• Published 12th Jan 2013
  • 1,385 Views, 36 Comments

MMMystery of My Heart - cartuneslover19

Taking place after the ending of "MMMystery on the Friendship Express", a proud griffon and a certain unicorn form a friendship that could possibly lead to something more. Wh said cake is the sweetest thing there is?

  • ...

Bread and Butter

First off, I am SO sorry that is has been like forever since I posted the first chapter, with me having spent most of my time on Deviantart and focusing so much on Littlest Pet Shop! D: I promise you, out of all the chapters, this is definitely the most difficult! I promise you the next one will be a breeze for me! ;)

Thank you everyone who decided to give this story a shot and try one of the most unusual pairings in MLP history! :D

Gustav watched as the train to Ponyville left, five ponies waving farewell from the window.

He turned his gaze toward their sixth, who held a simplistic smile while waving a hoof to her friends.

Twilight Sparkle had remained Canterlot to catch up on things. By catching up, the griffin knew she meant spending time with the solar princess herself. But the unicorn had mentioned she would also simply bask in the beauty that was her first home, visit Pony Joe’s donut shop and perhaps take a brisk walk through the sophisticated town, see if she could meet any faces that would strike familiarity.

But also, she would like to get to know her new friend as well.


The griffon had been flustered by such a statement, but he kept his placidity intact while deep down he suddenly felt like doing backflips.

What astounded him even more was how Twilight had immediately referred to him as her friend. True, she concluded the same with both Joe and Mulia Mild, Joe much more since she grew up in Canterlot, but still...

As soon as the train became a mere speck in the distance, Twilight turned and smiled at Gustav, the griffon returning the gesture as both exited out of the station, intending to begin their first official day in Canterlot together.

“So, Gustav,” Twilight began, her tone depicting her growing curiosity, “have you found a place to stay for the time here in Canterlot?”

The griffin suddenly recalled that he hadn’t even thought of a place to reside since he and the others had arrived in Canterlot. He silently shook his head.

Twilight simply smiled, as if she knew that was his answer.

“Well, how about the castle?”

The suggestion made his eyes nearly pop out with surprise. The castle? The most powerful and revered building of all buildings in Canterlot, let alone Equestria? And Twilight Sparkle, prodigy to the sun princess herself, was willing to allow him to sleep there?

The unicorn caught on and just laughed. “Last time Rarity was here, I had Princess Celestia prepare a room for her in the castle. Any friend of mine, Celestia is willing to provide a room.”

Gustav was still speechless, and this furthered a chuckle from Twilight.

“So would that be a yes?”

Unable to claim his voice, he just nodded.

“Great,” Twilight beamed, “come on, let’s go get something to eat. I’ll show you my favorite cafe other Pony Joe’s donut shop.”

Without even an utter, Gustav silently trailed behind the unicorn, his heart pounding and mind fogged with the realization that later tonight he would be laying on a mattress that was truly made for royalty.

Gustav silently gazed down at his cup of tea, having taken a few sips during the course of the conversation.

Actually, the unicorn in front of him did most of the conversing as she discussed about certain things, especially complimenting the cafe they were sitting in front of on such a lovely day.

Though the pompous griffin was usually one to ramble about his life, mostly his triumphs and expertise, he did enjoy listening to Twilight take the conversation by the reins. Her voice projected her open mind to the many givings and wonders she had experienced, from Canterlot to back in Ponyville.

In more pragmatic terms, compared to him, her life was beyond astounding.

He listened as she spoke of recent events that occurred in Ponyville: her participation in her first Winter Wrap-Up, her letters to the princess, an Ursa Minor incident involving some conceded showmare.

She made slight mention of ‘finding elements and stopping the darkness’ or something like that. But the mare immediately bit her tongue on the spontaneous topic, insisting she would explain it better another time...

Then she spoke of her fillyhood, her desire to attend Celestia’s academy for the gifted and how, by a stroke of fate (more particular a certain blast), had triggered such a power within her she never thought she could sustain. Thus, it had given her the sun princess’ recognition and what transcended into the position the intelligent unicorn possessed today. And that was the day she even earned her cutie mark.

Now Gustav wasn’t one very adept nor interested in the ‘pony culture’ of cutie mark producing(he was a griffin, afterall), but presently he felt his curiosity induce from what the unicorn described of her experience.

Ah, her cutie mark...The griffin smiled.

The design matched her personality and talent perfectly. A bright, twinkling star surrounded by minuscule ones that adorned her flank-

The griffon ceased his thoughts right there. Where did that come from?

