• Published 12th Jan 2013
  • 3,505 Views, 47 Comments

Luna's Sandwich - lrft4_san

Tia makes her sister a sandwich

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Epilogue: 1000 Years Later

“Luna, are you still awake?” Celestia whispered as she inched her way into the old bedroom the two sisters once shared as fillies.

“I am, my sister.” Luna said, sitting up in her bed to get a better view of Celestia who sat down on the bed beside her. “But what are you doing up? You must be tired from everything that has happened today.”

Celestia shook her head. “I was just coming to check up on you before I went to sleep. Are you doing ok sweetie?”

“I think so, though I am quite tired. One thousand years without rest really puts a toll on one’s body.”

“Is there anything I can do for you Luna?”

Luna didn’t have to think twice; after being away for a thousand years, there was only one thing that her heart desired.

“Yes, sister there is, that is, if it would not be too much trouble.”

“What is it sweetie?”

“Well, if you don’t mind, I would very much like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I know it’s a silly request, but I have not had one in such a long time, and you always did make the best sandwiches in all of Equestria.”

“It’s not silly.” Celestia laughed as she wrapped her forelegs around Luna. “In fact, I had a feeling that you might want one so I took the liberty of preparing it for you.” In a flash, a tray appeared on the bed before Luna, on it was a mound of bread dripping with sticky globs of peanut butter and jelly; it was a disaster “As I recall, you preferred your sandwich to be made of twelve slices of bread and smothered with extra helpings of peanut butter and jelly on each slice of bread.”

Luna just stared at the mess before her.

“Seriously?” She finally said as she looked at her sister, who was giggling like a little filly. “Over a thousand years later and you’re still pulling stuff like this. Honestly, if you’re the older sister, then maybe you should try acting like one.” Luna tried to sound as serious as she could, but a hint of a smile gave her away. Within seconds both princesses were lying on the bed, laughing uncontrollably at Celestia’s joke.

“I’m sorry Luna.” Celestia finally said, regaining her composer. “I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted to see if I could still make you laugh.” She turned her attention to the mess in front of her. “Here, let me fix that for you.” Celestia caught the mess in a magical aura that separated all the ingredients into individual hovering piles. She then proceeded to use her magic to reassemble the mess into 6 perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. “Here you are, Luna, a mountain of sandwiches fit for a princess.”

“That’s much better, my sister. Thank y-”

“Oh, I almost forgot.” Celestia interrupted. With another burst of magic, she produced a small knife, which she used to slice the sandwiches right down the middle. “I know you prefer them cut vertically.”

Luna picked up one of the sandwich halves and took a bite. It was the most delicious thing she’d ever eaten.

“How is it sweetie?” Celestia asked watching her sister with a smile.

“Ith really tathty.” Luna swallowed the first bite and smiled at her sister. “Thank you Tia.”

Celestia froze. It had been over a thousand years since Luna had called her by her old nickname. It made her remember all the fun times that they had as fillies, and how lonely the past thousand years had been for the both of them. Celestia started to tear up as she watched her sister eat.

“Tia?” Luna stopped eating. She was alarmed to see her sister, the strongest mare she had ever known, in tears. “Tia, what’s wrong?”

“Oh Luna, I’m sorry.” Celestia pulled Luna into a tight embrace. “I’m so sorry.”

“Sorry for what sister?” Luna, still holding her sandwich, returned the embrace.

“For not being there for you when you needed me.” She wiped a tear away with her hoof. “I promised you when we were fillies that I would always be there for you, but I couldn’t protect you from the darkness. I was so obsessed with being the perfect princess that I couldn’t see that you were suffering. When I finally did take notice, it was too late; you had already transformed into Nightmare Moon.”

Luna looked in her sister’s eyes; they were full of a remorse that had been building up for over a thousand years. Luna felt tears starting to trail down her own face.

