• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 5,181 Views, 111 Comments

Moonrise - LEPShot

I'm not that old, really. My mane and tail haven't even turned grey yet. Now, because of the actions of a pony I've never met, they won't ever get the chance to.

  • ...

The Impact

Chapter 3


[Date: March 29th, Year 1795 of the Equestrian Era]

[Location: Royal Infirmary]

[Condition: ...]

The window off to the right of the room was really the only thing I could see. It faced the east, where the moon had just started to rise from, and its fullness and white light drew my gaze. I couldn’t help but make the comparison between its surface and myself, even though I had no right to do so with Luna lying under me. Somepony had placed a bouquet of lilacs on the bedside table; That, or I was hallucinating smells. Then again, if I was to hallucinate a smell, lilacs would be my choice.

My head was pressed against her mane once more, but now I lay on my side, so that our bodies faced each other. My right foreleg was tucked underneath her neck, and my left stayed on her ribs, just above her wing. Our chests touched, our fur snug against each other’s and our hearts beat side by side. Her rhythmic pulsing was much quicker than mine, even though it was barely beating once a second, which should have scared me. Instead, I just felt hollow.

Her mythical hair, which had always served as a beacon of comfort, was now tainted and corrupted by my illness; It wasn’t a burning heat radiating against my body, but rather, it felt like Celestia’s coat used to, before my forty-fifth birthday party. That should have given me some peace of mind.

My body, on the other hoof, was burning with cold fire. If I were to be encased in ice a mile below the sea, I might feel warmer than I did right now. Every wheezing, shallow breath I took sent shards of ice driving into my flesh and split my sternum in half.

The door opened, the hinges squeaking slightly, then shut a moment after. I heard soft, slow hoofsteps approaching the bed from the left. Celestia just entered my field of vision, sitting next to the frame of the window. I didn’t have the strength or the will to turn my head to her, nor did I really care that she was there. Unless she was here to kill me, I wouldn’t spare the effort to look her in the eyes.

She sat, unmoving, for a few minutes, but if she was waiting for me to acknowledge her, Sol would burn out first. Eventually, she broke the complete silence of the room for a second time, now with a whisper.

“We’ve captured her. Your attacker.”

Silence returned. The significance of the information was lost on me; Who cared? Her imprisonment wouldn’t change anything.

Another minute passed by. The moon had fully entered the sky by now, and the light was brighter than I ever remembered it being. Not painful, but rather intense.

“I am going to execute her. Violently.”

Something about the tone of her voice roused me from my uncaring shell of ice. There was anger in there. Uncommon, but not unheard of, coming from her. Her voice shook slightly, probably from sadness. Again, it was rare, but the past week had shown me enough of it. The one emotion I caught that made me meet her gaze was desperation. Never, in any situation - not when the Changelings attacked, not with Discord’s rampage - never did I hear the tone of pleading from her words.

Looking to her, keeping my head still, I saw a tear fall to the floor. It took an age to hit the stone, catching the moonlight in its descent and shining lightly. The splash it made was audible, and it echoed in my thoughts for a moment.

From inside the frozen shell of what remained of me, I felt anger boiling away. I had a feeling that my gaze unnerved her slightly, the way her magenta orbs flickered between my violet ones, and for once I didn’t blame her; I poured as much venom and contempt into my expressionless face as possible. How dare she?

I almost didn’t recognize my own voice, raspy and weak as it was. My words came out low and gravelly, but I think I got the point across. “I spent my entire life trying to bring harmony into the world, to better it, brighten it, and you would use my death to justify murder?” My throat must have been bleeding as I finished, because every syllable tore it to shreds.

“I would rid the pestilent disease that is her life from this world.” Her retort came quick, delivered in a soft, yet dangerous voice. “I will not have her plagued existence continue.”

Celestia’s nostrils were flared, and her chest moved with heavy breaths. Were I younger, I would probably bow at her hooves and apologize profusely for upsetting her. Now, I struck back against her words with my own. “I will still be dead. You can’t change that.”

I watched as another unheard of emotion found it’s way onto her features; Exasperation. Her shoulders and head dropped as a loud sigh was let out through her nose. It took a minute for her to compose a response, and even then her voice was pained with impossible decisions as she rose to meet my eyes again. “What would you have me do then, Twilight? Just let her go?” It was obvious that seriousness was completely absent in her latter statement, the way her voice rose in pitch, but I held her stare as I responded.


