• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 4,642 Views, 673 Comments

Buck My Life - JasontheDemon

Yes, I am a brony... the rare kind that DOESN'T WANT TO BE STUCK IN EQUESTRIA! This story is one about me, my life, and my overwhelming desire to return back to where I belong. But the longer I stay, the more my resolve weakens.

  • ...

What a magical world

What a magical world

I was awoken by the sound of talking. The voices were familiar, but I was too out of it to remember where I heard them before.

“I told you to wake him up half an hour ago. It’s not healthy to sleep that long!” The first voice said, female in tone.

“And I told you there’s no way I’m going near him! I saw how upset he made you last night, I don’t want to find out how he did it!” The second voice said. It was a male... a very young male.

“Don’t be such a chicken, Spike!”

“I’m not being a chicken! If anypony around here is chicken it’s you, Twilight!”

Suddenly it all came flooding back. ‘Crap, that’s right... I’m in a magical land of talking ponies. Someone kill me now.’ I thought as I moved to get up.

“Uh... Twilight? Don’t look now, but I think he’s awake.” Spike said, sounding scared.

I grunted and tried to scratch my head... only to give myself a noogie with these stupid hooves. I slowly opened my eyes, squinting at the bright light of the sun I was bathed in. I loathed being it direct sunlight. I was so used to being in the dark (or dim light at most) that I could barely see when it was sunny.

“Good morning to you too, Spike. I hope I didn’t scare you by sleeping so soundly. I mean really it takes a real monster to sleep like that.” I said sarcastically.

“Actually it’s one in the afternoon and it sounded like you were crying in your sleep...” Twilight told me as if it was impossible to sleep until one.

“Let’s just say I like to sleep... a lot. And that crying you heard sounded more like moans of pain, right?” I asked already knowing the answer. She nodded slowly, with that same look she gave me the day before. The one I never really received. From movies I had seen I believed it was possibly concern, but that was ridiculous. She hardly knew anything about me, so there was no reason for her to be concerned.

“That moaning is normal for me. Just think of it like talking in my sleep. I’m not in pain, I’m not dying, I’m just making subconscious noise.” I explained heading back over to the bookcase.

“I sure hope you are planning on doing more than just reading books all day.” Twilight said.

“What if I am? Is there something wrong with trying to go back home?” I retorted after tossing another book on the table.

“Um, no, but I know that you aren’t going to get home if you just read. As wonderful as your story was, I know you aren’t from another world! It's scientifically impossible!”

Hearing her say that was all I needed to snap. What she said last night was just pretend to her! She never believed me! She was just going along with it to try and make it fun for her! Time to show her proof. I leaned back and balanced on my butt (it was much harder now that I was a pony). I pushed the left side of my jacket open with my hoof, revealing a large pocket on the inside.

“I’m going to need your help with this.” I admitted. “There is something inside this pocket. I want you to pull it out.”

She did as I instructed and pulled out my mp3 player and collapsible headphones. I felt them earlier while they were jabbing into my side when I was laying down. I was surprised that they actually came with me, but then again so did my glasses and jacket.

“What is this thing?”, Twilight asked, poking at the headphones with her hoof.

“Proof... now do exactly what I say.”.

I instructed her on how to use it and where to go. I guided her to one of the many songs on it, and one of my personal favorites... Fluttershy Inc. I had Twilight turn the volume all the way up. The headphones were very good and could be used as speakers if need be. Twilight listened to the sound resonating from the device and it was blowing her mind. Not only was she seeing technology that was far more advanced to the stuff found here, but she was also hearing the voices of her friends.

“What kind of magic is this?!” She shouted when the song ended, totally freaked out.

“It’s not magic, it’s technology. From Earth...” I told her, giving a stare that said ‘I told you so’.

“I-I... I... don’t know what to say!” She said, shaking as the realization of everything sunk in.

“How about you start with ‘I’m sorry I didn’t believe you’ and ‘is there anything I can do to make it up to you?’.”, I said, being a smartass like I had been so many times before.

Twilight sighed and repeated what I said. I just stayed silent and opened the book I had placed on the table earlier. She was very quiet from that moment on. It began to get on my nerves how she was just staring at me with those big eyes. I couldn’t focus with my stomach growling anyways.

I shut the book and asked, “What’s the best restaurant in town?”

* * * * * *

Once we were at ‘The Four Seasons’, I went over the menu. It’s safe to say, I was not pleased with the selection. Nearly everything contained flowers or hay. Twilight wouldn’t shut up for two seconds since we left. The thought of other worlds with advanced life fascinated her to no end. For some reason she thought I was just as excited as her... the trouble was I didn’t DO excited. While she was rattling off the possibilities, I made the only choice I could see.

