• Published 16th Jan 2013
  • 1,527 Views, 48 Comments

Legends of the Hidden Temple - arglefumph

The Mane Six and other ponies compete on a game show called "Legends of the Hidden Temple".

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The Moat

Legends of the Hidden Temple
With Your Guide, Kirk Trot

"Hello everyone, and welcome to Legends of the Hidden Temple! As always, I'm your host, Kirk Trot, and with me today is my partner, Olmec."

Kirk Trot smiled at the camera, as he adjusted his adventurous-looking blue jean shirt. Legends of the Hidden Temple was a very popular foals show in Equestria. It focused on ponies who braved dangerous situations, in hopes of finding fabulous treasure. Foals loved it because it was adventurous and exciting, while parents liked the educational content.

"Hello, Kirk!" Olmec said, in a deep voice. Olmec was a large, talking statue whose eyes glowed and whose mouth opened and shut. "I heard you just got back from Ponyville!"

"That I did," Kirk said. "And do you know what I found there? I found thirteen brave ponies, who have agreed to be on our show!"

"Oh ho ho!" Olmec said. "A lucky number, indeed! They might be able to handle the Everfree Forest, but I don't think they're brave enough to enter my temple!"

"For those of you who have never seen this show before, here's how it works," Kirk explained. "We have six teams that are going to be competing today, to win the right to go inside Olmec's Temple and collect the fabulous treasure. And heeeeere are the contestants now!"

Everypony in the live studio audience applauded, as the various teams came onstage. Each team had matching shirts, with their team logo.

"First up is our unicorn team, the Purple Parrots!" Kirk said. "Featuring Rarity and Twilight Sparkle!"

"There's no way we can lose!" Twilight said.

"Of course not!" Rarity said. Then, in a smaller voice, she added, "I just hope all this adventuring doesn't mess up my mane. I don't want to look bad on TV."

"Second is our pegasus team, the Blue Barracudas!" Kirk said. "Please welcome Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy!"

Rainbow Dash proudly flew onstage and did a loop-de-loop to impress the viewers. Fluttershy had to be pushed onstage.

"This is so awesome!" Rainbow Dash said. Signing up everypony for the show had been her idea.

"I...I don't like being in front of the cameras..." Fluttershy moaned.

"That's two pegasi and two unicorns, which means it's time for two Earth ponies!" Kirk said. "Here are the Orange Iguanas, Applejack and Pinkie Pie!"

"Howdy, y'all!" Applejack said.

Pinkie bounced up and down. "Hi, Mom!" she said.

"Next is the Red Jaguars!" Kirk said. "They're a group of three fillies who call themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo all ran onstage. "Cutie Mark Crusaders TV Stars!" they shouted.

"But next are their rivals, the Silver Snakes!" Kirk said. "Here come two Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon!"

"We're going to get that treasure!" Diamond Tiara said.

"Or at least, we'll do better than everypony else!" Silver Spoon said.

"The final team is the Green Monkeys!" Kirk said. "They never make it past Round One, but we're glad to have them here, anyway! Say hello to our returning contestants, the Great and Powerful Trixie, and Spike the Dragon!"

"Well, here we go again," Spike said in a dejected voice.

"Do not worry," Trixie said. "Our previous attempts resulted in failure, but Trixie will ensure we win the game this time."

"That's what you said the last four episodes," Spike muttered.

"It is not Trixie's fault that you have stubby little legs!" Trixie snapped.

"Now that we've met our teams, it's time to get started," Kirk said. "As you can see here, we have the deep and frightening Moat of Terror!"

The Moat of Terror was really just a swimming pool, but some fog machines and swamp decorations prevented ponies from seeing this. There were a series of ropes, running from one edge of the swamp, to the other.

"On my mark, the six teams will cross the moat," Kirk said. "Here's the catch, though. They must walk across, using the ropes to help keep their balance. If anypony falls into the moat, they have to swim back to the start and try again. Once both members of a team cross, they need to hit the button together to go on to the next round!"

"Piece of cake!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Cake, where?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Only the first four teams who make it across will win," Kirk said. "So do your best, everypony! On my mark...get set...GO!"

Music started playing, as Kirk tried his best to give a running commentary of the competition. There wasn't much to say besides, "All the teams are walking on the ropes", but he tried to make it sound exciting, anyway.

"First across is Rainbow Dash!" Kirk said. "She practically flew across the ropes! Her partner doesn't seem to be moving quite as quickly, though. Oh, and Twilight Sparkle is now halfway across, with her partner close behind. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are showing excellent teamwork, and...yes! They're the first team to make it across!"

A gong sounded, as the Cutie Mark Crusaders hit the button. They cheered, while Rainbow Dash groaned at losing first place. "Fluttershy, hurry up!" she said.

"I...I'm scared," Fluttershy said.

"And the next team across is the unicorn team!" Kirk said. "Only two more teams can make it to the next round! The Pegasus team is having problems, the Earth ponies look like they're about halfway done...and the Green Monkeys haven't even started yet."