There was one part of my mind - that one niggling, seething area of my brain that never relented or shut up - that thought of my words as the Harmonic Light produced from the Elements. Celestia was as immovable as the stone prison Discord once inhabited. Even her mane seemed disheartened.

“Do you know what you are asking me to do, Twilight?” Slow, careful words. Insulting, is what they were. On death’s door I may have been, I was still the Archmage of Equestria, and I was NOT a simpleton, contrary to what she was implying with her words.

“I am telling you to let her go. Forget about her. Better yet, forgive her.” I suppressed a cough as I spoke, causing my words to become disjointed. Her mouth opened slightly, but she took the words back before they left her mouth. Don’t stutter, I thought. Don’t you dare stutter right now. I will never forgive you.

“Why, Twilight?” Any hard edge had retreated from her tone, as did the deliberate slowness. There was a sense of... wonder, now. As if my motives and requests were somehow unbelievable. Perhaps they were, to her at least. To me, it was the only logical path.

“If you kill her, what will that do, hmm? She will be gone. I will be gone. Blood is on your hooves and your title. The kingdom is restless after seeing the first, violent execution in hundreds of years.” I didn’t think that I would be able to talk for much longer at this rate. Not with my throat being torn to pieces like a rabid Timberwolf was clawing at it. The moon cast a vivid light into the room now, and the alicorn’s entire body was outlined next to the window. “You need to stop and think, Celestia. You are a Princess, just as you have been for almost two thousand years, but right now, I’m having trouble seeing how you retained that position for so long.”

Her head and left foreleg pulled away from me, the look of shock and disgust on her face giving me an odd sense of comfort and satisfaction. Her wide, magenta eyes bore holes into mine, searching and praying for an answer to what I was saying. She really, truly didn’t get it yet. I couldn’t believe that it took me this long to see how blind she was.

“Look at what happened to Luna when she became Nightmare Moon-”

“Twilight,” An unmistakable, burning note was clear in her warning to me. Her jaw was clenched, but I wasn’t even remotely phased. What could she possibly do to me now?

“Where you could have prevented her from being locked away, in solitude, in hell, for a millennium-”

“Twilight! Stop!” The voice that cowed dragons and hydras was useless against me, and I forged right through her shout, even as her eyes glazed over with tears. The glare from the moon’s glow was very distracting, and if it were possible to raise my hoof and shield my eyes, I would have done so.

“You let your emotions get in the way of every decision!”

“What am I supposed to do, Twilight?!” Her hoof came down hard, cracking the stone beneath the golden hoofguard. Her voice likely woke everyone still in the hospital, but she didn’t care about that right now. “Am I to be a machine, uncaring and unloving for my entire life? Is that what you want?”

Luna’s wing slowly reached over and covered me, but she made no attempt to move other than that small gesture.

“You can’t treat her differently just because it was me she attacked! If she had attacked a stranger, what would happen to her?”

I was almost - almost - able to smile at her lack of a response. I knew I had her beat, but that nagging part of my mind wouldn’t stop, wouldn’t cease, until my heart was devoid of emotion. “Exactly. You’re your own worst enemy, Celestia. It’s going to destroy you.”

Nothing but the sound of her tears hitting the cracked floor were heard. They streamed from her freely, dampening the fur on her cheeks and jaw and leaving darkened streaks. Her normally beautiful features were stricken with silent horror, and her wings had unfurled in front of her, as if they could bar my words access. I let my eyes drift back onto the moon, even though the light was very nearly blinding.

She turned quickly, hooves thundering on the floor in her race to get away from the... thing in the hospital bed. The door sounded like it had been ripped off its hinges, but I heard it slam a moment afterwards.

“Twi...” Rainbow croaked from her chair. I could clearly hear from the inflection in her voice that she was also crying, and I prayed that she left the room. She shouldn’t have to feel obligated to stay here with me. Not now.

The door opened again. Then it shut, with a final, resounding clang.

Luna’s heated wing curled around my hips, and I felt her shaking ever so slightly with sobs. “Why?” The word was choked out, so little of it slipping between her lips that, if I hadn’t knew what she would ask, I would have misheard her.

That spiteful part of my mind told me that I shouldn’t care at this point, and I came close to listening. Another part of me - probably the area that felt like the worst scourge to ever violate Equestria - told me that right now was my last chance to ever care about anything. To waste it would be deserving of Hell.