“When I saw what you had become,” Celestia continued, “I was frightened. I didn’t know how to handle it, so I did the first thing I could think of: I banished you to the moon. Seeing you here again, eating a peanut butter sandwich and calling me by my old nickname, it brought back all those memories of when we were little, and it made me think about how lonely I was without you, and how lonely you must have been these past thousand years. I hurt you Luna. There’s nothing I can do to take it back, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Luna pulled away from her sister and smiled through her tears. “Oh Tia, of course I forgive you.” She set down her unfinished sandwich and wiped her tears away with her hoof. “I was so jealous of how everypony loved you and the days you brought, I could not accept my own duties of protecting the night. It was that jealousy that transformed me, leaving you with no other choice than to send me away. No sister, I am not mad; you were young and did what you felt was best for Equestria. I am only thankful that the dark veil has been lifted so that I may once again rule by your side.”

The two sisters just sat and stared at each other until the silence was broken by loud a gurgling sound.

“Uh, I think I should probably eat the rest of my dinner.” Luna laughed as she used her magic to retrieve the sandwich she had been eating. “Would you care to join me sister?”

Celestia wiped the rest of her tears away and smiled at her little sister.

“Are you sure Luna?” She asked. “After all, I made them just for you, and you must be awfully hungry.”

Luna stood up on the bed, placed a hoof over her heart and recited the oath she took when she was just a filly. “I, Princess Luna, upon being restored to my position as co-ruler of Equestria, decree that you, Princess Tia, shall take part in the devouring of these, and any future sandwiches made until further notice.” Both Luna and Celestia laughed, the pains of the past ebbing away.

“Oh Luna,” said Celestia. “After all these years, you’re still the silly filly I’ve always loved.” She put a hoof on her sister’s head and ruffled her mane. “These sandwiches do look really good, I think I will have one.” She picked up a sandwich half with magic, and brought it to her mouth. Just as she was about to take a bite, the sandwich flew at her, hitting her in the face, jelly and peanut butter splattered all over her mane and horn. She looked over at her little sister, who smiled innocently.

“Oh Tia, you really should be more careful, you’ll make a mess eating like that.” Luna held her sides as she fell over laughing, until she felt the soft and sticky sensation of a sandwich smacking her in the head. “Oh it is on!” suddenly the room was filled with flying sandwiches.

“Haha, you’ll have to try better than that little sister,” yelled Celestia as a sandwich flew past her, just barely grazing her wing. “Take this!” She sent a bombardment of flying sandwiches at Luna, each one missing.

“Hahahahaha, the way you throw, you wouldn’t hit the broad side of a barn Tia.”


Minutes later, both sisters were sitting on the floor, each eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and each covered from mane to tail in the sticky remnants of their food fight. They couldn’t help but laugh hysterically as they looked around the room, peanut butter and jelly dripping off of almost every surface.

“Oh Tia,” gasped Luna through uncontrollable laughter. “What would our subjects think if they saw their princesses like this?”

“Everypony would think that we’d gone mad,” said Celestia between bites of sandwich. The two continued laughing.

As Luna finished her sandwich, she took a look around the room. “Speaking of madness, we should probably get this place cleaned up.” She stretched her forelegs and gave a yawn. “All this excitement has worn me out.”

“Mhmmm, me too,” Celestia said. “I should get to sleep; I’ve got to raise the sun in a couple of hours.” She up and walked over and helped her little sister to her hooves. “Here, let me help you clean up.” With a blinding flash of golden light, the room and sisters returned to their spotless states. “That’s better.”

Luna made her way to the bed and lay down on top of the covers. Celestia walked over to her sister to give her one more hug and a kiss on the forehead.

“Good night Luna. Sleep well, little sister.” Celestia had reached the door when Luna called out to her.

“Uh, Tia, would you mind sleeping in here with me tonight? Just in case I get lonely.”

Celestia gave a little giggle before flying over and landing gently on the bed next to her sister.

“Of course sweetie,” she said, stretching out next to Luna, “I was hoping you would ask.” Celestia brought Luna in for a tight hug, and then she reached out with her wing and draped it over the little princess, wrapping her in a warm blanket of feathers.

Luna couldn’t help but smile as she felt the warmth of her sister’s body against her own; she had missed Celestia so much, Luna just wanted to lie wrapped in her wing forever. “I love you Tia.” said Luna as she snuggled up close to her sister.

