• Published 13th Jan 2013
  • 1,096 Views, 41 Comments

Expanding Horizons - mechafone

Sequel to Legends Of Ponyville. As Spark Storm resumes his life in Canterlot, Anorax and his changeling friends receive a message from halfway across the world - 'Come home'.

  • ...

7 - The Journey Begins

Spark, Russet and Laser couldn't help but stare as Trixie devoured devoured her third helping of boiled, stuffed cabbage. They'd all gotten the same thing at a small but popular dine-out place. Halfway through her third meal, Trixie slowed, then stopped. She shifted her plate across the table and slid down into a slouching position, a napkin pressed to her lips to clean them. She magic'd it onto the remains of her food and smiled with sleepy satisfaction. "Ohhh that was wonderful. I...I can't thank you enough, boys..." she said, glancing at each of the stallions in turn. "Really, thank you."

"It was no trouble at all," Russet told her with a smile. Russet's meal was only half eaten at this point, but he'd eaten quickly, his cabbage still steaming. Laser Reflex had eaten everything, leaving not a single bit leftover. Spark's meal was mostly eaten at this point. He and Russet had been fascinated with how fast the mare could pack away that food.

"Glad you're feeling better," Spark told her, and continued eating his food.

Trixie sighed, feeling more full than she had in days. What a feeling! She sat up at the table and crossed her hooves in a relaxed position. "So, where are you boys headed?" she asked. "You said you were headed to the pier?"

Laser nodded, mirroring Trixie's posture. "That's right. We're taking some friends of ours along with us on a vacation out along the sea."

Trixie thought for a moment, a hoof on her cheek. Let's see...headed out west, except they can't be headed south, it gets colder south. They must be headed straight west, or north to Breen..."So, you're headed out to the islands of Sun Ferry?"

Russet and Laser both looked at Spark for confirmation, but Spark hadn't heard this name before. He had no idea that there were islands out on the sea on the way to Breen. "Uhh...Uh, actually..." he fumbled, ultimately failing to come up with a proper answer.

Trixie stared at Spark skeptically. How did they think they were going to go out on a vacation if they didn't know where to go? "Well, I think it's obvious that you're in need of guidance. I, the..." she thought for a moment. What had Foggy told her? "...the great and powerful Trixie, shall be your guide."

Laser and Spark exchanged glances. They couldn't take on another passenger...could they? Regardless if they had the room, she wasn't involved in this. "I'm afraid we'll have to decline your generous offer," Spark told her, trying to hold in his annoyance at her having just invited herself to a mission, a mission that she would most definitely run from if she knew what it was for, and he couldn't just tell her. "You know what? We're kind of late as it is."

Spark stood and pulled out a bag of bits, depositing enough for his check, then generously slipped some more out for Trixie. Russet and Laser did the same, offering the mare enough to live off of for at least a week. "Really, thanks for the information, Trixie, but we have to go, and we can't afford another passenger."

Trixie watched in dismay as the three stallions got up to leave. Not ready to give up just yet, she magic'd the bits left for her into a pouch she kept hidden at her side through an illusion trick, then ran to catch up with the stallions leaving the restaurant. "Wait! I-I can help you! You obviously didn't know about the islands, I doubt you know exactly where you're going. I can guide you, I've studied the area!"

Spark shook his head, keeping a tight lip. It made him feel sour inside, rejecting her when she clearly wanted and needed help. "I'm really sorry, Trixie, but it's best if you don't come with us." Laser and Russet kept their heads forward, but Russet was having a hard time not turning to Spark and begging to let her come. He hated seeing others in need. Even Laser looked worried for the mare.

"Oh I see," Trixie said, changing mood and tactic. She darted past Spark and stopped in front of him to face him. "So did you kill them? The thugs, did you kill them?" she said quickly, not even giving him a chance to respond. "Because if they're still alive, then they're very angry and they're going to come and look for me. Understand? They're going to find me and you're not going to be around a second time. I need you! I'm barely surviving here, I won't last once that money you gave me is gone. Please! I need to start somewhere fresh, and at least if I fail in Sun Ferry I'll be on a nice beach! Please?"

Spark tensed, his patience thinning. Who said they were stopping at the islands? This mare was being such a pain! Still...he sighed heavily, visibly drooping. He glanced at his comrades. Both of them nodded, Russet with an encouraging smile. "Fine, fine...you can come with us." Trixie hopped into the air and squealed. "But only as far as the Sun Ferry islands! After that, you're on your own."