“It was the only way to get her to listen. My only chance to leave the world harmonious. Am...” The moon filled my vision, but as it grew brighter and wider, it grew paradoxically less hurtful. Now, it was soft, and warm. Welcoming. “...am I a monster?”

Her shaking grew more pronounced, and her wing gripped me tightly. I never heard what she said as the light blotted out everything in the world, and I fell away from her, moving towards the moon...


[Date: April 2nd, Year 1795 of the Equestrian Era]

[Location: Twilight’s tower, in Canterlot]

[Condition: Worried]

Facing the massive window that took up an entire wall of the tower, I had my head raised towards the stars and my eyes closed, wondering what I should say. Or if there was even anything to be said. I wasn’t sure I would be able to bear her disappointment any further, and that stopped my prayer from reaching out to her.

The light of dawn was glowing at the reaches of the horizon, and the sun would have to rise soon. Until then, however, I continued to struggle with my words, torn between the need to be forgiven and the fear that she would scorn me for the rest of my days.

The air was still in the tower, as was the rest of the world, as far as I was concerned. With both feelings gnawing at my heart, I knew I had to explain myself to her sometime, and it might as well be sooner. I breathed deeply, through my nose and out my mouth, trying to still my rapid heart and trembling lip.

“Twilight...” I spoke aloud. I couldn’t risk her not hearing me, wherever she was. “My student, before you judge me for my crime, please know the amount of time I spent, in waking and sleeping hours, thinking this over.” I paced my words, enunciating clearly, and making sure nothing was wasted or lost. “I know it’s not what you wanted, but... I’m sorry. Truly. I could not allow her to freely to walk the earth, knowing she might strike again.”

As I spoke, there seemed to be a palpable feeling in the air, increasing in intensity as I spoke. It was like the air was condensing, tensing, waiting for something. “I hope you understand why I had to imprison her, Twilight. You may not think it, but your... your passing is too significant to allow for kindness.” Biting tears stung my purple eyes, but despite the pain of holding them in, they were not allowed onto the floor.

Orange and gold were the dominant colors in the sky now, and I let the sun peek over the horizon, ushering in the fourth day that I would have to suffer through without my best friend by my side.

“I know that I ask too much of you, but... please, my student, help me see that you understand. Just... please don’t hate me.” I whispered, and I lost the battle to hold a tear in. The wet droplet desecrated her sanctum, and this in turn allowed more tears to fall.

The sun was growing brighter, not that I cared. The Princess of the Sun did not get agitated by light. Its aura filled the tower chamber, and set my alabaster coat aflame with a deep coral. I waited for anything to happen, the sharp beats of my heart thrumming away in my chest, and the feeling in the air seemed ready to snap. My breath hitched, and misplaced hope flooded my body, waiting and wanting for a moment that never came.

It took all of my strength to not break down where I was, falling to the floor and curling up to die there. I somehow remained upright, though every bone and muscle in my body was numb as I stood, turning from the window and going to leave this mausoleum for the final time in my life.

Something in the corner of my eye made me turn my head. Though my vision blurred with tears, my attention was drawn to the glint of a seal on a tightly wrapped scroll, sitting atop my student’s desk to the left of the staircase. Pure, unbridled hope was the only emotion I could feel in my shattered mind, and I all but flew to the mahogany desk.

Levitating the parchment in front of me, shaky breaths entered and exited my form as I carefully undid the seal - Twilight’s seal - and unfurled the scroll.

A minute later, I gave up the fight to keep my emotions contained. I moved the Friendship Report away from me as I sobbed, laying it back onto the desk, still open to the world, and shakily made my way down the steps and out the door of my student’s tower.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am aware of the fact that it has been over a decade since I last sent you a report on the magic of friendship, but I guess that also serves as a secondary lesson; You’re never too old for friends and loved ones to teach you new things.

I’ve learned today that, although something may hurt you, you can’t choose ignore it, or the pain will grow until it eats away at you. Embracing it, and changing yourself, is the only way to feel better.

Luna and I got into an argument last night, and we both said things that we deeply regret. But from this, I realized that she had given me a gift - she gave me the chance to improve myself. I took what she said, and I vowed to make a better pony from these words, to make sure nopony could say them about me ever again. I will not allow my flaws to control my life.

