• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 1,059 Views, 4 Comments

Forget-Me-Not - Mitslits

Rainbow Dash rises to meet the challenge of regaining Fluttershy's love after a heartshattering break-up.

  • ...

Don't Forget

It was a day equal to no other in beauty with Celestia's sun shining brightly down upon all of Equestria. The long grass danced softly in the cool breeze, making the temperature absolutely perfect for any ponies who felt like being outside. Bees hummed near the flowers, seeming content to just hover over the pollen, instead of collecting it while butterflies flitted among them, drinking the sweet nectar offered to them.

Many ponies were taking advantage of the delicious sunshine and were strolling, swimming, or just lying about, filling the air with the quiet buzz of laughter and conversation. Fillies and colts splashed each other in the shallows, shrieking with laughter as they tried to avoid returned fire. Their parents watched them with one eye while joking amongst themselves or commenting on the fine weather. Couples full of young love were strolling about the streets, paying no attention to anything but each other as they veered past others enjoying the warmth of the sun.

But in one such place there was no peace. The sun still shone, the breeze still blew, the bees and butterflies lingered, but all was not at rest. For this was Fluttershy's cottage; normally the most peaceful place to be it had turned into a sort-of battleground for two young mares, one of them Fluttershy herself.

The other combatant was Rainbow Dash, a spirited light blue pegasus with wild rainbow mane and tail. She was the source of most of the disturbance as her voice rang out loudly. Fluttershy was quiet, almost timid in her answers, but nonetheless resolved and determined to get her way in this matter.

"Come on, Fluttershy, don't do this. Please don't do this.", Rainbow Dash pleaded, trotting briskly after Fluttershy as the pale yellow pegasus headed towards her cottage. "You don't really want to break up, do you? Was it something I did? Something I said?"

She sorrowfully shook her head, reaching her house and pausing in the doorway. "I'm sorry, Dashie, I really am, but...it's just not working. I just...I just can't do this anymore. I don't want to hurt you more than I can see you're already hurting. Please don't make this harder than it has to be", she pleaded, eyes filling with tears.

Sensing that she wouldn't break her no matter what she said, Rainbow frowned and glared at her ex-marefriend. "Why does this have to be the one thing you're stubborn about?" she asked petulantly.

"Because this is important to me. The heart is too fragile a thing to mess with and I'm sorry we ever tried", Fluttershy responded quietly. "I don't want to continue something I don't see working out, Dashie. I wish, oh, I so wish we had never started this and could still be friends. But now...I'm afraid it's too late. If you ever find it in your heart to forgive me maybe we could still be friends." Hanging her head, Fluttershy turned and walked into her house, shutting the door gently behind her.

Rainbow Dash kicked the ground in frustration. She threw longing looks at the closed door as she turned and began to slowly make her way out of Fluttershy's yard, half hoping she would hear her sweet voice saying this was all a mistake, a prank set up by Pinkie Pie even, and that she wanted her back. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more she was convinced that it was only one of Pinkie's pranks. Her pace quickened. She was going to find Pinkie and see if that was all this was. "If it turns out to be a joke, I'm going to laugh so hard and then", she muttered to herself, "then I'm going to kill her."


Pinkie Pie was just finishing up putting a batch of cupcakes into the oven when she heard a knock at the door. She raced to answer it; as she did so, she caught a glimpse of herself in the glass display case that held all their pastries and couldn't help but giggle. She was covered head to hoof in flower from an earlier mishap with the ingredient and her chef's hat was half-falling off her head. Still, Pinkie answered the door as she was.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie, can I-?" But Dash was cut short as Pinkie applied a choke hold, otherwise known as a hug, and dragged her into the shop.

Pinkie's words fell over each other as she disappeared into the back room where the oven was located. "Oh,RainbowDash, I'msogladyou'rehere;youseeI'mmakinganew-" Her progress was halted by a cyan hoof placed gently over her mouth.

"Slow it down, Pinkie", Dash commanded, unable to keep from smiling, despite her situation.

The bouncy, pink earth pony took a couple of deep breaths, poked her head out so she could see Rainbow Dash, and repeated, "Oh, Rainbow Dash, I'm so glad you're here; you see, I'm making a new recipe and I really needed somebody to be a taste-tester." She broke off and wiped her forehead, smudging the flour and creating a white cloud. "Phew! That was hard!" Pinkie grinned and pulled her head back into the room again.

Dash decided it couldn't hurt to eat one little cupcake before confronting Pinkie Pie, so she seated herself at one of the little tables near the window. She let out a soft sigh. This had always been one of her favorite places, not just because Pinkie, her best friend next to Fluttershy, worked here, but because she had always appreciated the sugar-filled snack after intense work-out sessions.

Fans spun softly on the ceiling and all would have been quiet, but for Pinkie who was managing to make an awful lot of noise while fetching the pastry. Eventually she flung the door open with a shouted, "TADA!" that was cut short by the door swinging back into her muzzle. Pinkie opened the door more slowly the next time with a giggle and another "TADA!" just as loud as the first. With one hoof she massaged her muzzle while in the other she held a small platter which she deposited on Dash's table. "Now, you enjoy that while I go clean up my, er, little mess", Pinkie Pie giggled as she bounced back into the oven area.

Rainbow poked the cupcake tentatively. It looked interesting to say the least. The cake itself was rainbow-colored while a bright pink and yellow icing was slathered all over the top.

Pinkie poked her head back out to wink at Rainbow Dash. "You like it? I made it for you and Flutters. I call it: Flutterdash! Or maybe Rainbowshy?" She put a hoof to her chin and stared at the ceiling quizzically.

"I knew it!" Dash shouted, leaping up from the table and nearly sending the treat flying. She pointed a hoof accusingly at the perplexed pink pony. "You did tell Fluttershy to pretend and break up with me. She does really want me." And a radiant smile spread over her face.

