• Published 20th Sep 2011
  • 3,331 Views, 38 Comments

The Alicorn's Pride - JuyUnseen

On her deathbed Princess Celestia tells Twilight Sparkle a forgotten piece of history

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7


Deadrocks was a town of misfits. It didn’t belong to anyone except for its inhabitants. Alone this rundown town stood in the gray of the northern mountains, the only speck of life in that otherwise desolate but safe place. It was here that someone could buy most anything if they searched long enough. Anything from a bed for the night, to an ancient tome of spells was available for purchase if you could make the right offer. It was Deadrocks that the group of alicorns and their griffin companion saw.

“We’re almost there!” called Cliff happily as they four raced towards the small town. The place was not in the best of shape. It looked old and run-down, but sturdy enough to have stood the tests of time. They made it to the town after a few more minutes of running and when they did, slowed to a trot (or a walk in Cliff’s case). They looked around at the wooden houses, many of them resembling shacks in structure.

“I wonder who lives here.” Luna asked.

“This far north?” Sothe “Well there’s bound to be griffins here, might see some elk. Who knows, we might even run into a-” Sothe was cut off as Cliff finished his thought for him.

“Diamond dog.” Cliff hissed. In front of the group stood a strange looking creature, it stood four feet tall, had mangy gray fur, and fangs poked out from between it cracked lips.

“Well well, what have we here?” It mused in a shrill voice, “Whats’a matter little griffin? You get captured by these big strong ponies?” the thing giggled to itself, obviously finding the statement more funny than anyone else did.

“Our business is our own.” Sothe said heatedly.

“Oh of course it is,” The upright dog taunted, “It’s completely normal for a group of ponies to be traveling with a griffin in these parts.” He snickered again at his heavily sarcastic comment.

“Look you little mutt, get out of our way before you piss off our beaked friend here,” Luna motioned to Cliff and shot him a look that said ‘just roll with it’ “He eats scrawny things like you for breakfast.” Cliff caught on and did his best to turn his face into a scowl. The dog was not impressed.

“Fine,” he said flatly, “I’ll drop the sarcasm. Why’re you here?”

“We’re on a mission for Scar.” Sothe said, matching the diamond dog’s flat tone.

“We’re traveling and need beds.” Celestia chimed in. The dog sighed.

“There’s an inn near the center of town. Alicorns aren’t usually welcome here, but if you’re just spending the night you’ll be fine.” He stepped aside to let them pass, “Just watch your step.”

The inn was dim, but nowhere near as empty as they would have expected from the looks of the town. The place had creatures of all sizes. About twenty griffins were in there somewhere, alongside two elk, a buffalo, and some indistinguishable creature hidden in the shadows of booths in the corners.

“Well… this place looks… clean.” Celestia said slowly.

“Get used to it,” Sothe sighed to his mate, “You chose to leave Trottington. We’re not going to have beds laid out for us out here. An inn is a lucky find.” The two continued to talk for a while, and as they did the ears of one of the creatures hidden in the shadows pricked up. The ears were covered in red fur, and below them sightless eyes scanned the room.

“Those voices.” Growled the creature.

“Something wrong Feega?” Another voice, similar to the first barked.

“Groth… did an alicorn just walk in?” Feega asked slowly, keeping his voice low.

“Yeah, why? They are three of them actually. They’re with a griffin… something bothering you?” The blood wolf looked at his blinded friend with sympathy. Feega had only been blind for around two weeks now. Groth had found him out in the wastes with bloody eyes and a bad leg wound. If it had been anyone else, Groth would have taken his friend’s helplessness as a chance for a meal. Lucky for Feega, Grothe was loyal to his friends.

“That voice.” Feega said again, “the male one. That’s the one who’s damned bird blinded me.” Grothe’s eyes narrowed and he gazed over at the ponies hotly.

“Are you certain?”

