minnesota, travels to Equestria, now to start fresh with newfound friends.

  • ...


Okay, here's the deal, I started work at the beginning of the week, and this was FAR more along than what it is was before I began my job, thats why this chapter took so long to get ready for publishing, I REALLY spoil you all too much with all this hard work I put in for the pleasure of all, some comments and likes would always be appreciated here, so have a 7000+ word chapter and enjoy!

Oh and P.S some more gore in the chapter, not super descriptive, but I thought I'd warn you all before you read though so you don't get mad at me for no warning.


“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”

-David Brinkley


I was shaken awake by a drop of water that fell onto my eye as I laid under the roots of the tree, I had nearly dozed off while the dragon still was searching for me in it’s rage, I heard it roar and felt the heat as it spit fire from it’s mouth as it was looking for any trace of me.

I saw the rain come, unnoticeable to those who didn’t look to closely at things, at first in small sheets of mist, but it eventually started to transition into a light shower, thunder could be heard overhead, I peeked from under the tree’s base to see where the dragon was, it was still there, wings flared, smoke coming from it’s nostrils in anger, and slits ever so thin in it’s eyes.

I watched it look up at the sky and twist it’s neck around as it took one final look before taking off into the sky, apparently it didn’t like the rain, which was good for me, but this was a thunderstorm too, I waited for a few minutes, listening as the roars of frustration and anger faded as it gained distance, for it’s failure in finding me.

I slowly pulled myself out from under the hollowed out earth, rain now coming down I walked off in a random direction, having no idea where Travis and Mist went, staying here would do me no good than stay here and hope for a miracle, my shoes squished under my feet as water pooled in my soles as I walked along the muddy ground, I thought my chances of finding something were better since it obviously couldn't get any worse from here on in.

Boy was I wrong...


“Twilight honestly, do you really think this is the best of all ideas?” Rarity protested, “Look! It’s even starting to rain! My mane will get wet!”

“How’s bout we don't repeat anything from the past ya hear?” Applejack didn’t want to hear complain about that sort of thing again, reminiscent of Twilight’s first sleepover with them.

Twilight ignored her protests and Applejack’s remarks, they were on their way to the center of the town, to meet up with Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rainbow, who she had rounded up for their little ‘operation’ involving a rampaging dragon.

They had all dealt with one earlier on, thanks to Fluttershy and her ‘stare’ they had managed to make him leave and prevent him from creating a major health hazard for all ponies of the town with the smoke he was exhaling while sleeping.

Twilight stared at the sky, the rain wasn’t helping in their cause, the only visible light was that of the lamps that lined the streets and Luna’s moon in the sky, slightly overshadowed by the dark clouds supplying the rain and thunder above, along with the occasional flash and bolt in the sky from the storm itself, they were about to venture off in the Everfree, six ponies, one large rampaging dragon, and almost no light source.

The odds didn’t look to high right now.

The three of them eventually made their way to the center of town, not too far off, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rainbow were sitting there, patiently waiting for them to come.

“It’s about time all of you got here! I thought I thought I was gonna have to wait HOURS before any of you showed up!” Dash had said almost condescendingly towards them.

“Well we would’ve been here a lot quicker if SOMEPONY dint’ have ta’ ‘beautify’ herself before coming out!” Applejack stared down Rarity, blaming her for it all.

“Ummm... Can we please stop yelli-” Fluttershy’s quiet voice was ignored and cut off by Rarity.

“Well I’m sorry for caring about how I look before going out! Unlike some others I would like to mention.” Rarity returned the stare down towards Applejack, the two of them were now snout to snout with eachother, both trying to get the blame on one another.

“GIRLS!” Twilight’s voice overcame their bickering and dirty looks to bring them back to the matter at hand.

They all stared blankly at Twilight, but Pinkie however was busy splashing in puddles that had now accumulated in the streets, paying no mind to her yelling.

“Sorry for the yelling, but can we get back to the matter at hoof here? You know the one with the rampaging dragon that could possibly be coming this way?” Twilight sounded annoyed, Applejack and Rarity both looked at the ground in their own disappointment in themselves.