The door closed behind Pinkie as she slowly walked over to Rainbow. "Dashie, what are you talking about? I didn't tell Flutters to break up with you. Did something happen?" She slowly put her hooves around the cyan pegasus' neck and forced her to look into her eyes. "Come on and tell Auntie Pinkie all about it."

"You...you weren't just pulling a prank on me?" Rainbow asked suspiciously.

Pinkie pouted and looked slightly hurt. "Rainbow Dash, you know me. I play harmless little pranks on ponies not super meanie-weanie-pants pranks." At this point her friend had started to sway a little, so she guided her into the seat Rainbow had previously been in.

Dash's face changed from concentration to hurt. "You're right, Pinkie. I-I'm sorry for accusing you like that. I just...I don't know why Fluttershy doesn't like me. I like her." She grabbed Pinkie's hoof in hers tightly. "I do. Pinkie, what am I going to do without her? We've been together for three years! I...I don't know what to do..."

This was a new side to her normally tough friend that Pinkie wasn't really familiar with. Still, she would do her best to cheer up her friend because that's what Pinkie did. She nodded firmly at her mental resolution and slid into the seat across from Rainbow. "Aw come on, Dashie. This is Fluttershy. She likes you even if she doesn't know it." She winked.

"But I don't want her to just like me", Dash sighed. She knew Pinkie was trying to cheer her up, but the pink earth pony didn't really have any experience with love. Come to think of it, Dash didn't really know anything about it either. She had been making it up as she went along and for three years, it had seemed to be working. She had to go somewhere that she could really get help. Rainbow Dash had to pull out the big guns. "Pinkie, you're a genius! Thank you!" she suddenly exclaimed, embracing her friend across the table.

Pinkie, who had been rattling on about Fluttershy's kindness, was understandably startled at her friend's outburst. She recovered quickly, and patted Dash's back. "Of course I am, Dashie! Now go get 'em!"

Rainbow didn't need any more permission than that. She waved once as she blasted out of the door and launched into the air, heading for the Carousal Boutique.

"Bye!" Pinkie called out of the door before heading back to the table. "I think a genius deserves a reward", she said, hungrily eyeing the cupcake. With one flick of her hoof, she sent it flying into her wide open jaws. She made a face. "Oh, yuck! Way too much pickle juice!"


Dash chuckled to herself as she flew over to Rarity's. The fashion diva, being so beautiful, had to know more about relationships then any other pony she knew. "Why didn't I think of this before?" she asked herself as she alighted on the front lawn of the boutique. She trotted up to the door and was just about to knock when a small colt, shedding pieces of an obviously elaborate outfit, burst out of the door.

"Tailored Coat, come back here this instant!" A cream colored mare with a dark brown mane put up in a beehive hairdo followed him out, much mortified by her son's behavior. "Miss Rarity worked very hard on that!"

The colt was struggling to get out of a shirt with incredibly poofy sleeves. "Don't care, mum! I'm not wearing this! Ever! You can bury me in it, if you want, but I won't wear it while I'm alive." He continued to fight with the massive folds of fabric.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. The kid had spunk.

The mare, who she assumed to be his mother, blushed as a sound as of fabric ripping was heard. "Miss Rarity, I'm extremely sorry. I assure you, my son does not usually behave like this", she apologized, while glaring at her son. He returned her glare.

The mare's last sentences had been addressed to Rarity who had come out onto the lawn during the dispute, seeming to not even notice Dash who was standing now a bit behind her. "Well, colts will be colts, I suppose", she sighed.

This surprised Rainbow Dash. The calm statement was nothing compared to the hissy fit she had been expecting.

Rarity glanced at the small colt and the now tattered sleeves. "Maybe we could try something a bit less...poofy next time, Miss Featherbottom."

As the mother and son fell to arguing about the poofiness of the sleeves, Dash sidled up to Rarity. The beautiful white unicorn jumped slightly.

"Oh, hello, Rainbow Dash. I can't believe I didn't notice you before. I'm a bit frazzled, you see", she fretted, gesturing towards her customers. "I'm terribly busy, and whatever it is will have to wait, I'm afraid", she sighed.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. "I know, and I'm sorry to bug you, but..." She glanced at Tailored Coat and Miss Featherbottom, and lowered her voice. "It's about me and Fluttershy."

Instantly a great change came over Rarity. Her eyes sparkled and she pushed Rainbow Dash towards the door of the boutique, nearly shoving her inside. She turned to her clients, speaking in a rush. "Well, I'm sure I can whip something suitable up for Tailored, there. Come back in a day or two and we can talk some more. I'm terribly sorry to have to leave in a rush, but...er...family matters have come up. You know how these things always do. Ta!" She rushed into the boutique and slammed the door, leaving two bemused ponies standing in her front yard.

Dash took a half-step backwards as Rarity turned to face her. Her eyes sparkled with a light that comes only from pure passion and her smile could only be described as demonic. Before Rainbow could say anything, she had to duck to avoid objects as they levitated in all directions. In seconds Rarity had set up a small table, two chairs, cleaned the shop, turned the 'open' sign to 'closed' and was calmly pouring tea from a kettle into two mugs set on the table.

"Now, do have a seat, dear", Rarity offered, setting the kettle down and taking a seat herself. She took a sip of her own tea and waited for Rainbow to accept her seat.

Rainbow Dash eyed the spread with trepidation. She had never been fond of tea. She couldn't help but smile as she recalled all the times she had choked down the bitter liquid for Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus was always so happy to see her enjoying something she had prepared and the awful taste had been worth it every time. She collapsed into her seat and was soon sobbing the whole tale to Rarity.

"We were j-just coming back from a Wonderbolts p-performance. She was strangely quiet as we wa-walked back home. She didn't say a word un-until we were nearly at her house. Then she told me she didn't want to...to be with me anymore and th-that she wanted to break up and so...so I guess we are", Dash finished with a fresh burst of tears, staining the white tablecloth.

Rarity sat quietly in thought for a moment. "Why did she break up with you, darling?" she asked finally, taking a sip of her tea.

