• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 7,177 Views, 229 Comments

The Reason I Love You - Blue Dragon

Twilight and Pinkie reminisce about their hidden feelings for each other, and finally decide to do something about it.

  • ...

No Way!

Pinkie was sure she’d never slept so peacefully in all her life. Usually, she could never get comfortable and was always moving around. But this time, she felt warm and content, to the point that she never wanted to get up again.

She shifted a bit before becoming aware of a weight on her chest. Pinkie opened her eyes blearily, only to be met with the sight of a purple horn. She lowered her gaze some, and almost jumped when she saw Twilight there. The unicorn’s forelegs were wrapped around her midsection tightly, and her chin was resting on Pinkie’s chest.

Pinkie’s entire face turned bright red, and she tried to remember what’d happened. She recalled coming into Twilight’s room to apologize, kissing her a few times, and… Oh… Oh gosh.

She felt feverish as she remembered exactly what had happened. Things had escalated pretty quickly, but the emotions had been tangible. It had meaning—neither had taken advantage of the situation. It just… happened.

What do I do now? If I try to get up, I might wake Twilight, but if I stay here… As if on cue, Twilight buried her muzzle into Pinkie’s fur, making her heart race even more. Pinkie had to refrain from squirming. I’ll totally die. She’s way too cute for her own good…

Pinkie settled on brushing Twilight’s mane with a hoof and watching her sleep. She smiled lightly when Twilight’s breath tickled her fur, and leaned forward to plant a kiss on her horn.

That was when Pinkie decided to play a game. She giggled when Twilight shifted in her sleep, muttering something. She blew into the unicorn’s ear, causing it to flick several times. The sleeping pony’s brow furrowed, and she scowled. Pinkie laughed as silently as she could.

“Ugh, stop it, Pinkie…” she grumbled, turning her head to the side so her marefriend couldn’t mess with her ears anymore. A few seconds later, Twilight lifted her head and blinked toward the other pony. “Wait… Pinkie?”

Twilight stared at Pinkie, who only smiled. She wondered why she’d even woken Twilight up in the first place, and she was beginning to wish she hadn’t the longer the silence continued.

The unicorn looked down at the bed they were both laying on, and back up to Pinkie. Twilight was blushing heavily, but a frown was strewn over her muzzle.

“Did we… um… you know…”

Pinkie was having trouble figuring out how Twilight was feeling. Was she still upset with her? Was she disappointed that they’d done something like that? Or could she just be really embarrassed?

Pinkie averted her gaze, feeling warmth spread over her cheeks. Silence settled over the two like a blanket, though it wasn’t the least bit comfortable.

“I’ll… go make us some breakfast,” Pinkie said, jumping out of bed and making her way out of the room. When she’d disappeared from sight, Twilight sank down into the sheets.

I can’t believe it… I don’t even remember what happened last night. After that much crying, I doubt anyone could. After a few more minutes, Twilight finally pushed herself up. She made a beeline for the restroom to wash up, not eager to continue her awkward conversation with Pinkie. Maybe she’d take a shower while she was at it.

Downstairs, Pinkie had pulled out pancake mix and a bowl. She poured in water and stirred. As she did so, her mind wandered.

I hope she doesn’t hate me… She looked so nervous. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so rash. I mean, she wasn’t feeling very well after all the things I said. She probably thinks I took advantage of her, or that I’m a bad pony…

Pinkie’s shoulders fell slightly at the thought. I wonder what she’s doing now. Her ears perked at the sound of a shower turning on, a silent answer to her question. She looked back down at the pancake mix in her hooves for a few seconds before pouring it into a pan.

Remember what Twilight always says, Pinkie. “Don’t let your imagination run wild.” Yeah. We made up yesterday; there’s nothing to worry about…

It didn’t take long for Pinkie to finish up, and she trotted over to place the plates on the table. As she walked over to the fridge to pour the two of them something to drink, she accidentally stepped on what felt like a book. This led to her slipping and landing on her flank, sending the apparent book flying into the opposite wall. She was just glad she wasn’t still holding any dishes.

“Ow…” Pinkie grumbled as she rubbed the spot she’d landed on. “What the heck was that, anyway?” The baker stood up and dusted herself off before setting off to find whatever she’d stepped on. Twilight would appreciate it if she put the book back where it belonged.

However, when Pinkie found the object that’d caused her slip up, she could only stare at it in astonishment. “Is this…?”

