• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 2,143 Views, 26 Comments

My Little Pony: Don't Starve - TheBobulator

Twilight Sparkle is transported to a nightmarish realm where her mysterious kidnapper expects one thing of her: don't starve.

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Prologue: The Beginning

My Little Pony: Don’t Starve

By: TheBobulator

Prologue: The Beginning

The notion of parallel universes or alternate dimensions has always been a key component of myth and legend alike. Modern fantasy often presents the concept as a series of planes of existence where the laws of nature differ, allowing magical phenomena of some sort on other planes. For instance, the realm of Tartarus was once believed to be a fictional realm until the emergence of Cerberus during the-

“Twilight? Are you done yet?” Spike complained. “You’ve been reading that book for hours. Don’t you think it’s time for a break or something?”

Without looking up, Twilight replied “Just a minute, Spike.”

Spike tapped her shoulder. “Twilight?”

‘A Comprehensive Guide to Multiverses and Alternate Dimensions, Volume Three’ would have to wait until later. Twilight closed the book and turned to her number one assistant. “Yes, Spike.” She yawned and stretched. “I think it’s time for a break.” She placed a bookmark in the thick volume on her desk, stacked it next to the other four, and followed Spike downstairs.

“Great! Rarity said she needed some help with a new dress she’s making, so I was wondering whether it would be okay if I headed over there.” Spike said in excitement. “So unless you have anything else I need to do...” He hopefully stared at Twilight.

Twilight smiled, tired. “Go ahead. I’ll be busy with my research for a while, anyway.”

“Aw, thanks Twilight! You’re the best!” With that, Spike scampered off to ‘help’ Rarity with her dressmaking.

“Don’t stay out too late!” Twilight called after him.

“I won’t!” The moment Spike ran out the door and slammed it behind him, Twilight realized she should have asked him to pick up some more ink and scrolls on the way back. Hopefully, she still had enough to last the rest of the day.

A knock on the door brought her thoughts to a stop. “Who is it?”

“Hiya Twilight! It’s your best friend Pinkie Pie!” Twilight opened the front door, only to be greeted by nothing. Strange. “Hi!” Pinkie blurted from behind Twilight, causing her to jump. “You were taking too long to answer the door, so I let myself in!” Pinkie eagerly bounced in place.

“Pinkie! You didn’t- I haven’t even-” Twilight rubbed her forehead. Don’t think about it too hard, Twilight. Once she’d composed herself, she asked “What are you doing here?”

Pinkie shook her head. “Nopey dopey! It’s so busy I need to be in two places at once!” Twilight gave her the Pinkie-Pie-what-did-you-do glare. “Don’t worry, I didn’t use the mirror pond from episode fifty five. I mean, if I did, we’d be in a super duper amount of trouble!”

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand why you refer to our lives in episodes. Anyway, were you looking for a book?” Twilight asked, hoping the bubbly pink party pony would get to the point. “Or is there something else I can help you with?”

A lightbulb appeared over Pinkie’s head. “I almost forgot! Can you come back to Sugarcube Corner with me? I know you like to turn things into oranges, but I can’t make apple cobbler cupcakes with oranges! I mean, what do I call it? Orange cobbler? Can you even do that? I’ve made cobbler with some really crazy stuff, but I don’t think I can do oranges. Wait, if the apples used to be oranges, does that mean the oranges taste like apples? Or maybe it’s an orange on the outside and an apple on the inside. Ooh, that would be super cool!”

“Pinkie, that was just a test. I haven’t tried the orange transmutation spell in weeks, mainly because I had to track down a blue, er orange jay and a frog-orange.” Twilight sighed. “You probably accidentally ordered oranges.”

“Applejack doesn’t sell oranges.” Pinkie replied. “Duh.”

As much as Twilight hated to agree, the baker pony had a point. “Fine, I’ll see what I can do about it.” She turned around to examine the bookshelves around her inside the library. “There’s probably a book on ‘how to transmute oranges back into apples’ somewhere around here.”

Once the appropriate book had been acquired (Apples, Apples, and More Apples: The Almanac of Every Apple and the Spontaneous Generation Of.), the two of them went to Sugarcube Corner and Twilight transmuted the oranges back into apples so that Pinkie would no longer have to worry about the workings of a formerly-apple orange. Since Twilight was there, she decided to pick up some cupcakes for Spike.

When the cupcake-laden librarian returned, her number one assistant was already back from his dressmaking mission. “Oh hey Twilight! I was wonderi- Ooh, are those for me?”

“Yep. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.” She levitated the box of cupcakes into Spike’s waiting claws. A small silver-colored brick lay next to Twilight’s stacked books on her desk. “Hmm. I don’t remember leaving you here.” She looked around. Was this Spike’s? Turning to the door, she yelled “Hey Spike! Did you leave your harmonica on my desk?”

“Nope.” Came the reply from downstairs. “I don’t have a harmonica.”

Well, that was curious, Twilight thought to herself. “I am positive that I have a book on the recommended operational constraints of a harmonica.” She turned back to the doorway. “Spike, is my copy of ‘Harmonics, Harmonicas, and You’ down there?”

“Which edition?”

Twilight had to think about that one. “We have a Dodge Junction edition, right?”

“It’s either that or the Manehattan one.” Spike appeared next to the librarian and dropped the colossal volume next to her. “You’re going to actually try playing that thing?”

“Of course. Wouldn’t hurt to try.”

Spike stared at her dubiously as he backed out of the room. “I don’t know about that...”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Twilight demanded.

The little purple dragon chuckled nervously. “I’ll, uh, go see if the cutie mark crusaders are doing anything dangerous or something. Bye!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and grinned. Hopefully, Spike could keep himself out of trouble for the time being. She opened the large gray-blue book. “Step one, pick up harmonica and hold to lips.” The unicorn wrapped the harmonica with her lavender-colored magic field. “Check.” Suddenly, the musical device stood up on its own accord and spun around. “Hmm. That’s not in the book.” She scanned the page for anything about dancing harmonicas.

“Congratulations! You’ve WOOOON!” The tinny voice from the harmonica blared. Twilight had a moment to realize this was probably not what a normal musical device did before everything disappeared in a flash.

Author's Note:

Things have changed, FYI.