This stopped Dash's tears. The cyan pegasus looked up and sniffled. "I don't...I don't know. She didn't s-say."

The white unicorn slowly shook her head. "Now, Rainbow Dash, you can do better than that. Figure it out", she prompted.

Dash puzzled over this for a moment or two before shrugging. "I honestly don't know. I mean, I was a good marefriend and she-" A white hoof stopped her from continuing.

"You say you were a good marefriend. Let's start with that. What did you do to prove that statement?" Rarity asked.

Finally looking up at her friend, Dash said, "I brought her presents, took her to concerts, and parties and stuff."

Finding that the tea kettle was empty, Rarity got up and returned to the kitchen to refill it. She called out, "Dash, darling, what are Fluttershy's two least favorite things?" She set the water to a boil as she waited for her answer.

Dash fidgeted uncomfortably. "Um...Discord and Nightmare Moon?" she finally guessed.

Rarity, who had returned with full tea kettle, looked skeptically at Rainbow while pouring another glass of tea and taking a sip. "You can't be serious. You don't know what Fluttershy's least favorite things are? Darling, it's obvious! Anypony could tell you."

Rainbow crossed her forelegs and pouted. "Fine. If it's so obvious, you tell me what it is." She settled back expectantly.

"Simple", Rarity retorted, taking a sip of the new tea and sighing in pleasure. "Other ponies and attention."

"Fine", Dash pouted. "But what does that have to do with me taking her to parties...and...stuff..." The lightbulb had finally gone off. She facehoofed at her own stupidity. "Of course she didn't like going to those kinds of things! How could I have been so stupid?" she groaned.

Rarity smiled, pleased with her success. "You're not stupid, darling, just oblivious sometimes. You got so caught up in things you like that you didn't think about Fluttershy enough. So, what are some things you think she would enjoy that you might not necessarily like?"

This question was easier to answer. "Walking, I guess. She always seemed to like little trips to and from Ponyville", Dash suggested.

"Good. What else?" Rarity prompted.

"Picnics. Visiting with other animals. Watching the sunset on the beach!" Dash was on a roll now. "Thanks, Rarity!"

Rarity shook a hoof. "Now, now, we're not nearly finished yet", she scolded.

Rainbow Dash, who had leaped out of her seat with excitement, slowly sat back down, curious. "What do you mean? What else is there?"

"There are a couple of questions", Rarity said, ignoring a groan from her friend. "Now, now, they're not that bad, darling", Rarity admonished. "First: what did you do for her birthday last year?" she asked, taking the last sip of tea from her glass and beginning to levitate the whole set, kettle and all into the kitchen.

Dash paled and her ears drooped. "Um, her birthday?" she whispered hoarsely.

The tea set fell to the ground with a crash and Rarity turned wide eyes to Rainbow Dash. "You. Didn't."

"Um, maybe I wasn't that great of a marefriend", Dash admitted, rubbing the back of her neck and avoiding Rarity's accusing glare at all costs.

Rarity began to sweep up the pieces of broken china as she continued her questions. "How many years did you forget, exactly?"

"Eheh. Kinda, um, all three", Rainbow said, blushing furiously.

Rarity stiffened with shock and gave Dash such a glare that Dash recoiled. "Honestly, it's a miracle she stayed with you after the first time. That mare must be more forgiving than I that. You, Rainbow Dash, should be ashamed." She sighed. "Still, I suppose there are other things I should ask", she said with a sigh. "What do her parents think of you?"

Rainbow shrugged. "Dunno. Never met them", she said.

Again, Rarity was shocked to her core. "N-Never met them?" she whispered. "This is more of a disaster than I that. Moving on. What did you do to show your affection?" She prayed for a sensible answer. She did not get one.

"Pretty much nothing. I held her hoof a couple of times, hugged her once or twice, maybe..." Dash trailed off, sensing that Rarity was struggling to contain an outburst.

"I'm not sure this can be salvaged", Rarity said after a couple minutes of silence. "This is the worst relationship crisis I've ever had to face. My one and only suggestion is this: find out more about her and prove your love to her", she suggested. "And now, if you would please excuse me I have a mess to clean up and an outfit, without poofy sleeves, to make."

Dash cringed, but took her suggestion to heart. She left the shop and as she flew away she made a resolution. 'Tomorrow', Dash thought. 'Tomorrow I find out as much about Shy as I possibly can."


Rainbow Dash woke with the sun. She sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes, yawning as she did so. "Well", she muttered to herself. "Well, well, well." She flung the covers off and shivered as her hooves touched the cold clouds that made up her floor. She flung open a window to let in fresh air and the sun's warmth and sighed in pleasure at the nice day. "Time to get moving."

As Dash munched her way through a bowl of Hayio's, combed her mane, trimmed her wings, and brushed her teeth, she had the nagging feeling that today, for some reason, was important. After thinking about it for a few moments and still being unable to determine why, she shrugged and cast off the lingering feeling. She exited the house after feeding Tank his breakfast of salad and stood poised on the brink of her cloud house. Dash executed a perfect swan dive off of the edge and didn't pull out of it until she had nearly hit the ground. She landed gently and began to walk briskly towards Fluttershy's cottage.

Then she stopped short. She had remembered why today was important. Today was Learn About Fluttershy Day. Cringing at the thought of how embarrassing a meeting with Fluttershy could have been, she turned and launched herself into the air, winging her way towards Twilight's library.


Twilight was putting a new shipment of books in alphabetical order when Rainbow Dash burst through the doorway. She jumped and knocked a few books of off a shelf. Carefully replacing them, she turned to face her visitor. "Oh, hey, Dash. How are you?"

Rainbow zipped upwards and began to pace in midair. "There's no times for pleasantries, Twilight. You've met Fluttershy's parents before, right?" she asked, glancing down at the lavender unicorn who had returned to her work.

Twilight Sparkle stopped, a little shocked by the question. "Yeah, once. It was right after Cadence's and Shining Armor's wedding. They were there and they stopped and talked to me", she informed the still-pacing pegasus above her.

