• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 7,407 Views, 29 Comments

The Not-So-Great and Powerful Escape - Yukito

Trixie falls into a coma after a failed suicide attempt, and Twilight vows never to leave her side. Warning: Sadfic.

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The Not-So-Great and Powerful Escape

Her name is Trixie Lulamoon. She was born on the outskirts of Canterlot, 23 years ago, and her occupation up until two years ago was ‘travelling magician and one-mare-show’. After that, she worked for some time on a rock farm, and then, not much is known about her after that. She suddenly disappeared eight months ago, her name simple whispers on the breeze. The occasional rumour of her reappearing would sometimes come up, but it would always end the same: she disappeared into the shadows again, leaving a trail of tears in her wake.

Most ponies thought those tears were simply from her overreacting at not being allowed to put on her shows. Some felt sorry for the showmare, and decided to be a little more gentle with her next time. But nopony would have guessed, that those tears were from something much deeper. Each tear shed, was another ounce of her faith in ponykind leaving her body. And another ounce of confidence in herself forever gone.

And nopony saw it coming. Her grand, stunning reappearance, atop the Manehatten tower, her signature hat and cape resting in her blazing trailer at the base of said tower. Trixie gave nopony a chance to contact the police; she took a step forward with zero hesitation, and it was only by some miracle that she was didn’t die. A Pegasus just happened to be flying around the tower at the time, and she collided into him as she fell. Both are still alive, and the Pegasus recovered in just a few days. Trixie, however…

“A coma?” Twilight asked as she watched the former showmare being laid down gently on the hospital bed. It was by some quirk of fate that Rainbow Dash, who had sprained her wing while practising her ‘super-awesome-twenty-percent-cooler new trick’, was in the same hospital room that Trixie was assigned to. “She tried to kill herself?”

Doctor Stable nodded, and began hooking up some machinery to Trixie’s body. She didn’t need a respirator, but she would need a feeding tube and a cardiogram. “Yes, and she’s been sent here to recover. It was thought that the peace and tranquillity of the countryside might do her some good.”

“No way… Why would she do something like that?”

“Only she would know the answer to that for sure,” Doctor Stable said, referring to Trixie. “Unfortunately, she doesn’t show any signs of waking up any time soon. There’s nothing wrong with her physically, so my guess is that she simply doesn’t want to wake up.”

“Isn’t there anything you can do?” Rainbow Dash asked, feeling a pang of sympathy for the unconscious mare. “What about magic? Twi’s good at it, y’know?”

“Even if a such a spell existed, it would not be advised,” the doctor answered, shaking his head sadly. “No, the laws laid down by the House and Office of the Royal Sisters of Equestria are quite clear: until she either wakes up of her own accord, or else, dies a natural death, she must be kept alive on government funding. Unless she herself filed a formal request prior to her incident to the Equestrian Health Society, in which case I would be forced to pull the plug. But as no such form has been found, we must simply… wait.”

“That’s it?” Rainbow asked, sitting up and glaring daggers at the doctor. “‘Just wait?’ C’mon, Twilight here managed to free us from Discord’s control, surely she can-”

“No. He’s right, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said, her head low and her body trembling. Rainbow could hear the sounds of sobbing being held back, and her expression softened. “Even if we manage to force her awake, what good would it do, if Trixie herself doesn’t want to be awake?”

Nopony said anything more as the doctor finished getting Trixie settled into what would be her new home until she recovered. Try as she might, Twilight couldn’t hold back the tears that were building up in her eyes.

Seeing her friend in such a state, Rainbow Dash held Twilight like a loving mother holding her child, and didn’t let go the entire time that Twilight was crying, not even when the purple Unicorn insisted on blaming herself for Trixie ending up this way.

Though she didn’t agree with what Twilight was saying, she at least waited for her to calm down before trying to tell her that is isn’t her fault. That she’s not the one to blame for any of this.