“So that’s it? A rampaging dragon? Pfft, too easy!” Dash was thinking too highly of herself again, but Twilight let her have another one of her ‘That’s nothing’ moments as she always did.

“Anyways... we have to somehow stop or redirect it’s rampage, to make sure it doesn’t end up coming here and destroying everything, is that clear to everypony?”

The four of them nodded their heads, Pinkie was now jumping rooftops nearby, doing flips and spins as she giggled and laughed along.

“Cmon Pinkie! we gotta get going!” Twilight called as they began walking down the path towards Fluttershy’s house.

“Going where now?” Pinkie appeared in front of them as she normally would, having no explanation for why it was possible.

“Let’s just get going...” Twilight huffed, just wanting to get this done.

They all began to trot down the path, Rarity was careful not to step in any of the accumulating puddles on the street below, but it wasn’t helping, since Pinkie bounced in all of the puddles they went by, giving off large splashes of water on the rest of them as they went along.

Twilight couldn’t help but think of the possibility of this commotion being the cause of the human, he had been captured and taken away by some ruffian stallions, he was by no means stupid at that, he may have gotten out and this may be some sort of signal to them...

Twilight looked up to see the rain come down, lightning flashes every now and then in different parts of the sky, the loud roar of the dragon in the distance, the scenery and sounds were not adding to the positive side of the mood here.

“If he’s out there... I hope he’s alright...”


The rain was relentless, and showed no sign of relenting any time soon. In fact, it seemed as though it would only get worse, Mist and I have been walking for at least a good mile or so since we last talked, Mist however, was very quiet the whole time, no attempt for any engagement in conversation the whole way, his expression showed deep concern and constant determination for his lost friend... no thanks to me.

“Shoulda just settled for the stuff on the outside...”

There was a distant roar of the dragon in the distance, Mist and I froze, listening for any other sound amongst the light patter of rain, the roars that grew louder for each one given signaled that it was getting closer, Mist and I immediately scrambled in the muck to run for cover.

The low rumbling of rushed air above signaled that it passed overhead, giving off a deafening roar as it glided by, small flashes of lightning showed the dark outline of the beast as it flew in the direction of the mountains, all I hoped was that Taylor was safe, not in the stomach of it being digested right now.

“You think he’s okay? Not... Dead?...” Mist stuttered the last word out as he turned to me.

“You know we honestly can’t tell anything right now, all we can do is hope and pray for his living.” I responded in a firm voice, not trying to show my concern for my only human friend I had here.

“Well... I for one... Think he’s okay, and... he’s on his way back now.”

I was surprised at Mist’s sudden positive feel towards the future, I would have expected him to think of the worst possible outcome, but his sudden change in outlook was one of the effects of this whole trip, he’s got the thinking that it’s all gonna work out, no sense of failure present and so confident in what he says...

“Well isn’t Taylor just the role model...”

I chuckled at the thought of Mist turning out like Taylor, him and I got up from our cold and wet hiding spot from the shelter of a nearby tree, and we continued our search for Taylor or any sign of help, hopefully soon to come, lightning was our only illumination of the path we chose to travel down, the dark and stormy path that was laid before us in this endless battle against all odds.


I pulled myself up, ledge by ledge, I had thought it would be a good idea for me to scale the slippery face of a cliff in the middle of a thunderstorm with a raging dragon flying around with me out in the open, only to get a better view in the darkness of a storm, clinging on for dear life as I continued to pull myself to higher elevations, making my possible fall all the more plausible.

“Way to go dumbass...”

I really made some decisions in life that I have not been proud of, this was by my standards, the second most stupid thing that I ever did in my lifetime, I’d rather not get into the thing that was first on my list, it’s a bit personal in my own thoughts, even thinking about it sends chills down my spine...

But something that really made my blood run cold was a sound, but this was no ordinary sound, this was not something that was the most pleasant thing to hear during a thunderstorm, granted you can even hear it with all the rain coming down now, this was a sound I dreaded... Well technically it wasn’t a sound to such terms.