"What were they like?" Dash asked, eager for information.

Twilight shrugged. "Honestly, they were a little odd. What makes you ask all of a sudden, anyway?" She finished organizing the last of her books and was able to give her full attention to Rainbow Dash.

Dash shrugged, but continued her pacing. "Do you happen to know where they live?"

"Now, why would I know that?" Twilight asked. "Are you sure everything's alright?" She was a little wary of all the weird questions.

Rainbow just sighed and rolled her eyes. "I told you, Twilight, everything's fine! Do you know where I could get their address, by any chance?"

Finally, she got an answer she was looking for. "Actually, I do. Fluttershy gave me a letter they wrote to her. There were a few lines addressed to me and, fortunately for you, I haven't given it back yet." As Twilight spoke, she opened a drawer with her magic and pulled out a letter. Dash grabbed for it, but Twilight swung it out of her reach. "No. You don't get this until you tell me what's going on", she said, evading another one of Dash's swipes.

"Come on, Twi, can't you just give it to me?" Rainbow pleaded, ceasing her attempts to snatch the letter.

Twilight nodded. "I could, but I am a scientist. And scientists are curious."

Rainbow Dash groaned, seeing no way out of this. "Okay, fine. Fluttershy broke up with me, and at first I thought it was just a prank Pinkie was pulling, but she said she didn't know anything about it, so I went to see Rarity to ask her for help and we found out I know next to nothing about Fluttershy, and I had never met her parents, and had forgotten her birthday, and so I want to find out about her and meet her parents and so that letter would be really, really helpful", she said, all in one breath.

Twilight's jaw dropped and she handed over the letter meekly. "Sorry, Dash. Here, have it. Good luck too."

"Thanks, Twilight", Rainbow said. She swooped down and caught the letter, then she hugged Twilight tightly. With that, she was gone, soaring high over Ponyville and reading the address on the front of the letter. She didn't know exactly where it was, but she had some sort of idea, so she set her course accordingly.

"This is so frustrating!" Rainbow Dash shouted to the clouds above her. She had been searching Ponyville for hours with no luck. What she saw next made her even angrier. "They live in Manehattan? Why didn't I see that the first time? I'm such an idiot!" she spat.

She zoomed up into the air from the cobblestone road lined by large, ornate houses that she had been searching. She had looked from the very slums of Ponyville to the most expensive house and all this time she had been searching the wrong city. 'This is just great', she thought to herself as she hovered over the town. She had no idea how to get to Manehattan. Was it East or West? Left or right? Where, where, where?

Then she was struck by a sudden thought. She might not know where the big city was, but she knew somepony who did.


Applejack had just tossed the last hay bale onto the wagon and was taken a moment's rest when a cyan blur zipped past her, halted and came careening back. "Howdy, Rainbow Dash! What brings ya over to Sweet Apple Acres?"

Rainbow Dash took a few deep gulps of air, panting desperately, before she was able to reply. "I was wondering...if you...could point me...in the direction...of Manehattan", she finally managed to say.

The orange earth pony removed her leather cowboy hat and fanned her friend gently with it. "Now, what in tarnation do ya want to know that fer? Ya shouldn't be rushin' off ta anywhere in yer condition. Why don't ya come inside, set yerself down fer a bit, an' rest? It'd shore do ya good."

Dash nodded wearily, still panting. The pair made there way inside where Granny Smith was snoring loudly in her rocking chair. They could hear Apple Bloom moving around in her bedroom upstairs and there was no sign of Big Macintosh.

Applejack made sure Dash was seated at the dining room table before getting out two glasses and a pitcher of ice-cold lemonade. Ice cubes clinked as she poured some for both herself and Dash. She returned the pitcher to their ice-chest and slid a glass over to Rainbow who accepted it gratefully.

"Ah", Dash said, licking the last traces of the lemonade off her lips. "Thanks, AJ. You're the best."

Applejack blushed slightly and shook her head. "Aw, shucks, tain't nothin' more'n Ah would do fer anypony. But yer wantin' to get to Manehattan, right?" she asked, taking a gulp of her own lemonade.

Pushing her glass back from the edge of the table, Rainbow nodded, hoping AJ wouldn't be as meddlesome as Twilight.

But Applejack looked more as if she were pondering something, not about to ask Rainbow what she was doing. "Ah'll tell ya what. It's been such a long time, Ah've plum fergot where it is."

Rainbow Dash seemed almost to deflate, but she perked back up as the country pony continued.

"But Ah'll tell ya what. Babs Seed is comin' over here in a couple a days an' Ah'm sure she knows. Come on over here come Monday, an' ya kin ask her then", Applejack informed her. She was immediately tackled by an enthusiastic Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow hugged her tighter. "Thank you so much, AJ." She released her, but a grin was still plastered on her face. The only drawback to this plan was that today was Saturday and she had to wait until Monday. But, that was a mere inconvenience and nothing much to worry about. "I'll see you Monday!"

Applejack waved goodbye as Dash departed, scratched her head, and returned to her work, wondering all the while what that little incident had been about.


It was getting dark by the time Dash left Sweet Apple Acres, so she decided to head home and make a plan for Sunday, so she wouldn't be sitting idly by as the day passed. When she returned to her house she ate a quick dinner of hay fries and a daisy sandwich before going to bed and trying to dream up a plan.

Sunday morning dawned as bright and clear as the two days before it, thanks to the hardworking pegasi a the Weather Factory.

When Dash awoke she knew exactly what today was, unlike her confusion the previous morning. She got ready hurriedly and Tank wondered at the little attention he received. As an only pet, he was used to being fussed over, but he was barely petted this morning when Rainbow delivered his breakfast to him. He chewed pensively on a lettuce leaf, mulling over this unusual turn of events. But, eventually, apathy won over curiosity and he continued to eat with no further interruption of his thoughts.

