• Published 12th Jan 2013
  • 13,250 Views, 397 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Cold War - An A10 Warthog

When Equestria arrives on Earth and declares humanity 'evil' and 'unfit' the Soviet Union and the United States have to join forces to save humanity.

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Chapter 5-Alpha: American Assault

September 24th, 1986 ████ GMT
Lieutenant ████ █. ████████, United States Navy, Callsign Mother Goose
F/A-18 Hornet Fighter Aircraft
Mission: Classified

The F-18 moved quickly and loudly towards its target. The pilot moving his finger across the joystick lightly, knowing what his mission was. At the moment, knowledge of the operation was limited to twenty different people, but it would soon be known globally. As for the poor bastards the cargo was being delivered against, they should never know.

The pilot's finger hovered over the red button on the joystick. He flipped the cover off, and pressed the button. He then broke off immediately and turned around. He knew what he had done, and he didn't regret it in the slightest.

24th September, 1986 1806 GMT
United States Marine Corps 4th Expeditionary Unit,
4,500 Feet above the American Beachhead

As the massive fleet of Marine helicopters flew above the shoreline, where an amphibious landing was taking place, the war now had an obvious beginning. For Nathaniel, this was a dream come true. Actual Combat! The man had spent the majority of his Marine years training, but had never had any actual combat experience. And here he was! In the back of a Huey, in a massive air assault on an island.

Suddenly, four of the CH-53's in the back of the formation began to descend followed by two other AH-1's. Next, four CH-46's broke off, two going left, two going right. Four of the the other eight Hueys broke off into different directions as well, with another assault helicopter forming the spearhead.

Nathaniel grinned as two Harriers flew by, bombing the guard post into oblivion below. The pilot told the crewchief they had ten minutes until landing, and relayed that to the Marines in the back. Nathaniel grabbed his M40 gas mask and put it on his head, and then his helmet, which was resting in his lap. He checked the action on his CAR-15, as well as the one on his M1911. He then loaded the M203 under the barrel of his rifle and gave a thumbs up to his squad leader. He was ready.

The Huey touched down next to another helicopter fulfilling the same purpose as a Cobra circled above. The Force Recon Marines assembled behind a cottage on the outskirts of the town. The platoon leader spoke, "Gentlemen," He began, "The assault on the beach is about to begin, and the Equestrians will either try to fall back, or reinforce themselves.

"Fortunately, we are in a perfect position to cut off the forces if they make an attempt at either. Remember, they will attempt to use potion first. They probably will use lethal force at some point, so if it's Royal Guard, shoot it. Oorah?"

"OORAH!!" The platoon echoed back eagerly. The Lieutenant smiled.

24th September, 1986 1845 GMT
Awaiting United States Marine Corps Assault Battalion,
Central Stalliongrad,
Two Clicks From Planned American Rally Point Alpha

The battalion was certainly behind schedule, Nathaniel thought, recognizing they should have had the vehicles ashore by now. It didn't matter, the ponies were already parting like the Red Sea with the airstrikes at the beach head already underway. He was laying behind a pile of bricks, which provided more than adequate protection for him as he squeezed a couple of rounds off at the group that advanced on him.

They weren't doing much, but he knew better than to let his guard down, because he knew the second he did that, they would surprise him and beat him at his own game. He stood up and moved to better cover, and to keep up with his squad, which he was covering. He caught up with them quickly as they made their way to known waypoints.


He stopped. Five seconds...


Again, but more urgent this time. He looked to his right and saw a purple unicorn in a room gesturing him forward. Shit, he thought, He hadn't been told how to react to this type of thing. Instead of abandoning the pony, he pulled his VHF radio off his vest and called his squad leader.

The squad moved over to him and entered the house with him, after all, one of their primary objectives was to gather intelligence. So the stallion told the men about his involvement in the resistance, and where to contact other members, and who else would probably be willing to help out as well, which would certainly be useful for command on all sides of the war, and allow the commanders more freedom in carrying out acts that are questionable in terms of Geneva Convention, because while rebels are subject to Geneva Convention, these rebels were not under United Nation jurisdiction, causing a loophole which any JAG would have been quick to exploit under any means.

The squad then moved out, to regroup with their platoon. Upon regrouping, the men immediately began digging a defensive position at the rally point. A Huey flew in quickly, dropped a couple of crates with ammunition and equipment for building a proper defensive line at the soon-to-be FOB.

24th September, 1986 1902 GMT
United States Marine Corps Assault Battalion,
Stalliongrad Beach Fortications,
Five Clicks From Rally Point Alpha,

The LAV-25's lead the landing, followed by AAV's and covered by helicopters. Within five minutes, the beach head was secure, with infantry immediately leaving their vehicles and hunting down fleeing Royal Guards. The soldiers immediately regrouped with their landing vehicles, as well as some of the soldiers who came in on the Super Stallion helicopters earlier. Off to the east and west, soldiers who arrived in Sea Knights secured nearby towns and villages, in order to maintain a supply line.

The next order of business was to disembark the Abrams tanks from the LCAC's, which took very little time. As the units rallied with their vehicles, they began to approach the rally point, which was completely ready to become the first FOB in the war.

Author's Note:

Soviet Assault Chapter Coming Soon!