It was a roar.

The bastard was back, and I was in the open, there were no trees on the top of the wall I was climbing, nor was there any chance I would survive if dropping down seemed like an option, not even if I climbed down, with such fear and rushed movements, I was sure to fall regardless, I would just have to hope that I didn’t get spotted by now.

I efficiently, but as fast as I could without losing grip and falling, pulled myself up the wall as the beast got closer to my location.

“No seriously, what did Travis do that was so bad to make this thing want to kill me?”

The thought was thrown from my mind as a loud roar was heard behind me, I stopped mid reach to jerk my head around to see a large, silhouetted shape coming my way, brief flashes of lightning, helped me to confirm that it was him.

I frantically pulled myself up more, trying to make it to the top before he got within reach of me, but to no avail, the top was a good twenty feet away, I watched in horror as he raised his talons towards my body, reaching to pick me off and bring me to some unknown location.

The talons pierced through my skin like soft butter, going into my shoulders and sides, I screamed in pain as it lifted me off, until it were land or move me to a different position, I had no way of escape, even if I tried, it would be futile, only causing me more damage to my body as the talons would only go deeper.

Holding back the yells of agony, I watched as the top of the cliff became smaller as it grew smaller, I looked around at our higher altitude to see the lights of Ponyville in the distance, we were a good eight miles away, farther then when I was with Travis.

I guess in a way this is a sort of a good thing, besides the tearing at my flesh and bone, I would have never known I was going in the wrong direction, I would be so far off if it hadn’t been for this asshole dragon here.

He brought me closer to the town, my hopes had gone back up now, my chance for survival, if I could somehow get out of his grasp if we were to get somewhere relatively close, I might have a chance of survival here.

I could only lay limp in his talons and pray that I wouldn’t bleed out before we reached our destination, with the lights getting ever so closer, increasing my chances of survival unknown to the dragon.


“Cmon Twilight! We’re going so SLOW, cant we go any faster? I wanna kick some dragon flank before it decides to calm down.”

“Rainbow we’re not here to ‘kick some flank’, we’re here to find out why it’s so angry and try and calm it down, hostility is what we want least.”

Rainbow’s complaining of their current speed was getting annoying to Twilight, they were making good time at the speed they were at, Rainbow would just have to deal with it for now.

“How much farther do ya think it’ll be til’ we find the dragon Twi?” Applejack asked, shielding her face with her hat, by holding it down in the wind that had picked up.

Twilight stopped and looked at her surroundings, in the complete darkness, amongst the now torrential rain and thunder she heard the roar of the dragon in the distance, it was approaching their position, the rest of them heard it too, they immediately took cover near some shrubbery on the edge of the path, out of sight in the rain.

“Not much farther it seems...”

The roars grew ever so louder until they saw it, flying almost bee-line over the path, they saw it glide ever so low over them, the moon had peeked out from behind the clouds, allowing anypony to see their two hooves in front of them, a limp body could be seen in it’s talons, lifeless to the naked eye in the reckless storm, but a body nonetheless.

There was an awkward silence amongst the six of them, they stared at the gargantuan beast as it glided down the path, cutting off towards a rocky point they had passed on their way here.

“Twilight... What was that it was carrying?...” Rarity’s question broke the silence, also breaking the trance of all of them.

“I...I-I honestly... don’t know...” Twilight stumbled over her words in her mind, making them come out funny.

Her eyes were watering just a little, she did in fact know who it was, she just had o intention of saying who it was, only to create more distress amongst the others, this was better kept to herself, not to create any worry with the rest of her friends.

“Let’s... just get this over with...” Twilight said quietly, hurrying ahead of her friends and picking up her pace to make it to the dragon ever so much faster.


I couldn’t believe what I had just seen, not even a few minutes ago, I saw the dragon glide over Mist and I, what I saw as it went over made my blood run cold, in the storm, it was hard too see pretty much anything, but I saw him, it WAS him, and if he was dead, I don’t think I could ever forgive myself for what had happened to him.

