• Published 25th Jan 2013
  • 371 Views, 4 Comments

Origins of a Narrator - CaptainSanchez

Crimson Capp, beloved narrator of a semi-beloved story. So how'd he become himself? Why's he so fond of Pinkie? When did he become so crazy? Who's gonna narrate this? You're gonna find out here.

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An Odd Town: Setting the Setting

Origins of A Narrator

An Odd Town: Setting the Setting

Crimson Capp was born in a log cabin. Since he was a pegasus, you can guess how irritating that was. You see, his grandfather had built the place, and then decided that any true pegasus had to live in the clouds. Not wanting to live in a flimsy house that was actually made of clouds, he transplanted his log home. He wasn't the brightest pony, was he? As a result of this lack of foresight, Capp's family had to work constantly in order to prevent their home from plummeting onto the farm below them.

Clyde and Sue Pie's rock farm was fairly well off, so they had been able to hire Capp's family to provide them with the proper dreary weather for a rock farm. Thanks to all of this (y'know, dreary weather, a family home that always threatened to fall from the sky, etcetera, etcetera), Capp had a rather decently miserable childhood.

Miserable, that is, except for his friends. His best friend was one of the Pie sisters. Since he was raised on the farm, Capp ended up getting to know Pinkamena, Inkwellia, and Blinkerina quite well. Pinkie (as Capp had always called her) was his very closest friend. He had other friends, of course. Among them were Blue October (a blue pegasus filly that looks like Derpy), Graphite (a black unicorn colt with a spiky grey mane, light blue eyes, and a crescent moon Cutie Mark), and the Pierce brothers: Pokey and Perry. Pokey and Perry looked almost exactly the same; the only differences being that the light blue streaks in Pokey's mane were even lighter, his eyes were more gold than orange, and his cutie mark was a safety pin. Perry was a dark blue unicorn with a well-styled white-and-grayish-blue mane, red-orange eyes, and an hourglass Cutie Mark.

The tale which you are hearing begins on a Tuesday. Everypony's familiar with the concept of the "Tuesday Blues," but nopony more so than Capp. You see, Tuesdays were when he had to do the most practice in the fine art of maintaining gray clouds. He hated working on the weather, but what could he do? He couldn't quit, because then he'd have to spend all of his time keeping the house up. Since that wouldn't allow him any time for his friends, it wasn't an option that he could even consider. No, it was better to waste a day keeping the sky gray than waste a lifetime keeping the house up.

Capp was still a small colt, so he didn't really need to put that much work in. He just moved a few clouds around, and then he had to leave for school. Ah, school. A child's best and worst place. On one hoof, Capp got to spend eight full hours with his friends. On the other, he had to write. Oh, how he hated the taste of eraser. Why, oh why, couldn't they make bananna-flavored pencil erasers? He had never cared much for apples, but bananas? Bananas were good. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but bananas are incredibly under-appreciated in pony society, not to mention being a great source of potassium. Capp always brought a banana to a party. I'm sorry, you don't know where he is, do you? He's in school right now. Oh, look! There's Mister Teachersir!

"Students! Stop your chattiness. I have a test to administer today, and it will not be postponed. However, I must warn you that there are many ways to fail," He said, pausing his rant to glare at Pokey. Pokey then sank back in his seat with a nervous chuckle. Resuming, Mister Teachersir removed his judgmental eyes from Pokey.

"If you use a pen, you will fail; if you do not finish within the time allowed, you will fail; if you finish too quickly, you will fail; if you talk during the test, you will fail; if you do not write your name in the designated area for doing so, you will fail; if you pass notes (whether or not they have anything to do with the test), you will fail. Is that understood?"

The room then shook with the unified utterance of "Yes, Mister Teachersir" in a groaning manner. At this point, Mister Teachersir becomes of little consequence, so just ignore him... for now. You know what? The school day is no longer very important to the overall chain-of-events, so how's about we skip the remainder of it, and go right to the post-school hanging out? Well screw you, dear reader, I'm going to do it anyway. Mwa. Ha. Ha.


"Well that was an interesting day," said Perry Pierce to his friends as they collectively left the classroom.

"You know it, Pear!" exclaimed young Pinkamena to her relatively uppity friend. Honestly, to this day nopony can understand how Perry and Pokey can be so drastically different, and I think Twilight Sparkle even did a study on the matter once. I'm getting off-topic, though, aren't I? Sorry, I'm new at this. Capp thought that he shouldn't narrate his own backstory, so he got me to do it. I don't think that I'm all that good, though... Hm? Oh, yes, I suppose I am rambling. Sorry about that.

"Hey, Pinkie, why do you think Pok--"

"Blue!" Interrupted Capp, "We agreed to never speak of it again!"

Blue shut her trap. She knew how serious Capp was about honor. Besides, nopony had ever quite been able to win an argument against him. Whenever they got close, well... Let's just say that Capp really knew how to confuse ponies. Really, his greatest skill was talking. Disagreeing with him could only result in a headache that could topple mountains. Only Perry ever really tried, though. What's that, Capp? But-- but why? Okay, okay! I'll end it here. Sorry, folks. Capp's the boss around these parts. See you next time!

To Be Continued... Probably

Author's Note:

I'd like to mention that all of Capp's friends are actual background ponies. As far as I know, the only members of this group that live in Ponyville are Pokey, Perry, Capp, and Pinkie. No, I don't plan on revealing the narrator's identity soon.