"Oh, thank you thank you!" Trixie exclaimed, trotting around the trio happily. "I promise, you won't regret this!" Spark sighed. He felt he probably would in the end, but seeing Trixie this happy after seeing her completely miserable felt pretty good. The four walked on, finally arriving at the pier. Finally, Spark thought as he took in an excited breath. But wait...which one? The pier was stocked with five large ships, and worse, they all looked alike. Spark started to panic until he caught sight of a certain white-furred, orange-maned pegasus waving to him from the bow of the second ship.

"Oh, thank Celestia," Spark said under his breath. "This way, guys, come on!" Spark took off at a run, followed by Trixie, Russet and Laser, in that order. The group made their way down the boardwalk to the ship, which was a two-masted brig. It was a beautiful bright white with red lining. The sails were in good working order, if a bit worn, but very sturdy.

Spark had nearly made it onto the ship when a bright yellow figure stood in his way of crossing the threshold: Flash Fire. She narrowed her eyes down at him, then let her eyes wander over the others. "Who is this?" she demanded more than asked, her eyes on Trixie. The azure unicorn returned the glare. Neither mare was going to make this any easier, Spark could tell.

"She's a traveler, just like all of us. We're going to help her as far as the Sun Ferry islands, then we continue to Breen."

Flash Fire arched her brows, looking like she was ready to say something, then shrugged and stepped away, giving the group their space. "All right. It's not my money you're wasting."

Spark rolled his eyes and stepped on board the ship, the others following after uncertainly. "Dude, who's that fire cracker?" Laser asked in a hushed voice. "She's pretty hot, but she's kind of a bitch..."

Spark narrowed his eyes at Laser. "Aren't you with Ditzy?"

"I am not with Ditzy, I'm with Dinky!" Laser retorted, instantly regretting his choice of words. "Ooh, um...that didn't come out right. Anyway, I'm not dating Ditzy. I might be in a little while, but-"

"Dude. You're either with her, or you stay the hell away from her," Spark growled, accenting this warning with a poke to Laser's chest.

Trixie, having watched this with interest, approached Laser slowly. "I take it this 'Ditzy' you're dancing around is somepony important to him?"

Laser, still nursing the poked area of his chest with his own hoof, nodded. "Yeah...he was almost Ditzy's main squeeze, but he kinda dropped the ball on that one. Her daughter likes us both pretty well, and lately I've been thinking of hooking up with her."

Trixie let out an insulted gasp. "And here you are just ogling the first lady you s-" she paused. Laser stared at her, actually backing up a bit. "Well - I - never. So she's good enough for you to eye-cheat on your girlfriend, but I'm not?! Outrageous. I am disgusted, sir." She snorted and held her head high as she stepped away from him.

"I - I didn't do anything! I literally didn't do a damn thing!" Laser protested, and sat down facing way from the others, his forelegs crossed over his chest.

Spark sighed as he approached Flash Fire. Celestia, he wished he didn't have to deal with her. He'd received the news via mail the day before the coach came to get him, an official royal seal stating that Flash Fire would be partnered with him and whoever else he decided to bring. The unicorn was back at the stern of the ship. Up above, about fifteen ponies, earth, pegasus and unicorn alike worked to get the ship ready to sail.

"So. When do we leave?" he asked her, standing a good distance from her.

"We would've left about two hours ago if you'd gotten here on time," she told him, the distance between them just fine with her.

"Yeah well, we ran into some trouble getting here from the train..." he trailed off, then turned to look at her. "Plus, that only set us back forty five minutes. The rest wasn't our fault, it just happened that way."

"Whatever. We're leaving as soon as the ship is ready to leave. The captain told me we'd leave as soon as you got here, so it should be any minute."


The two stood there quietly for a moment. Spark wanted to say something, anything, really. After a moment of coming up with nothing, he turned and left Flash Fire to her own thoughts. Back at the bow of the ship, Trixie had wandered off, and met Spark Storm halfway. "Oh, Spark, do you have any idea where I can get some shut-eye? I'm very sleepy. All that delicious food just filled me up, and I..." she yawned, covering her mouth with a hoof. "...well, you know."

Spark actually had no idea where the rooms would be. Come to think of it, he hadn't really thought that they'd be sleeping on the ship. "I'll help you look, come on," he said, heading to the central structure that lead into the cabin quarters. It was a nice, clean place that opened up into a living space - a kitchen, a lounging area with potted plants, then a hallway that held about twenty small rooms. Spark paused at the beginning of the hallway and nodded to Trixie. "Looks like this is it."