“Travis... can we slow down?... You’re going a bit too fast for me to keep up...

“You want me to carry you again? Or can we exert ourselves just a little?” I responded curtly, making Mist’s facial expression change to a more sad and hurt look.

We stopped walking, “Sorry Mist, but we gotta get moving... I saw him...” I looked off into the sky for any sign of the dragon, I watched the darkened skies for any sign of it flying anywhere.

A roar escaped it’s mouth not even a mile away, near the peak of a small mountainous looking hill, it was circling the hill, I saw a body in it’s talons as if flew around, looking for a good place to land before doing whatever it had in store for what it was carrying.

I knew it was Taylor, it HAD to be him, only I wasn’t going to tell Mist, he seemed like that kind of guy, or stallion in this case, to break down and start bawling his eyes out when all seemed lost, I didn’t want to provoke that sort of a situation, so I kept it to myself.

“We have to get moving, now...” I said to Mist as he and I started again, now off in the direction of the dragon’s ideal point of landing.

I ran for the safety of my friend, Mist saw that this was very urgent, and he too started on a gallop to keep up with me, the roars grew louder and louder still, suddenly though, voices could be heard on the path we had just gotten to, I jerked my head in the direction of the voices to see dark figures coming our way.

I drew a knife for each hand from my belt, I was really itching to use these, but if they weren’t hostile, I could wait longer before I could get another opportunity to use them again.

“Who’s there?” I called out to the figures in the distance, they didn’t seem to notice me talking, they continued their approach to Mist and I.

“Who’s there?!” I yelled a lot louder to them, they still didn’t seem to notice me yelling yet again.


They all seemed to hear my threatening voice, stopping dead in their tracks not a good thirty feet away from Mist and I, slightly hushed whispers were heard from their group, no response to me, they seemed to be in a huddle of sorts, I began to approach, Mist tentatively followed behind me, one of them poked it’s head up and saw I was coming, it then talked in a hushed whisper to the rest of them.

They all turned their heads in unison and began to disperse into a line, I stopped and they stopped, I took a step forward and they took a step back, I took a step back, they took a step forward.

“Is this really the time for games? Seriously...” I said getting aggravated, shaking my head and sheathing the two knives in my belt.

“Wait it can talk? I thought it was just yelling or something.” one of them piped up to another.

The voice was feminine, somewhat brash, yet, ever so eerily familiar to myself.

“.... Hold the phone here...”

I slowly walked forward and squinted my eyes, just trying to get a better look at them, the rain and the lack of light made this almost an impossible task for me to accomplish.

What I saw made my heart stop mid-beat, there, standing before me were the things that inspired me back at home to be a better person, they were the reason I looked for a deeper meaning in life and same goes in this case for friendship too, all I could do was stare at them, wide eyed and mouth agape, showing no sign of movement in my state of shock.

It was the mane six from My little Pony.

“Hey buddy, you okay there? You’re not looking so hot...”

Rainbow Dash stepped forward, examining my stature up and down, and stopping when her magenta eyes met with my dumbfounded look I was displaying.

I simply put my hand to my jaw, pushing it back into place, as would be done in a cartoon, which this was, or is it reality? I couldn’t be too sure right now.

“This thing here looks like the other one we jus’ met tha’ other day Twi...” Applejack looked at Twilight, whom exchanged worried looks on their faces, and looking back at me in the process.

“Wait...” I finally got up the nerve to speak to them, “the other one?” I asked in a nervous tone.

Twilight looked at me with worry and sadness present in her expression, making me feel no much better here.

“Would... His name happen to be Taylor?...” Mist asked almost inaudible to the storm above.

I watched as Twilight’s eyes almost grew to the size of teacup saucers as Mist said his name, provoking the question in my mind of why they would know him.

“I’m only guessing here, but you wouldn’t happen to know him would you?...” I asked in a curious tone of voice.

“Yes, he only got here a few days ago, he was kidnapped only two days ago by some stallions who jumped him and I in the Everfree.” Twilight was a bit shaky in her tone as she spoke, signalling some sort of trouble with the knowing of my fellow human friend.