She lifted the book up from the ground and stared at its cover. Indeed, it was her very own, hoof-written (with the help of Gummy) book: Every Sweet in the History of Equestria. Unlike the last time she’d seen its pages, the book looked a lot more worn. Not the type of worn where it looked like it’d been read thoroughly; rather, it looked as if it’d been thrown around without much care. Its pages were crumpled.

At first Pinkie had assumed it was her fault for having sent it flying across the room, but it soon became clear to even her that this was not her doing. After all, the book was laying on the ground when she’d slipped on it.

Pinkie’s mind hadn’t registered the fact that the shower had been cut off and that Twilight, now fresh and alert, was trotting down the staircase.

“Did you make pancakes? They smell really good,” she said as she walked over. When Pinkie made no attempt to respond, Twilight moved over toward her. “Pinkie? Is everything alright?”

It was then that she became aware of what Pinkie was holding in her hooves. Her heart dropped at the sight.

“Pinkie… I didn’t mean to do that. It was just that yesterday I wasn’t feeling like myself, and when I saw the book, all I could think about was how upset I was. I didn’t want to be reminded of… well… you.”

These words didn’t seem to make it better, though Pinkie appreciated her honesty. Twilight nuzzled Pinkie’s cheek lightly. “I’m sorry.”

Pinkie let out the breath she didn’t know she’d been keeping in. She turned toward Twilight and gave her a hug. “No, I should be saying that. It’s my fault.”

“About that…” Twilight began as she returned the embrace. “I think we need to have a serious chat. I want to know what was going through your head yesterday. You know, to figure some things out.”

Pinkie’s heart started beating faster of its own accord. She pulled away from Twilight. “I understand. But do you think it could wait until we eat our breakfast? Wouldn’t want it to get cold, after all…”

Twilight nodded her agreement, and the two made their way to the table. The pancakes had cooled down considerably, but they still tasted delicious. Twilight wondered where Spike had gone off to, but decided that wasn’t very important. On the other side of the table, Pinkie tried to guess what Twilight was going to ask her about. Their conversation had nothing to do with their inner thoughts, however, and mostly consisted of how great their meal was.

As much as one might have wanted it to last, it didn’t. The dishes were soon placed into the sink to be cleaned later and the two ponies returned to their seats. It felt way too formal for Pinkie’s liking, but that was just how Twilight did things.

“Pinkie.” Twilight had her hooves placed neatly on the table, and Pinkie’s book rested just to the side.
“Twilight,” Pinkie copied. She wasn’t sure what else to say.

“I just wanted to clarify a few things with you. After yesterday, I’m a little confused.” Pinkie watched as Twilight indulged in one of her many nervous habits--gripping her foreleg. “We’re still… together, right?”

Pinkie nodded resolutely. “Yes. If that’s what you want, I mean.” She chewed her lip. “Do you still want to be marefriends?”

Twilight reached her hoof over and rested it over Pinkie’s. “See, this is why we need to talk. We’re both unsure about where we stand in this relationship. But yes, Pinkie, I do still want to be your marefriend.”

“Whew…” As if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, Pinkie sat up straighter. “I’m glad. What else did you want to talk about?”

“I wanted to ask about Princess Celestia and what she said to you. You mentioned her last night.”

Pinkie looked down at where their hooves touched. “Basically… she was just looking out for you. She told me that if I kept seeing you that your nightmares would continue… I didn’t want that to happen to you, so I decided it’d be better if I broke up with you. It seemed like a good idea at first, but now I know it isn’t. I never, ever want to make you go through that again.” Pinkie slid her hoof out from underneath Twilight’s and put it on top. “What did Princess Luna say to you while you were out?”

“...It was a little strange,” Twilight admitted. “I’m still not sure what she wanted to say. At first she asked if she had gotten better in regular conversation, then she said she considered me a ‘dear friend’ for bringing her back to her senses, and that I could send her a letter if anything went wrong.” The unicorn tapped her free hoof with a chin. “Come to think of it, I think she said she wanted permission for something, but she never said anything more about it.”

Pinkie’s expression grew more serious. “Was she… you know, acting nervous at all? Any spacing out…? Did she stutter any?”

Twilight furrowed her brow. “I’m not sure I understand why that’d be important at all.”

“Come on, Twi, it is important.” Pinkie pressed her hoof down on Twilight’s a little harder. She was acting a lot more solemn than usual, so Twilight decided to go ahead and answer her questions.

