• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 1,306 Views, 30 Comments

Observations and Preservations - Tolerance

The final puzzle solved, Twilight Sparkle discovers that everything she's ever known is wrong.

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Celestia had issued an order that the royal airship would be readied in order to take Twilight to her destination. While the craft was being prepared, Twilight would be staying in the same castle room that used during normal her visits, only this time with guards posted outside at all hours of the day. Twilight wasn’t happy to learn that she was to have an escort whenever she left the room, and while she knew she could have escaped the guards easily, she decided that it would be in everypony's best interest if she chose to abide by Celestia's wishes.

Just as Twilight had started to delve into the details surrounding Starswirl's plan, Luna arose from her prone position and left the room. Since then, Twilight had neither seen nor heard from the Princess of the Night. Not that Twilight could blame her, but the spell that Twilight still needed was not an easy spell to create. It involved portions of Luna's Far Sight spell, and while Twilight knew how to cast it, The princess herself would know how to alter it best.

The lack of input from Luna, or any contact at all for that matter, would mean that Twilight would have to ask Celestia to relay a message to her sister regarding her questions. She hoped that an answer would be forthcoming, but seeing how distraught Luna was after their debrief, Twilight wasn't so sure that she'd be willing to help.


The royal Airship was set to depart the next day and Twilight still had heard next to nothing from Luna. The spell was pretty much complete, save for testing it. Twilight really didn't want to give such a potentially dangerous spell a cast without somepony, knowledgeable in its mechanics, giving it a good examination. When Twilight learned that Luna, the pony who taught her everything about the branch of spellcasting that she was drudging through, hasn't left her quarters since their meeting in the throne room, she decided it was time for a visit.

The guards were adamant about her not leaving their sight, but she did manage to convince them to maintain a vigilant watch from a position farther down the hallway as she approached Luna's chambers. As she began to knock on the door she was interrupted by a voice from within.

"Go away, Twilight Sparkle." Said Princess Luna, with none of the conviction such an order normally would carry.

Twilight paused for a moment, unsure what to do. She almost turned away before she decided to come back and call to Luna through the wood of the door. "No, I don't think I will. Not until you listen to what I have to say." she listened to the silence coming from the other side before continuing. "Look, I know that you don't want to talk to me right now. The thing is, it's not about you or me anymore. Entire worlds are at stake and I might have a chance to stop it, but to do so, I need your help.”

More silence came from the other side of the closed doorway. Twilight continued, "Look, I've apologized for my actions, and I am sorry for what I've done to you, but if you never want to forgive me for what I've done, I’ll understand. You know that the airship leaves tomorrow, right? A dangerous mission such as this, there's always a chance that something will go wrong. If that's the case then what I want you to do is this; Never blame yourself for the things that myself or any other ponies might have done to you. None of it's your fault Luna, and if anypony's to blame for how you’re feeling right now, it's me."

Twilight turned to leave and finalize her own preparations for departure. She may have been mistaken, but Twilight swore that she heard a faint "Thank you, Twilight." come from somewhere within the room, barely audible over the din of her own hoofsteps on the ornate stone floors of the castle. Twilight realized that her imagination may have played a part in it, but for Luna's sake she hoped that the princess took her words to heart.