“I’m guessing you know where he is?...” Twilight asked me.

“There he is...”

I pointed, looking over Twilight, making her gaze follow mine, soon enough everypony was looking at where my gaze landed, the dragon was still circling the point, with the slightly visible body in it’s talons.

“Oh my stars...” Rarity gasped as the sudden realization hit her.

“Don’t take off your hat yet, he’s not dead... at least as for what we know...” Dash commented towards Applejack as she nearly took off her hat in respect for the dead, or almost dead in this case.

“We need to get moving if he’s that important to you all, I for one know he’s important me.”

“He’s right girls, we need to get moving here.” Twilight affirmed to the rest of them.

“Ummm... But I ummm... thought that we had to find out why the dragon is so grumpy...” Fluttershy quietly asked the purple unicorn.

“Yes that is the priority, but at the same time, it is also just as important to get him back to us, hopefully alive...” Twilight stated, her voice degrading in tone as she spoke.

“You mean when we get him back alive, there’s no dead option here, he’s obviously not dead, otherwise the dragon would be gone with a full stomach by now.” I assured the rest of them, “But we have to get going now if we want the chances to stay that great.”

“He’s right, we have to get moving here, let’s go.” Twilight told her friends.

Them, Mist and I all headed in the direction of where the beast held the body of my friend in it’s talons, soon to possibly kill him, but were weren't about to let that happen, not by any chance.


“Why don’t you just land you son of a bitch...”

The dragon had been circling this one spot for about fifteen minutes, my shoulders and sides hurt from the intense grip, but thankfully I wasn’t dead and also that no major organs had been ruptured, meaning I would live to attempt my escape.

After what seemed like forever for me but only routine to the dragon, he finally cut out of his pattern of flying in constant circles and angled towards the point, preparing for the landing.

I watched him reach down and transition his grip from me from his talons to his claws, those were no much better when he did the transition, it ended up being even worse from the claws than the talons.

His new grip sunk into my pectorals and back, near my shoulder blades, allowing more blood to escape from my body, besides that of the open wounds that he left in place of where he last had me.

His landing was rough, coming down ever so slowly and carefully, but landing with a heavy slump of a landing, making him and I bounce up and down absorbing the shock of the landing.

As soon as he was settled, he raised me to face level with him, I felt the hot waves of air that escaped his nostrils, he glared me down with an absolute hate, which I returned no less, if not more.

“I’ve... Been through enough shit already...” I began, in a menacing to anyone voice, except the dragon, “...And you’re not making it much better...” I was already done with this shit now, I just wanted to go home and sleep.

Wouldn’t that be nice.

The dragon opened his mouth to reveal many sharp teeth, about the size of a small knife for each of them, he stuck my head in and roared for the full effect, to my disgust, it worked, the smell of dead and rotting food stuck in his razor sharp teeth along with the ear splitting roar at close range, did it’s job, my ears rang as he pulled me out of the open space in his mouth.

“Whoo... Bad breath much...” I joked to the dragon, only making his slits of pupils decrease in width as he grew more angry, roaring again in response.

“Can you shut the FUCK UP?!” I yelled to the dragon, surprisingly making him recoil a bit, but he held his own ground pretty well.

“I’ve had enough... of your BULLSHIT!”

I was able to get my arm out of his grip, revealing my sweaty white arm, along with the black tinted dagger I was able to get from out of the sheath to try and do some damage here.

With a large thrust downward, I pierced the blade through the tough scales of it’s forearm slightly, making the dragon roar in it’s small pin-prick of a wound, he shook his arm, throwing me from his grasp.

I landed on the flatter part of the point, skidding with the momentum of the throw across the loose rocks and dirt before coming to a halt, I slowly picked myself up, slightly bloodied dagger in hand, my body heaved from the energy I was exerting from being so tired and torn up, I looked over to see the dragon staring at me, death present in his stare.

“What the hell you gonna do? I’ve been through WORSE!” I yelled at the dragon, fury spat from each word that came from my mouth, wanting nothing more than to impale the living shit out of it from nothing but sheer anger.