Rainbow could hardly wait to put her plan into action. She flew over to Sugarcube Corner right as it opened, and Pinkie was surprised, though not unpleasantly so, to see her there so early.

"Hey, Dashie. What's up?" Pinkie Pie asked as she slipped the last doughnut into place.

Dash hopped from hoof to hoof, glancing furtively around. So far, there was no sign of customers. She heaved a sigh of relief. "Pinkie, do you think you could help me with something today? It's, um...about Fluttershy." This trick had worked with Rarity and it worked equally well the second time.

Pinkie winked slyly. "Okey dokey! Let me just ask Mr. and Mrs. Cake if they can watch the shop for a bit." She bounced upstairs and soon returned with Mrs. Cake trailing her.

"See you later, dearies", the matronly blue mare called as Pinkie and Dash left the shop.

"Bye, Mrs. Cake!" Pinkie yelled, waving vigorously until the shop was out of sight.

Rainbow kept a constant eye out for Fluttershy. She didn't see her, but she pulled Pinkie Pie behind a nearby bush just in case.

Pinkie surveyed her new surroundings with confusion. "Um, Dashie? Why are we hiding in a bush?"

"Because you're mission is a big secret", Rainbow said gravely, staring the pink pony in the eyes.

That quieted Pinkie immediately. "A secret?" she whispered.

Dash just nodded. "I need you to take Fluttershy somewhere for about half an hour, okay? You can take her anywhere you want, but she needs to be away from her cottage."

Pinkie sat up straight as a board and saluted, nearly whacking Rainbow Dash in the eye. "Got it, General Dashie!" She marched out of the bush and headed straight for the cottage.

Chuckling, Rainbow stayed hidden until she saw Pinkie bouncing along beside Fluttershy heading in the direction of Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie gave Rainbow's bush a giant wink before turning her head and speaking to Fluttershy.

The pegasus responded quietly and the two continued on their way.

Once they were completely out of sight, Dash made her move. She cantered out of her hiding spot and headed in the direction of Fluttershy's now empty house. As she entered the tranquil front yard she couldn't help but heave a sigh. She missed this place, but more than that, she missed the owner. Then Rainbow shook her head. This was no time to get sentimental. She had work to do. She rummaged in the saddlebags that she had retrieved from a hollow tree stump on her way to Fluttershy's and took out a carrot. Dash waved it around and sank her teeth into it, making a loud crunch. She swallowed the tiny piece and waited to see if this part of her plan would work.

It did. Not long after the arrival of the pegasus and the carrot, Angel bunny hopped lazily around the corner of the cottage, pretending not to notice the enticing scent of carrot that was wafting up and tickling his nose. He strolled nonchalantly up to Rainbow Dash and glared up at her, pointing at the orange treat.

"Like it, huh?" Rainbow asked, giving him the carrot. He devoured it in seconds, seeming much satisfied. "There's more, a lot more, where that came from, if you're willing to help me", she promised.

Angel sat back on his haunches, arms crossed, squinting up at her. He cocked his head to the side and tapped one hind paw impatiently.

Rainbow inwardly smiled. The bait had been taken and her plan was nearly done. "You know Fluttershy's favorite spot, right? She has to have one. Take me there and I'll give you three more carrots now, and four more when we get there."

The greedy rabbit considered the tempting proposition. Finally, he agreed, nodding sharply and holding out his paw.

Dash tossed three carrots to the ground.

Instantly, Angel was upon them. Two were gone in the blink of an eye, but he took his time with the third, wanting to see how much Rainbow Dash would fidget.

She did a lot of it, constantly glancing back over her shoulder, straining her ears, and looking pleadingly at Angel. Eventually, though, the carrot was consumed.

The second the last bit disappeared into his mouth Angel bolted off like a shot, careening through the yard, wondering if this clumsy pony could ever keep up with the paragon of speed he thought himself to be.

Rainbow proved herself a worth opponent, however, keeping up easily, desperation lending speed to her wings. The second Angel skidded to a halt, she banked sharply and plowed into the ground, effectively stopping herself and bruising her muzzle.

Angel pointed to a sort of alcove, set away from the main path and garden. In it was a small white bench, big enough for two ponies and a few woodland creatures. The top slat of wood was painted with a green vine from which sprouted daffodils that nearly matched Fluttershy in color. The legs of the bench were pure black and carved with ornate designs that were beautiful to behold. A few tulips, daisies, and roses grew underneath and around the bench while it was flanked on either side by two massive oak trees that cast a cool shade over it.

The glade seemed to be suspended in time, and it was the most beautiful place Rainbow had ever seen. She was brought back to reality by a muffled cough and Angel's paw prodding her in the side as he tried in vain to reach the coveted carrots still secured in her saddlebag. She reached them for him and deposited them on the ground before freezing.

Fluttershy was walking through her garden and humming. Every so often she would stop to greet some animal warmly before continuing on. And she was getting closer.

Dash managed to find a branch in one of the oak trees just high enough to keep her out of sight, but low enough that it could hold her weight. She held her breath as her ex-marefriend trotted around the corner and entered the little arbor. "Oh! Angel bunny!" she exclaimed, bending down to nuzzle him.

"Where did you get the carrots?" she asked, noticing the snack for the first time.

Angel pointed up into the oak tree.

"Traitor", Rainbow mumbled under her breath, but her eyes immediately returned to Fluttershy who hadn't seemed to have seen her.

Fluttershy laughed lightly. "Silly bunny, carrots don't grown on trees." She scooped him up and, rocking him gently, flew over to the bench, where she sat with him. Birds flocked around her and she had a kind word for each.

Rainbow could have stayed in her cramped, uncomfortable position forever, just watching her, but alas the moment had to end.

Soon after, Fluttershy left the glade and Dash figured it was time to head back home. The sun was just beginning to set and she wanted as early a start as she could get the next morning. Before she returned to her home in the clouds, she stopped by Sugarcube Corner to thank Pinkie for her help.

"No problem, Dashie, it was fun!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "We should do it again some time."