“Of course I am!” Feega almost yelled, “His voice has been running through my head ever since… ever since it happened.” Groth looked sadly at his friend.

“I’m sorry,” His voice then gained more malice “If they took your eyes then why not return the favor?”

“So you’re from Trottington?” asked the innkeeper. He was a gruff looking alicorn with wings that looked to be at odd angles.

“That’s right. Well except for Luna… and Cliff obviously.” Celestia replied. She had just paid him for their rooms for the night.

“I haven’t seen that place in years.” He mused, “Sure you can’t share your quest with a fellow alicorn?”

“No sorry… but I can give you some news.” She recounted the story of the army invading the southern griffin lands.

“Well, I’ve never been a fan of Greathoof myself. My parents supported him but I… and to do that… I take it you’re being here has something to do with that huh?”

“Yeah,” Celestia replied sheepishly.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what’re you doing here? Not your group, I mean just you.” Celestia had to think about this. Why had she come? All she could remember was that the moment Luna told her the story about seeing the army she had immediately felt the need to follow Sothe. It had all seemed so glamorous back then, but it wasn’t. They weren’t defeating bad guys and saving the world. They were just messengers, following orders from somepony or other.

“Because… because I wanted adventure.” She replied after a while, “I never got out. I was always know as Commander Greatwing’s Mate, or Miss Greatwing, or ‘Tia. I was… I don’t know I just never did anything back home.” The innkeeper shrugged.

“Well so long as you have a reason. Enjoy your stay.”

“I will; thank you.” She walked away from his counter and scanned the dim room. She couldn’t see them anywhere.

“Excuse me miss,” Said the recognizably shrill voice of a diamond dog, “Are you looking for you’re companions?” Celestia turned around and was face to face with a mottled brown dog. She did her best to keep an even voice.

“I… uh… yes. Did you happen to see where they went?”

“But of course. I was wondering why they’d leave you in here. Seemed strange that they’d leave such a...” He searched for the right word, “Demure specimen like yourself all alone, so I thought I’d tell you they left.” He pointed a filthy claw towards the door. Celestia looked a little surprised.

“Oh? Really? Okay thank you.” She trotted towards the door. The dog watched her leave, and once the door swung shut behind her he made his own way to the exit, silently following her.

“What’s taking ‘Tia so long?” Luna complained, “I want a bed!”

“Give her time, she’s probably talking with the innkeeper.” Sothe replied. The two of them were at a table, sitting on cushions on the floor because the seats were made for diamond dogs, not alicorns. Cliff was chatting with one of the griffins at the bar. They sat there for quite a while, not talking. The atmosphere of the place was not very welcoming and neither of them liked the lighting of the place. After a while Cliff returned to them.

“’Tia back yet?”

“No.” Luna responded.

“How long does it take to get a room?” Cliff said with an edge of annoyance to his voice.

“That’s what I said.” Luna matched his annoyed tone. As they talked a wolf stalked his way through the dingy room towards them. Sothe saw him and narrowed his eyes.

“Might I have a word?” The creature growled.

“Why not, but watch your tongue.” Sothe replied to the blood-wolf, “I have experience fighting your kind so keep them peaceful words.”

“Oh, I already know you’ve fought one of us before. In fact that’s why I’m here, and if you care for the white one then you’ll not mind if I use words that are… less then peaceful.” Sothe’s horn flared and his dagger appeared at the wolf throat. Luna and Cliff backed up.

“And where, pray-tell, is she?” He growled through clenched teeth. The wolf met his gaze.

“Watch your temper pony.” He barked, “You don’t get to make demands here. You’ll come with me and put the weapon away.” Sothe was seething, but after a moment of considering his options he returned the dagger to its sheath.

“Cliff, Luna, I believe we need to go with this mutt.” He eventually sighed. The three of them followed the wolf out of the inn towards the edge of town.”


The council met late the next morning. There was a noticeable absence of a certain member that left the council chamber feeling empty.

