• Published 27th Dec 2012
  • 1,899 Views, 44 Comments

Echoing Shadows - LordSiravant

King Sombra was not destroyed, as everypony thought. Days later he returns, reconquering the Empire swiftly. War is inevitable, and Sombra has no intention of losing a second time...

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What We Do For Family

Chapter Fourteen: What We Do For Family

Unicorn barracks, late evening...

Twilight could not sleep.

So much was on her mind that she couldn't shut it out and be at peace. While she and her friends were training alongside other ponies to fight and kill, King Sombra was off making matters worse for the world at large. The Gryphons were dragged into the conflict, then came the Diamond Dogs, and now there were not just Windigos at his command too, but also dragons. While they dithered about, Sombra was building a truly fearsome army. If the Changelings decided to ally with him as well, Equestria would be hard-pressed to fight off such a mighty force. Though Sombra's goals and methods deprived the love parasites of food sources, the fact that they were enemies with Equestria made their involvement a likely possibility. The chances of them taking Equestria's side in this war were slim at best.

And then there was the war itself. Many innocent people would die. Her friends could die.

She could die.

That alone terrified her. But the thought of losing any of her friends was even more frightening. Applejack especially was at high risk. Earth ponies, lacking magic, were melee fighters and fought at the front lines while unicorns fired from behind and pegasi dive-bombed behind the enemy's front lines. Applejack wouldn't want to be anywhere else but the front lines. Rainbow Dash too.

Vinyl was fast asleep beneath her, snoring and muttering "wub-wub-wub" as she exhaled. Twilight gently shook her head at her new friend's antics, but unfortunately they could not put her at ease.

Throughout the day, she and her fellow unicorns saw a variety of large dragons converge on the mountains above Canterlot, roosting atop the peaks. She knew that others were still entering Equestria and taking up strategic positions throughout the land in case of an attack by Sombra's allies.

Thinking of the dragons made Twilight think of Spike next. With Princess Celestia still bedridden, Twilight couldn’t write to him and find out how he was doing and how things were going in Ponyville. With most of the adults gone, the town was virtually empty. The foals had to stay with older relatives who were too old to join the army. Spike was by himself in that library, with only Owlowiscious and Peewee to keep him company. How would he react to the presence of one of the dragons coming to Ponyville to stand guard, considering that what little interaction he had had with his own kind left him denouncing his dragon heritage altogether?

Twilight shook her head as she sat up in bed. There was just too much on her mind. Maybe a walk will help, Twilight thought to herself as she slowly climbed down the ladder so as not to wake Vinyl.

Twilight quietly left the barracks, noticing that the two guards standing on either side of the doorway were so tired that they had fallen asleep standing up. Shaking her head, Twilight moved on and slowly walked around the compound, breathing in the cool night air.

“Private Sparkle! It’s after curfew! What are you doing out at this time of night?”

Twilight let out a startled gasp as she turned around to see who had spoken to her. Her heart sank as she saw Falling Skies emerge from the darkness, but she remembered to stand up straight and salute. “Sorry, sir!” she croaked, cursing her tired, scratchy voice.

Falling rolled his eyes. “At ease, soldier. No need for formalities when nopony else is looking. Now, I believe you were about to explain yourself.”

Twilight sighed and lowered her hoof. “Can’t sleep, sir,” she spoke. “There’s just…too much going on in my mind right now. I thought a walk might help.”

Falling subtly nodded his head in recognition. In truth, he was out here because he couldn’t sleep either. “I can see that, Private,” he drawled as they slowly began to walk together.

“What do you mean, sir?” Twilight asked, confused.

“I can see it in your eyes,” Falling replied, staring pensively ahead as they walked. “Every day, when I watch you practice with the others.”

Twilight looked down.

“You’re an excellent student, Private Sparkle,” Falling said. “You focus on what I teach you, and you master the spells quickly and efficiently. I can see why Princess Celestia chose to tutor you personally.” He did not fail to see Twilight wince at the mention of her mentor’s name, indicating that she had not yet fully recovered from seeing the princess nearly being killed. “But I can also see that a war is brewing in your mind as much as the one out there. It’s holding you back.”