Dash nodded wearily. It had been hard for her to see Fluttershy and not be able to speak to her or even let her know she was there. Head lowered, she flew home and settled in for the night.


The pegasi had finally seemed to tire of nice weather and Rainbow awoke to a gloomy, overcast sky. "Ugh", she said, rolling over in her bed. Then her eyes flew open. What time was it? When was Babs getting to Applejack's? Suppose she was there right now and Dash wasn't!

Rainbow bolted out of her bed and spent even less time getting ready today. She nearly forgot to feed Tank, but remembered at the last second and hastily gave him some cut up fruit. "See ya later!" she told him, even as she was on her way out of the door.

Applejack was already up and working when Rainbow Dash alighted at the farm. "Did I miss anything?" were the first words out of her mouth upon arrival. "Nah. Big Mac's jist gone ta fetch her from the train station with the Cutie Mark Crusaders", she told the anxious pegasus.

"Phew", Rainbow said, sighing in relief.

A slow smile spread over AJ's face. "In the meantime, Ah shore could use some help 'round the farm."

Dash rolled her eyes, but there was a smile on her face as she helped Applejack with a few odd jobs. After fifteen minutes she began to get a little antsy. "When are they going to get here?" she mumbled.

A few minutes after that, Big Mac appeared, pulling a wagon full of fillies. He waited patiently as they all jumped out then, nodding to Rainbow Dash, went to unhitch.

"Well, there ya are, partner", Applejack commented, coming up behind Dash. "Go on, an' talk ta her."

Rainbow decided to follow her advice and she flew up to the small group. "Hey, guys. What's up?" she asked upon approaching.

Scootaloo looked up in delight. "Hey, Rainbow Dash!"

"Howdy!" Apple Bloom greeted her.

"Hey", Sweetie Belle and Babs Seed said simultaneously. This put all four of them into a giggling fit.

Dash chuckled. Their enthusiasm was contagious. "Hey, Babs, you live in Manehattan, right?" she asked once their giggles had died down.

Babs nodded. "Sure I do. What's it to ya?" she asked, eying the mare.

"I was just thinking of heading up there for a day or two", Rainbow explained with a shrug. "Think you could give me a hoof in the right direction?"

Babs nodded and pointed Southeast. "Head that way for a day or two and you'll get there just fine", she informed her.

Dash fixed the direction in her mind. "Thanks, kid." She swooped down and gave Scootaloo a noogie. "Take care of yourself, squirt", she said.

"Sure!" Scoots squeaked happily, smoothing down her ruffled mane.

Waving goodbye to all of them, Rainbow Dash started off in the direction Babs had indicated just as the first raindrops began to fall from the overladen clouds.


Soon the downpour had grown torrential and Dash was forced to walk. She plodded on, absolutely soaked and miserable. She had to remind herself several times that this was for Fluttershy and finding her parents was a must. The letter was sitting on her bed at home, but she had unintentionally memorized the address. This didn't matter at the moment seeing as she was still many miles from the bustling city.

Just as the invisible sun was setting, Dash reached the outskirts of the town. Rainbow glanced down at herself. Her fur was matted and muddy, her tail was the same and she was very weary. It wouldn't do to appear before Fluttershy's parents in this state, so she decided to settle in an inn for the night. To her dismay, she found only four bits in her saddlebags. She knew this wouldn't get her very much, especially in such a big town as this, so she set to looking for the dirtiest inns she could find.

Rainbow outdid herself. She found the inn that housed the very scum of Manehattan, but it cost only two bits. Reluctantly, Dash paid for a room and headed up to the second floor where it happened to be. On the way she passed drunkards, layabouts, and addicts of all kinds. Skirting each unsavory character, she made her way up the stairs and to her room.

Almost as soon as she entered, Dash vowed to herself that she would not be sleeping in the bed. It was crusted in various liquids and dotted with what she was sure were bedbugs. The only other piece of furniture in the room was a crude wooden chair. The wood was warped and bumpy, but it would have to do. A rug decorated the otherwise bare wooden floor. It was old, tattered, and had several sizable holes. The only redeeming quality of the room was the fireplace, crackling and popping merrily.

Dash kicked the rug to the side, stirring up a cloud of dust. She coughed and fanned the dust away with her wings. Next, she pushed the chair in front of the fire and curled up on it. It was knobby and uncomfortable and it took a long time for her to fall asleep that night.

She was awoken in the small hours of the morning by several drunken voices right outside her door. They were shouting at each other and soon pounding on the walls signified a fight. Rainbow sighed and sat up, noting with dismay that her fire had burned low. She jumped off her make-shift chair and looked for a few burning embers.

Her search was successful and she succeeded in stirring up the cinders and rekindling the fire. When the blaze was burning brightly and the sounds of the fight had died down, she once again settled into her chair. Thoughts of Fluttershy danced in her head as she fell back into sleep.


With the morning came the end of the storm and the snores of the drunkards who had finally fallen into semi-comas. Rainbow, eager to be out of the inn, weaved her way to the entrance and silently exiting the foul place.

It was scarcely an hour after dawn, much too early to go visiting anypony, so Dash found a small, cheap cafe where she could get some breakfast.

She paid for a raspberry danish with the one of her bits and sat eating it quietly in one of the corner tables. The shop owner glanced over at the pensive pegasus once or twice, wondering at the circumstances that had brought her here. Shrugging, she continued to wipe off the counter and soon had other customers to worry about.

Dash figured that if it was late enough for so many ponies to want breakfast, it was late enough to go visiting. She finished the last few bites of her pastry, licked the crumbs from her hooves, and exited the shop. She trotted along the already bustling streets of Manehattan until she came to a newspaper colt. "Hey, kid, do you know where I could find Northwest 28th Avenue?" she asked.

The colt eyed her skeptically and nodded. "Just make two rights, cross the intersection, a left, and you're there."

