• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 8,323 Views, 575 Comments

Flying High - arglefumph

What if Twilight Sparkle was born a pegasus, not a unicorn? Would she still be able to help defeat Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony?

  • ...

Romance with Rarity



"Mommy's very busy now, Opal!"


"Just a minute, Opal!"


"All right! All right! Fine!" Rarity stomped over to the front door and opened it so her cat could go outside. "Are you happy now?!"

Opalescence turned up her nose and daintily walked outside. Rarity groaned theatrically and went back to her work.

"Maybe I shouldn't have taken the day off to visit Cloudsdale yesterday," Rarity said, as she sorted through her fabric pile, looking for the one piece that she had just put down a moment ago. "It was certainly a lot of fun, but the Grand Galloping Gala is this Friday!"

Rarity had generously agreed to make dresses for her friends, as a free favor to them. It was only later that she learned she would have more friends than paying customers at the gala that year.

Rarity sang to herself, trying to keep her spirits up as she kept searching.

Stitch by stitch, putting it together.
Looking for the fabric, where is it?
It was here a moment ago.
If I can't find it, I'm gonna hurt somepony!
Seriously, where did I put it?

From outside, Opalescence's shrill shriek was heard. "Raaaowwww!"

"AAAAAA! Get off! Get off!"

"Uh oh," Rarity said.

Cheerilee burst into the Carousel Boutique. She was chased by Opalescence, whose claws were extended. "Rarity, stop your cat!" Cheerilee cried.

"Opal, no!" Rarity said, using her magic to levitate Opal. "That is very naughty, hurting other ponies like that! I'm putting you in your cage, young lady!"

After her cat was secured, Rarity turned to Cheerilee. "I am so sorry about that," she said. "Usually, she doesn't attack ponies."

"It's okay," Cheerilee said, waving it aside. "How are you doing, Rarity? You look...busy."

"Oh, I am! The Grand Galloping Gala is this week, you know!" Rarity said. "In fact, it's good that you're here. I've got some finalized designs for your dress and—"

"That's why I came here to visit," Cheerilee said. "It turns out that I don't need a dress after all."

"You don't? But I thought you were going to the gala with Big Macintosh!"

"Not anymore," Cheerilee said, a note of sadness in her voice. "Things went wrong with us."

"Oh, dear!" Rarity said. She abandoned her work and went up to her friend. "I'm so sorry, Cheerilee! Please, tell me what happened!"

Cheerilee sighed. "Yesterday, he...he stopped by the schoolhouse and literally swept me off of my hooves."

Big Macintosh, a pair of butterfly wings growing from his back, landed in the schoolyard. "Cheerilee! Come out, darlin'!"

Cheerilee stepped outside, and her eyes widened with surprise. "Big Macintosh?"

"You're looking as radiant as ever, Cheery," Big Macintosh said. "And may I say, I love the way your hair looks today."

"Why, thank you," Cheerilee said. She certainly approved of the new, more talkative Big Macintosh. "But why do you have wings?"

"Aren't they wonderful? They let me fly around town! They let me soar to heights of amazing wonder! And I came here, because you are the one mare I want beside me, as I see the town from a new height."

"Big Macintosh, I—"

Big Macintosh swooped down and grabbed Cheerilee in his arms. She gave a small shriek of fright as he lifted her up, and they flew over the trees.

"Oh, wow!" Cheerilee said. "This view is amazing!"

"Not as amazing as you are, dear," Big Macintosh said. He cleared his throat and began to sing.

I can show you the world,
Shining, shimmering, splendid.
Tell me, Cheery, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

A whole new world!
A new fantastic place to see!
No pony to tell you "Eeenope"...

"I don't understand," Rarity said. "He took you flying and sang you a love song. That sounds terribly romantic."

"I haven't gotten to the ending yet," Cheerilee said. "We were flying over his farm, when his wings gave out, and he dropped me in the manure pile."

Rarity gasped. "No! He wouldn't!"

"He did."

"It must have been an accident! He wouldn't purposely—"

"If it was an accident, he would have fallen in with me! But he landed five feet away, where he didn't get a speck of dirt on him."

"I don't believe it! That's dreadful!"

"So I won't need a new dress for the gala after all," Cheerilee said.

"I am so sorry," Rarity said, giving Cheerilee a one-armed hug. "If there's anything I can do to help—how about a trip to the spa? We can get mud baths together! ...Or maybe just normal baths."

"Thank you," Cheerilee said. "I'm sorry, I know you're busy, and I don't want to dump things on you—"

"Friends are more important than work," Rarity said. "I can only imagine what I'd do if something like that happened with me and Shining Armor."

Neither of the two ponies noticed that one of Rarity's ponyquins was now sporting a goatee and horns.