Twilight sighed. “It’s fine.”

Falling looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Fine, you say? You may be the Element of Magic, but do not forget you are a mortal pony with mortal feelings and thoughts. You confide in your friends, but you have had little chance to do so lately. I’ve been too ignorant of your fantastic abilities in the past, but I will hear your words now, if you so wish to speak them.”

Twilight closed her eyes as she gathered her jumbled thoughts. “I…it’s just…I feel like I’m responsible for this. When the Crystal Empire first returned and we faced King Sombra for the first time, I thought we defeated him. We saw the energy of the Crystal Heart shatter his body into a million pieces. We saw him die. And yet he didn’t. And worse, he reconquered the Empire behind our backs.”

Twilight choked back a sob as she was hit with a wave of memories concerning her brother and her beloved sister-in-law. Falling looked away and stared ahead. “Prince Shining Armor was your brother, correct?” he asked.

Twilight wordlessly nodded, rubbing a tear away with her hoof.

“He was a good stallion,” Falling said. “I was honored to serve under him, Private Sparkle.”

Twilight sniffed. “He’s the reason I’m trying so hard. I want to save him and Cadance. I know there’s a chance to save them if we reach the Crystal Empire, and I hold onto that hope in order to keep going.”

Falling nodded his head in acknowledgement. “As good a reason to fight as any I’ve heard.”

“But…it’s not just them I’m fighting for. I want to protect my friends too. They…they mean the world to me, sir. I almost think of them as family, and I can’t bear to lose any of them. I’m scared of dying too…but I…I’d gladly give my life if it meant saving theirs.”

“It takes a great deal of courage to say that, and mean it,” Falling replied. “But you must conquer your thoughts if you want to overcome the challenges ahead. I’ve heard the stories; you have great potential as a leader. Hay, you may end up with my job one day. But first, conquer your demons. I know King Sombra has affected you far more than any of us.”

Something she had been wanting to ask for some time wormed its way to the front of Twilight’s mind. “Sir…why did you promote Trixie?”

“Allow me to answer your question with another question. Do you have a history with Lieutenant Lulamoon?”

Twilight sighed as she nodded her head. “About a year ago, she came to Ponyville as a traveling magician. Only most of the tricks she did were just her showing off. Several of my friends started heckling her, saying I could do better than her. I didn’t want any part of it, so I refused. Then, later that night, two of the local foals, stupidly believing one of her stories about vanquishing an Ursa Major in Hoofington, drew an Ursa Minor to the town. Naturally Trixie admitted she had lied when she was forced to confront it and ran off. I had to placate the Minor on my own and send it back to its cave in the Everfree Forest.”

Falling’s eyebrows flew up. “I heard about that. You say Lulamoon instigated it?”

“Well, technically the foals did. Even she didn’t anticipate that they would bring an Ursa Minor to town. Snips and Snails are, unfortunately, not the brightest stallions around. Truth is, she blamed me for it, saying that I showed her up by dealing with the Minor on my own when she couldn’t. She apparently went out of a job because word got around that her stories were complete lies and nopony wanted to see her shows. She blames all her hardships on me and hates me for it.” Twilight hesitated. “Permission to speak freely, sir?”

“We’ve been doing that for the last five minutes, Private.”

Twilight looked down at the ground. “I…I don’t trust Trixie. Her ego is as bloated as my friend Rainbow Dash’s, and she possesses my inability to socialize and make friends before I moved to Ponyville. And she also holds grudges. I’m just afraid that…”

“You think she may purposely order you into performing a suicide mission,” Falling matter-of-factly finished for her, cracking a smirk at her surprised look. “I can tell that Lieutenant Lulamoon is arrogant, but she is no fool. She won’t do that, especially not to you. For one, you are an Element of Harmony; you are one of Equestria’s pillars of strength. Intentionally putting you in harm’s way would earn a one-way ticket to Tartarus Prison. Even if you weren’t, she would still get court-martialed for trying that. Believe me, you aren’t the first pony to step into this situation. I suspect she may try to treat you unfairly in other ways, but if she does so, let me know. I’d be more than happy to transfer her rank to you should she abuse her station.”