But Twilight would have none of it. She was adamant that Trixie wouldn’t have wound up in this state if she had been there for her. Is she hadn’t let her run off all alone like she had done. Despite Rainbow Dash assuring her that she can’t be held responsible for that, Twilight insisted on taking the blame, and swore that she would do whatever she could to make things right.

From that day on, Twilight Sparkle began visiting Trixie every day, spending every moment possible with her, to make sure that she wasn’t alone. This story takes place during one of those days.

One month later:

Twilight gulped down her water quickly and placed the glass on the bedside table next to her, before letting out a relieved sigh. “Sorry about that. I didn’t expect these snacks to be so… spicy. Pinkie Pie really outdid herself this time, buuuut, I think I’ll just save them for later.”

Closing the lid on her box of sweets and placing them to one side, Twilight turned back to the blue Unicorn sleeping soundly in front of her. The mare’s body moved up-and-down in a steady rhythm with her breathing, and her face made it impossible to believe that this was the same mare who came to Ponyville two years ago to preach her greatness to the town… or that she recently tried to take her own life.

She just looked so peaceful and innocent, and so content. If one didn’t know any better, she would simply look like she was simply having a midday nap. But Twilight did know better. She had been like this for a full month now, and every day Twilight hoped that it would be the day that Trixie wakes up. And when she doesn’t, she feels it like a strong blow to the gut.

“Now, where was I?” she asked, doing her best to remain cheerful for the former showmare. “Oh yeah, so get this: Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust claim that they hate each other’s guts, right? But for two ponies who apparently can’t stand each other, Rainbow sure does spend an awful lot of time talking about Lightning Dust, and vice versa.”

Twilight giggled to herself for a bit, before noticing that Trixie’s bed wasn’t properly tucked in. “Oh, let me just get that,” she said, using her magic to fix the small error that she noticed. “There. Honestly, I need to have a word with the nurses at this place about proper tidiness and neatness.”

A knock came at the door, and Twilight turned her head to see who it was. Spike poked his head inside, and then walked in completely when Twilight motioned for him to enter. “Hey, uh, Twilight? You got a letter from the Princess… She’s wondering how your studies have been going, since you missed last week’s weekly report.”

Twilight gasped and slammed a hoof to her face. Her last three reports had hardly been anything to brag about, and now, she actually missed one altogether. “… Sorry, Spike, but do you think you could send a letter back to the Princess, telling her I’ll send my report later today?”

“Sure, I guess I could… But, what’re you gonna write about? You’ve only read one book this whole week, right?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah… It’s kind of hard, when Trixie still hasn’t woken up yet.”

“Honestly, why do you keep spending so much time here?” Rainbow Dash called out as she entered the room behind Spike. “I know we teased you about being cooped up in your library, but we didn’t mean that you should coop yourself up here, instead.”

Smiling, Twilight turned to Trixie, and gently held the other mare’s hoof with her own. “I know, but… I said I would stick by her side until she wakes up.”

“… Well, how about if I take over for today?” Rainbow offered, surprising Twilight and Spike. With a blush, Rainbow Dash approached the opposite side of the bed to Twilight. “I mean, you should really go outside and get some fresh air. I’ll stay here for a bit to watch over her.”

“You sure?” Twilight asked, receiving a nod from Rainbow Dash. She turned to Spike, who gave her an encouraging nod, and slid off of her stool and began to walk towards the door. However, before she could make it, her attention snapped back to Trixie, who Twilight was sure had just made a noise.

It turned out she was mistaken, but now that she was looking at Trixie again, in her helpless, vulnerable state, Twilight just couldn’t bring herself to leave the room anymore, and she hurried back to Trixie’s side. “No… I can’t do it,” she said, tears forming in her eyes. “I can’t leave her all alone, Rainbow Dash. I just can’t!”

“O-Okay, easy now, Twi,” Rainbow said. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to, but what gives? Can’t you trust me to watch her for a little bit?”

Twilight shook her head quickly. “It’s not that. It’s just… what if she wakes, all alone in this unfamiliar room, and her memories are intact? And, what if… what if she tries to… to…” Twilight couldn’t finish the thought, instead lowering her head to Trixie’s bed and sobbing into the mattress. “I can’t leave her like that, Rainbow Dash! It’s just too much for me to take!”

