• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 759 Views, 7 Comments

The Tears of a Siren - funkyferret

A perilous journey of self discovery.

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Chapter 1: Ripples

What do you want to be when you grow up? It was a simple enough question, one that every little foal was asked at one point or another. From the pure, exuberant imaginations that only the young posses the answers would come. Lofty goals for the future, unfettered by any boundaries set by adult society. A Wonderbolt, an artist, a royal guard, even a princess, the answers were always so different, yet shared the same tireless hope for the future. Sometimes these aspirations were obtained and sometimes they were not. Yet, even if they were left behind beside fuzzy blankets and imaginary friends as foalish fantasies, they lingered on in the hearts of the young ponies as they continued to grow, giving purpose to the lives of their creators.

It was a question Siren Song could never answer. Not that she had any clear memories of her early years in any case. Attempts to remember events too far in the past were like venturing through a thick haze. Perhaps her answer was among them. She may never know for sure. It was as if some part of her did not want the memories to return, and lately she had given up on even trying to access them. It left her hollow. Even now, as she left her fillyhood behind, she still carried within her chest an emptiness, a lack of direction. She was a pony yet to find her true purpose.

The belief that some form of earth-shattering clarity would come upon the birth of one's cutie mark brought no respite either. On her flank was a musical note resting comfortably in the lining of an open seashell. It was not an answer. It was an open taunt, there on display for the world to see. It had nothing to do with weather, the sky, or the creatures that rode the summer breezes. Yet it was fully fitting, since the mare herself was out of place. She was a pegasus who could not touch clouds or direct the winds and a flyer afraid of heights. It was no wonder that her mother saw fit to hide her away from the world, to shelter her in a tiny cottage by Mirror Pond an hour's trot away from the nearest town.

Siren huffed, kicked a rock into the pond, and let her eyes drift down to the water’s edge. She watched the ripples spread, distorting her reflection on the water's surface until it matched the emotions that lay just beneath her pale blue hide. Tensing the muscles in her legs, she followed the stone into the water. Her worries faded away to a mild twittering in the back of her head as the water took her into its cool embrace.

Mirror Pond lived up to its name. She could see all the way to the bottom, where the tangled weeds grew and the guppies hid from their larger neighbors. A large brown catfish swam over to meet her, running his lumpy, bristly face through her seaweed-like mane. She giggled as she guided the animal away from her with a gentle nudge. The fish turned and grabbed onto her ear, holding the tender flesh for a moment against the rough edge of its mouth. He let go, and the chase was on.

Pulling her hooves against her body, the pegasus used her wings to propel herself through the water as she chased after the wily critter. The pair made their way around the pond. They swam along the sandy ground, skirting beneath sunken logs and swinging around clumps of plants. A small smile spread across her muzzle.

A shadow fell over the water, and a voice called out, muffled slightly, yet still clear enough to be understood. "Siren, come out of there. I have a job for you," it called.

The water-bound pony sighed, bubbles escaping from her lips and floating to the surface. At a much slower pace, she followed along behind them. As her head breached the surface, her mane went from billowing around her head to clinging stubbornly to her face. Brushing the unruly hair out of her eyes, she looked up at the smiling pony hovering above the surface. Siren did her best to smile but it came out a bit lopsided. "Yes, mother?" she asked as she paddled towards shore.

The older mare gave a gentle smile, offering her daughter a towel as she clambered out of the water. "It's only a simple errand—it shouldn't take you long."

Siren rubbed the towel across her body vigorously. "Do you need me to go berry picking again? I went just last week. It's odd that our stores could run low so fast."

Her mother shook her head. "No we have enough berries. In fact, I need to start canning them today. That's why I need you to go to town and pick up a package for me."

The young mare paused, leaving a tip of the towel still stuffed in her ear as she sat slack-jawed. "You're letting me go to town... alone?" she asked carefully, shaking her head in disbelief and dislodging the cloth from her head.

"Well, you're a grown mare now, and I think you deserve a little more freedom to—" Sky Song grunted as her daughter enveloped her in a tight hug.

"Thank you, Mama," Siren Song whispered into her mother's coat.

The elder pony's eyes softened at the sound of her daughter's childhood nickname for her. She stroked her child's mane softly, before clearing her throat and saying, "You'd best get going if you want to be back by dinner."

The younger pony leaped up and dashed towards the road, shedding water from her still-damp fur as she went. Sky Song smiled as she watched her clear the horizon. As soon as the excited mare disappeared from view her grin began to weaken. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes as she whispered a prayer. "Oh Celestia, keep my baby from harm... and let me make up for the pain I have caused her in the past."

Author's Note:

So begins my third fanfic, my second OC, and my first attempt at a heavily descriptive story. A big thanks to Breath of Plagues for his awesome editing skills.