• Published 12th Jan 2013
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On Black Wings Unfurled, A Half-Dragon's Roar to be Heard - Coal

A land of magic, filled with all manner of creatures great and small. When a being from far off finds it to have hit a wall another is sent to stir up the waters. Luckily having the powers of a dragon help in that regard.

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Folding Chair the Dragonslayer is Best Pony... Awesome. (Chapter Two)

Chapter Two

Folding Chair the Dragonslayer is Best Pony... Awesome.

It took me a little while for the rush I had gained from when my claw touched that burst of ice for me to some back to my senses. It wasn't so much that I didn't realize what was going on, I just hadn't cared at the time. For a couple of seconds I felt like I was on the top of the world, and I felt as though nothing could stop me.

So when I finally started thinking rationally again I found my new appendages... surprising.

Wings huh? Well at least I got a pair instead of just one like the claw. It would've been really strange trying to fly with just one wing.

I find gliding through the air to be strangely calming. I'm not flying exactly, as I'm not actually flapping my wings as much as they were just catching the air and holding aloft, and in a way it's very relaxing relaxing. I can smell the cool night air and the wind was blowing through my ruined clothes. It was definitely a nice change of pace from plummeting from the sky like a rock. The only thing that kept bugging me was why I had wings. Because honestly, I have no clue.

For that matter the same could be said of my left hand turned claw, it's black scales matching my hair and new found wings. I didn't really have the opportunity to think about it very much when I first noticed my hand had changed, but now that I had a moment to myself I felt myself wondering why exactly my these things were happening.

I mentioned it earlier when I first noticed the claw, Prometheus had called me an ambitious little dragon and with the wings making an appearance I couldn't help but think he had meant that in a very literal sense. There was also what had happened with that one horned Pony, now that I can think for a minute I put two and two together, and realize it's basically a unicorn.

I almost got murdered by a unicorn... How many people can say that?

I should really feel more upset with everything that has happened truth be told. For some reason, I just can't find much fault with what the townsfolk did because when I thought about it while their reactions were perhaps a bit extreme it wasn't very surprising.

A yawn escapes my lips as I looked out into the rolling hills before, noting that they eventually led up to some kind of mountain range. The chase had taken a lot out of me, and in comparison to the rush of energy combined with my adrenaline I feel extremely sluggish. I think it probably isn't the best of ideas to just plop down in the middle of nowhere and take a nap so I decided to find a better place to hole up for the night, and then I could look around for something to eat.

I feel myself drifting closer and closer to the ground as my short ride in the sky came to an end. I landed on my feet and now that I was firmly on the ground I turned my head to look back over my shoulder at one of my wings to inspect it further. It definitely wasn't any kind of bird's wind, that's for sure and based on what Prometheus had said it was evidently a dragon's wing sized for his body. It looked like they were around five feet long each, so fully extended from end to end they'd reach about eleven feet across give or take when I take my shoulder width into account.

They sort of scrunched up behind my back naturally when I landed, just as they had unfurled when I had leaped into the air off the wall. They're still foreign enough that I didn't have much conscious control over them, but I could feel them when I prodded them a bit with my fingers so they were definitely a part of my body now, just one that'd take a little bit of getting used to.

I figure the middle of the night probably isn't the best time to try and teach myself how to fly, so I just settle for using my familiar feet as I trudged my way over the rough hills that lead towards the mountains which when I peaked a hill and looking towards then, were surprisingly close.

So then Lizardman, you just ran for your life from a bunch of technicolor equines, how do you feel?

Shut up, I wasn't about to just go around trying to fight an entire town. That'd just be stupid and a good way to make a terrible first impression.

I think you made a pretty terrible first impression as is.

Trying my best to ignore my own internal ramblings I climb my way up another hill, I find myself feeling thankful that my wings folded up on their own because the wind started to pick up and being dragged around by my wings would have been a pain. I just kept moving forward, intent on finding a place to lay down for some sleep far away from any four legged creatures with spears. A particularly strong gust of wind hits me, and I'm thrown off balance causing me to tumble back down the hill I had just reached the top of.