“I guess I’ll have the apple pie.” I told the waiter while rubbing my temples from the headache Twilights never ending stream of chatter was causing. ‘Good god, does she even stop to breathe?!’ I wondered, watching her lips practically blur from her rapid talking. I was starting to think I shouldn’t have told her the truth. I should have just lied and let her believe I was a homeless bookworm or something. Before the waiter returned with our food, I saw something I feared since getting here... Rarity. She was coming straight for us. I didn’t like her very much. She was my least favorite out of the mane six. She was totally useless from what I could tell. The only time she saved herself was when she either ran away or whined. Her prissy diva attitude was something I couldn’t stand. Being ‘high class’ was just a way of saying you were better than everyone else because you had more money as far as I was concerned. The only talent she seemed to have was making clothes, and nobody ever wore clothes here anyway so that was a pointless profession. Good thing I had a bit of practice biting my tongue at home.

“Twilight. Funny seeing you here. I thought you were going to be busy this week, what are you doing here?” She asked in that accent that I had always presumed was fake.

“Oh, what I was working on can wait. I just met Jason here, and get this! HE’S AN ALI-” I put my hoof over her mouth and gave Rarity a stern look.

“Classified information. It’s on a need-to-know basis and you don’t need to know.” I said, mimicking what I had seen from military shows.

Rarity looked around before leaning forward to whisper in my ear, “You’re an alien, aren’t you?”

“How did you know?” I asked in a whisper of my own.

“I didn’t... you just told me.” Rarity replied, a sly smile painted her face.

I just got fooled by the oldest trick in the book... staying here was starting to affect me. The way Rarity tricked me gave me a newfound respect for her. She was one of the few that had ever weaseled information out of me when I didn’t want to reveal it. I guess she had a silver tongue to match the diamonds on her rear. Luckily she didn’t make too much of it and didn’t ask questions. It didn’t take long before she said she had to go.

“Well it’s been a pleasure. You two love birds play nice now!” She said as she started walking away.

“WE AREN’T IN LOVE!” Twilight shouted.

“Thank you...”

“For what?”

“For confirming that you have no interest in me either. I’m glad we aren’t making this into a sappy love story.” I said, looking for the waiter who was probably on his way with the food.

“Oh... no problem.” Twilight said quietly.

Just like I predicted, the waiter set down my pie a few moments later. I had a little trouble with it, but I was able to eat about half without accepting Twilights help. She had ordered a sandwich like in the show. I thought of how much easier things would have been if I could make things levitate. Reading books would be far less difficult without the chance of getting a paper cut on your mouth, that’s for sure. After making it back to the library, it started raining.

“Looks like we made it back just in time...” I said making my way to the desk.

Twilight looked at me confused and asked, “In time for what?”

“What do you mean ‘in time for what’?! Are you kidding?! Look at it out there! It’s raining cats and dogs!” I said, not believing how ignorant of the conditions she could be.

“Well it’s not like the pegasus team was just going to hit us with the two-day rainstorm when we were getting home.”

“Oh yeah... you control the weather here, don’t you?” I said looking out at the rain clouds. “I forgot about that little detail. It seems pretty convenient to have someone look out for you like that.”

Twilight walked up beside me. “Why do you keep saying that?”

“Saying what?” I asked as a boom of thunder crashed, startling her.

“S-someone...” she said, shaking in her horseshoes.

“That's how we say it where I come from. We don’t say anypony because we aren’t ponies.” I explained.

Another boom of thunder hit coupled with a flash of lightning, causing Twilight to jump in fear.

“Scared of a little thunder?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“LIKE YOU AREN’T?!” she shouted back at my question.

“To be honest... there is very little that does frighten me. Once you know the in’s and out’s of something, it takes away most of the shock value. I know so much about so many things that I have no reason to fear them. But that’s just a theory I have...”

Another boom of thunder and lightning caused Twilight to cling to me.

“Whoa! Get off me! I don’t like being hugged!” I shouted to make her let go.

She released me suddenly and asked, “Why? Does hugging hurt humans?”

“No... I just... don’t feel comfortable being hugged anymore.”.

“You just don’t feel comfortable? That’s it? And I thought I was a baby for being afraid of lightning.” she said, rolling her eyes. “You said ‘anymore’... what happened to make you stop liking hugs?”

“I’d rather not talk about it... where's Spike?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“Rarity’s, he sorta has a crush on her.”

“I know.” I said forgetting that was something I shouldn’t have known.

“That’s another thing. Just how do you know so much about us?” Twilight asked.

‘Damn it!’ I thought trying to think of some excuse.

Before I could tell her the whole ‘humans are partially psychic’ lie I had come up with at a moments notice, she let out a sigh and said, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to...”