"Thanks, kid", she said, giving him the last of her bits. His eyes lit up and she smiled as she went on her way. She followed his directions to the letter and was soon standing in front of a small one-story house that looked as if it had seen better days. Shingles were falling off the roof and most of the grass in the yard was dead. Ivy climbed up the house in multiple places and the windows were too grimy to even see in.

Rainbow trotted up to the door and knocked, half afraid the door would give way and fall in. It, however, held and was soon answered.

A pale yellow earth pony with dark pink mane answered the door. She looked almost exactly like Fluttershy, except her eyes were violet and she was taller. Her cutie mark was dark pink bird settled in a nest made of dark blue twigs, asleep. Her voice, when she spoke, was as soft as her daughter's, but was slightly deeper. "Hello? Yes? Who are you?"

"Um, I'm Rainbow Dash. Element of Loyalty and one of Fluttershy's friends", Rainbow said.

The pony's eyes lit up and she opened the door wider. "Come in, please do. Any friend of hers is a friend of ours. I'm Flutterwing, and very pleased to meet you." She seized one of Rainbow's hooves in hers and gave it a vigorous shake. "Please, let me get my husband. He'll be very glad to meet you." Without waiting for an answer, she trotted off, leaving Dash lingering in the doorway.

Rainbow Dash stepped onto the gray-green carpet in their entry hallway. Old family photos lined the wall and she smiled at one in particular. It was Fluttershy when she was a filly and a much younger looking Flutterwing in a kiddie pool, splashing each other and having a good time.

A clatter from deeper in the house jerked her back to the present time and she looked down the hallway where two shadowy forms were coming closer. One turned out to be Flutterwing while the other could only be her husband. "Hello. Hello. Hello. I am...Silas Quill", the stallion said, adjusting the square eyeglasses perched on his nose slightly. His dark brown hoof was splattered in ink which then rubbed off on his muzzle. His eyes were an unsettling yellow and his mane was slightly darker than his pelt. It stuck straight up as if he was the bride of Frankenstein, but, of course, he wasn't. He was the husband of Flutterwing. His cutie mark was a scroll partially covered by a quill covered in ink. He was a pegasus, unlike his wife, but like his daughter.

"Hello", Rainbow Dash said. "I'm Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty and Fluttershy's friend", she repeated, offering her hoof.

Silas stared at it as if it was as filthy as his own. Gingerly, he took it for a half-second and dropped it as quickly as he could. "Yes. Yes. Yes, well, that's very nice. Very kind of you to drop by. Did you want something?" he asked.

Rainbow shook her head. "Not in particular; I just wanted to meet you two and ask you a few questions about your daughter. I like her, sir, and want to know a bit about her before pursuing a relationship."

Flutterwing gasped happily. "Well, that's great!" she exclaimed.

"Not so fast", Silas said, holding up a hoof. "Not so fast, indeed. I love my daughter very much and want to know a bit about you first, before telling you anything", he growled. "First off, how educated are you?"

Dash replied promptly. "Very, sir. I went all the way through high school."

"Very well. And do you have a job with steady income?" Silas continued.

Dash nodded. "Yes, sir. At the Weather Factory. Fifty bits a month, sir." She hoped that impressed him. It seemed to; he nodded in satisfaction.

"What would you like to know about her?" Flutterwing butted in.

Rainbow grinned. "Well..."

A couple hours later, Rainbow Dash exited the house, very happy with her new multitude of information. She knew her favorite place, color, time of day, food and many other little tidbits that could help her renew their relationship. Now she just had to rewin the heart of her lost lover.


Fluttershy was out in the marketplace one morning two weeks after Rainbow Dash's visit to her parents, shopping for some ingredients for Angel's new recipe. She wanted her special bunny to have only the best things money could buy. This recipe called for cherry tomatoes and waited patiently in the line where she could procure some. Eventually, it was her turn and she stepped up the register, two bits in her mouth. "Excuse me, I'd like to buy some of those tomatoes, please", she said in her usual quiet way, pointing to a carton of the same.

"Hey!" sounded an angry voice from behind her. A large, dark red stallion with black mane and tail both cropped short. His cutie mark was that of a barbell on fire, and his eyes were ablaze with anger. "You skipped me! That was my place in line, idiot."

Fluttershy shrank back, blushing. "Oh, my sir, I'm so very sorry. Here, take my place", she pleaded, stepping back and gesturing to her spot.

The stallion refused to be satisfied. "No. That's not good enough. I want you to give me all your bits, too. Come on. Pay .UP!" he roared.

Crying in terror, Fluttershy reached into her saddlebag, intending to give the bits to him as he asked.

Unbeknownst to her, Rainbow Dash had observed the whole scene from above, letting her anger grow. And now it exploded. She slammed into the ground between Fluttershy and her antagonist, her face twisted in rage. "Look, pal, she told you she was sorry, got it? So just leave her alone!" With these last few words, she struck out at the stallion, hitting him squarely in the jaw.

The stallion recoiled. Sensing that Dash was not as easy a target as Fluttershy, the stallion turned away with a huff of disgust.

Fluttershy blushed as Dash turned to her.

"Are you okay?" Rainbow asked kindly.

The pegasus could do nothing but nod. "Yes...thank you, Dash."

"Come on. I'll take you home", Rainbow offered, hoping she would be allowed to.

Fluttershy paused for a moment, considering. Eventually, she looked up and silently nodded once more. "Yes, Dash."

Rainbow, hoping fervently that everything was in place, began to escort her home.

Fluttershy kept pressed close to her rescuer's side for almost all of the way home, smiling up into her face every now and then.

They both trotted happily into Fluttershy's yard. "Thank you so much, Rainbow Dash", Fluttershy said.

"You're welcome", Dash said simply, turning to leave. She walked slowly out, ears twitching backwards and hoping, ever hoping that everything was all ready. She exited the yard and began counting. "Ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...one...Shy." And she was tackled by the yellow pegasus.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she cried, hugging her close.

Rainbow sighed in relief. "You're welcome, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy walked to the garden off to her right and looked back. "Well, Dash, are you coming?" she asked shyly.