Hm. Discord thought. Out of all the Elements of Harmony, Rarity is the only one with romantic interests. I can use that.

As Rarity and Cheerilee left for the spa, Discord pulled out a delicious cherry-based soda and reviewed his evil plan.

Step 1. Mess with the Elements of Harmony.
Step 2. ???
Step 3. Profit

Discord's magical spell that turned ponies dark and gray was completely misunderstood, probably because he never bothered to explain it to anypony. Contrary to popular belief, he could not use it to override a pony's free will and force them to act out of character. He could only use it to revert a pony to a previous state.

For example, take Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness. Discord couldn't use his magic to force her to be cruel. But once he saw her act cruelly on her own, he could use his magic to take her back to that state of mind. It wasn't the same as making Fluttershy cruel, even if it was pretty close.

That was why Discord was sneaking around and upsetting the Elements of Harmony. Not only did it give him a lot of information about his future foes, but it was necessary to test the ponies' characters, if he wanted to use his discordant spell on them.

The final pony he had yet to manipulate was Rarity, the Element of Loyalty. Considering her penchant for being overdramatic, Discord did not think it would be very difficult to get her to act in a disloyal manner. Just pile a lot of stress on her plate, and she'd crack like an egg.


"No no no NO!" Rarity said, stomping her hooves on the ground with each word. She knew she was acting like a baby, but she felt justified in her actions. On the ground in front of her was the latest letter she had received from Shining Armor.


Captain Whitewings denied my request to transfer to Ponyville. He says they need me here in Canterlot. I'm really sorry about this, but I don't have a choice.

I have even more bad news. This week's schedule came out, and I've been assigned to a nine-hour overnight shift on border patrol, on the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. So we'll have to cancel our plans of meeting each other. Again.

I have a day off next month, though, so maybe I can come to see you then? I know it's been a while since we talked at the Summer Sun Celebration and...well, I miss you. I'm sorry things haven't been working out for us lately. If you want to try finding another pony to go to the gala with, I understand.

—Shining Armor

"I helped save Equestria!" Rarity said. "I'm on a first name basis with Princess Celestia! So why can't things go my way for once?!"

Rarity's hissy fit was interrupted when a group of her friends entered the Carousel Boutique. They were talking among themselves.

"I can't do it, sorry," Twilight said.

"But I don't know anypony else who can do it!" Trixie complained.

"Ooo, maybe I can convince the Cakes to do it!" Pinkie Pie said. "I'm pretty sure they want a foal of their own!"

"Hello, girls. What's going on?" Rarity asked.

"Scootaloo is grounded for leaving town without permission," Trixie said. "Now I need a foalsitter to watch her while we go to the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Scootaloo's not going to the gala?!" Rarity gasped. She pointed at one of her ponyquins. "But I already finished her dress! It took me four hours! And now you're saying she can't use it?!"

"I'm sorry," Trixie said. "You'll have to give the dress to somepony else."

Rarity felt like sobbing. That was the dress she had put the most work into making, because Scootaloo was a princess. And now it would never be used!

Trixie could tell Rarity was displeased. "Thank you for making the dress, though! If you want, I can give you Scootaloo's gala ticket as compensation. That way, you can go with your daughter, Sweetie Belle."

"Sweetie Belle is not my daughter! She's my sister! SIS-TER!" Rarity snapped. She cast an angry glance at Pinkie Pie, who was rolling on the floor, laughing. Rarity stuck her chin up haughtily, and in a dignified manner, added, "Besides, Sweetie would look horrid in Scootaloo's dress. She's much too pale for an orange dress."

"Hey, can Apple Bloom have it?" Applejack asked. "Her coat is a mite darker than Sweetie's."

"Hmmm..." Rarity said, thinking. "I suppose the dress could fit Apple Bloom, if I made a few modifications."

Applejack nodded. "Since Big Mac and I are goin', it'd be nice if Apple Bloom could come, too. We'd make a regular Apple family hoedown outta it!"

"What about Granny Smith?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"...She ain't talked to us much, ever since she ate that golden apple," Applejack said sadly. She brightened up. "But if we can make enough money at the gala to get her a new hip, I reckon she'd cheer right up!"

"What's this about a golden apple?" Twilight asked.

"It's a long story."

There was a knock on the door.

"Oh, good, the others are here," Rarity said. "Come in!"

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash entered together. "Hey girls, what's up?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, nothing," Trixie said. "We were just talking about the gala."

"It's going to be so awesome!" Rainbow Dash said. "The Wonderbolts are going to be there! I can hang out with them all night!"

"I can't wait to see all the animals at Princess Celestia's petting zoo," Fluttershy added.