“Alright, alright!” Rainbow said quickly, rushing around to the bed to pull Twilight into a hug. Spike also rushed to Twilight’s aid, wrapping his arms around her hind leg since he couldn’t reach any higher. “I get it. You can stay if you want to. But, I’ll at least stay with you for a bit, so you’re not watching her alone. Okay?”

Twilight nodded, and wiped the tears away from her eyes. “Thanks, Rainbow. You’re a good friend.” An idea passed through Twilight’s head, and she turned around to pick up a book that was lying on the bedside table behind her. “Say, Rainbow, if you’re going to be here with me, how about you read to her for a bit?”

Rainbow Dash picked up the book with her forehooves, and scanned the front cover. “Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone,” she read.

“Your favourite, right?” Twilight asked, receiving a nod from Rainbow Dash. “I usually read to her at this time. But a thought just came to me: some scientists believe that coma victims can still hear what goes on outside, and that that’s usually what helps them wake up. Maybe if she heard more voices than just my own…”

Rainbow raised her hoof to cut Twilight off. “Say no more! If my awesome voice can bring her out of that stupid coma, then that’s all I need to know!”

Applejack and Rarity entered a couple of hours later, the farm pony carrying a basket in her mouth and the dressmaker carrying a bouquet of flowers on her back. They both stopped in surprise when they saw Trixie sitting up, with Twilight and Nurse Redheart running sponges across her body.

“Are we… interrupting somethin’?” Applejack asked as she awkwardly stepped into the room.

“Not at all,” Nurse Redheart answered. “Miss Sparkle was simply helping me with the patient’s sponge bath. She’s such a dear.”

Twilight blushed slightly from the praise, and from how her two friends were looking at her. “Well, I figured since I was here, I might as well lend a hoof,” she explained.

Applejack shot her a sly grin, and walked closer to the purple Unicorn. “Sure, ah getcha. Anyway, ah thought ah’d come down ‘n’ make sure ya didn’t skip lunch again.” She opened her basket to reveal a couple of daffodil sandwiches and three delicious looking red apples. “Also got ya a lil’ snack for later.”

“Thanks, Applejack,” Twilight said, lowering her sponge into the nearby tub and levitating one of the sandwiches towards her mouth. “This looks great…” She took a bite, and her entire face lit up. As she continued to eat, Rarity walked past her and placed the flowers on Trixie’s bedside table.

“Still no sign of improvement?” Applejack asked, receiving a slow shaking of Twilight’s head. “Well, don’t lose hope, sugarcube. Ah’m sure she’ll get better, as long as ya keep takin’ care of her the way ya are.”

“Indeed,” Rarity said, “But Twilight, darling, I must admit I am rather worried about you. How much sleep have you been getting lately?”

“Well… I’ll admit it’s been difficult, but it’s been getting easier over time.” She noticed her two friends giving her concerned looks, and quickly waved her hooves dismissively. “It’s fine. I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.”


“I’m all finished here,” Nurse Redheart said, picking up the tub of water with two sponges in it and proceeding to leave the room.

Twilight nodded, and turned her attention back to Trixie. “Really, girls. I’ll be just fine.” She levitated a brush from the bedside table, and began to run it through Trixie’s mane. “How about you two? We haven’t talked much lately, have we? How’ve things been going for you both?”

“Uh, just fine,” Rarity said, watching with unease as Twilight brushed Trixie’s mane. Her unease died down a bit when she saw the gentle smile on Twilight’s face, and she let out a small sigh. “Just don’t overdo it, Twilight. If you ever need any help, don’t hesitate to ask.”

Twilight stopped her brushing for a second to stare at her two friends, a look of appreciation on her face. “… Yeah, I know… Thanks, you guys.”

As Twilight finished reading yet another book to Trixie, she stretched her hooves and let out a quiet yawn. She looked over at the clock… Visiting hours would be over soon.