“Let’s see… She did seem a little nervous to me. Like, she couldn’t stay on one topic for too long before going onto another. She spoke a little fast, and her posture was off. There wasn’t any stuttering though.”

Pinkie mulled this over. Sirens were already going off in her mind, and she unconsciously stroked Twilight’s hoof with her own. “I could be wrong, and I really super duper seriously hope I am… but I think Princess Luna might have a crush on you.”

Pinkie felt Twilight’s hoof jerk away, but she was able to keep it in place. Twilight couldn’t have looked more distressed even if she tried.

“What?! There’s no way that can be true! She’s a princess that’s lived for more than a thousand years, Pinkie!”

“But she’s still a pony, and ponies don’t always fall in love with someone everyone would expect.” The real meaning of Pinkie’s statement was lost on Twilight. Something else seemed to have caught her attention, rather than what was intended.

“When did we start talking about ponies falling in love? Pinkie, that’s ridiculous! Luna would never fall for me of all ponies!”

“Calm down, Twi, I didn’t mean it like that. All I was saying was that I think she might like you. Watch, I can prove it, too.” Pinkie stood up and grabbed parchment and a quill before placing them in front of Twilight.

“What is this for?” Twilight asked suspiciously. Pinkie waved her question off with a hoof.

“Just write exactly what I say.” Twilight levitated the quill and watched Pinkie with an arched brow. The baker leaned casually on the table with one of her forelegs, a conspiring expression on her face. “ ‘Dear Princess Luna… It’s been so long since I last spoke with you! Well, technically only a couple of days, but it feels like so much longer. How have you been? I know you’re busy, but I hope I hear back from you soon. Your good friend, Twilight Sparkle.’ ”

Twilight did as she was told. “Pinkie… What are you planning?”

Pinkie rolled up the parchment before Twilight could get an answer from her. “Now, all we need is a way to send this… Do you think you could, Twi?”

“Anything to prove you wrong. She won’t even respond until nightfall, you’ll see.” Both ponies exchanged confident smirks until Twilight started casting a spell. It wasn’t something she enjoyed doing, as it took a lot of energy considering the distance, but she knew how to do it. It was just easier to have Spike take care of the mail.

It didn’t take long for the letter to disappear from the kitchen table and out the window. Pinkie smiled lightly. “Just wait…”

About a minute passed with nothing, and Twilight was starting to feel victorious. “See, Pinkie? I told you--”

Then, a letter popped into existence, shutting Twilight up on the spot. Pinkie unfurled the parchment and cleared her throat in a conceited manner. Twilight sunk down in her chair.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle, all has been going well for the Night Princess! I was afraid you wouldn’t send for me. Has all been going well for thou? Has something happened? I shall make arrangements to see thou right away if my presence is required. --Luna.”

Pinkie placed the paper down and gave Twilight a look. “See? It’s daytime--when she’s usually fast asleep--and she replied within a couple of minutes. And just look--she’d come right away if you needed her? What’s with that?”

Pinkie looked like she was actually starting to get mad, rather than just proving her point. “Is she trying to make a move on you? She didn’t try to hug you or anything, right? ‘Cause you’re strictly Pinkie Pie huggable only.”

“Relax, Pinkie. She didn’t do anything like that, and I doubt she wants to.” Twilight thought for a second. “I love you, not some other pony. Not even a princess.”

Twilight hugged Pinkie as if to prove her point. The other pony relaxed some and returned the embrace. “I believe you. But think about it… Princess Luna is, at the very least, showing some funny symptoms toward you which could possibly mean she likes you. And then you were having nightmares. About me. The pony you’re dating. Luna came over, wanting to make sure you knew that she would be there for you, almost as if she knew what was about to happen.”

“You can’t really be saying…”

“No, but what if? Wouldn’t it make sense?” Pinkie pulled away from Twilight with a stern look on her face. “I believe in the princesses just as much as the next pony, but this would have to be one heck of a co-ink-i-dink.”

“I doubt the princess would purposefully break us up. I mean, come on. This is almost as bad as that one time you were pointing hooves at all the different bakers for supposedly ruining the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness!”

“I’m tellin’ you, Twi, I’m getting the weirdest feeling from this. It’s not my Pinkie Sense, but it’s like a creepy ghost is sitting on my shoulder or something. You gotta take these things seriously.”

Twilight sighed in defeat. Knowing Pinkie, she’d never stop talking about it until somepony finally did something. At the very least she could hear her out. “What do you propose we do, then?”

