• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 3,054 Views, 75 Comments

Applejacking Him Around - TheTalentlessPony

Applejack is forced to put up with a certain amber pony when things go south for Sweet Apple Acres. Will it end in chaos, harmony, or...something more?

  • ...

Patching Things Up...Kinda


Applejack stirred slightly as a pleasant scent entered her snout. After sniffing the air a bit, she recognized the smell of blueberries, cherries, and bananas.

It was odd really, as she was used to the aroma of apples; and besides that, why was she smelling these things in her room anyway?

Shifting positions, the orange mare opened her eyes and sat up; greeted with a breakfast tray sitting right in front of her. On it laid a cherry smoothie and a generous slice of banana bread that was topped with a blueberry jelly.

After taking a moment to look around for whoever made this for her, Applejack merely shrugged and slowly ate at the meal.

While doing so though, she was sure of one thing; it was not a perfect meal.

The banana bread was burnt slightly, the jelly was a bit thin, and the smoothie had way too many chunks still inside it. However, it was clear that much effort that had been put into it, so the orange mare couldn't complain.

Besides, she was probably just comparing it to that delicious meal that she had last night. Mmm...

Finishing up after a few minutes, Applejack slowly got up and put her hat on, adjusting it at first until it was to her liking. She then trotted out into the hallway, where she was quickly met with Apple Bloom.

"Sis, why is Caramel sleepin' in our kitchen?" she asked.

"Eh?" the older sister asked, blinking as she wondered why Caramel would be in the kitchen.

"C'mon! I'll show ya!"

Applejack followed hastily as her little sister led her downstairs and through the living room, heading into the kitchen where, sure enough, a certain amber stallion slept. His front hooves were covered in flour, and he was panting slightly in his sleep; probably being exhausted.

"Uh..." the orange mare muttered as she got closer to the stallion.

Did he really...?

She took a moment to sniff the air around the amber earth pony, then flinched in surprise.

Sure enough; he smelt of blueberries, cherries, and bananas.

"Y-yeah... that's him." she told her younger sibling.

"Well, he made a mess of our kitchen," Apple Bloom pointed out, pouting slightly.

"...Yeah... ah guess..."

Applejack got closer to the stallion before her, then gently shook him. "Hey 'Mel. C'mon. Wake up," she ordered firmly.


Caramel took a moment to stretch out his legs, then stood up and looked over at Applejack. After a bit of silence though, his cheeks went slightly pink as he backed away. "A-aw geez, did I collapse or something?" he asked, clearly embarrassed.

"Eeyup," Apple Bloom stated with a bit of a grin.

"Eheh...sorry about that. I meant to clean up the kitchen after I was done with it, but...ah...yeah." The stallion took a moment to laugh awkwardly, then quickly cheered back up as he smiled over at the two. "So, we're workin' today, right?"

"So you made me that breakfast then, right?" Applejack asked, completely ignoring Caramel's question.

"Uh... yeah. T...that's right." the amber stallion admitted, being a mix between happy and awkward. "I might be a little forgetful, but I still remember how I almost screwed up Winter Wrap Up. So... I just wanted to... make it up to you?"

The orange mare was quiet for a moment, contemplating his words.

Well, he does seem sorry...

"...Alright. Ah forgive ya," she said, though Apple Bloom gave her a questionable look. Didn't her older sister say earlier that she wasn't mad at him? And if that was true, then why was she telling him that she forgave him just now?

"...Sis?" the yellow filly began to ask, wanting to question Applejack's words.


"Um... w-why..." Apple Bloom glanced over at Caramel for a moment, then grew nervous. She couldn't just ask that in front of him, could she?

So... she quickly hid her question with another.

"W-why'd ya call him 'Mel?"

"Why?" Applejack asked. After a moment of thought, the orange mare snickered. "Well, ya see... everypony got into this habit of callin' him that. See... this one time, we told Pinkie Pie that she needed some caramel on her cupcakes, and-"

"Aw, c'mon! That wasn't funny!" Caramel interjected, though his tone and teasing grin said otherwise. "I was washing frosting outta my tail for days!"

Apple Bloom giggled at the amber stallion, then turned away and headed out of the house without another word.

Applejack followed closely behind, and Caramel chased after her, looking excited to start working.

Ah got mah eye on you 'Mel...

After getting outside, the orange mare raised a brow at her grandmother, who had apparently been standing there for a while to wait for them.

"Somethin' wrong Granny Smith?" Applejack asked.

The green earth pony didn't respond for a moment, her gaze shifting from Apple Bloom to Caramel, then back again.

After a while though, she trotted up to Apple Bloom and smiled. "Alright Apple Bloom. Now, I want you to show Caramel how to do Big Macintosh's job, okay?"

"Huh?" the yellow filly asked. "B-but... what's wrong with mah big brother?"

Applejack could've sworn that she saw a brief grin come from the elderly mare, but just pretended as though she didn't. Maybe she was just seeing things.

"He went and strained himself yesterday; too sick to work." Granny Smith told them.

Apple Bloom stared skeptically at her grandmother at first, but promptly put a smile on her face and nodded, choosing not to question it.

"Alright! C'mon then Mister 'Mel!" she exclaimed, gesturing to the stallion before trotting towards the barn.

The amber pony nodded, then took a quick glance at Applejack before following.