The door creaked open quietly, and a familiar yellow face popped inside. “Hello? Twilight?”

“Hi, Fluttershy. Come on in.” Fluttershy nodded, and walked inside, making sure to quietly close the door behind her. Twilight noticed a box on her back, covered in wrapping paper. “You brought a present?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Oh, no. It’s not mine. It’s from Snips and Snails. They just asked me to bring it here, since they had to go home early…”

Twilight nodded in understanding, and levitated the present over to the ever-growing pile of gifts from the two colts, and from Pinkie Pie. “Those two… as soon as they heard that Trixie was in the hospital, they rushed right here, even though they were still in the middle of class, to make sure she was okay…

“They feel so terrible for what happened. I hear their grades have been dropping recently, and Snips has even lost weight. They thinks it’s their fault that Trixie is like this. They’re just children, yet, they’re carrying something so heavy on their shoulders…”

Fluttershy noticed the tears falling down Twilight’s face, and moved closer to comfort her. “I-It’s okay. It will all be okay, Twilight.”

“But what if it won’t be?!” Twilight shouted, causing Fluttershy to jump back with a start. “She’s been like this for a full month. What if she never wakes up, Fluttershy? What if she remains like this until she dies? Snips and Snails already blame themselves enough for this, but if she never woke up…”

Twilight quickly lunged forward, grabbing Trixie’s shoulders with her forehooves, and began to gently shake the unconscious mare. “Trixie… Trixie, please… You’ve got to wake up already. You can’t spend your whole life like this. It isn’t right! Snips and Snails need you to wake up, to tell them that everything’s okay! And… And I need you to wake up, too. Please…”

Twilight stopped shaking Trixie, and simply lowered her head into her chest. “If you’re all alone, then let me be there for you… If you need a friend, I’ll gladly be your friend. If you need family, then think of me as a sister! If you want to humiliate me to revive your reputation, I’ll let you do it! Just… JUST WAKE UP ALREADY!”

Twilight didn’t even notice the doctor and two nurses entering the room as she wept into Trixie’s chest, begging the mare over and over again to wake up. The entire time, Trixie never responded. Her body did not twitch one bit, and her face remained just as emotionless as it had been for the past month. She may as well have been made of stone.

“Miss Sparkle,” Doctor Stable said after allowing her ten minutes to calm her emotions. “Visiting hours are over. I’ll have to ask you to leave until tomorrow.”

Nurse Redheart and Fluttershy approached Twilight from either side, and gently pulled her away from Trixie. “Come on, dear,” Nurse Redheart said. “We’ll make sure somepony watches her though the night, as usual.”

“You need to get some rest,” Fluttershy said, walking Twilight to the hospital room’s door with the help of Nurse Redheart. “Um… if you’d like, I can let you sleep over at my house. I have a spare bed… if you don’t want to be alone, that is.”

Twilight slowly shook her head, and wiped the tears away from her face. “No… I’m fine. But thanks, Fluttershy.” Once she reached the door, Twilight turned around to take one final glance at Trixie for the day. “… Please, come back to us, Trixie.”

Trixie’s horn lit up as she reared onto her hind legs. Many fireworks shot into the sky, exploding into a variety of colours and shapes, wowing the audience standing before her.

“Once again, I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie shouted, her voice echoing across the vast, endless field that she and her audience were in. “Tell your friends and family! Trixie’s spectacular talent deserves to be spread across the entire world!”

As the crowd cheered and roared for an encore, Trixie retreated into her trailer, folding up her stage and telling her fans that she must rest. Disappointed, but understandingly, the crowd of ponies began to disperse, eventually leaving the trailer sitting all on its own in the middle of the beautiful, tranquil field.

As Trixie removed her hat and cape, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her mane was just as tidy as it always was, and her body, for some reason, was free from all the sweat she was sure she had worked up working her magic outside. Not only that, but her coat was clean and shiny, too. Like she had just taken a bath, even though she hadn’t bathed in… well, ever.

