• Published 30th Dec 2012
  • 45,115 Views, 304 Comments

Humans - Nightwatcher

Humans.... Quite possibly the most infuriating mythical creatures in existence.

  • ...

Luna meets a Human

“There... Perfect!” Luna said with a happy sigh.

After nearly an hour she was finished with tonight’s night sky, she worked meticulously placing every last star, constellation, and nebula until it was utterly and completely perfect. She was happy to finally be able to manipulate the night sky on her own and she was determined to show her sister what she could do!

She gave her night one last look, committing every last detail to memory, then turned away to prepare for the night courts. The night courts where a simple and laid-back parallel to the day courts that her sister watched over.

It was also so very boring, nothing ever happened in the night courts.

She brushed a comb through her star filled mane, getting it just right. She pulled her special midnight-black tiara out of a nearby drawer and placed it on her head. All the while mentally preparing herself for the utter blandness of the night courts.

‘I’d rather be stuck in a room, with Discord, for a whole day then stay at this court. In...in a room full of bees... BEES! While covered in HONEY!’

Now that that was out of her system she took a calming look out at the sky, wanting to take in the vast expanse of... nothing.

“B... but... Where...” She vocalised, unable to accept the fact that all of it was gone, save her moon.

A snicker made her whip around fast enough to send her tiara flying across the room at an incredible speed right into the face of the source of the noise.

“You!” She screeched like a harpy.

Rubbing it’s face at the other end of the room was the same Human that had tormented her sister this morning, a impression of her tiara imprinted on it’s forehead. A small grumble emanating from the Human.

“Put them back!” Luna yelled.

The Human picked up the piece of headgear it his feet and place it on it’s head.

The Human shook it’s head.

“Oh yes you will! I’m the NIGHT, not you!” She yelled.

The crossed it’s arms and looked away like a child would when told they couldn’t have candy. The Human then looked back to her with a smirk and a literal glint in it’s eye. With a snap of it’s fingers the Human vanished, in it’s place was a perfect copy of herself with the same smirk.

“I’m the NIGHT!” The copy yelled back with a voice indistinguishable from her own, aside from the barely held back laughter at the edge of it.

“Oh nonono Human we are not playing this game.” Luna said.

The Human turned away from her and waved a hoof, a assemblage of new stars appearing in the sky as it did so.

Luna let out a huf, “Guard!”

The Guard that was stationed at her door burst in, “Princess, is something...”

The Guard trailed off as she caught sight of the second ‘Luna’ still preoccupied with messing up her night sky.

“Yes, something is very wrong. I demand you remove this Human from my room at once! While you’re at it, make it stop messing with my night!” Luna ordered.

The Human, oppon hearing that, dropped the Princess’s visage and and turned to face the Guardspony, the look on it’s face daring the poor mare to try.

For her part the Guard did not back down, her reaction was quite measured in fact.

She simply looked from Luna to the Human a number of times before turning around.

“Nope.” The Guard said simply, repeating the word as she simply walked out of the chamber, the door closing with a thud.

“What do you mean ‘Nope’!? What do we pay you for!?” She screamed.

“Not enough!” She heard the mare call, apparently still walking away from the door.

Luna hung her head and groaned, she looked at the Human who was still looking at the door with a blank look on it’s face. It then looked at her, staring for a time before bursting into laughter. It pointed at her and laughed, the Human’s laughter taking it to the floor.

Just as the Human hit the ground it vanished in a poof of smoke, the night sky returning to it’s original palette.
Luna waited a moment for the Human to return, deciding the Human was gone she picked up her tiara and placed it back on her head. Silently praying for the night court to be uneventful.

Author's Note:

So ya... kind of out as far as ideas go for this.
So I'm turning to my loving readers for help! PM me if you got an idea for a story, no clop or particularly violent stuff please.
Will give credit for ideas.
Don't comment your Ideas in the comment section.
Not all ideas will be used.