Twilight yawned. “Thank you, sir. I’ll…think about everything you said. I think I can finally rest.”

Twilight turned around and started heading back towards the barracks. “Sleep well, Private Sparkle,” Falling called after her. “Fifty laps around the base if you’re even a minute late tomorrow!”

“Yessir!” Twilight half-mumbled over her shoulder, too tired to contemplate whether or not he was joking or being serious.

Probably both.


The next morning, Golden Oaks Library, Ponyville

Spike sighed as he finished sweeping the floor of the library for the third time today, despite the fact that there hadn’t been a speck of dust on it for weeks. Nopony came to the library to borrow any books anymore. Although Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom would come and visit him every so often, Spike felt more alone than he had ever felt before. He missed Twilight so much. She was pretty much the only family he had, and with her off fighting in the war, there was a strong possibility that he might never see her again.

He couldn’t handle it anymore. He dropped his broom on the floor, walked up the stairs and fell into his bed, quietly sobbing.

Outside, Ponyville’s newest visitor was causing a stir. What few of Ponyville’s residents remaining gawked at the large dragon that confidently made its way down Main Street, not even sparing them a passing glance as it headed towards the library. Sweetie Belle had just been about to go visit Spike again to see how he was doing when she saw the dragon striding towards her same destination, though she was somewhat closer. Glancing over her shoulder at the dragon as it halted in front of her, staring silently down at her, Sweetie Belle knocked on the door. “Um, Spike?” she called out. “You have a visitor, and I’m not talking about me.”

Only silence greeted her. “Come forth, Spike,” the dragon suddenly spoke. “I would have words with you, dragon to dragon.”

After a few moments, the door opened, revealing Spike, who was fervently rubbing his eyes to brush away the tears. When he saw what his visitor was, his arm dropped, his mouth fell open, and his eyes widened. “Whoa,” he muttered.

The dragon standing before him was large, about the size of the one that had chased him out of its hoard when he had run away from home. His scales were a dark, iridescent purple, and emerald green spines ran down His back. A pair of dark grey horns protruded from the back of his forehead, and his eyes were green like his scales. Something about this dragon looked strangely familiar, but Spike couldn’t put his finger on it. The dragon’s lips curved slightly upwards before he spoke. “I’m not surprised you are still this size, child, considering how little ponies know of our kind.”

Spike was hit by the uncomfortable memory of when he had succumbed to his greed and ravaged Ponyville as a hulking adult dragon. “W-who are you?” he demanded.

Sweetie Belle stepped back to give the two dragons their space, but other ponies were starting to gather nearby as well, watching the exchange play out. The larger dragon chuckled. “Who am I? I am he who watched your egg be laid. I am he whose blood and strength flow through your veins. I am Melvekar, the Evening Shadow, and you, Spike, are my son.”

There was a collective gasp as the dragon dropped its bombshell, but none of them were quite as shocked as Spike himself, who stammered and fell on his rump, staring up at the dragon that had just revealed himself to be his father. Now that he knew the truth, Spike finally realized why the dragon looked familiar. Besides the far darker shade of purple in his scales, the different spines on his back, the presence of horns, and a slightly more elongated snout, this dragon looked just like Spike’s adult form. “W-what…I…how…” he choked on his words, trying to form a coherent sentence. Finally he was able to say one thing. “Why?”

The hurt look on the hatchling’s face was all the confirmation Melvekar needed to realize what Spike was asking. “Why did I give your egg to Princess Celestia instead of hatching you myself?” he asked. “Because, Spike, it is against dragon tradition, and therefore law, for the father to raise the egg. I had no choice, and your mother…well, I will save those details for another time. I have dropped a big enough fireball already. But do not worry, my son; we will have plenty of chances to talk. I will be staying in Ponyville for some time in order to defend it from a possible attack.”

