• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 6,962 Views, 437 Comments

The Adventures of Trixie if Her Father Was a Badass Alien - totallynotabrony

After some irresponsible age spells, radiation exposure, and adoption, Trixie is...changed. Rated M for machine gun.

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Chapter 38

When Twilight stepped off the train in Ponyville that morning, Trixie was there to meet her. It was very important that they get their act together before Starburst appeared.

Iron Will could get the crowd pumped up. The Flim Flam Brothers, backed by Trixie on the drums, could provide a good opening act. The Elements of Harmony had the kind of star power crowds like to see.

Unfortunately, Trixie still didn’t know if that was going to be enough of a show to defeat Starburst. She was counting on Twilight to come up with either a strategy or enough power to be the deciding factor.

Twilight was studying a pile of books as she got off the train, which Trixie took to either be a good or bad sign. Either she had found plenty of material to read about Starbust’s kind of alien, or she hadn’t and was trying desperately to find some.

So engrossed in her reading was Twilight that she almost walked by Trixie before the magician cleared her throat.

“Oh, there you are, Trixie.” Twilight closed her book. Trixie noticed that the cover indicated that it was a psychology text.

Twilight turned. “Come along, Sunset. The library is this way.”

Sunset Shimmer, looking rather meek and humble followed Twilight off the train. Trixie raised an eyebrow. “I take it she’s been reformed?”

Twilight nodded. “I’m going to set her up as the new Ponyville librarian. She needs a job and a way to readjust to society.”

Sunset didn’t say a word, not making eye contact with anypony. She looked…not timid like Fluttershy, but broken. While she probably deserved whatever she got for trying to take over that school with an army of teenage zombies, Trixie couldn’t help but feel slightly uncomfortable. She wanted to ask what had been done to Sunset, but this was not the time.

Changing the subject, Trixie said, “Are you ready to put this show together, Twilight?”

“I’ll be there,” Twilight told her.

Trixie paused. “You aren’t going to discuss strategy with me or practice or anything?”

“Life goes on,” Twilight said. “The way I see it, what will be will be.”

“Uh, no, you’re Twilight Sparkle; that isn’t how you see it,” Trixie protested. “What is with you? When did you get so caught up in fate and mortality?”

“Look, a lot of things have been going on in my life lately,” Twilight spat. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to the library.”

Sunset obediently followed her, hurrying like somepony who didn’t want to be whipped for dawdling. Trixie stood there and stared after them.

She shook herself after a moment and headed for the stage that had been hastily erected in the center of town. The Flim Flam Brothers were there, chuckling about the word “erected.”

They promised that they had a song ready to go and Trixie checked to see if the microphones were set up. She found Iron Will flexing in front of a mirror and muttering through his lines. He gave her a thumbs up as she passed by.

Trixie continued on to Rarity’s shop and went inside. The fashionista was putting the finishing touches on a large piece of purple fabric that was liberally covered in gemstone sequins.

“Hello Trixie, I’ve created what you asked for.” Rarity showed off the large-size cape.

“It looks great.” Trixie carefully inspected the garment. “I think this is exactly what I needed.”

She concentrated hard and felt her body lengthening. Changing into her eight-legged form had been gradually growing easier. Once her transformation was finished, the cape fit perfectly.

Trixie picked up her wizard hat which had been modified to accommodate more glitter. Rarity gave her a pair of glitzy sunglasses. “You certainly look outlandish.”

“It’s what I was going for.”

Rarity nodded. “I also went to the trouble of creating outfits for the occasion. I think the girls should look their best.”

She showed off six costumes that each sparkled like the diamond fragments that coated them. “Too over the top?”

“No, it’s fine. See you at the show.” Trixie left the shop. She walked back to the stage and sat down behind the drum set. Half a dozen pairs of drumsticks were already there. Of course she couldn’t play with that many at once. One pair was a backup just in case she broke some of the others.

The Flim Flam Brothers went through a few vocal warm up routines. Iron Will finished up his practice and positioned himself in front of the stage. The Elements of Harmony, outfitted in their Element jewelry, costumes, and a generous helping of makeup, took their places.

The townsponies saw the spectacle forming and actually came to see the show. This was probably not the best thing for their safety because of the very important duel about to occur, but perhaps the battle of the shows could be judged by audience reaction.

It was then that Starburst appeared at the end of the street and swaggered forward. Everypony (and minotaur) on stage narrowed their eyes as she approached. It. Was. On.

“Fillies and gentlecolts!” Iron Will roared, throwing his muscular arms skyward. “Today we have for you the most awesome show that has ever existed and it is one hundred ten percent free!

A murmur ran through the crowd as if wondering how something could be more than one hundred percent free. Twilight answered the question by distributing bits from her Princess-paid stipend. The crowd cheered.

Iron Will began again. “Before today is over, you will have the time of your life! If you live here in this town, you’d better not be wearing a frown!”

“With free cupcakes!” Pinkie added, passing out said pastry to the crowd. They voiced their approval with shouts and hoof stomps.

“For those of you who are about to rock, to our performance, flock!

It was admittedly a bit of an awkward rhyme, but Iron Will was drowned out by Trixie hitting the drums. She launched into a beat that nopony had ever heard before, as nopony had ever encountered an eight-legged drummer who also had magic.