However, unlike every other time she looked into her mirror, she noticed something else on her body. Some droplet of water seemed to have formed on her chest. She touched her hoof to them, and brought it up to her face to examine it. “What’s this? It wasn’t raining outside…”

Shrugging, Trixie simply levitated a paper towel towards herself, and began to wipe herself clean. Once her chest was dry once again, she moved over to her bed, and prepared to get some shuteye.

“Just wake up… Please…”

Trixie looked around her trailer, searching for the source of the strange voice she had just heard.

“Please, come back to us, Trixie.”

With an annoyed grunt, Trixie’s horn lit up, and a pair of earmuffs appeared before her. “Stupid voice… This’ll keep you out of my head.”

Trixie placed the earmuffs on her head, and suddenly, all was silent once more. She couldn’t even hear the beeping that she had grown used to hearing over the past month. “Good. Now to get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be another great show…

“Tomorrow, ponies will love me once again…”

Author's Note:

I suppose you could call this the opposite scenario to The Magic of Friendship, where Twilight didn't go after Trixie.

Magic Duel was pretty dark... It pretty much confirmed that Trixie either doesn't have a family, or is simply refusing to go to them, and they are either refusing to help her, or are unable to (possibly due to not being able to track her down). It really makes something like this (Trixie trying to take her own life) seem so realistic, and kind of shines a whole new light on the general assumption that Equestria is some kind of glorious utopia.

Anywhom, my headcanon is still gonna include a happy Trixie, living happily with Twilight Sparkle. It's just, after that episode, I can't help but think up numerous dark scenarios involving Trixie. I hope they bring her back soon. Even if it's just a cameo to show she's happy, and her life is back on track, or maybe Twilight mentioning that she's doing fine or something.

But I digress. Hopefully this made all of you weep a little bit. That is, after all, the goal of any sadfic.

Comments ( 29 )

Interesting concept, but not my cup of tea I'm afraid.

Huh. The Twilight and Trixie theme in fics is kind of overdone, but this is looking nice nonetheless.

Not quite the ending I was expecting, but sad nontheless.

I also hope we get at least one more reference to Trixie somewhere in the series, a conversation with her in a town, a background shot of her doing a show. Even something as mundane as

TWILIGHT: I got a letter from Trixie today, sound's like her show in Los Pegasus is doing well.

This story was sad and NO that was NOT A HAPPY ENDING:flutterrage::pinkiesad2: she just down right ignored twilight telling her to wake up but its just tearing her more apart with trixie ignoring her what the hell man that was not happy:applecry: but still it was good keep up the good work:twilightsmile:

aww ok sad but believable :trixieshiftleft::pinkiesad2::applecry:

Put my story to shame...

Now pardon me while I empty my tear ducts. :fluttercry:

So very sad. :fluttercry:

The idea was believable. The way it was implemented was also believable. So, overall, good job.

Remove information about ending from the description. It's huge spoiler and it removed the whole suspense. :twilightangry2:
"she was didn’t die. " Wording

I'm also not sure how Twilight got such attachment to Trixi.

Well, anyway, this sadfic, particularly scene of Trixie+Twilight+Rainbow Dash, also reminded me how last year my grandma died in her bed, how during her last days my mom was at her all the time, at how I visited them. Sad times.

Sad, truly sad. And showing almost every reason why suicide is just retarded.

The people who are a blight don't consider it. It's only the ones who think they are a burden or can't stand to see others pain.

It's fucked up.

WAKE UP TRIXIE!! :fluttercry:

Poor Snips and Snails really... they feel that her condition is their fault, and it kind of is, poor guys... just kids and they have to deal with this

Comically tragic endings soften the blow when it's all over. :pinkiecrazy:
Suicide is a last resort when one cannot bear the mental weight of our own sadness sometimes, I have been there a few times.:applecry:
But then I realized that I am to afraid to die and face the unknown horrors after death claims me.:applejackunsure:
At least ponies give me a sense of what my soul yearns for, though it will not last forever.:twilightsmile:

Sadness mirrors happiness. :raritycry::pinkiehappy:

Wow, choked up on the ending. That's a first. Usually I just get sad.