“Where is Thelia?” Deepwoods grumbled after more than an hour of waiting.

“Who knows.” Responded Sky Dancer.

“Well we can’t begin without her.” Rust complained. River sat quietly, thinking about the letter that she had sent that morning. It had detailed her plans for exposing Greathoof, starting with her getting a vote for a heavier border patrol passed. She was certain that if presented right, passing such a decision would be a cinch. She had not however planned on the meeting starting so late.

Greathoof had been the last to arrive, his angry demeanor had returned in light of yesterdays events. Hiding the body hadn’t been easy, but Thelia now had a grave under a bridge here in the capital city. Her death put a hamper on his plans. Originally he had planned to wait to make his move until Voltag’s lands had all fallen under his control, but this required the council to run as usual for at least two more weeks. As it stood he likely had fewer than two days before somepony discovered what had happened, bodies were not easy things to hide from magic. His mind raced through the possibilities. Of course he could play it cool until the evidence forced him to confess. Hopefully by then his army would have captured a significant enough swath of land for his to simply defect to the newly conquered wastelands. That would be the easiest way out of this, any sane pony could have seen that but Greathoof had bigger plans, and they did not include running away from the country he had so long sought to rule. He stood.

“Thelia’s disappearance is of little consequence compared to recent events.” He said, mustering up his best speech voice.

“What events might you be referring to?” River asked.

“Events, my dear, that are too grand on scope to even consider reversing.” was his response. He took a deep breath, “Of course we cannot begin talk of such things without Thelia with us.

“True.” Said Deepwoods, “What do you propose?”

“We adjourn for the day, dig up information about just where Thelia has gone, and tomorrow I will return with a far more… eloquent speech than what I would say with no planning.” He hoped this ruse would work, it was a gamble. The council members each considered their options.

“I’ll get the police to check her house,” said Sky Dancer, “If she isn’t home then I’ll have them do an actual search.” It was worrying for a council member to be missing, they were chosen for, among other things, their punctuality.

“Very well.” agreed Rust.

“That sounds fair.” Deepwoods admitted.

What is he planning? Thought River, “Fine.” She concluded. The council members gathered their things and adjourned for the day.

River headed home, hoping idly for a response from Sothe. She had sent the letter very early that morning, and assumed the phoenix could make it to the northern range by nine and it was already midday. Of course that was wishful thinking, Philomena would have to locate them in that rocky expanse. She arrived at her home and thought. What could Greathoof be planning? What could he achieve with one day of preparation? Where was Thelia? All these questions ran through her head until after an hour of thinking, a rapping sound yanked her from the depths of her thoughts. The familiar form of Philomena sat happily on her windowsill. A smile grew on River’s face as she opened the window for the bird. She had expected a short note telling of their progress that day. Instead the bird carried a long scroll. Thelia had experience reading reports, and that much writing from one day of travel could only mean trouble. She thanked the phoenix who cooed happily in response, then picked a comfortable place to sit and read of the events of the previous day.


They followed the wolf for a time until they arrived at a large building that matched the rest of the town in griminess.

“Here we are,” the wolf growled smugly. Sothe glared at him, his eyes angry enough to burn holes in the wolf’s fur. “Well go on.” The three of them entered to find a large room, just as dim as the inn filled with a strong scent of musky fur.

“So kind of you to join us,” came a deep, gruff voice from deep in the room, “I think you lost something earlier.” A light illuminated the back portion of the room, making visible a group of maybe fifteen wolves, six diamond dogs, and one white alicorn bound with ropes. Luna gasped at the sight of her sister. Two dogs stood by her, one pitch black with red eyes, the other red with ruined eyes. The black one motioned a paw towards the other.

“I believe you’ve already met Feega here.” He directed the statement towards Sothe. It took him a minute to recognize the blinded wolf.

“We fought in the wastes, what of it?” he asked.