It was times like these that made me wish I did believe in god so I could thank him. As time went on Twilight went up to her room and I followed shortly after since I was burnt out on reading. Every time she heard thunder she jumped. I never took her for one who was scared of storms but it definitely seemed to bother her. She was currently writing on some parchment and getting aggravated by the looks of things. When she jumped, it caused her to mess up and start over because of the mistake. I let out a few chuckles every now and again, but stopped when I received a fierce glare. It’s kinda weird having a cartoon character respond to you directly. Imagine having the T.V. talk back to you when you said something. It sounds freaky right? You have no idea how strange it really is. I wasn’t complaining though. As weird as it was, it was cool too. The only thing that could have made this better was music. ‘Wait that would solve both of our problems!’ I thought, heading downstairs to get my tunes. After coming back up, I placed the music player in front of Twilight.

“This will help. Go to the menu like I showed you, then go to covers, then go to ‘Follow you into the Dark’.” I said moving back to my spot in the corner.

The song started playing, causing the silence that had made itself cozy in the room vanish. I liked this song because it was beautiful on so many levels. The lyrics of songs spoke to me and filled my head with ideas and imagery. Most of what I made had been inspired by music. It was my muse. Whenever I was writing a story, drawing, or just daydreaming, I was listening to music. It turned out that the music also had an effect on Twilight. She stopped jumping at the sounds of thunder and started to smile a little. Feeling like I had done my good deed for the day, I closed my eyes and leaned back to enjoy the song as well. When it stopped I had to teach her how to loop the song. It wasn’t my idea to loop it though, it was hers. She wanted to listen to it over and over again so I just had her loop it continuously. As I lost myself in the recesses of my mind, I heard her gasp.

My eyes snapped open and I asked, “what’s wrong?!”

I was greeted to Twilight falling on me a moment later. “What was that for?!” We shouted simultaneously. While I had no idea what she was referring to, she told me.

“You levitated me into the air!”

“That’s a bunch of bullcrap! I can’t make things move like that! No such thing as magic, remember?!” I yelled in return.

“Whether you believe it or not, you used magic! You are a unicorn and you can use magic!”

“That’s it, I’ve had enough of this magical nonsense.” I said as I stormed my way downstairs.

“What are you doing?” She hollered after me.

“What I wanted to do so many times before... I’m going for a walk.”

With that said I went out into the downpour and slammed the door behind me. I couldn’t believe how she just blamed the way she fell on top of me, ON ME! I didn’t use magic. I couldn’t have! I was just daydreaming! On top of that I refused that it even existed. I am human down to my core and, the last time I checked, HUMANS CAN’T DO MAGIC! Well they can, but it’s all fake. Things didn’t happen just because you told them to. Everything had a rational explanation. Even me being stuck here could be explained in one way or another. Even if it did exist here didn’t mean I was capable of doing it anyway. I couldn't even open a refrigerator door here! How could I possibly levitate her when I was incapable of working a simple handle?! The rain was coming down hard but I could still see fairly well. I headed to a bunch of trees to get out of the horrid weather. There was a few things that I really couldn’t stand, and the cold was one of them. I should have known that the storm would bring a chill with it, but right now I was just drained and wanted to get back to where I belonged. Nothing else mattered at the moment... but god I hate the cold! If I had a choice of freezing to death or being tossed into a volcano, I’d choose the volcano every time. Right as I was imagining how nice it would be to fall into a great pool of lava at that moment, I heard Twilight calling my name. She was out looking for me. ‘Please oh please don’t let her find me’ I prayed. Right now I didn’t want a ‘magic is real’ lecture that I probably heard when I was six.

“There you are!” Twilight said running up to me.

‘DOUBLE DAMN IT! See, this is why I don’t believe in you!’ I thought, glaring up at the sky.

“You shouldn’t be out here, it’s raining.”

“N-n-no... Y-you d-d-don’t say?” I said sarcastically through chattering teeth.

“You’re cold, aren’t you?” she asked, taking a step closer.

“N-nope! J-just like t-to s-s-stutter like th-this!” I said, thinking this was a perfect ‘here’s your sign’ moment.

“Well why don’t we go back to the library and get you warmed up?”

“No th-thanks... I J-just need to m-m-meditate.” I said getting into the most comfortable position I could. Whenever I was cold, out of breath, or in pain, I would meditate and focus on only one thing that would negate whatever I didn’t want. When I was in pain I would imagine being submersed in a pool of warm water and it would normally stop. When I was out of breath I would think of nothing but breathing in and out at a steady pace. When I was cold... I would picture my whole body engulfed in a raging fire.

Right as I started to feel warm Twilight shook me and shouted, “You used magic! You did it again!”

I opened my eyes and in front of me was a once damp tree, burning in a bright torrent of flames.

“No way! I... I couldn’t have done that! It must be spontaneous combustion, or... or...”

Twilight placed her hoof on my shoulder and smiled. Right then and there, I knew it... I had used magic.