“I love you, too Luna. Now get some rest, you’ll need to regain your strength if you’re going to return to bringing forth the night.” But her words were met with soft snores as Luna slept soundly in the embrace of the pony who loved her most.

Comments ( 33 )

Omg the FEELS!!

InCREDIBLE! You fitted some laughs in there, along with feels and dawws. You have ALOT of potential my friend!

Incredibly, I loved this short story more than a long good story. I LURV YOU!

unrelated derp :derpytongue2:

I'm glad you also liked the epilogue :yay:, it looks like those years of studying creative writing are finally paying off :twilightsmile:. I wanted this story to be both heartfelt while at the same time maintaining a good level of humor. And the food fight scene was completely on the fly; I honestly didn't know that it was gonna happen until I got to it and I was like, "oh yeah, that would totally happen" :pinkiehappy:

Oh noes, don't die :fluttercry:

Too late, the d'aaaw has striken again!:heart:

NOOOOO!!! :fluttershbad: I am not losing another one to cuteness overload. Just hang in there :fluttershysad:

ITS ALL UR FAULT!!! HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG:fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad:


*Grabs defibrillator* Live, darn it, live! :flutterrage: Clear!

no, just leave me... I always wanted to die of d'aaaw

No sister, I am not made, you

No sister, i am not mad, you

i-i-i cannot express my.. my umm.. need a good word absolutely gigantic amount of pure hatred of you. what were you expecting me to say something positive? well let me tell you something i would have, i truly would have if it wasn't for the fact that i am currently typing with ghosty fingers because the amount of daww, hnng, laughter and overall squeeing that occured to my body as a result of what you have written has caused me to die. Now i'll never see the new episode {/spoiler now i'll never see discord come back. and it is all thanks to you and your bloody brilliantly written fic.

Very well, I shall leave you to rest in peace *slowly closes corpse's eyelids*


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Why does this keep happening? :fluttercry: You think writing a super cute fanfic will make people like you, but it doesn't, it just makes them dead. Also, thanks for catching the spelling error, I went ahead and fixed it.

. ----- . Sandvich

I read this, and then much laughter, D'awww, and HNNNNGing ensued.

Who is the souless being to dislike this story. :twilightangry2:


Clearly it was someone who hates Luna, Celestia, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches lol. Glad you liked it :twilightsmile:


Seriously, this was a wonderful story, sweet, innocent, and so cute, all while being realistic enough to be an actual episode. Ya know, that's not a bad idea. :pinkiehappy:


I'm glad to see this story has caused another reader to come down with a case of the feels. :twilightsmile:

The Pic is ADORABLE :pinkiecrazy:

Very cute story.
However I always find it strange how Luna forgives Celestia so easily, but hey thats not what this is about, all that it matters is that Luna got a Sandwich :twilightsmile:.

The entire time I was reading this I was hearing the heavy weapons guy from TF2 saying sandvich. Cute story.

I'm glad you liked it, though I wish I was able to enjoy the reference too, but I've never actually play TF2 :fluttershysad:

Want to enjoy a reference from game you never played? Then just come on down to Youtube! Where we have everything you could ever watch! :pinkiehappy:

We have meet the Heavy TF2! Heck we even have meet the Sandvich TF2!

Come on down and enjoy!:pinkiehappy:

Celestia made Luna a sandwich, thus proving Luna is best pony.

I guess I'm going to the moon now...:fluttershbad:

That was precious. Well done.:heart:

3176718 Thank you :twilightsmile:, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

3184399 Thanks, I'm glad you liked it

3847276 Yeah, in all honesty, that wasn't even the first picture I used. I originally had a pic I made with the pony creator on deviantArt, but then I thought "I should just look up Luna's Sandwich in DA and see what I get." This was the first one that came up, and I thought it would be perfect for my story. I'm glad you ended up liking the story as much as the picture :twilightsmile:

This is truly adorable and super sweet!

I reviewed your fic tonight find it here

This was fun, just a cute fluffy story of sisters and sandwiches.

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