He didn’t even remember the others ponies’ cutie marks, even Pinkie Pie’s, but he could remember Twilight’s and hers only?

He immediately took a larger swig of his tea as Twilight concluded her part of the conversation.

“I think I’ve already spoken a good amount about myself,” she recounted. “What about you, Gustav? I’d love to hear more about you.”

More about him...

The griffon felt his tongue grow dry, his loquacious side taking an immediate halt as he stared at the awaiting unicorn. He always talked, bragged, actually, about himself. Pride was obvious in his words, and he wouldn’t get enough of saying so.

Yet at this very moment, he was completely mute.

He didn’t want to comment something that would make those calm, violet eyes narrow in question.

Finally, after a few moments, and mentally rehearsing his chosen words, Gustav clasped his talons in front of him on the table and began to speak.

“Well, for starters,” his thick accent able to even claim attention from three tables away, “you already know I am a famous chef.”

“One of the best,” Twilight added sincerely.

Again, he felt the feathers on his neck stick up on end from yet another compliment, but he immediately ignored that and re-directed himself on the conversation.

“Well, as a young griffin, I had grown up with my mother’s fantastic cooking,” he confessed. “My mother always made the best bread and churned the most savorous butter in Equestria.”

He watched as the curiosity grew in those sparkling irises, the unicorn leaning forward like a little filly drinking in a bedtime story with a powerful introduction. He smiled, feeling his pride swell knowing he was providing her with an interesting story of his life.

“We were a large family,” he continued, “I being the youngest, or, as most would describe it, the ‘runt of the litter’.”

That last statement elicited a small giggle from Twilight as she rotated her head in a different direction, still gazing at him with amusement.

“Eight brothers,” he revealed, “while they all wanted to be lawyers, doctors, or even writers, I was the only one who had a love for cooking. Just like my mother.”

It felt slightly unusual for Gustav to speak of his childhood, though that was quite a paradox since his entire life’s story had been published just last month(flying off the shelves immediately). But when such words escaped from his beak, they not only sustained a sense of personal influence, but of a new given sensation.

He felt all tingly from his tail feathers to his entire physique as he spoke, and he wasn’t sure whether it was merely just talking or because he was talking with her.

“That is such a wonderful story,” Twilight commented, having rested her head on her hooves as they laid on the table.

Gustav prayed the redness in his cheeks was subtle enough on his white feathers as he smiled sheepishly.

“She taught me everything she knew about cooking, and soon, I attended culinary school. Before long, I was a master chef and was soon recognized for my talent with spoon and fork.”

He smiled, that familiar feeling he once felt when that first photo of him had been taken, hitting the newspapers of Manehattan, another bounce in the beginning of his career. His mother was so proud of him, she was proud of all her sons for pursuing their dream careers, but special connection between her and her youngest...

Gustav knew he had not only just landed a career, he continued a legacy.

His mother was quite popular, a female griffin who owned a lovely restaurant that was a great place for tourists. Wings quick and sharp wit combined made the most incredible delicacies that Gustav felt his mouth water just recalling such a memory.

He remembered how small he was, and how he barely reached the table to try and sneak in a bite or two before his mother served it to the patrons. When pies and sandwiches were completely out of his grasp, there was still two items he always managed to capture.

His mother’s delicious bread and butter.

That was always served for free as soon as customers reached their seats. A preview that made them desperate for her entrees and even dessert after just one bite of soft, cushy bread swabbed with creamy butter. True, the main courses were astounding, but customers had always paid their compliments to the simple bread and butter. And that’s why they tipped so heavily that Gustav’s mother had decided to jar her butter and sell if such a satisfied customer was willing to buy one after enjoying his or her meal.

Gustav suddenly felt a pang of guilt within the pit of his stomach as that memory faded.

Being a famous chef, he always made delicacies that acquired more sophisticated taste. More spices, more ingredients, more culinary additions that would fit a royal’s palate.

Simple recipes that were inspired by a loving mother had never reached his mind when he was preparing certain meals for rich, famous, or even someone who longed for mastered dishes of exotic taste.

Who would want simple bread and butter?

Only him, as that simple meal was only prepared for himself when he was at home.

True, he wasn’t living with his mother anymore as was none of his brothers, but he always did visit her every so often when work didn’t overcome him. To her, he should be sharing family recipes and reveling others with fine, loving tastes that reminded one of home.