Your Faithful Student, now and forever,

Twilight Sparkle


I cast my head around slowly, taking in the sights around the path that had become familiar to me in the past three days. The trees off to the left were alive with cardinals and blue jays, flying to and fro from trees and chirping happily. Patches and plats of varieties of flowers dotted the grassy fields to either side of the dirt road, poppies and juniper and all others filling the air with their scents, stretching out far beyond the soft, rolling hills on the right. The sun was a few hours into it’s trek across the beryl sky, and the heat it brought was quite pleasant, if a bit cool because of the mild breeze. The wind was headlong, and the sound of it filled my ears as I relished in the whipping tendrils of the refreshing air, if only to distract myself for a few moments from the hollowness I felt inside.

I saw her as I ascended a slight hill, in that same, damnable spot she hadn’t moved from in over half a week, and some stale, overused emotion pierced my heart at the sight of her. Her fur had an almost imperceptible tinge of violet to it, but I knew this was because of the red burns her skin had suffered from the sun. Her mane was aloft in the wind, bouncing across her shoulders as she lay in front of the modest tomb, her vigil unwavering, immortal.

Veering off the path as it took a right, I continued straight, towards Luna. It took but a moment to reach the grave, even though my steps were slow, haste being devoid of any part of the surrounding area. For the fourth time in my life, the sense that I did not belong here filled me as I lowered myself onto the ground, to the right of my sister, in the same spot I had stayed in during all of my attempts to atone.

Luna raised her head off her hooves slowly, tilting towards me and finding my shoulder. I let her rest there, and unfurled my left wing to drape over her body. Where her skin would normally be cool to the touch, her burns now contrasted against the feeling.

I looked to the lilacs adorning the head of the plaque, and the wind carried their fragrance to me. A more perfect fit for the tomb did not exist. They held my gaze for a long moment, their petals swaying and flowing in the spring air, until I found the strength in me to look at the memorial.

It was a beautiful stone, deserving of the honor it held as her final resting place. It was a humble little marker, only about as wide as my horn, and half as long. It was smooth and flat, the polish reflecting light off of the surface, but not in a blinding manner. The symbol on the bottom half was an exact etching of her cutie mark, and there was almost no way to tell that it had been hoof-carved. The lines were flawlessly straight, the symbol unskewed and unaltered on the slab. As it should be.

The wind shifted slightly, decreasing in intensity while shifting directions. Now, my sister’s mane was lightly blown against my upper leg and ribs, her hair being colder than the breeze, but not in an unpleasant way. The cold was that of a summer’s dawn, or a perfect winter morning.

I took note of the shadows on the ground, not realizing how long we had been there already. I reached out to the sun, finding it to be slightly past noon already. Three hours, I had been here. Three hours. Where did all of that time go?

That was a question I had asked myself dozens of times this week. A Goddess’ memory is long and detailed, reaching back hundreds and hundreds of years, and everything seemed to be so short, so insignificant. Where had the energetic, promising filly that was able to hatch a dragon before her tenth birthday gone? Where was the mare that had been my Faithful Student for the best years of my life?

The sting of tears pained me again, but I held them in check. Crying would do nothing to help anypony. Emotions had been the doorway that allowed for fate to enter, snatching away my student before her time. I knew this, but my traitorous mind refused to let my feelings be contained.

Twilight, listen, I thought to her, praying that she could hear me. I know that you have forgiven me, but this does not make my time without you any easier. You were the world to me. You still are. I want you to know that, even if I must continue on without you... I’ll never forget you, my student... my friend.

I didn’t know it was possible to get choked up on words you were only thinking. There was a strained feeling in my throat, and it was tough to swallow the tears that again threatened to escape.

Another sensation, a mental tug, gripped my mind with a soft, firm hand. My attention was drawn to the west, where a golden ball of light was waiting at the edge of the horizon. The reserves of magic inside of me awakened and set my horn alight, and the sun dipped below the hills with my aid.

As a moment passed, the calls of the birds were slowly drowned out by the quiet chirps of crickets, and the air seemingly grew darker, heavier, with nightfall. I watched my sister’s eyes twitch slightly as she struggled with the sensation in her mind, but she was too far gone in her trance to recognize her other half.

A deep, painful breath left through my nose, and I took to the east, my magic fumbling and struggling with the moon as I tried to push it into the sky. Even though it was still unused to my touch, the sphere abided by my will and ascended. The light of the half moon covered the ground, Twilight’s grave, and our bodies with its pale light.

Cool, almost chilly air was pushed about by the calm winds. It felt nice against my coat as I tried to stand, but sitting still for so long had its consequences. Slowly, I rose to my hooves, wincing at every pop and crack in my joints, and at every muscle that felt like it was being ripped apart. My wing slid over Luna’s back as I stood, and I retracted the limb, folding it to my side once more.