Trixie soon died and Twilight slit her throat after extreme depression. Overall this story is whack. Do a sequel where Twi forcibly wakes Trix up with magic and Trix is mad or something cool.

Cusi #17 · Apr 29th, 2013 · · 2 ·

As much as I hate myself for it, I'm glad Twilight is suffering. Trixie living her fantasy while in her coma was a nice touch. I always love your stories and the ways you portray Trixie.

2209212 I second this idea.

damn dog, that shit was feelsy:pinkiesad2:

THAT CAN'T BE IT!!! :raritydespair:

:fluttercry::raritycry: Noooooo!!!! I...AAGH WHY DID I PLAY VIOLIN MUSIC AAAAAAARRRGGHHHH:flutterrage:

Oh. Wow.
The twist at the end is interesting.
Although tragic without a happy end - or at least a glimpse of hope is not my cup of tea, I think its well done - despite some minor misspellings.
It was overall believable, and the characters emotions were deep.

The sudden attachment to Trixie was a little weird to me at first, but I loved seeing Twilight suffer! Kinda wish she used magic anyways to wake her up and start a fight (or have a sappy/cheezy hurt/comfort scene that ends in friendship, going their separate ways, or getting Trixie "mental help"..... :pinkiecrazy: there's so many ideas for mental torture on Twilight's end how this will all end :pinkiesad2: its so beautiful! Faved and liked, I can't complain about this story at all.... even the attachment to Trixie makes enough sense and is believable enough for me to not be bothered by it. Well done on this fic! :derpytongue2: :twilightblush:

But there are a few things I would like to pick apart a little though:

And nopony saw it coming

Really? Nopony thought the mare that would disappear leaving behind a trail of tears would kill herself from the sadness?

But nopony would have guessed, that those tears were from something much deeper. Each tear shed, was another ounce of her faith in ponykind leaving her body. And another ounce of confidence in herself forever gone.

I'm sure the ponies that helped cause her sadness actually wished for her to kill herself.... and they didn't know that those tears could be caused my lack of confidence? Wow.....

“Even if we manage to force her awake, what good would it do, if Trixie herself doesn’t want to be awake?”

And how exactly would anypony know that unless there was an attempt? Come on, in the end of the story she comes off as more clueless of her actual situation than not wanting to wake up.... Trixie of all ponies needs some love... real love, not the substitute her subconscious created to try to fill the gap. I dunno, this one part made everything feel really shitty :fluttercry:.... like the lawmakers didn't actually care enough for their fellow ponies in their times of need... :raritycry:

EDIT: forgot to mention that I liked the sadfic parts too (see, I'm not that bad). Wasn't enough to make me cry but it was more than enough to make me feel for the characters so, in my opinion, the fic still did its job as a sadfic.

a touching fic, but wont celestia intervene, seeing how twilight, herself, is deteriorating, due to her anguish ? I think celestia eventually, will have to do something drastic, to alleviate the entire situation. I hope twilight will not die, herself as a result of her agonizing attachment to a hopeless situation. it would really be tragic if Trixie came out of her comatose state, only to find out that twilight, in her misunderstood loyalty to Trixie, had died of depression and neglect. that would guarantee a state of extreme hatred for her.

The tears didn't fall, but you still stabbed me with a machete. :fluttershysad:

Tears, why u no fall? I have read more than one sadfic before this one, and I cannot convince myself to cry. HALP PLZ!

Earmuffs? Trixie you fool. The voices can't be blocked out forever. Plus these are the ones that you should listen to.
Would you kindly JUST WAKE THE FUCK UP!?!!?!?!!:twilightangry2::flutterrage:

Um....pardon my French...:twilightblush:

snap "Due apologies dear, but on behalf of my sound cancelation field, she doesn't want to wake up, then I say she sleeps. And naturally, my will on earth be done."

I know a sequel kind of defeats the purpose, but..

fuck it, a sequel would be rad

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