Perfect, now the wind hates me too.

These rough and rocky hills are stable enough to easily walk on, but when you tried to grab onto a rock to stop yourself from falling uncontrollably it tended to just get pulled with you. Rolling side over side down the hill I find myself being protected from a lot of the more painful parts of rolling down a rough hill by my wings and I didn't feel much at all on the outside of them. Good to know they were decently tough, I won't have to worry about tearing them all the time, I can't imagine how much that would hurt. I was blown in a direction that would be left in relation to the mountains and it was a different direction than when I had walked up the hill the first time.

By the time I came to a stop I had a few minor bruises, nothing major especially when compared to the massive lump on my side from when I had crashed through the roof of a building. I grumbled a bit as I pushed myself up off the ground and looked around to see just how far I had rolled.

I'm surprised by what I see, as I find that I had rolled into some kind of cave that seemed to have been carved out of the hillside, and it was placed in such a manner that the surrounding hills blocked sight of the entrance unless you were basically right on top of it as I was right now. I stand up feeling worse for the wear, while the roll down the hill hadn't been very physically taxing it had been a reminder I wasn't in the best of shape right now and with the cave in front of me promising shelter for the night I went inside. The walls of the cave blocking the vicious whipping of the wind outside and was a welcome relief.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I call out, knowing that the odds of someone responding were slim, it had more so been to check and see if there was anything making it's home here already. Satisfied with the lack of response beyond a slight echo as my voice bounced off the walls of the cave I made my was inside, found a moderately comfortable rock near the entrance of the cave and let my eyelids close.


I feel myself slowly waking up, and under normal circumstances would like nothing more than to just lay there and enjoy my warm bed. Today however, it was decidedly uncomfortable, mainly due to the fact that it was a rocky floor and not my actual bed. The rising sun lighting up the entrance of the cave only served of a reminder of the fact that I am not a morning person even when I was well fed and in my own bed.

I'm never going to get this crick out of back.

I groggily manage to get myself onto my feet as I try to make myself a bit more coherent. While I was doing that however I start to smell something... It's, very odd. I've never smelled anything like it before and there really wasn't much I can say to describe what exactly what it is that I smell. I decide on getting up to go investigate the smell, and it seems to be coming from deeper into the cave.

As I was getting up, I conveniently managed to forget the fact that my left hand was currently a claw, and as I went to scratch my itchy scalp I managed to jab myself in the head.

"Ah! Oh come on, am I really stupid enough to do that!?"

Evidently you are.

Letting out a frustrated sigh I get to my feet and turn to go and investigate the source of whatever it was that I smelled. oddly enough the smell of it was making me hungry and my stomach let out a low rumble, reminding me just how hungry I had been before I went to sleep last night.

I can just make out something that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight entering the cave and I as I make my way over to it I see something that I could hardly believe.

There was a giant pile of gems sitting in the back of the cave.

And it smells so fucking delicious.

Now, it's been awhile since I took health class in high school, but I'm pretty sure gems were inedible. If that was the case why could I smell them, and why did they smell so delicious?

Walking over to the sparkling item on the ground I could now see that it's an emerald of some kind, and a decent sized one at that. It looks like a fair sized apple for crying out loud!

Bending over to pick it up I grasp it in my left hand, using the tips of my claw to hold it up to the light. Yep, it's definitely a gem, and I can definitely smell it. Despite the fact I can't really place the smell I'm pretty sure that gems aren't supposed to have a smell in the first place. I know I'm a bit crazy for thinking this, but on an empty stomach after having had to run for my life this emerald was looking pretty tasty right about now.

Taking a swing in the dark, I brought the emerald up to my mouth and took a bite, and it crunched!