The dragon began growling at me, showing his dull-white teeth in the process, I began walking towards the dragon, he in response, began taking in a dramatically large breath, readying for the fire to escape it’s mouth to burn me to a crisp, and exterminating my existence from this damn world.

“COME ON! LET’S GO!” I yelled with at him with hostility, breaking into a sprint as I readied the dagger, and readying for whatever next.

The flames came from his mouth, the wave of heat swept off to the side of me, it’s influence could be felt, but I was clear of it’s area, still sprinting towards the dragon, dodging flames as they came, I eventually got close enough to do something, he saw this and swept a claw out from his side, nearly scraping my feet as I jumped to him.

With dagger in hand, I landed on his chest, clutching onto his scales with one hand, I proceeded to stab at the softer chest tissue and scales, yelling in anger and in hate all the time.

The dragon roared in pain, grabbing me from his chest with his claw and throwing me again, this time, I landed with a mouth full of small rocks and blood as I finally came to a halt, slowly getting up, I could already tell that my left arm was broken, but I couldn't’ feel anything right now, amongst the pain and adrenaline, I couldn’t tell which was winning of this battle of pain and numbness.

Getting up regretting the action, I saw the dragon took this opportunity to come to my body and raise itself to his hind legs, making himself look so much more intimidating in comparison to me, he then picked up my now frail body and raised me over his head.

Opening his mouth, and positioning myself over it my body stopped working there, my heart stopped in mid beat, my blood ran cold, everything could be over in a matter of seconds, everything seemed to go in slow motion right there.

The fall felt like forever, I watched as the world grew dark, his mouth then closed around my body, looking up I could see the last of the light as it was shut off from view, the last thing I could see before I was enveloped in darkness was the moon peeking out from behind the clouds.

And then I was gone.


The commotion in the distance was getting louder as we got near the peak of the point, Taylor just might be there with the dragon, I just hoped that he would be alright.

The mane six, Mist and I were running up a path at an incline almost spiralling around the point, where we would finally get some answers as to why the dragon was here and to see if Taylor was here with him, if that be the case.

The strangest thing just then happened, there was the sound of rain and thunder, but the sound of the dragon’s roar had subsided, I stopped running, making the girls and Mist stop in confusion as they turned to face me.

“Hey, what are you doing? We have to-” Twilight started, but I cut her off with a shush.

“Listen.” I said, making the rest of them stop too and perk their ears as to what I heard.

Just a storm.

There was no sound of the dragon’s anger, nothing to tell us that he was still angry unless whatever he was so angry about was gone, or in this case taken care of.

“No... he’s not dead, he CAN’T be dead... I won’t believe it...no... just... no...”

I felt the blood rush out of my face as I stared in the direction of where the dragon was roaring, I fell to my knees in the mud, stricken with complete disbelief, I wouldn’t accept it, not one bit.

“Oh dear...” Fluttershy came to my aid, “Ummm...are you alright?... Is there anything I could do to help?... That is... if you wanted me to...” Fluttershy looked at me to see what was wrong, I could only stare off into the distance with the repeating thought in my head.

“He’s gone... He’s fucking gone...”

I slowly got back up to my feet, stern look on my face, trying just not to think about it and starting my walk down the path, I would just hope that he wasn’t there, or that if he was, he by some stroke of luck, managed to kill it on his own, I turned to the girls, and at that Fluttershy, whose worry was now apparent in her expression, despite the lack of light.

“No, I just want you to pray now, I may have no belief in god, but that seems appropriate now.” I replied to the concerned pegasus.

Walking down the path, I began to reconcile all the memories I shared with him, while he was with me in Minnesota, we had only known eachother for a good three months, but hey, he’s still a kick-ass person to hang out with, he and I had similar likes in school, science, lunch, half life 2, and most of all, ponies.

Him and I shared the common like of ponies since we met, and since then, time between him and I has never been sweeter, he was pretty much the only other person I knew that shared so much of a like with me, once even at school, we accidentally wore the exact same pony apparel on the same day, and not just one day, many, we just laughed it off as other people stared, thinking in their small, ‘D+’ grade brains, of how wrong and weird it was.