Sadly, the dishes he made now hit nowhere close to home. Though his mother didn’t know, he felt ashamed of not at least splicing a little bit of griffin love into at least one dish.

It was a few moments before Gustav realized he had been silent for what might have been the longest hour. He blinked back into reality, returning to present-day Canterlot and his tea which was becoming cold.

He raised his eyes and noticed Twilight continuously stare at him. She did not raise an eyebrow, nor show the least bit of irritation for his sudden pensive state. Instead, she smiled, as if having read his mind as it took a journey back to childhood.

“Your mother sounds like such an amazing woman,” Twilight said softly.

Again, he prayed his white feathers overcame any hint of redness as the griffin idly played with his mustache in embarrassment.

“I think about her every time I cook.”

Twilight murmured a small ‘mmm’ as she leaned herself back into her normal position, as if she had analyzed deep through his school and watched his memory play.

“Did you think about her when you made your eclairs?”

The eclairs, oh, his mother made such wonderful eclairs!

But sadly, compared to her, Gustav had taken a more competitive route, adding aggression and determination more than patience and love into his own pastries. Even the filling itself was prepared an entirely different way.

“Yes,” he said finally.

And hope she never finds out I completely differed in her way, he thought bitterly.

He reached down and sipped his tea again, choosing it as a distraction to not deter him from the conversation nor his calm, collective attitude at the moment.

“I sure would love to try your mother’s cooking sometime, since she was responsible for giving Equestria an amazing chef.”

That comment nearly made him choke and he grasped his cup tightly, his hawk-like eyes looming over her in surprise. Twilight just beamed, her expression as clear as the moon princess’ stars at night.

She really was something, that Twilight Sparkle, the griffin knew. Intelligent, sensitive, smart, and such a good conversationalist. Celestia would be crazy if she had never chosen the unicorn as her personal prestige, and few had the gall to say in regards to one of their majesties.

Before he gave it any thought, Gustav immediately blurted out something he should have rehearsed over in his mind.

“You should come with me back to Manehattan sometime.”

As soon as those words escaped his beak, he immediately slapped a talon over his face, feeling himself flush for coming out so unexpectedly.

However, this little outburst emitted quite a reaction from the unicorn. Twilight’s mouth fell in awe, curved in an excited open smile as her eyes twinkled.

“Manehattan?” She repeated. “Really? Oh, wow, that would great!”

Her happy response brought feelings of pride and confidence once more, and Gustav managed a crooked smile, still feeling sorely embarrassed.

He then noticed her expression slowly melt to one of contemplation as she regarded him fondly. Her lips curved in a soft smile as her eyes lowered...almost as if she seemed kind of nervous.

“Maybe it’s just me,” Twilight began, “because, well, it’s usually me when it comes to the strangest things...” She forced a chuckle. “But if I could calculate this request...it almost sounded like you were asking me on somewhat of a date.”

That last word...date...suddenly made the griffin stiffen and he hardly noticed that his trembling talons released his cup which fell on the table, spilling whatever tea was left.

His mustache curved across his stunned expression, and his eyes widened larger than both moon and sun.

Twilight winced, feeling her heart pound with utter embarrassment as she felt like she just dropped a piano on him. She knew that feeling...

“Oh, my gosh!” She exclaimed. “I...I’m so sorry about that!”

Her cheeks became red, and her ears lowered. She suddenly wished she would just go back in time and prevent herself from saying such a ridiculous thing.

Gustav quickly shook himself from his state and stared at Twilight, who looked just as embarrassed as he had been for the whole day. Her mane nearly covering her eyes, her eyebrows knitted together like two arrows, and the way her teeth sucked on her bottom lip, indicating how much she wanted to refuse to ever speak again.

In a way, it was simply captivating.

Kind of adorable.

Seeing her in this state felt sort of comforting in Gustav’s case and the griffin managed a tender smile, feeling the more serene of the two and his feathers began to relax.

“Do not fret, Ms. Twilight,” he spoke casually. “There is nothing to be embarrassed about.”

This seemed to induce her anxiety further as Twilight tried to smile, her teeth nearly chewing her bottom lip off; this made Gustav mentally chuckle.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she finally spoke, sounding exasperated. “I’m sorry...again.”

She managed a weak chuckle, her bottom lip finally released as her teeth gnashed forcibly, trying to appear more calm as he was.