Standing there looking at the once whole emerald now with a chunk missing out of the side, I could have swore I just bit into a green apple. I could taste the sourness of a green apple, and if it weren't for the difference in texture and lack of juice I would have sworn it was a very good green apple if I had been blindfolded.

Dimly finishing chewing what was in my mouth I eventually swallowed and it went down like every other meal I had ever had in my life.

Just then, I hear the sound of something very large moving around behind me, and in hindsight I might have noticed it earlier ,if I hadn't been so distracted by the fact I just took a bite out of an emerald.

"Well well well, what is it we have here, something hoping to run off with a quick prize is it?" I hear a voice boom from behind me in a feminine voice.

Turning around I found myself staring face to face with a... giant... orange... dragon.

Ya know, thinking about it there was probably a reason all those gems were all stacked in a pile wouldn't you say?

I find a dragon about the size of a large bus looking down at me, it's form taking up most of the exit, and I doubt it'd politely move out of the way to let me leave. If memory serves dragons tend to be just a little bit protective of their hoards.

The dragon raised an eyebrow as I turned around as it said, "Now then isn't this a surprise, I don't recognize what you are." The dragon's gaze shifts toward the emerald in my hand and added. "... And there are not many creatures that can eats gems like a dragon can. So tell me, what are you?"

"Oh me? I-I'm nothing at all." I stammer out as I drop the emerald to the floor, "Just a little monkey with wings who was just leaving, sorry about the gem."

"Oh no, you're not leaving just yet." The dragon says as it begins to make it's way into the cave, which prompts me to start trying to put as much distance between me and it as possible. "I'm more interested in you than I am about the gem you were eating. You have a very interesting scent, and now that I look at you more closely you have the wings and a claw of a black scales."

A what now? She must mean my black dragon claw and wings.

"Black scales are very rare you know that? Add that to the fact that besides the foreign scent you have, you also smell of dragon. It's... interesting."

I'm nearly backed all the way into the gem pile, and part of me was hoping that the dragon wouldn't roast me while I was standing in front of it's hoard.

"I'm not interesting, not one bit. I'm just a strange creature with tattered clothes. Nothing interesting about that, not one bit." I said feeling the fear rising up in my throat as it stopped twenty feet away from me.

"Oh but there most certainly is, now then creature is it rude among your kind to not give a lady your name?"

... So it's a chick... That just might explain why it's enjoying torturing me so much.

And you call me an asshole.

"Well, no... It's just that I was distracted by... your stunning scales! Yes, they caught the sunlight coming into the cave that I was at a loss for words." I manage to pull out of my ass.

I could swear I saw her grin a bit as I said that as she says, "Well creature, you know flattery will get you everywhere. Now then, what are you called?"

"Well, I'm Coal, at least that's what a Titan called me."

Did I mention that I ramble when I'm scared out of my mind? Because I'm pretty sure I do sometimes.

Luckily, she seems to ignore my mentioning of a Titan as she says, "Well now Coal, I'm surprised you were named that, personally if my offspring had black scales I would name him something more impressive like onyx perhaps. At least it matches the color of your scales I suppose."

Well, my parents didn't name me Coal, but I'm not about to correct her.

"Yes, I don't know what my parents were thinking, and what is your name miss?" I say, trying to buy as much time as I can, and maybe get on her good side.

She raises her head in pride, almost hitting the ceiling as she says, "My name, is Cobalt." She says with no small amount of self appreciation. As she shifts her position I could swear I can see something outside of the cave that isn't rocky hills but I can't tell what.

"Cobalt? But that's blue, and your scales are orange." I stupidly blurt out, as I was distracted with trying to figure out what exactly he saw and why it felt familiar.

Sometimes I think you just try and get yourself killed so you can get rid of me.

Before I can mentally berate myself on my stupidity any further she lets out a sigh and says, "Yes, both of my parents were blue dragons, and when I was an egg that was the color of my shell so they named me Cobalt before I had hatched."