They don’t know what they’ve been missing then.

Overall, he was the best person I have met in my life, besides my parents for that matter, and if he was gone, It would be a sad day in my book, that would haunt me forever.

But I wasn’t going to throw the impossible out just yet, I still think that there’s a chance for him to still be alive, he could have killed it, I don’t know how the fuck he would, but it could happen, I felt my pace increase a notch as the positive came through the worst.

The incline to the point winded around widened a bit more before clearing out into a small, flattened plain of the peak, the rain had begun to degrade into a light patter of drops, the clouds in the sky had cleared out too , revealing Luna’s moon in the night sky, there were some scorch marks in various places on the gravel like earth below our feet and hooves, yet I failed to see the dragon laying on it’s side off near the edge.

I saw the small wounds in it’s flesh, including the massive flesh and blood uncovered on it’s chest, the dragon heaved heavy breaths, indicating it was badly wounded, we all heard it groan in pain, Fluttershy, upon hearing this, ran up alongside it to check it’s wounds.

She said something quiet to the beast on the ground, it responded with a small grunt, this went on for a bit before she got it to gesture to it’s throat, I walked up to get a better look, no sign of Taylor was not a good indicator here, I now stood before the killer of my best friend, I was ready to end it’s miserable life right now, but Fluttershy would have said otherwise.

“Alright now mister dragon, can you say, ‘Ahhhhhhhhhh’? “

Fluttershy spoke in a motherly tone, the dragon slowly opened it’s mouth to reveal it’s teeth and tongue to her, she gasped and staggered back a little before plopping down on her rear, staring in horror at what was inside it’s mouth.

“What is it? Did he do some-... Oh my god...” I walked over to see what it’s problem was, and there it is, clinging onto the back of it’s tongue and bloodied up was Taylor.

“TAYLOR!” I yelled out, running into the mouth of the dragon, trying to get my friend out.

He was badly wounded, his left arm looked funny, it was probably broken, his entire body was splotched with blood and dirt, he was breathing heavily, with his eyes shut, clinging onto the tongue for dear life, he needed medical attention now, he would bleed out if we didn’t act quickly.

“Hey Travis... How’s it been?...” He said between breaths, cracking a small smile, despite his condition.

“Come on, we need to get you to a hospital or something.” I said in urgency.

“Fluttershy? What’s going on?” Twilight’s voice could be heard from the outside and drawing near, along with hoofsteps from the others.

“He’s alright! But we gotta get him to a hospital, like now.” I responded in place of her.

“Wait, who are we talking about?...” She said, coming to see who I was talking about.

I saw Twilight round the opening of the mouth, “Oh thank Celestia you’re alive!” her expression was a mix of relief and joy, as she came in to see how he was.

“Yeah... I’m alive, and it’s nice to see you again Twilight...” his breaths were getting deeper, and showed more difficulty now breathing than before.

“We need to get him out of here now Twilight.” I said to the purple unicorn, who nodded in response.

Twilight levitated the near-dead body of my friend out of the mouth of the dragon, as we got out, the dragon’s mouth lazily shut from the force of gravity, I looked to see that it was having a hard time breathing itself, it’s chest rose and fell in quick breaths of air, giving off a slight whimper in between, looking to Fluttershy and I for some form of help.

“Oh dear...” Fluttershy went up close to him, “It’s going to be alright Mr. dragon, can you get up at all?” She asked in a happier tone.

The dragon slowly rose from the ground, blood still trickling from his wounds, Fluttershy flew up from the ground to meet eye level with it, the dragon rose his head to meet with hers.

“Now, if you can follow us back, we can take care of those nasty cuts of yours, alright?” Her voice was soothing and motherly, the dragon gave a small nod to her, and with her leading the dragon, she began to guide the dragon to her cottage it seemed.

As the dragon’s tail disappeared from sight, my attention turned towards Twilight and Mist, who were hovering over Taylor’s body, their expressions looked dim, which wasn’t what I was hoping for in their examination.