Backed by the erotically dancing Elements of Harmony, the Flim Flam brothers had the motivation to sing what was undoubtedly the finest song of their lives.

Welcome back our friends to the show without end

To our pockets your money send

Come inside! Come inside!

There, with fine ass, is a mare with utmost class

But be careful as you sass

Move along! Move along!

Come inside, the show's about to start

Guaranteed to blow your head apart

Rest assured you'll get your cupcake's worth

The greatest show in sky, sea or earth.

You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo.

You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll…ohhhh!

Twilight and Trixie launched flurry of magic fireworks backed by a disco light show from Rarity. Rainbow struggled to gain altitude with her pregnant belly but managed to spread a very nice rainbow over the stage from swiftly gathered clouds.

The crowd exploded into the most thunderous ovation that Trixie had ever heard in her years of performances. They whooped and hollered, applauding their little hearts out.

Starburst pushed through the cheering ponies, fighting her way to the front of the crowd. The look on her face was one that Trixie didn’t like.

“Not bad,” Starburst screamed over the crowd. “Not bad at all. I don’t really have a show that can top that. Guess I’ll just have to blow up the sun. Not only will that be the show to end all shows, but you’ll be dead.”

That suddenly quieted the crowd. Rainbow said, “Ha! You’re trying to blow up the sun? Princess Celestia will wipe the floor with you!”

There were a few seconds of silence. Everypony looked around, waiting for the Princess to show up.

“That isn’t how it works,” said Twilight. “She might be godlike, but she’s not omnipotent. Just because somepony made the threat doesn’t mean she heard it and can come correct them.”

“Well don’t just tell Starburst that!” Rarity exclaimed. “You could have fibbed a little and bought us time rather than just admitting that we can’t do anything to stop her!”

“What’s the point?” Twilight demanded. “She’s more powerful. If I’m going to die, I would like it to be efficiently.”

“Then why did you bother bringin’ that pony Sunset Shimmer here and making her the new librarian if you expected to lose this fight?” Applejack asked.

“It was on the off chance we didn’t lose,” Twilight replied. “It’s not like we can really change fate, so I wanted to be prepared for either eventuality.”

Trixie shook her head. “All of you quit your bitching. We’re not out of options yet. You still have the Elements.”

“Well, they’re not going to work with all this arguing going on,” said Pinkie. “If we’re going to die anyway, I have some things to take care of first.”

Pinkie grabbed Fluttershy and started making out.

Panic was threatening to take over Trixie’s mind. Was there anything that could be done? Could she at least convince her friends not to go down without a fight? And then, a final, desperate plan came to her.

“There’s one last thing,” Trixie said. “Twilight, you aren’t going to like this.”

Trixie reared up on her back legs and yanked Pinkie and Fluttershy apart. There was no time to be gentle with them or with the other Elements. She positioned Twilight in the center of a circle made of the other five.

“Sorry,” Trixie said as she forcefully held the others in place with her magic.

She began to recite a spell, one that she remembered quite clearly because of the trouble it had caused the last time it was used. While it was unethical to use on nonconsenting participants, irresponsible, and a little insane, there was no other choice.

From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!

The Elements of Harmony lit up with light so bright that it was impossible to look at directly. From behind her sunglasses, Trixie saw the whole thing. In the center of the circle, Twilight was blasted with five beams of multicolored light, just as her own Element seemed to go almost supernova.

There was a blinding flash of light, and Twilight Sparkle was an alicorn.


As the magic dissipated, Twilight took a deep breath and looked out at the stunned crowd who had just witnessed the first public realicornification in history. This was the greatest show the world had ever seen, bar none.

Starburst gulped. “Uh, about that sun…”

Twilight lowered her horn and fired a blast of magic that hit Starburst squarely before she could say another word. There was a flash of light and nothing was left but a small pile of ash. For all Trixie had done in an attempt to kill Starburst, an alicorn’s power easily wiped her off the face of the planet.

Twilight’s lip twitched as she stared at the ash. “I’ll have to work on my efficiency. I meant to atomize her completely.”

Trixie stared openmouthed, still slightly in shock over what she had wrought. Surely with so much power Twilight could have instead reformed Starburst? In the gender swapped universe, Starburst’s equivalent seemed rather harmless. There was also the billboard Trixie had seen in Mustangeles that possibly painted Starburst as a runaway from home. Was it possible that the star-destroying alien was just inhabiting somepony’s body? There was still so much that could have been done, so many different outcomes, and Twilight had just erased that possibility by tossing aside Starburst as if her existence and possible reformed future was meaningless.

Twilight turned away. “I’m going to Canterlot.”

The other Element bearers stood for a few moments, but began to disperse, handling the aftermath of the show in their own ways.

Trixie stood there for a long while. She’d seen a lot of shit in her time, thereby becoming jaded and desensitized, but this…this was something she had a hard time processing.

She tried to ask herself what her father would do. He was the king of solving strange situations. He knew how to make her feel better about herself. But as Trixie stood there, no answer came to her.

And then it started to rain.

Author's Note:

Credit where credit's due: Emerson, Lake, & Palmer - Karn Evil