Luna moved her head back to where she had set it before my arrival, and I cringed lightly at the way she just dropped herself onto her hooves. I was scared for my sister, not knowing if she would ever truly return from this field when she was able to rise. I bowed my head towards her, pressing my lips to her head and drawing away hesitantly. There was no response from her, and I was disgusted with myself for thinking, just for a fraction of a second, that she was being selfish.

I turned away from the site, the words of the stone echoing in my thoughts as I slowly walked the dirt path back to civilization, my heart heavy with remorse.

Here lies Twilight Sparkle

A Student

A Teacher

A Friend

“It’s the contents of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever.”


Author's Note:

Edited and Proofread by Spiderpony14.
Thanks, man. Without you, I wouldn't have uploaded this story in the first place.

Comments ( 44 )

First comment is mine. But I guess it doesn't count cause I had prior knowledge. Oh well. Let's see how many hearts you can break today.:fluttercry:

I think my heart just shattered...:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:


Sooo sad-- Very well done, though!


Only possible way to express my sadness...


I ran out of sad ponies...:fluttercry:

Stand up and Live Luna! Twilight would not have wanted her loss to break your mind and heart. :fluttercry:

Oh my.... the feels...
Wow, I'm almost in tears - and that never happens.
Well done LEPShot, this has been a very good - and sad - story.


Yup, hearts gonna break.
Truly an emotional piece.

Well done.

Extremely depressing. This was a wonderful story. Had no idea the focus would switch to Celestia towards the end. In a way the most interesting part was the argument between Twilight and Luna that we don't see.

This was really REALLY good, but the impact was muted because I knew it was coming, Yes it made me sad, but not as sad as it could have if the death were unexpected in the end.

Random thoughts follow:

"If you kill her, what will that do, hmm? She will be gone. I will be gone. Blood is on your hooves and your title. The kingdom is restless after seeing the first, violent execution in hundreds of years.”

And what then? The Kingdom will have its first successful assassination in some unknown amount of time (possibly ever) and all you do is imprison them? Dunno but that seems pretty light on the punishment scale for assassination. Bad precedent Twilight

“You can’t treat her differently just because it was me she attacked! If she had attacked a stranger, what would happen to her?”

Hell yes she can - the assassin attacked not only the archmage, but, if I'm reading this right, a member of the Royal family by marriage to Luna. Stop being so damn noble Twilight :P

Can you tell I'm out for blood? :D


I really REALLY wished she would've lived, oh god i think i cryed way to much at the end :(:fluttercry:

Although I didn't cry in this I certainly felt the characters a lot more than in other fics.
It was really good and I hope to read more Fictions from you!

P.S: After I read this chapter I went to thumbs up, sadly I had already thumbed it up. And then to make things worse I went to favorite it again. lol

Good story. Right in the feels.

I read the previous chapter, then this chapter. Twice. I also downloaded the story. That's two sad Twiluna stories in two days. For reference, this is the other.

I'm still speechless. I just can't bring my words forth, with the exception of one thing.

Luna, Celestia.
You probably know better than most about losing friends and loved ones, and that it gets better with time. As long as you keep her in your hearts and memories, she's never truly gone. When you feel down, don't remember just the good times, but remember when she faltered too. That helps keep her, the real Twilight, flaws and all, alive inside both of you.

LEPShot, a truly beautiful ending to this story. That's twice, probably three times, you've astounded me with your writing. I knew i should've expected great writing after the second chapter, but this blew that expectation away entirely. No, seriously, where that expectation was, is now a crater.

Beautiful story, very nice work.

Oh god. Dem feels. Very sad indeed :(

you god damn mother fucker....you made me cry:raritycry::raritydespair::pinkiesad2::fluttershbad::fluttercry:......

