• Published 29th Dec 2013
  • 2,813 Views, 65 Comments

Unicorn x Unicorn - Typewrittensoul

An alternate Equestria that must be saved by three unlikely heroines.

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Anthology: The Magician's Assistant

Author's Note:

I reckon this short little event takes place between the events of Prologue part 2 and part 3.

It's a prompt from Mondai Shunketsu that involves Twilight using this song as inspiration. Hope you enjoy, and chapter 5.1 is almost almost almost complete!

Retreating backstage amidst the sound of raucous hoots and hollers, Twilight let out a frustrated groan and wiped sweat from her brow. “That was not how dress rehearsal went!” Just as she jutted her hoof accusingly at Trixie, Twilight felt the jewel bedazzled saddle she was wearing shift and catch a few of her hairs. She clicked her tongue and hissed from the discomfort and quickly adjusted herself.

Trixie took the opportunity to check herself as well, making sure that her cloak and hat were presentable. “What are you talking about?” she asked. “Thanks to you, each of the tricks went exactly like in dress rehearsal.”

“That’s not what I meant! Since I didn’t have to during the dress rehearsal, I never thought that I’d be wearing something like this during the actual show!!”

Trixie gave Twilight a once over. The diligent student was actually quite fetching with the right makeup and evening saddle. It was hard not to notice the dumb smiles and gawking of the stallions in the front row watching Twilight prance around with an exaggerated gait during the act, which was precisely what the saddle was designed to do.

Even if she never practiced it during rehearsal, Twilight managed to adapt to the saddle’s shape in a short amount of time before the show. Frankly Trixie was impressed. Not to mention surprised that Twilight still decided to be a part of the show, with a little bit of coaxing. “Because I knew you’d be against it. Besides, even if you find it embarrassing you still performed exactly like we practiced.”

Twilight gave a skeptical expression, raising an eyebrow. “Oh? I never realized you were that observant to know what I’d be for or against.”

“It’s, uh...because I told her, Twilight.”


The baby dragon approached with bottles of water and towels in his arms. The girls gladly took a bottle and towel for themselves and said their thanks. “They absolutely loved you, Twilight,” Spike said encouragingly. “No joke.”

Trixie was nodding her head in agreement and said after taking a sip from a bottle, “I knew that awk-weirdness of yours would work out.”

“What was that?” Twilight asked mid-drink of her own bottle.

She was quick to reply with a question. “What was what? Oh, I think I hear the audience asking for more!”

Twilight was sure that Trixie was just trying to dodge the question, but decided to play along. “Fine. It can wait. Now give me a moment. I’m not going back out there until after I get this off-MEEee!” She could only yelp in surprise as Trixie dragged her along back onstage, the bright lights blocked by the heavy curtains momentarily blinding her.

She stumbled to a stop, feeling the focused heat of the lights pointing down at her and very quickly causing her to give off a light sweat. Out of instinct Twilight made sure to smile as Trixie suddenly called out, “Let’s give my lovely assistant another round of applause, mares and gentlestallions!”

Thunderous applause and hoof stomping ensued, overwhelming Twilight with the amount of energy that the audience suddenly projected her way. Her cheeks flushed a deep red and she could feel her heart pound against her chest in excitement. She looked out to the sea of ponies waving and smiling to her. The cheers were simply contagious and Twilight found herself giving a wide smile, which only managed to make the audience cheer even more wildly. In the few seconds she was out on stage Twilight could only fall into her default sign of appreciate and wave to the audience before she was abruptly pulled back behind the curtain.

She glanced over to see Trixie’s hue of magic surrounding her hoof dissipate once they stepped out of the stage lights. “...we won, by the way,” Trixie said.

Twilight froze is confusion. “When did they announce that?”

“A bit after we went back out on stage. You completely zoned out, Sparkle. After the announcement I was calling out to you for a whole minute,” Trixie said with a chuckle.

She didn’t realize. Her body was still trembling from the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. “It...was amazing,” Twilight finally managed out in an exhale.

“Trust me Sparkle, it can get addicting.”

Twilight nodded at the thought, definitely able to imagine given how electrifying an experience it was.

The night’s surprises only continued when Trixie floated a bag for Twilight to clumsily catch with her hoof. The bag jingled with the tell-tale sound of bits. Here, your share of the prize money,” Trixie casually explained.

“What? Trixie, you shouldn’t have. I mean, all I did was act like an awk-weird ditz…”

The stage mare waved that comment off. “I knew how badly you wanted that science...chemistry...thingy.”


“Spike,” Trixie said simply.

“Oh. Right.”

“B-but don’t forget that you owe me for this, Sparkle. I didn’t do this out of the kindness of my heart, y’know!”

“I wouldn't forget a friend's favor like that!” Twilight said without the faintest hint of hesitation. “See you in class, tomorrow!” She turned and left, forgetting that she was still dressed in the fancy dress saddle.

She waited until she was sure that Twilight had left before quietly saying, “Huh. Friend. I like the sound of that.” Trixie smiled to herself, feeling happy that Twilight thought of her as a friend.

“I knew it. You did do it out of the kindness of your heart,” Spike announced with a smug look on his face. “Next you’re gonna want to hang out, then plan slumber parties and braid each other’s mane…”

“Sh-shut up you damn lizard!” Trixie instinctively hollered, but only managed to earn an even louder guffaw from the dragon.

“You don’t have to yell at me like that, Trixie! I thought we were friends~”

Trixie could only pout, feeling tongue tied and flustered from embarrassment. At the very least, it was a step in the right direction.