“I can tend to be super nervous and when I feel I’ve done something wrong, I could reduce to a semi-nervous-breakdown,” she rambled. “Like that one time when I was afraid I would infuriate Celestia by not sending a friendship report on time and I spent the whole day trying to find problems, and when I became super desperate, I used my fillyhood doll, Smarty Pants, and-”

She immediately stopped, her eyes widening in realization, resorting to biting her bottom lip once more, almost harder.

Gustav, however, seemed quite amused. Who was Smarty Pants again? And how could Celestia be angry with such a kind, intelligent unicorn as Twilight?

“I am so sorry!” Twilight squeaked. “I lost myself again!”

Before the unicorn could project a third apology, Gustav reached across the table and his talons gently grasped her hoof. This act completely surprised Twilight as her eyes drew to her held hoof, before they rose and purple met light gold.

She wasn’t the only one surprised as Gustav found himself gazing into those twinkling irises once more. His beak curved and his cheeks flushed, mentally questioning how he had managed to pull such a simple act that generated a lot of tension through each other’s bodies. The feathers on the back of his neck began to rise once more.

They simple stared at one another, faces so hot it was as if Celestia’s sun was mere inches away from where they sat.

Complete silence reigned as they took in each other’s presence, a hold that entwined them like a string.

As his mouth found no words to break the ‘silent spell’, Gustav took this moment to observe the unicorn more closely than he had ever done before.

She looked so innocent, slightly flushed, curious...gentle...breathtaking...


Gustav felt his feathers grow even hotter, even hotter than the solar goddess’ sun, and he could feel his talons partially soak in little perspiration and he was sure Twilight could feel it on her strong but delicate hoof.

However, Twilight seemed to have not noticed or simple paid no mind. She just gazed at him, blinking when she needed to, studying him like a book.

A book worth her time, probably more time than any of the ancient books of the grand Canterlot library.

Still quiet as ever, Twilight’s lips tugged until finally they formed a tiny smile.

That smile could melt any man in sight.

Melt like the butter to his mother’s famous bread.

“Thank you,” the unicorn finally said, her voice barely above a whisper.

A mere couple of words of gratitude for calming her down. But to the griffin, he knew simple words meant so much more.

And with that, he managed a delicate smile on his beak, feeling his heart about pound right through his chest.

For the whole day, Gustav had been by Twilight’s side, exploring the depths of Canterlot. Sightseeing, vendor hopping, and even window shopping. Twilight had even introduced him to a market place where he could purchase some new ingredients for whatever recipe he planned to cook while temporarily residing in Canterlot.

The griffin had been slightly discreet about his purchases, wanting to surprise the unicorn with a recipe he felt needed to be done.

Done the right way.

The eclairs his mother had created that was one of many culinary and pastry dishes that inspired him into becoming who he was today.

Bread and butter needed to be made by her hands for Twilight to really savor that ‘love and grace’ his mother sprinkled on all her famous dishes. So he decided that re-creating the dish he made earlier(which had been consumed Pony Joe) would be a perfect first.

And as luck would have it, Twilight allowed him access to the castle’s kitchen.

The castle...

Since he was a young griffin, Gustav often dreamed about the Canterlot castle, the home of the sun and moon royals, the place where history began to unfold. True, he had just been there earlier alongside Twilight and the others...but that was only the gardens.

He was going enter its interior. With a guest room prepared specially for him.

The thought made him almost want to spread his wings and soar, and even conduct his own ‘sonic rainbow’ is he could.

But in the eyes of royals, he needed to be on his best behavior, just as he had done with he had stood before Princess Celestia during the cake competition.

But, unlike most ponies, Gustav didn’t fear the royals. They were like everypony else; they could laugh, slightly fool around, be playful...even, as Pinkie Pie had exclaimed ‘pig out’, and he had taken a glimpse of Celestia when her mouth watered at the sight of the cake.

As his mind wandered about being the first in his family to be present inside the castle, he nearly forgotten it was evening, and Luna’s moon shone brightly among her kingdom.

The glorious moonlight, another wonderful facet added to this absolutely wonderful day.

No, not wonderful...perfect.

Like biting into a warm piece of his mother’s bread and allowing the flow of melted butter tickle the lips.

Dear croissants! He really couldn’t stop thinking about his mother’s cooking! Well, it was getting close to dinner time, after all!

He glanced over at Twilight, her smile glowing in the dark blue sky with her head raised, taking the lead to bring him to the castle.

Luna’s moonlight shone over her mane, over her violet fur...it was like looking at a portrait at the Canterlot art gallery.