"Trixie should go first!" Trixie said, shoving Spike out of the way.

"No, me!" Spike said. "You're too slow, and besides, you're loads heavier than I am!"

"Are you calling Trixie fat?" Trixie asked. "You're the chubby one, dragon!"

"Hey, I've been exercising lately!" Spike said.

"Exercising your jaw, eating food!" Trixie countered.

The Silver Snakes weren't much better. Silver Spoon accidently bumped into Diamond Tiara from behind, almost knocking them in the water.

"Watch it!" Diamond Tiara said.

"I'm just trying to get us across faster!" Silver Spoon said. "Do you want us to lose?"

"I don't want to fall into the swamp!" Diamond Tiara said.

Pinkie Pie laughed. "It's not really a swamp!" she said. "It's just a swimming pool! See, look!"

She jumped into the water and did a huge cannonball, which splashed the two fillies. "Augh!" Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon cried.

"Pinkie!" Applejack said. "What in tarnation did you do that for?"

"Pinkie Pie falls in, which means she has to start over!" Kirk said. "Meanwhile, Fluttershy is slowly heading across the ropes, and the filly team is almost there! This race is going to be a close one! It's incredibly exciting! Everypony is trying hard, except for the Green Monkeys, who still haven't started yet."

Trixie had a firm grip on Spike's tail, and she used it to poke him in the belly. "Chubby! Chubby! Chubby!" Trixie said.

"Heh-heh-hey!" Spike said, trying not to laugh. "That tickles! Cut it out!"

"You want Trixie to stop?" Trixie asked. "Not a chance!" She slapped Spike's belly with her free hoof, causing Spike to choke in pain. His mouth opened wide, and a green flame came out. Trixie's hair immediately caught fire.

"My hair!" Trixie cried. "AAAAA!" She dived head-first into the swimming pool.

By this time, Rainbow Dash had managed to encourage Fluttershy to get across, and their team was the fourth to ring their bell, seconds after the filly team.

"And that is it!" Kirk said. "That is the end of Round One! Both the teams who had a member fall into the moat ended up losing today!"

"I didn't fall," Pinkie Pie said. "I jumped in!"

Applejack shook her head. "Ah knew I should have asked Big Mac to be on mah team," she moaned.

"But it's okay, because you're not going home with empty hooves!" Kirk said. He gathered the four losing contestants together, in front of the moat. The camera zoomed in on Spike and Trixie, who were giving each other dirty looks.

"Green Monkeys!" Kirk said. "So sorry, but once again, you lost in the first round. But that's okay, because you're going home with this consolation prize!"

"It's...a stick of gum!" Olmec said. "Nice and minty, perfect for times when you want to chew on something fresh!"

Spike happily took his stick of gum, while Trixie started muttering unkind things about the cheap sponsors. "They don't even pony up the money for a decent prize," she said, as she took the gum. As she turned to leave, she purposely tossed her long wet hair over her shoulder, so it would smack Kirk in the face.

"Ouch!" Kirk said. He rubbed his head, then stepped over to the Earth ponies. "And our other losers, the Orange Iguanas. Tough luck on the rope challenge, huh?"

"We would have gotten across fine, if somepony hadn't jumped in the water like a big silly filly!" Applejack said.

"Did you see how big a splash I made?" Pinkie said. "It was awesome!"

"Olmec, tell them what they've won," Kirk said.

"Your prize is...A NEW CART!" Olmec shouted. "It's the two-wheel express cart, from Mustang Motors! Perfect for carrying a heavy load of apples to the farmers' market, or for delivering heavy cakes to cooking competitions! These carts are an Earth pony's dream, and we've got one for each for you!"

"Just what I need!" Pinkie Pie and Applejack both said.

The Great and Powerful Trixie started seething. "They get carts, while we get GUM?" she shouted. "What the bu—"

Suddenly, the show cut to commercial, cutting Trixie off.

Author's Note:

People have been wondering if I split the teams up, according to who will win. Apparently, on the actual TV show, the Purple Parrots won three times (2.5%), the Orange Iguanas and Red Jaguars won four times (3.3%), the Blue Barracudas won five times (4.1%), and the Silver Snakes and Green Monkeys won eight times (6.6%). All together, there were 32 victories over 120 episodes, which is about 26% or one-fourth of the time.

I'm not sure I believe those statistics. I do not remember ANY team winning on this game show. I remember some teams getting the artifact, but then losing and running out of time.

I have no idea how they picked teams on the actual show. As for this story, I split the ponies up into teams, based on color. Twilight is purple, so she's in the Purple Parrots. The blue Rainbow Dash is on the Blue Barracudas, Silver Spoon is on the Silver Snakes, and orange-coated Applejack is on the Orange Iguanas. It's a bit of a stretch to say Spike's green spikes make him a Green Monkey, but that was the only thing that kind of fit, which left the Cutie Mark Crusaders as the Red Jaguars.