• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 4,961 Views, 245 Comments

A Tale of Two Lunas - Everythingpossible

A princess and a young girl, both with the same name, wake up in a strange place one morning, unsure of how they got there.

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The Canterlot Dungeons

No matter what the dominant species or level of technology, most dungeons tend to look very similar. For this reason, when Luna Lovegood awoke, she believed that she had somehow gotten back to her world, as the lower chambers of castles Hogwarts and Canterlot were not entirely completely different. The illusion was somewhat broken when a brawny grey pegasus about her height came into the room, dressed in black armor, and stood at attention in front of her. Always the social butterfly, Luna attempted to strike up a conversation.

“Oh, Hello. Who are you?”

The prisoner shall not speak unless spoken to” answered the pegasus, austerely.

“Where am I?”

The prisoner shall not speak unless spoken to”.

“Have you ever seen a crumple-horned snorkack?”

The prisoner shall not speak unless spoken t– wait, what?” the pegasus answered, breaking his stone-like concentration to stare confusedly at the prisoner. He snapped back, however, when the oaken door opened once again and another armored pegasus of the same build escorted a white alicorn and a small purple unicorn into the dimly-lit room. Luna recognized them both.

“You are relieved, Sergeant. I’ll take it from here” the tall white one said. The grey pegasus raised one hoof in salute, and then hastily backpedaled out of the room, leaving the two ponies and the confused witch alone in the depths of Equestria’s capital.

“Am I in trouble?” Luna asked, utterly oblivious of her situation.

“We know what you’re up to! We–” the purple one began to say, before being silenced by the other one.

“I am Princess Celestia, as you may know. This is my student, Twilight Sparkle. We need to ask you a few questions” the alicorn said, placidly.

“First, how did you come to be in my sister’s room?”

“I don’t know”.

“Tell the truth, please. The oubliettes here haven’t been used for a while, but they should still be in order”.

“I don’t know. I was just in my own bed, at Hogwarts, and then… I woke up there”.

“Hogwarts?” interjected Twilight, confused.

“It’s a school for young witches and wizards. A magic school” Luna reliped.

“So you ARE magic!” Twilight said.

“Well, yes, I guess”.

“So, you are a student at this school?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, I’m a fifth year”.

“Where is this school?”

“Britain. Scotland, more specifically”.

“Where is that, Princess?” Twilight said, her geographical knowledge having failed her for the first time.

“I– I’m not sure, my student” she said, then turned back to Luna. “Do you know where my sister is?”


“Are you sure?”

“I don’t even know who your sister is.”

“Luna, princess of the night. We have ruled the heavens since time immemorial. And now she is gone again”.

“That’s…. that’s my name.

“I know. And I’m not quite sure that it’s a coincidence” Celestia said. “Is it true that you released Discord?”


“Discord. The statue in the Royal Gardens”.

“Oh, you mean the Slovenian Suqenocard”.
The Princess and her student, bewildered, looked at Luna, then at each other, at Luna once again, then at each other, and then finally stared at Luna again.

“A– What‽” Twilight asked.

“A Slovenian Suqenocard. There was a picture of it in the Quibbler”.

“And what is the Quibbler?” Celestia inquired, in her tone implying the existence and availability of several torture chambers in the subterranean catacombs.

“It’s a magazine. My father is the editor. I had a copy with me…”

“How did you free him?” Twilight added.

“Oh, a simple destatifying spell. Harry taught it to me.”

“Harry?” Celestia said.

“I do hope they come back soon,” Rarity said, sitting at a table in a Canterlot café with her friends.

“I wonder what they’re doing..” Pinkie Pie said. “What if they’re having a party? I can’t miss a party!”

“Ah’ doubt that they’re havin’ a hoedown, Pinkie”.

“Yeah, Pinkie. I don’t think Celestia throws parties for criminals” Rarity added.

“What if it’s a You’re-Going-To-Jail party?”
Rarity and Applejack just stood there, confused, until Rainbow Dash entered, almost breaking the door off of its hinges.

“Hey guys! Look what I found!” she said, proudly displaying a discarded tabloid.

“An… an old newspaper or something? Ugh, why would you pick up that garbage?” Rarity said, as the article was placed in the centre of the table.

“Uh, Rainbow, where exactly did’ja find this?” Applejack asked.

“Someone just left it in the Royal Gardens, right where Discord’s statue is”.

“The…. Quibbler?” Pinkie Pie said.