Though this was a true masterpiece that he was proud that he, and he alone, could witness on this glorious night of nights.

An hour or so, Gustav felt his heart about flip as his feet touched the marble floors of the castle.

History shone through ever corner, and the tapestries and fancy rugs enhanced even further than his imagination beheld.

He couldn’t wait to send a letter to his mother and inform her of this incredible experience.

He looked over to Twilight, who gazed at him happily, as if having awaited his exact reaction to this new discovery. Her purple eyes held even more glow than the castle lights, sparkled than any of the stain glass windows, more stunning than any work of art present within the castle walls...

Yes, he couldn’t wait to write his mother about what he had seen.

It was after a few moments that Twilight re-introduced him to Princess Celestia, and the griffin acted as gentleman as he possible could, bowing to her presence while thanking her for allowing him a room in her home.

The lunar princess was off to work, Gustav knew, and Celestia’s presence created even more awe for him as she led both him and Twilight through the castle corridors to find his room.

The solar princess had talked about some of the castle’s history, while openly joking that she didn’t want to sound so boring. She did often speak about the kitchen down below, and how her chefs and bakers were astounded to learn that the famous Gustav le Grand would be temporarily residing in the castle.

Finally, they stopped in front of a large door. Using her magic, Celestia opened it, introducing him to a room that would make a famous interior designer cry with desire.

The room was massive, its marble floors able to give reflection. Fancy lamps and other indoor appliances brought much more royal atmosphere to the jaw-dropping space, and the queen-size bed...it was even bigger than the one he had back in Manehattan, and he knew he would definitely be sleeping like a king tonight!

“This is my room?” He said aloud, as if still assuming he was still in a dream.

Both Celestia and Twilight shared a laugh.

“You remind me of when Twilight’s friend Rarity had once stayed at the castle,” the solar princess chuckled. “I do my best to provide for my guest.”

The best? More like perfect!

“I’ll leave you two be,” the princess said, her voice sounding a bit more playful before she turned and walked down the hall.

However, before she disappeared a mere speck, Gustav could have sworn she winked at him.

He decided to ignore it as he walked over to his luggages that had been brought to the castle earlier(the bellhop sounded so relieved for some reason). He opened one suitcase and took out something.

Twilight joined by his side and gazed at what appeared to be a picture frame.

“Is that...?”

Gustav smiled proudly. “Yes, that’s my mother.”

He watched as her eyes widened in mild surprise, her lips in a joyous smile.

“She’s beautiful, Gustav.”

And so are you, he wanted to tell her. But that sounded somewhat dull and slightly unpredictable...

“Thank you,” was all he said.

He quietly resumed his unpacking, his back turned away from her. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to speak with her at the moment, he just felt he had nothing else to say. He had already told her countless times how thankful he was that he would be staying at the castle, followed by compliments that made her self-esteem rise as she had done for him, what more could he say without sounding like a fool?

He assumed Twilight had silently walked off, thinking he would like to remain solitary for the rest of the night and continued unpacking, placing his emergency spare toque atop the bed.

Suddenly, he felt something warm press against his feathers and Gustav had thought the air-conditioning in the castle had a sudden change of attitude.

However, he slowly realized that it was not weather conditions of any kind as he shifted his eyes toward the source.

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes were closed, her lips pressed against his cheek.

His body immediately stiffened, his feathers sticking up higher than any Equestrian flag in the kingdom.

It felt like the whole world came to a complete halt as he just stood there, his heart just about to burst as the unicorn he had began to know so well leaned against him.

Her lips were soft, her fur slightly brushing against his feathers.

He was not a unicorn...but he suddenly knew, at this moment, what magic felt like.

After a few moments, Twilight stood back, her calm, purple eyes gazing at him adoringly, her smile sweet and gentle as any portrait could provide.

“See you in the kitchen tonight,” she whispered, a hint of playfulness in her tone. “I can’t wait to try whatever you plan to make.”

And with that said, Twilight turned on her hooves and casually walked out of the room, her neatly brushed tail the last thing Gustav saw before she was completely gone.

The griffin just stood there, feeling both bewildered and awestruck. He placed a talon on the spot where she had just kissed him.

It felt warm.

Warm as the bread his mother baked.

At that moment, Gustav smiled, almost a goofy one.

A pony and a griffin...who would have ever expected such a thing like that?

But regardless, Gustav knew immediately, the moment since he first met Twilight Sparkle...

Like his mother’s bread and butter...they were perfect for each other.