"I'm gonna sing and dance all night long!" Pinkie said. "Party pony in the house, let's go!"

"Trixie is looking forward to spending the night with Princess Celestia. We haven't had any time alone together since the Summer Sun Celebration."

"I'll be working at the apple stand with my family, but we can probably take shifts to try out the buffet!"

"And I'll get to spend a romantic evening with..." Rarity said wistfully, before she remembered the letter from Shining Armor. "Oh. Never mind."

"Is something wrong?" Fluttershy asked.

"Wrong? No, everything's fine," Rarity said.

"You know, it's great that all of you have plans, but maybe we should all stick together," Twilight said. "Being with our friends is what will make it the best night ever, right?"

"Er...right," Rainbow Dash said. "Anyway, where are our dresses?"

"I've got them all right here, behind this curtain," Rarity said. "Trust me, you're going to love them! Ta-daaaa!"

Rarity pulled the curtain aside and smiled brightly. She was greeted by blank stares and confusion.


"Yeah, they're..."

"They sure are...something."

"Yes! Something."

"I love something! Something is my favorite!" Pinkie Pie said.

Rarity's face fell. "What's the matter? Don't you like them?"

"It's not exactly what Trixie had in mind."

"Yeah, I was hoping for a dress about 20% cooler than that one."

"Do you think mine can come with a hat? And galoshes?"

"I think mine would look better, if it was a bit darker."

"It's nice, but...um...the armscye's tight, and the middy collar doesn't go with the lapel at all."

"Think you could make a few last-minute adjustments before Friday?"

"Well...I..." Rarity said. She gulped, and her face darkened. "I don't care if they're not what you expected! I spent hours working on these, and they're free! If you don't like them, you can go naked!"

"Whoa, Rarity!"

"Are you okay?"

Rarity took a deep breath. "I...I'm fine. I'm sorry I snapped at you girls. I've just been overworked lately."

"It's okay. We understand," Fluttershy said kindly. "You've done a lot of work for us, and we're grateful."

"Yeah, if there's anything we can do to help, just let us know," Rainbow said.

Rarity's week went smoothly after that, except for a minor incident where the Cutie Mark Crusaders accidentally got Opalescence covered in tree sap. On the day of the gala, a gray unicorn stallion entered her house.

"Hello? Is anypony here?" he asked.

"Oh, hello! I didn't hear you come in!" Rarity said. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but the Carousel Boutique is closed today."

"But this is a fashion emergency!" the unicorn said. "I've tried everywhere else, but I can't get help!"

"Well...perhaps I can make an exception. What is the matter?"

"My favorite tie accidentally got destroyed this morning! None of my other ties match my best suit, and I need a replacement in time for the Grand Galloping Gala tonight!"

"Great! You've come to the right place, Mr..."

"Sidcord," he said.

"I'm Rarity. Mr. Sidcord, I normally deal with fashion designing, but I've got a selection of seven or so ties that you can look at. Perhaps one of them will work."

"Oh, I do hope so," said Sidcord. "This was a very particular tie. It's red and blue, with diagonal stripes of different widths."

"I have one just like that!" Rarity said, her eyes lighting up. She pulled out her coat rack, which had ties on the far end. Lifting up the ties, she held them out to Sidcord. "What do you think?"

"That's perfect!" Sidcord said. "It's not an exact match, but I'll take it!"

"Excellent! That will be ten bits."


"Excuse me?"

"You have saved me from a night of embarrassment in Canterlot, Miss Rarity. I won't pay you anything less than fifty bits."

"Oooo, that's very generous of you, Sidcord!"

Sidcord pulled out the money and gave it to Rarity. She adjusted the tie around his neck, and he gave her a brief kiss on the cheek. "You're an angel, darling."


"Well, I must be going," Sidcord said graciously. "A thousand thanks to you. Perhaps we shall meet again someday."

"Yes, I...perhaps I'll see you tonight," Rarity said.

"Ah, I should have guessed that a mare as refined as you are is going to the Grand Galloping Gala! I envy the lucky stallion who has you for a date."

Rarity blushed slightly. "Yes, well...I..."

"Goodbye, fair Rarity," Sidcord said, seeing himself out the door.

"Goodbye, Sidcord."

As soon as the door was closed, Rarity turned around and squealed. "I don't believe it! A handsome stallion kissed me on the cheek! Maybe I'll have a night of romance at the gala after all!" she said excitedly.

Her face fell. "Oh, but what about Shining Armor? Well...we're not officially together, so technically it's not cheating on him...after all, he was the one who cancelled our plans tonight...we haven't seen each other in weeks...he won't mind if I spend the gala with another stallion, right?"

Rarity sighed sadly. "...Right."