.........and i fucking loved it:pinkiehappy:...........still crying though:pinkiesad2:

Got me right in the feels. :fluttercry: In a good way. :pinkiesad2:

Grammar nazi.gif is the only expression right now from the story. Not that you misspelled, but the ending was too epic.:fluttershysad:

This was a BEAUTIFULLY written story my friend!! Honesty to Luna, I cried more than I have in a long time :raritycry: I have read hundreds of stories here and this one... It hit home with me. This, near same scenario occurred with My cousin in Afghanistan. Her Commanding Officer being Celestia and her Girlfriend obviously Luna. She even had an RD that never left the bedside. It was Really hard on the entire family to lose her, but being part of a HAS-MAT team in Afghanistan was a risky job. Congratulations on writing, in my opinion, a true "Slice of Life" story and one of the best that I have found thus far. Please Continue with such an Amazing and Beautiful talent!!
All The Best to You,
Brony and Dashing Proud,
Lightning Flash

I thank your cousin, wherever she is, for serving this country and giving her life for it. I've also lost family to war, and I know how hard it is, but I'd like to thank you for sharing her story.

I... I... I am rendered speechless :fluttercry:

This, sir, is an incredible piece of writing . You deserve all the glitters that come with such a production, though the gold, however, will be experienced by those who read this piece of art. You are a bringer of gold to this world of writing. Feel proud as all your readers retreat to corners where they will proceed to cry (or not).

Though I am somewhat scared to delve deeper into this amazing fiction, you have captivated me with your writing - your use of description, imagery, emotion - and you can count on me reading ALL of it. I can't wait to read more of your works (whether it be something like this, or a certain collaboration you're working on :raritywink:). Good job!

My feels...
Bitter-bitter-bitter-sweet story :pinkiesad2:

I'm honestly starting to cry a bit...

damnit so many feels...i hate you and love you...it was incredibly well written but those feels....Now i want one last chapter focusing on the attack and why Twilight was attacked

2025754 Doctor Who and this story: The only things that can make you sob for an hour out of honest sorrow. :fluttercry:

I have cried this hard since I read The Things We Leave Behind. I keep trying to bite back the tears but they just keep coming. Bravo on you sir Bravo,

I'm rather ashamed that I just realized the link between this and Sundown. I was thinking of the similarities of the sunny beaches and I was thinking, but this rather confirms it.

It's still very well done, though you continue to confuse the possessive its with the verb it's.

My one possible complaint is that you've packed a lot into this fic with little coverage. We have Twilight's anger at her condition, Celestia's despair, Luna's misery, her friends' reactions; they're all excellent things to explore, but I feel as if you've skirted over most without covering them.

These feelings inside of me, they burn with a pain that should not be known. A very fine piece.

I'll be honest with you, I didn't dislike the story but I was bored out of my mind while reading it (at least chapter 2+3).

I also found it a bit disappointing with the lack of "final words" between Luna and Twilight but then again they probably weren't needed, but that would have required a much more detailed story about their past than what we got, point is that you as the reader hand to fill in a lot of blank space to really feel anything for this semi-arrogant version of Twilight.

But I'm just an old nihilist who views death as the best life has to offer, so it's very likely than many will not agree with me because of their (in my view) very ignorant view of life.

Well shit......that was quite sad

You evil motherfucker that was beautiful:fluttercry:
Wasn't even drinking and it got me leaking. That is talent.

One of the saddest, yet the most beautiful MLP fanfic I've ever read. I was about to cry, and trust me it's hard to get me on the verge of crying. Well done, my friend. And keep it up.:twilightsmile:

Someone would have to be made of stone and have no heart to not feel something from this story. Take myself for example. I consider myself to be a very calm and collected individual. I don't let my emotions run away with me, a majority of the time. I have read this story a dozen times and my reaction is the same every time. Me sitting wherever I happen to be reading this with tears rolling down my face.

Dude seriously, Bravo. Even though the reader can see whats coming at the end, it in no way lessens the impact. Two words that come to mind when describing this story are: Beautiful and Heartbreaking.

I want a chapter on how Celestia killed the pony that attacked Twilight.

Because nopony attacks Twi. NOPONY. :twilightangry2::flutterrage:

This was a beautiful story and i have given it its deserved place among my favorites. But... It was VERY sad. I could not imagine the pain Luna and Celestia would go through in that situation.

When I finished reading the first part of chapter 3, I thought, "Okay, she died. I can deal," since the death of a character doesn't really bother me. I went on, thinking, "I wonder what flashabck this'll be?" But then you went on to highlight the aftermath. I can take death, but what it does to loved ones is what truly gets me. I was in tears at the end. Wonderfully written, and a true masterpiece. Thank you. :pinkiesad2:

I... feel almost betrayed tbh. So much buildup, only to have Twilight die by fighting angrily with Celestia in front of Rainbow and Luna? And the last memory Celestia will have of Twilight is Twilight mad at her?...

Whybwouldbypu hurt me like this?

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