• Published 7th Jan 2013
  • 2,467 Views, 38 Comments

Mega Man In Equestria - The Destined One

Mega Man crashes in Equestria, along with his foe Galaxy Man.

  • ...

Suspicions And Sheep

RD looked over to the others. “You guys think that Mega Man is acting a little...like an...uhh...attention hog.”
Applejack laughed. Pinkie looked over to Rainbow. “But don’t you love attention, too?”
Rainbow Dash gasped. “PINKIE? How could you say that to me? I thought we were friends!” She started to whimper.
“Silly! I enjoy that part of your personality!”
RD puffed her chest up.
Then a fluffy, round thing jumped out from behind a building.
“It’s a monster!” the crowd screamed.
“Don’t worry. It’s just Sheep Man. He’s pathetic,” Mega Man said.
Sheep man clenched his fists. “Stop it! I am not pathetic! I’ll show you! ...Right after I get lunch.” He went over to the nearest restaurant. “I would like...do you have anything to graze on?”
Dashie facehoofed. “You were right. Is he worth killing?”
Sheep man turned around. He had a grass sandwich in his hands. “So, uh, listen. Everyone I know, except for Yamato Man, are complete meanies. And I wanted to know... can I join you guys?”
MM froze for a second. “Oh my goodness. Did you think I would say yes?” Sheep man tugged on his fleece. “..yes?”
“Wrong answer.” He charged up his Mega Buster.
But Fluttershy jumped in front of him. “MEGA MAN!”
“Get out of the way!” he growled.
Fluttershy unleashed the Stare.
Mega Man gasped. “AAH! IT’S ... MAKE IT STOP!”
Sheep man looked quizzical. “Uh...what stare? I don’t see anything so piercing about it.”
“It’s okay...” Fluttershy trotted to Sheep Man.
“You’re just the cutest little thing, aren’t you? I’m sorry that meanie called you weak.”
“I’m right here!” Mega Man protested.
Fluttershy ignored him. “You’re not weak. Show us what you can do.”
Sheep Man nodded. “Thanks!” All of a sudden, his head turned into a cloud. Then his arms conjoined into one cloud. Then his fur turned into a cloud. The rest of him turned into a fourth cloud. Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Please. We get rid of clouds like you every day!”
RD flew up to dispatch the clouds...only to be struck by his lightning.
“WATCH IT, PAL!” She yelled. Sheep Man chuckled.
He turned back. “See?”
“You’re so strong,” Fluttershy said with admiration.
“I know! But all the other Robot Masters hate me.”
“You can stay at my house.” She glared at Mega Man again.
“He can! Just don’t stare again!” Mega Man flinched in terror.
Sheep Man grinned. “I wonder if I could take Mega man right now. Maybe...I’m gonna go tell the guys!” He ran back from where he came. “GUYS!”

“You came back alive?” Freeze Man said in disbelief.
“I made friends with the ponies. I could bring Mega Man here and we could... you know. Avenge him!”
Sheep Man was hesitant in his mind. The ponies had been nice... He shrugged it off. It would be JUSTICE. But either way, something nagged at him.
“We already called Shade Man. We were SURE that you were dead,” Spark Man said.
“I told you we should give him a chance,” Yamato Man exclaimed.
Shade Man dropped from out of nowhere. “Greetings.”
“AAH!” All of the Robot Masters jumped back.
“You want to know something? I found a pony with some unusual powers. Shall we kidnap her?”
“What sort of powers?” Drill Man asked quizzically.
“How about...she’s a unicorn. With amazingly magical powers. Basically she’s the only one besides Mega Man that poses a threat. Now, let me repeat the question. Shall. We. Kidnap. Her?”
“Okay, okay,” Drill Man grumbled. “You don’t have to be sour about it.”
“She could be of use to us,” Guts Man pointed out.
“Can we blow her up?” Napalm Man asked.
“NO! Then she couldn’t help us,” Grenade Man growled. “But I like the thought.”
“I have a good idea. I will do it,” Shade Man suggested.
“WHAT?!” Guts Man yelled. “Outrageous! That’s only for special missions!”
“What, this isn’t a special mission?” Shade Man replied.
“Good point,” Guts Man mused. “Go ahead.”
Shade Man flew off to find the unicorn.

Fluttershy trotted over to Megaman. “I don’t see why you hate the sheep so much.”
Mega Man rolled his eyes. “Please. I don’t care how nice he is. Once a robot master, always a robot master.”
Fluttershy gasped. “Don’t say that! Ponies can change!”
“It’s a robot master, not a pony.”
“Aren’t YOU a Robot Master?” RD demanded.
“Well - um - yeah - but - “ Mega Man sputtered. He WANTED to say he used to be a cleaning robot at one point, which he was, but that would make him look embarrassing. “Uhh... No comment?” He chuckled nervously.
RD simply rolled her eyes. “Point proven. Now, just give him a chance! If he can surprise me like that, I respect him.”
“Fine. But only because I don’t want to get The Stare again!”
Sheep Man returned. “There’s a bat robot heading this way.”
He had made up his mind.
All of the other Robot Masters, excluding Yamato Man, were complete jerks. He’d show them for a change.
“Bat robot?” RD looked confused.
Mega Man gasped. “That’s Shade Man! He has hypnosis powers! We’d better stop him.”
Shade Man watched from above them.
“Idiots,” he said. “Never even bothered to look up. I always suspected Sheep Man would do this.”
He shrugged. “Ah, well. He’s not my target.”
He flew off into the distance. As he did, Twilight ran off. AppleJack yelled “Hey, Twi? Where ya goin?” Twilight didn’t hear her, as she was already pretty far away.

Twilight ran home to research about this “Bat Robot.” She opened up a rather large book, titled
‘History of Robot Masters: A complete guide to the multiverse.’ She opened it up. “Okay...s...Sheep...too far, go back...Shade Man! Here he is!”
“You’re a smart little pony, aren’t you?” A chilling voice rang throughout the room.
Twilight turned around and gulped. “It’s you!” He crossed his arms. “Yes. It’s me. Don’t I deserve the welcome wagon? Yeesh.”
Twilight readied herself. “You think you’re so tough?” Admittedly, she was a bit nervous. She wasn’t exactly the best fighter, and despite being a very powerful magic user, she wasn’t that good at taking damage.
Shade Man chuckled. “This should be easy. Noise Crush!”
He fired out a sonic shockwave. Twilight dodged and it hit one of her books.
“Hey! That was an antique!”
“What is, the book or your skull?” Shade Man cackled at his own joke. While he was laughing, Twilight used her magic to get a book and slam it against his head. “Oww!” Twilight did it with 2, then 3, the number repeatedly going up higher and higher until he was dazed. “Ugh...” Then, as he stumbled around, a bookshelf landed on him.
Shade Man, with lots of effort, got out from under the bookshelf.
“That is IT. I tried to play nice, but you forced me to do this the hard way!”
He launched a beam from his eyes at Twilight. It hit head-on and she flew back into a different bookshelf.
Shade Man chuckled. “That beam’s effects are a bit slow, but they’ll work. At least I can do this!”
He fired a Noise Crush at the wall. It bounced off and hit him, and he charged it up.
Twilight smashed into the wall as he fired it. She struggled to stand up, but fell to the floor. The sound of the noise crush echoed loudly in her ears. She eventually succumbed to her wounds, and passed out.
Shade Man simply gave an evil smirk. “Mission Accomplished.”
The paralyzing beam was starting to take effect, because he could see that Twilight’s limbs were starting to get stiff.
He grabbed Twilight and flew out of the library.