"Ah...nnn..." the orange mare stuttered before staring her grandmother down. "G-Granny! Big Macintosh's job is-"

"-being takin' care of by Caramel today." Granny Smith interjected, putting a hoof to her granddaughter's mouth.

"B-but... but..." Applejack paused, then simply huffed and stormed off to do her own job.

How am ah supposed to keep an eye on him if we're on separate parts of the farm?

As suspicious as she was, the orange mare chose to have faith in her little sister and tried to focus on her task.

Trotting over to the Apple Family garden, Applejack took her time and began to examine each and every plant.

"You guys look about right." she muttered to a row of carrots, whipping out a basket and picking them out carefully.

Though knowing that the plants were unable to talk back to her... or even listen to her, for that matter, the orange mare still got a good distraction out of speaking to them.

So, she continued doing just that.

"There we go. All plucked an' picked." she said, surveying the picked carrots before putting them aside.

Why'd Granny make Caramel do Big Macintosh's job anyway?

"Now, we can't let y'all get dry and thirsty, so ah best water ya." Picking up a nearby water can, the mare went about her duties by traveling to each section of the garden to water the plants; being extra careful not to over-water any.

Ah mean...even Apple Bloom by herself would probably be a better choice!

"None of y'all seem too dirty or anythin', so ah guess ah can just get to plantin' new carrots."

Even with as small as she is... she's still capable!

After placing special shades over some lettuce and cabbage plants, Applejack began to dig small holes for the seeds, once again being careful not to give them too much or too little space.

She might not be strong as Big Macintosh, but with simple jobs like-

The orange mare promptly stopped a hoof to the ground, growing infuriated by her once-ignored thoughts. She was just so curious!

Looking up at the sky to get a good idea of the time, Applejack tilted her head and thought about her big brother's schedule.

"If ah remember right, he should be wakin' up the-"


Blinking in surprise for a moment, the orange mare promptly turned her head to see a herd of-


Jumping back so she wouldn't get run over, Applejack could only watch as the cattle trampled the plants in front of her, barely leaving any untouched.

At the end of the stampede was Caramel and Apple Bloom, who stopped as they reached the orange mare.

"S-sorry sis!" the yellow filly said over the loud noises. "Caramel and ah were just wakin' up the cows so they could walk around a bit!"

"Ya yelled at them, didn't ya!?" Applejack asked, glaring at the amber stallion suddenly with much aggression.

"W-well, I-"

"You're not supposed to do that 'Mel! It startles ;em! Ya gotta go to each one gently, or THIS happens!"

Quickly directing her attention towards the stampede, Applejack reeled back and charged for the front of them, determined to stop them before they caused any more chaos.

After making it to the lead cow, Applejack jumped in front of the cows and halted, causing them to either screech to a halt or jump back in surprise.

"A-Applejack?" one of the cows muttered, seeming to have just now regained her sense.

"It's alright everyone. Just get on back to your nappin' ground," the orange mare told them.

After a moment of silence, the cows nodded and began walking back, with a few of them giving out short apologies when seeing the destroyed plants.

"Alright... that was the easy part." Applejack muttered. She then galloped back towards Caramel and glared at him angrily. "Now for you."

"Look Applejack, I'm sorry, really! I just-"

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it 'Mel!" the orange mare yelled, earning a twitch of annoyance from the apologetic stallion. "The cows aren't the ones to blame at all either! It was all because you had to come in and-"

"I said I was sorry Applejack!" Caramel yelled back, suddenly looking very frustrated. "You try doing a job for the first time and tell me how it goes!"

"And ah told you that sorry ain't gonna fix anythin'!" Applejack told him. "Besides, why'd ya take the job in the first place if ya didn't know how to handle it!?"


A pause...


The short-tempered stallion was quiet for a moment, then lowered his head with a mixture of anger and hesitance in his eyes.

"...WELL!?" Applejack asked, demanding an explanation for the earth pony's incompetence.

"...Because I like you..."

The orange mare blinked...

...then blinked again.

"Beg pardon?" she asked, staring skeptically at Caramel while still being very much angry.

"You heard me," the stallion huffed, still a bit testy.

Applejack felt her rage build before she took a intimidating step towards him.

"Don't you lie to me 'Mel! Ah know that ain't the truth! Ah told Apple Bloom what ya looked like yesterday, and she told me that she saw ya with your special somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day! Remember? Sassaflash!?"

Caramel's demeanor shifted back to anger again as he stared down the orange mare's unbelieving gaze. "What do you have against me anyway Applejack!? I lost the seeds on Winter Wrap Up day! That's all! What about giving second chances!?"

"Ah did give ya a second chance, an' look what happened!" Applejack yelled, directing a hoof towards the crushed plants. "Ya want another chance, Mister Chance-A-Lot? Well that ain't happenin'! Ah ain't risking you messing up again and doin' somethin' worse, like hurting mah sister or-"

"Alright Applejack! I get the picture!" Caramel interrupted. "I... I'll do better next time, oka-"

"There won't be a next time if ah have anythin' to say about it!" the orange mare told him. "Don't ya get it 'Mel!? AH DON'T WANT YA HERE!"

Those words seem to hit the stallion like a ton of bricks, and he took a moment to stare at Applejack before slowly trotting off.

"S-sis..." Apple Bloom whimpered, looking up at her older sister with sad eyes.

The orange mare looked back, then turned away and trotted off as well.