"How does that work?"

"I've wondered about that myself. Enough about me however, we were just talking about your being in my cave weren't we?"

Wait a second... It's the chair. The folding chair that fell with me. How the hell did it get here? I know I glided for a decent distance on my wings after I left the town, and I walked for a few hours at least after that. so how is it here? Wait, when I hit whatever I hit in the sky it made me bounce and flip over, and the chair must not have bounced so it went straight down whereas I was knocked somewhere else.

"You know, it's impolite to keep a lady waiting."

Oh right, the dragon, I had almost forgot.

"I apologize miss Cobalt, I just stumbled upon your home by accident after I left a nearby town and I was tired. I didn't realize someone lived here." I say, trying to think of something, anything, to get myself out of this situation.

Well, you have a chair.


He's right, I do have a chair.

I know the best time to catch someone off guard is when they're in the middle of talking, so I'm going to wait until she starts talking. Then, I'll do the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life.

"I see, so you're the one who caused that uproar? That would explai-" After she gets into her thought I start running out towards the exit of the cave and I actually manage to duck under her leg and make it past her.

That's just the first hurdle though.

Next comes the ring of fire.

"IT IS RUDE TO INTERRUPT A LADY!" Cobalt bellows as she turns herself around to face me. Come on, it's not that far outside the cave.

I manage to make my way out of the cave but Cobalt surprises me with her agility as she manages to spin around, slamming her tail into the cave wall, and bound her way out of the cave and narrows the gap between is to little more than ten feet as the force of her impact on the ground throws me off my balance and I end up on my knees. That's alright though, the chair is right in front of me.

"Now then Coal, let us see if showing you just how easily coal burns is enough to teach you to treat a lady with respect."

I see her begin to open her maw and I can see the fire beginning to lick it's way up her throat as I feel the same feeling that caused me to freeze up when the unicorn had pointed it's glowing horn at me. This time though I fought past that feeling.

And I throw a metal folding chair at a dragon.

I briefly see Cobalt's eyes widen in surprise as the improvised projectile soars into her face, smacking her right between the eyes. The unexpected blow, while certainly not enough to put her out of action surprises her enough to cause her head to flinch to the side and forget about roasting me for a moment.

Then I ran, and I would've made a Frenchman proud.

As I quickly learn, there probably isn't any better motivation you could get to get you to run like the wind, than the thought of a very angry dragon hot on your heels. I couldn't think of much besides running as I heard Cobalt use quite a bit of colorful language that most certainly doesn't befit a lady.

So distracted I was by my fear that my foot not hitting solid ground was the only warning I received as my foot slipped into a small tunnel that was well concealed by a shrub.

"Son of a Bitccccccchhh!"

I manage to yell, my voice echoing off the tunnel walls as I once again found myself falling uncontrollably.

Have I mentioned how much I hate falling?


After several long minutes, Cobalt finally manged to calm herself down after she saw the bipedal creature fall down one of the tunnel the Kobolds used to keep an eye on her. While she was still fuming she had to admit, this creature known as Coal is definitely interesting. He is a creature unlike any other she has seen in her little under a century of living and he appeared as if from nowhere.

Cobalt often spent quite a bit of time observing the city of Ironhoof, and she had been doing just that just when Coal had fallen from the sky and the city had reacted like a beehive being poked with a stick, it had been interesting to watch to say the least, the peaceful city being thrown into an uproar as some creature ran around inside.

Coal had best not think he has seen the last of Cobalt, oh no, he's far too interesting to just let walk away. And besides, he still hasn't apologized for throwing a chair at her. Unfortunately, she was going to have to be patient, because for now he was in the Kobold''s claws. For his sake this creature best be able to think on his feet, because with the Kobolds taking too long to think might just end very, very badly.

And if he goes and gets himself killed Cobalt won't forgive him for dying before apologizing.

Author's Note:

And thar be Chapter two, I hope as always I don't disappoint.