Spike paled. “Ponyville might be attacked again?”

Melvekar shook his head. “These are merely precautionary measures. We do not know for sure. But considering that the Dragon Kingdom’s civil war has been integrated into Equestria’s conflict with King Sombra, it is better to be safe than sorry.”

Melvekar turned away and began to head off. “If you wish to hear more, I will be around.”

Spike watched the dragon, his father, leave, his mind trying to process what had just happened. Sweetie Belle slowly walked up to him and put her hoof on his shoulder. “Spike, are you okay?” she asked.

Spike shook his head to clear his thoughts. “Sorry, Sweetie. I just…need to be alone right now.”

Without another word, Spike walked into the library and slammed the door shut, locking it from inside. Sweetie Belle stared at the door with saddened, concerned eyes for several long moments before she relented and went off to go find her friends.


Pegasus Barracks, late afternoon

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but feel proud of herself. When it came to aerial maneuvers, she left everypony else, including Swift Stroke himself, in the dust. After several hours of this, Swift Stroke finally called for a break. “Alright, fillies and gentlecolts!” he barked. “You’ve done well so far! Fifteen minutes’ rest, and we start again!”

The pegasi recruits collectively sighed in relief as they touched down on the ground and began stretching their legs and preening their wings. Rainbow was about to do the same when she suddenly heard Swift’s voice behind her. “Private Dash!”

Rainbow turned around and saluted crisply. “Yes, sir?” she barked.

Swift began walking past her. “Walk with me.”

Rainbow felt trepidation crawl into her chest. “Yessir,” she said, falling into step beside him.

After a few moments of silence, Swift said, “You’ve done nothing but impress me ever since you started training here. You’re fast, you’re agile, and you’re tough. Good qualities for a pegasus soldier to have.”

Rainbow blushed. “Thank you, sir.”

“I also see you possess leadership qualities and don’t let your ego get in the way of working with others. You commanded the weather team in your hometown of Ponyville, correct?”

Rainbow nodded. “Yessir.”

“Heard you did a good job of it too.”

“I did my best, sir.”

“You’re one of the best recruits I’ve ever trained, Miss Dash. And I’m not saying this because you’re the Element of Loyalty. I’m saying this because of the qualities you possess that drew the Element to you. And that is why you’re getting promoted tonight at my office, eight o’ clock sharp.”

Rainbow’s jaw dropped. “I-I’m getting promoted?!”

Rainbow flew into the air and did a loopty-loop, cheering loudly. Once she noticed Swift staring flatly at her, she giggled in embarrassment and landed by him. “Eh heh heh, um, sorry.”

Swift smirked. “Don’t make me regret this.”

It was then that the two of them saw something in the distance bearing down on the barracks, a black mass of creatures that they both recognized instantly. “Changelings!” Swift cried, turning around. “Everypony, gather your…”

“No, sir, wait!” Rainbow cried, grabbing his shoulder. “Look!”

Swift turned and looked at where Rainbow was pointing and saw a peculiar sight. The swarm of Changelings had landed a fair distance away from the perimeter, and they looked absolutely exhausted. However, four of them were still heading towards the barracks, carrying something in their arms. Rainbow gasped as she recognized the figure the Changelings were holding. “That’s…that’s Queen Chrysalis!”

Both of them were on guard, but allowed the Changelings to land in front of them. Chrysalis was in bad shape. There was a nasty crack in her carapace on her chest, where green blood still freely flowed. She was barely conscious, but she managed to look up at the two pegasi looking at her with surprised expressions. “Take…me…to your princess,” she weakly groaned before she finally, after hundreds of miles of non-stop travel, lost consciousness in the arms of her drones.

Author's Note:

Okay, so the inclusion of Spike's father is for a good reason. I want Spike to be involved in the war, but considering his current size, he wouldn't be able to do much. So Spike's gonna get a crash course in dragon biology and what it means to be a dragon. Gotta give him a chance at Sombra too, you know.