• Published 13th Jan 2013
  • 1,350 Views, 57 Comments

Counterclockwise - AdrianJNovelle

A forty-one-year-old Twilight Sparkle causes a chain reaction of temporal problems when she travels through time as her last hope for answering her vast questions about who she is and where she belongs in the universe.

  • ...


I took a nap in a warm cave nearby. Well, okay, I slept through the rest of the night. I had no idea what time it was when I fell asleep, nor when I awakened. But I was glad to have been alive, well rested, and safe. I was mildly lacerated, gained a few wounds, bruises, scratches and scars, but hey, I've never seen a hero return home with no bandages. Only a true hero endures the lacerations and injuries...Except all those times I saved Equestria from annihilation prior with my girls.

Every minute I spent here I was only inhibiting the space-time contiuum all the more so. So, there was only one thing left to do, and then that would be that.

Now it's time to make things right.

I had lost the book I retrieved from Zimmermare in the duel last night. I had probably let go of it somewhere up the tree, and it most likely had plummeted into the depths of nowhere and was perhaps being used a house for a cockroach right now. No matter. My memory was still intact, and I was able to successfully navigate to the correct year, date, and even time when I was needed...plus a few minutes to give myself some travel time.

In the book, there was a picture of Claire I could scarcely make out from my foggy memory banks. I had so little time to interpret it...how would I know where to look for a pony I have no reference to, and know almost nothing about?

Once I returned to civilization, I asked around for anypony named Claire. Finally, a lone stallion pointed me to a young-looking mare who was definitely a sight for sore eyes to any admiring stallion. Her appearance brought to mind that pony who was with Fancypants that one time. Who was that again?...It was French, I remember...oh, yes: Fleur de Lis. I don't even know how I even know her name. But anyway, I approached the handsome mare and introduced myself.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle," I said, giving a slight bow in formality. "Are you Claire?"

"Indeed I am," she said softly.

"Can you come with me for a spell?"


I just started walking through the streets of the mysterious city I ended up visiting in my search for this pony. I led her to a restaurant. I made her pay, since I was broke as a stone, but when she questioned my statement, I had one heck of an answer for her.

"Massacre? What massacre? There's never been a massacre in Hoovesville."

"There will be in about...ten seconds."

"What in the world are you talking about, Ms. Sparkle? Hoovesville is a safe place, and-"

Suddenly the sound of several loud shots - which roared like guns - came echoing a short distance away, interupting Claire's sentence.

"You were saying?"

Claire looked at me, puzzled. "What was that?" she asked, pointing to the window behind her with her hoof.

"That was the shot which started the massacre in that area which you would be an innocent victim of. You see, originally, you would've been in that vicinity, and would've lost your life for no reason other than the stupidity of those colts' violent outbursts. But now you're here - safe and sound - in a restaraunt, and nowhere near that site. You would've just died. But I saved you."

"You...saved me?"

I nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! Isn't it great? I fixed the timeline!" I exictedly stood my two front hooves on the table.

"Timeline?...So...that whole thing you were talking about - being a time-traveler and all...you weren't just telling stories?"

"Nope! Not a word of it!"

"Huh...the population of Hoovesville never ceases to amaze me," Claire said.

I laughed and reseated myself.

"So...since you saved my life and all that from that shooting back there...what does this mean for you? A-assuming everything you just told me is true?"

"Well...I don't know, frankly." I took a sip of my iced tea. "I originally left my home in search of who I am and where I truly belong. Ever since Princess Celestia's death, I have been in constant search for what I'm meant to be in this world and this universe. I thought I was supposed to be Celestia's most faithful student, but upon her death, I began to question if that's what I'm truly meant to do for the world. According to this book I read, I'm Equestria's most significant unicorn. I bet there's an alternate timeline in which I become Princess of Equestria and an Alicorn for some reason!" I cupped my hooves over my eyes. "I just don't know anymore...and...this whole adventure I've been through...everything I've seen...everything I've done...and I've gotten nowhere...I've learned nothing."

"Then maybe leaving was the wrong thing to do in the first place," Claire replied. "If you can't find your answer anywhere else in the universe - or at any time in history or the future - then maybe you were looking for it in all the wrong places. Maybe the best place for you to look is in the present-time: back where you began."

I sighed. "I was gonna go back after our meal, anyway...I have a promise I made to a friend to keep."

"Be on your way; I'll pay the bill. Luckily my boyfriend's a cop, so I get some pretty pennies."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

I began to exit the booth.

"Oh, and Twilight."

"Yes, Claire?"

"Just remember: just because you aren't now who you were before, doesn't mean you have to spend the rest of your days in search of yourself. You are who you choose to be. Choose to be the mare you want to be. Don't go looking for something that isn't there, and don't take paths which are only circles in time."

"Thank you, Claire...I will keep that in mind."

I exited the restaurant, and took one last glance at Claire as she finished her meal before I cast that spell one last time.

I have no other choice but to go back to Canterlot in the year 1,849,292.

I have a promise to keep.