Dash perked up in surprise and trotted after her hurriedly. They soon came upon the arbor that Angel had led her to earlier. But now there were a few differences. The bench was repainted and the daffodils had been replaced with forget-me-nots. The flowers underneath and around the bench had been joined by forget-me-nots. Also, a white archway had been placed over the bench and decorative ivy climbed around and over it.

Rainbow knew her plan had worked out perfectly. A week ago, she had been walking by the flower trio's stand and they had called out to her.

"Hey, we just got a fresh shipment of forget-me-nots. Do you want some for Fluttershy? They're her favorite flower, you know", Roseluck said.

Dash stopped and stared. "They are? I'll take..." she trailed off into silence.

"Rainbow Dash? You okay?" Daisy asked.

That was when the plan had begun to take shape in her mind. "Actually, about a week from now, can you come and plant some in her yard for me? There's this place, you'll know it when you see it, I promise. It's a beautiful arbor set back a little from the main path and there's a bench there flanked by two oak trees. There should be other flowers there too. If you could plant them there on Monday morning, I'll make sure Fluttershy is away."

Lily volunteered for the job, setting a bunch aside for the project.

Then, Dash flew over to Sugarcube Corner to search out Pinkie Pie. She told her about the arbor and about what Lily was going to do. "The bench's paint is flaking. I was wondering if you could repaint it, but instead of daffodils you could paint on forget-me-nots", she said.

Pinkie nodded eagerly. "Of course, Dashie! When should I do it?"

"Sunday night. That way the paint will have time to dry. Just make sure you're not caught", Rainbow warned.

The salute returned. "Of course! Sergeant Pinkie's on the job!"

Rainbow embraced Pinkie Pie briefly. "Thanks, Pinkie", she whispered before releasing her and going on her way. Her next stop was Applejack's farm. More specifically she was looking for Apple Bloom who knew her way around a hammer and nails.

"Hey, Applejack! Do you know where I can find Apple Bloom?" Rainbow Dash asked as she alighted on the farm.

The sturdy work pony looked up from her work and blinked sweat out of her eyes. "She's prob'ly up in the clubhouse with the others. But what d'ya want mah sister for?"

Rainbow scuffed the ground with one hoof. "Um...nothing. Just a little gift for Fluttershy", she said, blushing.

Applejack winked knowingly. "Well, that's jist fine. Go right on 'head."

Dash availed herself of the privilege, quickly heading for the clubhouse. "Hey, Apple Bloom? Are you up there?" she called.

A small yellow head topped with a giant pink bow poked out of one of the windows. "Howdy, Dash! What do ya want?" she called down.

"I want to know if you can build something for me", Dash said.

Apple Bloom pondered this for a second. "Well, Ah suppose that depends on what ya want me ta build?"

Dash shrugged. "Just an archway big enough to go over a fairly medium-sized bench. Think you can handle that?" she challenged.

"Sure! That's easy", AB grinned. "When do ya want it by?"

"A week from now. Rarity and Twilight will come by to pick it up", Dash assured her.

Apple Bloom bragged, "Ah could have it done in half the time!" and disappeared into her clubhouse, eyes gleaming, to tell her friends of her important job.

Her final stops were at Rarity's and Twilight's respective houses. She went to the boutique first and told Rarity the whole tale after she had left the boutique the first time. Rarity listened and was impressed by the lengths Dash had gone to. "Well, Rainbow Dash, I must say I'm impressed with your commitment. I will do whatever you want me to, within reason, of course, to help you get Fluttershy back", she promised earnestly.

"Your job is simple", Dash promised. "Apple Bloom is going to make an archway for Fluttershy's little arbor. I need you and Twilight to pick it up and put it over the bench, if you could, please."

Rarity nodded firmly. "You can count on me, Dash."

"Thanks", Rainbow said with a grin, giving her a quick hug. Then she trotted out and hoped Twilight would be as willing to help her. It turns out she was.

Twilight was lolling around the library, looking incredibly frustrated. "Rainbow Dash! Please tell me you have something to do. My next shipment of books isn't going to be here for two whole weeks!" she groaned.

"Er...I do have something but it's not until Monday morning", Dash confessed.

Twilight pounced on her, nearly strangling her with the force of her hug. "It's something, Dash. At this point I don't care what it is. I just. Need. Something."

Rainbow, relieved, told her the rest of the story, thanked her profusely, and then departed, very pleased.

And now, all this preparation had paid off beautifully. Everything had come out perfectly and she was oh so pleased. She was even more pleased when she sat down on the bench and Fluttershy curled up next to her. Rainbow hugged her closer and kissed her mane. "Fluttershy", she said softly.

"Yes?" Fluttershy asked, snuggling into Dash.

"Can we...um, get back together again? I promise I'll be a better marefriend. I'll cook for Angel every other month. I'll paint everything light pink. I'll spread forget-me-nots all over the house. I'll take you for walks on the beach at sunset. I'll...I don't even know everything I'll do!" she said passionately.

Fluttershy looked up into her face, lovingly. "Rainbow Dash, the only reason I thought we shouldn't be together is because I felt that you didn't care about me. But...you've done all this for me. You even talked to my parents for me!" She smiled at the astonished look on Dash's face and giggled. "I saw Rarity and Twilight when they were dropping off the arch this morning and they told me everything. I love you, Dash."

"I love you too, Fluttershy", Rainbow said and she hugged her even tighter.

And their new life began right there on the bench, in the sunshine, amongst a backdrop of forget-me-nots.

Comments ( 4 )

My state flower!!

Awwwwwwwwww. :pinkiesmile: So very sweet, I enjoyed it throughout, congratulations. :twilightsmile:

That, was ...........BEAUTIFUL omg i loved it so much, i love what you did to show AJ's accent, im extremely impressed. :fluttercry::heart::rainbowlaugh:

That's a very cute story, even thougt i wanted to hit RD in the face for forgeting Flutters birthday jejeje

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