Trixie smiled happily and cantered past him, then stopped at a door, staring at it thoughtfully for a moment. "Mm...Spark?" Spark's eyes widened. Oh, please don't do this, he thought, feeling a brief anxiety rise in his chest. The mare turned to him and took a few tentative steps closer. She had that look in her eyes, lightly biting her lip, that soft, petite giggle. "Um...is Russet...seeing anypony? He's really cute."

Spark let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, uh..." he started, rubbing the back of his head. "Um, I...I wouldn't count on anything happening with him, Trixie, he's...he's gay."

Trixie stared at him for a moment, contemplating this statement. "...Is that why he's carrying around that chicken? No - sorry, dumb question. Uh, good night," she said, ducking her head with an embarrassed blush before ducking into a room. Spark sighed and shook his head before returning to deck.

By the time Spark made it out into the open air once again, Anorax and the changelings had found Russet Hearts and Laser Reflex. While Kecnik kept the usual distance from the others, Anorax and Madalah were openly talking and laughing about something with Russet.

"So you seriously just...whacked poor Turbid in the head, right there under a hundred feet of mud?" Anorax was saying. Russet's face was a beet red, but he was smiling and enjoying himself.

"Oh, yes. I quite seriously thought I was going to die from embarrassment before suffocating!" The trio burst out laughing, a scene that warmed Spark's heart. Seeing Anorax and Russet get along so well was something he'd been hoping for. For now, though, there was something else that needed to be tended to.

"Russet, hey. Sorry to interrupt, but I really think Amacia needs some attention," Spark said. Russet blinked in confusion for a moment, then smiled and held out a foreleg for Amacia to climb down. The hen clucked softly, then stepped down his leg and looked up at Spark expectantly.

"Don't worry, Amacia. We're all a little different, you can be yourself here," Spark told her gently. The hen clucked apprehensively, unsure. After a moment, she turned around slowly, glancing at the others. Russet stared with great interest. He'd wondered for three and a half days what she looked like. Anorax and Madalah took a step back. They both knew that some transformations needed space.

After a moment, Amacia suddenly popped up, causing Russet to gasp and fall back on his haunches. Before him stood a five foot tall harpy. From the bottom, she stood bare-legged, her feet rough skin with sharp, short claws. Spark had come to know her as a sprinter, her land speed was considerable and much faster than the average pony. Above the knee joint she sported thick, reddish fur, which disappeared under brown and orange shorts. How she changed with her clothes on was a mystery to Spark, but after Sohl's blunt nudity, it was welcome.

She wore a white undershirt, and over that a brown and orange vest made of the same sturdy material as her shorts. Her arms were thin and graceful, and along them spread out dense feathers that started out a soft cream color and deeped into reddish brown at the tips. Finally, she sported a head full of thick, blonde hair that fleshed out into reddish brown along the ends, kept in a pretty, single braid. As far as harpies went, Spark had only seen two of them, so had had no basis for beauty among them. But compared to Sohl, whose features were sharp and angry-looking, Amacia's face had more of an oval shape, round cheeks, and large friendly orange eyes.

Russet stared at Amacia for a moment before he stood again, his eyes turned up as he smiled. "Oh, wow. Amacia, you're beautiful!"

The harpy blushed shyly and kicked at the deck. "Thanks, Russet, you're too kind."

At this, Russet's eyes widened. "Oh, I...I completely forgot to expect you to speak. I've not heard you speak in the entire time I've known you, it's strange. You have such a pleasant voice!"

Amacia blushed further, actually feeling a little embarrassed with all the praise. Spark smiled and patted her on the back, then glanced over to see Madalah leaning against Anorax. She looked exhausted, and the sun was getting lower in the sky. Suddenly, a whistle came from above. "She's all ready, captain!" a pegasus called to a tall unicorn near the back.

"Then let's get this seabird out!" the captain answered. He was a sea-green unicorn, fitting for his role. He stepped into the main cabin and started the motor. The ship came to life with a dull roar, then began to pull out of it's place in the pier. Finally, it was ready. The ship pulled forward, away from land. Spark and Laser both moved to the stern to watch the city getting further away.

"This is it, finally," Spark said with a sigh. Amacia, Laser, and Anorax came to stand at his side. Laser seemed stoic, while Amacia and Anorax both looked concerned. Glancing at his comrades, a thought that had been nagging at him since arriving came to the surface again. "Anorax, how did you guys get here ahead of us?"