Pinkie tapped a hoof against her muzzle. “I dunno. Let’s start by sending a letter saying that you’re not up on the market and…” When Twilight glared at Pinkie, she toned down. “...Maybe you should send her a letter asking her to come to Ponyville, so we can talk civilly about it. That way Doctor Pie will get the for surely sure diagnosis on Princess Luna.”

Twilight frowned lightly. “I don’t see any problem with that, I suppose… As long as you behave.” Pinkie nodded several times, and Twilight pulled out a new sheet of parchment along with a quill. She wrote down a short note asking Princess Luna if she could indeed come to Ponyville for some tea, but made sure to stress that it wasn’t because there was something wrong. After sending it, Twilight started to feel the effects of exerting herself. Sending one letter to Canterlot was difficult enough, but that was the second one of the day. She hoped she wouldn’t have to do so again.

It took even less time for a response to be sent. Princess Luna had replied with a simple “I shall be there shortly.”

Twilight was starting to wonder if this was even a good decision to begin with. “Pinkie, what are we even going to say?”

“Oh, just the usual. We’ll ask about those nightmares some more, look for some very specific-al signs in her speech and behavior, hint toward some stuff and ask some more stuff. Just, you know, stuff.” Pinkie shrugged.

This could go badly, Twilight thought at once. But it was too late to call it off. Already somepony was knocking on the library’s door. Pinkie jumped up to get it, but Twilight pulled her back.

“Let me get the door,” Twilight said, unsmiling. She trotted over to the door as Pinkie took a seat, humming to herself.

When the unicorn opened the door, lo and behold, Princess Luna stood there. She looked awfully winded, as if she’d run a marathon or two.

“Oh… Twilight… Sparkle…” she rasped. “It’s nice… to… see you.” She took a moment to compose herself before straightening up. It looked like she’d come alone. “Doth thou require my assistance? You must have been brief in your letter because someone was holding thou hostage, yes?”

“Er, no, Luna. I really just wanted to have some tea with you, if that’s alright.” Twilight smiled at the older mare, who paused for a moment.

“Ah, of course. I see.” Twilight stepped aside and allowed the Night Princess entry. From over her shoulder, Twilight could see Pinkie watching them carefully.

“The pink one is here as well?” Princess Luna seemed surprised by the turn of events. Pinkie narrowed her eyes ever so slightly, though the princess hadn’t noticed.

“Yup! Why don’t you take a seat, Princess? I think Twilight was just about to make some tea.” The obvious dismissal wasn’t lost on the unicorn, but she went over to the kitchen anyway. Pinkie seemed to just be making small talk with Luna.

Twilight poured three cups of tea and levitated them back to the table. There were two obvious open seats--one next to Pinkie, and one next to Princess Luna. Twilight intended on sitting next to her marefriend, but remembered that Pinkie had wanted to confirm that silly suspicion of hers. So, she sat next to the princess.

Despite having been the one to suggest it, Pinkie still felt a bit jealous that her marefriend was sitting next to what could be a rival. She tried not to think about it. “Princess… The last time you and your older sister were here, it seemed to be really serious. Me and Twilight wanted to ask some more about it.”

Princess Luna’s head dipped slightly. “Indeed?” She cast a cursory glance toward Twilight. The unicorn nodded.

“I see. As Princess of the Night, I understand your concerns and it is my duty to wash them away. Are there any specific questions you have for me?”

She seemed nervous. A thousand years on the moon without any company must’ve made it hard for a pony to hide anything.

Pinkie scooted forward until she was on the edge of her seat. “Yes, I have some. Do you know why Twilight’s having them, and why they’re about me? Do you know how to make them stop? What do you think of Twilight?”

The last question had slipped out unintentionally, but anyone could tell it was the most important of the bunch from the way she emphasized it.

“...Pardon?” Princess Luna smiled anxiously. Twilight tried to motion to Pinkie to cut it out, but the mare was on a roll.

“What do you think of Twilight?” she repeated with a faux sincere smile.

“So that’s what this is about…” Princess Luna lowered her head with a sigh. “I’ll admit, I haven’t been completely honest with you, Sparkle.”

Author's Note:

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope this new chapter comes as a (pleasant) surprise to all of you. I'm very fond of it, and mostly proud of myself for having written it so soon after updating a different story. Well, this story is drawing to a close. As much as it saddens me to say this, there's only a couple of chapters left. I can't wait to hear what you guys have to say. Hope you have a good one!