“He’s really bad.” Mist said as I approached, “I’m surprised he’s still conscious, with the amount of blood loss and broken arm, I can’t say I’m not surprised.”

“Is he going to live though?” I asked anxiously, the matter of this question was vital to my knowing as of now and as of ever.

“Well...” Twilight began sounding uncertain, “It’s a bit early to tell here, but our best bet is to get him out of here and to the Ponyville hospital.”

“Well, lets get going! I don’t want to be the ONLY human in Equestria here.” I said as Twilight, Mist, Taylor being levitated by Twilight, and the rest of them started down the path.

Twilight stopped dead in her tracks and turned back to me.

“Wait... How do you know we’re in Equestria? Taylor had no prior knowledge to the land here.” Twilight questioned towards me, “So how do you?”

“Shit, that's right... They don’t know they’re part of a children’s television show. Quick Travis THINK!”

“While I was in confinement with Taylor here, I overheard one of our captors say the name, I only assumed that was the name.”

“Oh okay then, makes sense.” Twilight responded.

That did seemed to do the trick, I watched the rest of them turn back to their intended path and begin trotting down the path, that is except for Applejack.

She stared at me with utter distrust, I knew she had seen past my truthfully sounding lie, and wasn’t taking it for all it was worth, her glare was scary to say the least, I slowly made it up to a run to catch up with Twilight and the others, the lights of Ponyville were surprisingly enough, not even a mile away, giving Taylor a better chance at him keeping his life.

“Don’t think I trust you now, Ya hear?” Applejack’s voice came from behind me, making me jump a little, she had caught up with me and was showing no sign of trust or happy connotation in her voice.

I refrained from responding to her, I simply ran up ahead, avoiding any more confrontation from her, and preventing any suspicion from her four friends.

“Well, there’s Ponyville.”

The small town of equine beings came into full view now, the lights lining the streets lit up the scenery before us, displaying bright pastel colors of the flourishing settlement, Twilight and her friends led on, with Mist and I in the back, we followed them through the once bustling town, towards a large building with a red cross on the front, which by now had to be the hospital.

As we opened the door and filed in, Taylor was now not looking so good, his breathing had grown more rapid, and came in shorter gasps, he was just barely hanging on to consciousness now, just a few minutes here from the darkness that would take hold of him shortly.

“Doctor we need medical help NOW!”

Twilight’s voice came from near a room she was yelling in, soon after she came out with a flame red stallion with a darker green mane, he had a stretcher, I believed that it was the biggest one that they had, since there were obviously no humans here, he helped Twilight settle his body down onto the stretcher bed and he wheeled Taylor down a hall, disappearing behind two doors, and calling out the muffled words which were joined by others from behind.

I was about to follow them from behind the doors, until a white mare with a pink mane and small white hat, embedded with the red cross symbol came to stop me.

“I’m sorry, but visitors are not allowed to watch the procedure, we will be with you to tell when you can see him, for now, please wait in the lobby.”

She redirected me to the lobby where the rest of them sat, waiting for my friends diagnosis and after procedure report, mainly the info on weather he lived or not, Twilight paced back and forth in the open space, Pinkie remained Pinkie, and was mimicking the pacing of Twilight, who paid her no mind, Rarity was nowhere to be seen, Rainbow was lounging back on one of the chairs, and Applejack was continued to glare at me, she was the first to acknowledge my presence, Mist was also in a chair, but back to staring off into space.

“Well... waiting may take a while...” I began, getting the attention of everypony, Rarity appeared from a door which I believed was the ladies, or mare’s room, cleaned off from the rain.

“And I haven’t properly introduced myself, so I think now is a good time to do so.” Everypony seemed to agree with the idea, even Applejack, as reluctant as it seemed to her she came over for introductions, it seemed fit to pass the time.

I mustered up a small smile, containing my urge to get on my knees and thanking ‘god’ for this freaking amazing dream come true, as well as smothering all of them with an overly large hug, probably smothering them in the process of doing so.

“My name’s Travis.”