“You left him alive. You left him blinded and alone in the wastes. That’s not how you fight. If you fight, you kill.” The black one’s eyes grew cold, “Because you failed to realize this, his friends,” he swept a paw around the room to motion to the other dogs, “Don’t exactly hold you in the highest regard.” The dogs growled and moved closer to the alicorns and griffin until they were in a tight circle around them. In the next second, three things happened. The first was that one over-enthusiastic wolf leapt towards them; the second was that Sothe’s horn glowed and his knife once again was loosened from its sheath; the third was the least expected, Luna’s horn glowed as she cast a spell. The wolf crashed into an invisible barrier surrounding the three of them and fell to the floor whining.

“Well well, at least one of you knows how to protect themselves,” Giggled the black wolf, “Kill them.” The dogs all leapt at once and Luna could feel the strain on her barrier.

“Cast the shield around Celly,” Sothe commanded her, “Cliff, get ready. I’m going to have Luna drop the shield the moment they try to attack again. Got it?” the two responded in unison.
“Got it.” Luna cast her magic and Cliff took on a fighting stance.

“Now.” The shield dropped as the dogs all crashed into it for the second time and Sothe’s knife bit into one of the nameless dog’s skin. It howled as the others readied themselves, Sothe bucked another before it could attack again. One of them saw this as his chance and leapt, landing squarely on the large alicorn’s back. Cliff was ready when the first jumped and let his talons fly, sending the first to the ground, he ducked under the attack of another. When Sothe yelled in surprise Cliff spun and knocked the wolf from his back. The two began doing their best to fight off the ravenous predators.

Luna was scared out of her mind as the wolves leapt for their first real assault. She knocked to the floor as one landed on her with ease. It smiled down at her and lunged for her throat. She closed her eyes and flinched away to find its weight leave her. The wolf crashed to the ground next to her, a large price of debris from the decaying building had broadsided him. Luna saw her sister’s horn glowing. I guess they forgot about magic. Luna though to herself, smiling inwardly. Celestia concentrated her magic on the ropes around her and the knots untied themselves. The black wolf tried to knock her back to the floor but was blocked by Luna’s barrier. Celestia cast the barrier spell around Luna and the two slowly worked their way outside, protecting one another.

“So how do we get out of here captain?” Cliff asked, adding the ‘Captain’ on for fun.

“Ideally?” He responded as he bucked out again, keeping the wolves at bay, “through the door, but I don’t think that’s a real option right now.” Cliff tensed his hind legs.

“We have wings though,” He reminded the alicorn, “Why don’t we use them?” He took off and Sothe followed his example. The two hovered above the wolf pack. The two of them dove for the door and smashed the frame away, widening their escape route. There they met up with Luna and Celestia.

“Welcome back.” Luna let them inside the barrier spell. She and Celestia looked shaken but otherwise unharmed.
“Lets move,” Sothe commanded, “Back to the inn.” They all ran back through the town until they reached their destination. The innkeeper was shocked at their story.

“They can’t touch you here,” He promised, “I won’t allow it.” The four of them found their rooms. Cliff nursed a shoulder wound, and Sothe had a torn leg, but they agreed that it had gone better than it could of. After a time the four of them slept, tired from the scuffle.


River stopped reading, and let out an audible sigh of relief. They were safe, at least for the time being. She set the scroll down and vowed to finish it later. The reading had taken a while and the sun hung low. River got something to eat and settled back down to thinking about the next day. What was Greathoof planning? She thought late into the night before passing into troubled sleep.

Author note: Okay, I know I dont usually bother with adding an author note but I think this one is important. I wrote this chapter between naps on a car trip. a long car trip. Add that to the fact that I've never really wrote fight scenes before and you can probably imagine why i'm worried that it may not be up to snuff. So if you read it and see anything wrong, story-wise, character-wise, grammer-wise, ANYTHING, please tell me. I want to keep this story as good as possible and since I lack pre-reader, some feedback would be appreciated.
