• Published 17th Jan 2012
  • 1,221 Views, 3 Comments

Trotham Knight - Elitist Scum

A Batman crossover. (yes, there's a lot of those, please give mine a try)

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The story of the bat

I don’t own My little Pony, Batman, or anything else in this story, except the story, the words in it, the OCs, some of the names, and if there is any other story written with anything that is in this story, whether it be plot, characters, anything else, please message me a link to this story so I may see and make the corrections. Thank you.

Chapter one

Alasquine Wilderness, two months after Princess Luna's return


“Wonderful.” Bruce Mane thought to himself while ducking behind a rock; “My guide is dead, I’m stuck on a mountain cliff in the middle of a blizzard and there’s the lunatic murderer Trotmas Hoofley trying to kill me. Well, I did go looking for him, and it’s taken me months to track him this far…” He trailed of as he realized Hoofley had stopped shooting and shouting,
“He’s coming down to get me, need to catch him by surprise and attempt to disarm him…”


“Stoopid city boy, thinkin’ he could get me, Trotmas Hoofley… Heh, I’ll give ‘im a nice ‘ol gut shot so he got pleny o’
time t’ bleed out inta th’ snow.” Hoofley mused to himself. Once he reached the cliff his prey should have been on, he
spotted his coat and saddle pack covered form, sitting near the edge of the cliff. As Hoofley started to approach him, he
heard a rustling in the snow and wheeled around firing off a shot, only to receive a swift buck to the face.


“Oh crap!” Bruce realized as he felt the stabbing feeling racing through his left flank, then swiftly realized his kick had been
off, and had sent Hoofley over the cliff edge, his saddle pack and coat with him.
“Shoot, its below zero, and night is coming, not to mention the wind chill… Need to find shelter, for whatever good it’ll do
me.” Bruce thought as he slogged up the mountain, fighting to stay conscious.

He’d made it to the top of the mountain and had managed to walk a few meters from the cliff in the time before he
passed out. Bruce figured he had died, but he kept seeing an ancient stallion in his dreams. “Do the dead dream?” Bruce
Then a bat appeared in front of a small black bird, and Bruce heard scatted voices bouncing through his head,

“and the bat said, but how can I heal you friend raven?” said one voice,
another said, “You must make a great wind to blow the sickness away.”
The first voice spoke again, “But I have no wings. I am but a rodent.”
“Then I shall die.” Said the raven.
“No.” said the bat. “I shall do what I must.”
Then a third voice joined the symphony, and said “And the bat flapped his arms until his arms stretched out and a great
wind was created, and raven was healed.
The raven spoke up again and said, ”Friend bat, thank you for healing me. To thank you, you may keep your new form,
and you alone of all earth animals shall fly.” and then the black consumed Bruce.


When the light finally penetrated his eyelids, the first thing Bruce Mane saw was the smiling face of a young tribal girl,
and when he attempted to sit up she put a hoof to his chest and said in a voice that indicated Equestrian was not her first
“No. Stay down.”
Needless to say, he complied, and asked, “How long have I been asleep?”
“Four days.” She replied.
“Where am I?” Bruce asked.“Here, duh.” The mare stated, the glimmer of a joke in her eyes.
“A little more specific please.”
“Fine.” She muttered. “You’re about two kilometers from where you passed out. We went outside when we heard
gunshots, and found you painting the snow a very morbid shade of red.”
“Not by my own choice, I assure you.” Bruce chuckled and promptly stopped when he felt the lightning bolt of pain that
shot through his body.
“The pain will be gone in a few days, then I will take you down the mountain.” The chuckling mare said.
“Why was there a bat in my dreams, and who was the old stallion? I can’t believe that it was a coincidence I saw them in
my sleep.” Bruce stated to the mare.
The mare wordlessly pointed to the fire, where a small, pony shaped form sat in front of it, covered in a blanket, and said,
“Grandpa Pie told you an ancient story, a story of healing. If you remember it, the only thing we ask in return is that you
never tell it to anyone.”
“That I can do.”


It took the better part of a day to make it down the mountain, and after leaving the tree line surrounding the mountain, his
new guide stated “This is as far as I go. The path will take you the rest of the way.”
“Thank you. If there’s anything you ever need, contact me in Trotham city, my name is Br-“
“uce Wayne. I know.” The mare chuckled.
Bruce looked at her as though she were a talking bale of hay and said, "But how?..."
"Simple,when my tail is itchy, then I know a billionaire is near by. I also heard you were going after Hoofley."
Bruce closed his gaping mouth and realized at that point, “I don’t even know your name. Care to share?”
“My name is Blue Pie.“
“Thank you Blue Pie. For everything”
As Bruce watched her canter off into the trees, he sighed and turned around heading down the path.


20 Kilometers east of Trotham city

“Why can’t all species get along… better question, why can’t all ponies get along…” Princess Luna mused to herself as
she flew through the air in her sky carriage, her gaurds pulling her at speeds fast enough to make the Wonderbolts jealous.
“I suppose it’s only fitting that Trotham city be the way it is. I founded it after all. It was supposed to rival Canterlot… but I guess that was more Nightmare Moon than anyone.” “Crime runs thicker than blood here, but you reap what you sow I guess.”
“Now it’s my job to try and clean it up.” Luna thought as she glanced at the other occupant in the carriage with her.
“This stallion managed to clean up Steelshod in a few months. Then again, he had the backing of the labor unions, the schools, and nearly every other governmental infrastructure there. Hopefully he’ll survive longer than the previous six Trotham city commisioners.”
It saddened Luna that the city she had founded was centimeters away from being put under martial law. “I hope it needs not come to that. This city is my responsibility, and I need to bring it out of the dark and into the sun.”
Luna finally broke herself from her deliberations and asked,
“Commisioner Gray Shield, do you think there’s hope for Trotham city?”
The tan Stallion with the graying mane looked at her and said,
“I don’t know.”
This is my first fanfic, so please comment. Be honest. Please. That’s all I ask.

I edited and fixed some things and added more dialogue. enjoy.