• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,540 Views, 81 Comments

Princessy - not plu

My name is Celeste and I am eleven years old. I like sunshine and winter and glitter and cotton candy and fairy tales. I live with my little sister Luna and I am the queen of Equestria.

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Chapter One

I love the sun. I love it because I feel like it’s mine and I like things to be mine. Not a lot of things are mine. I love this sun. This very sunrise and the first rays I can watch with Luna right before she goes to be because she likes the time with me and I like the time with her. I still need to watch her, just like my momma said. I love this sun and the brightness that floods my eyes and tells me now it is time to put Luna to bed.
“It’s bedtime, Luna.”
“Can’t I stay up?”
“No you’re nine. You need sleep.”
“I’m the Princess of the Night.” Luna loves me as much as I love her so she listens to me like I listen to my momma. I don’t think Luna remembers momma, which makes me sad because she was important. Maybe that’s why she talked to my when she was dying, not Luna, because Luna is little and won’t remember like I do because I’m eleven years old and can remember things. I remember momma alive, but Luna just remembers her dead.

Luna can sleep when it is light. Luna likes sleep. I don’t know why, but maybe uncle Dizzy will know and he can tell me because he loves me. He sits all the time in a big big chair at the end of a long long hallways with pretty sparkly pictures made of glass on the walls and he is king there and I will be queen there. Uncle Dizzy looks busy with whatever he is doing but I am the princess.
“Why does Luna like sleep?”
“Go away, I’m busy ruling Equestria.” He says this a lot. I always have to leave when he tells me to. My momma told me once, not when she was dying, to listen to people above you and I guess I never thought of it because not many people are above me but uncle Dizzy is so I should listen to him because I always listen to my momma. I loved my momma but she is dead. She used to be queen of Equestria and Luna and I were princesses but now she’s dead and we’re still princesses but I’m the queen.

There are lots of people in the castle. They stand and stare and never smile and don’t like it when Luna and I run through the castles but we like it so they have to put up with it. I don’t think they like me but I don’t really know because I’m just a kid even though I’m almost the queen but they still see me as a kid because I’m only eleven. I don’t know what they think of Luna because there are different people at night but she is only nine so they must think even worse of her which is not good because I love her and will protect her forever and ever.

The sun is pretty and sparkly and I love it and it makes me feel warm inside like only Luna can do. I think maybe my momma made me feel like that but I don’t know since uncle Dizzy doesn’t at all and maybe that’s because I never knew him before my parents were dead. When they were dying he came to be king and still is because I can’t be queen and momma never said anything about him when she was dying but she also didn’t say much when she was dying. Only the earrings and being queen and taking care of Luna. Uncle Dizzy told us he was uncle Dizzy and he’s the king and to listen to him and he showed us fun silly things and we liked him very much but once my parents were dead it was go away and not so much silliness but that is okay because once I’m queen we’ll have silliness and he’ll make it because I’ll be queen but that’s when I’m fifteen and that’s four whole years away and that is a very long time when I’ve only experienced eleven years already. But I’ll be queen, so it will be okay.

I’ve been awake for a long time to be with Luna. I think I am awake for too much time for an eleven year old but uncle Dizzy doesn’t take care of me and Luna doesn’t because she’s little and the other people don’t because they do not like me so I look after Luna and me and that’s okay because we are Day and Night. I wear all light colors and Luna wears all dark colors. Luna has a special crown that is dark blue that she had from being a baby but it is gone now and she wears a tiara like me. I don’t know where it went, but uncle Dizzy will, so I will ask him. He is still in the room with the pretty sparkly pictures and now that there is more sun they sparkle more and put colors on the ground which is pretty and I like that.
“Where is Luna’s special crown?”
“What special crown?”
“It is dark blue and from being a baby.”
“Never heard of it. Go away.” He does not know. He does not know. Uncle Dizzy has known everything up to now, but now he has never heard of Luna’s special crown. He has to be lying but he can’t be lying because that is bad and uncle Dizzy is good. Momma told me once that lying is bad and uncle Dizzy said he is good. Nobody can be bad and good, so he can’t be lying and maybe it went missing before my parents were dead. They would know where it is but they are dead and can’t tell me.

My name is Celeste and I am eleven years old. I like the sun and pretty sparkly pictures and knowing answers. I love my little sister Luna and I will be queen of Equestria once I am fifteen and uncle Dizzy can’t stay king because he doesn’t have all the answers. Everyone who can help me is dead.

Author's Note:

Thank you to everyone who has read Princessy so far. Feedback, etc.