Anorax sighed quietly, quiet for a moment. Finally, he looked at Spark and said, "We came early. We didn't really want to stay in Ponyville. Didn't really make sense, I guess. After meeting Madalah, it just didn't feel like home. She does, though. I just want to be with her, and if she couldn't stay in Ponyville, then we didn't want to be there any longer than we had to."

Spark and Laser frowned sadly at this. It was a heartbreaking thought. Anorax jumped when he felt Amacia's clawed hand brushing against his mane. He turned to look at her oddly, having never been touched by anything resembling a hand before. She turned to him, knelt down, and wrapped her arms around him silently. Anorax sighed heavily, this sudden show of sympathy both surprising and comforting. After a moment he rested his head on her shoulder and slipped a foreleg around her.

After a moment, the two separated, both with tears in their eyes. "Thank you," Anorax told her, a grateful smile on his face. He watched with a warm grin as Madalah approached, leaned up on her hind legs and wrapped Amacia up in a warm hug, which the harpy reciprocated with a laugh.

Spark turned and began to walk away from the scene, pausing only to wipe away the emotional tear threatening to fall.

The talking and getting to know one another went on for several hours, well after the sun had set. By the time ten o' clock had come around, Spark was more than ready to retire. Ten of the crew had gone to bed, leaving five to take the first watch.

Spark yawned as he headed into the cabin quarters, past the lounge area, then paused at the bedroom hallway. Something seemed off. He glanced back, feeling something was missing. Before he could figure it out, he yawned and turned back to resume his beeline for a room, hopefully an empty room. He hadn't noticed that the plants from before were missing.

Spark yawned once more as he stopped at the second door he came to. He raised a hoof to enter, but something stopped him. He felt compelled to choose a different door. To sleepy to argue with this strange feeling, he walked down the hall until he came to the second to last door. This was the one he needed to enter. He stepped through it to a thankfully empty room with four beds, a bunk set-up on both sides. Thankful for some peace and qiuet, Spark took the left bottom bed, too tired to pull the covers over himself, and quickly nodded off to sleep.

Almost two hours later, Spark awoke with the need to relieve himself. Feeling much warmer now than he remembered before going to sleep, he tried to sit up and felt something wrapped around him, almost like he'd been tied up. He started to panic, and lurched forward, pulling himself onto the floor with whatever large body that had entangled itself to him. Spark heard a soft moan in the dark, and a familiar, mature feminine voice whisper, "Not so rough, Sparky, you'll bruise me."

Spark's eyes opened wide with shock and anger as he held out the larger body up so he could see it better. Beautiful blue eyes and grassy bangs looked down at him, followed by a sheepish grin. Ampelus. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" he shouted. "I outta-"

Spark's shouting was silenced as hoof pressed itself delicately to his mouth. "Hey, hey! You want to get everybody out here to this room? I want some peace and quiet! You know, with you..."

Spark's wings spread, electricity dancing through his feathers. Ampelus looked down at him, her eyes expectant with a touch of fear in them. After a moment, Spark let it go, leaving the two of them in darkness again. Reaching up, he gently removed Ampelus' hoof from his mouth. "Ampelus, what are you doing here? How did you even get here?"

Ampelus huffed at her bangs and removed herself from Spark's chest to lie down beside him, a small pout on her face as she trailed a circle on the floor with a hoof. "Well...I was really angry at you for hitting me a few days ago. I still haven't forgiven you for that, you know," she said, pouting angrily at him.

"I'm not getting the impression that you're all that mad," he responded as he sat up on his haunches and frowned down at her.

Ampelus frowned, then lurched forward over Spark, bending him back against the opposite bed. She hissed, her vines spread out over him, brandishing sharp thorns threateningly as five tendrils snaked out of her mouth, each dripping with a sweet-scented sticky substance that looked like honeysuckle. "Would you like to see me angry?!"

Spark's wings spread wide, ready to defend himself if he needed, but again he folded them after a moment. Ampelus stared at him for a moment, then pulled the tendrils back inside her mouth and wiped at her chin. "You're awfully patient with me. What's gotten into you?" Seeing that she'd gotten her saliva all over Spark's chest, she gleefully leaned down to start lapping at it. Spark blushed brightly and gently pushed her head away.

"Geez! Ampelus, pay attention. Seriously, why are you here?" he asked, brushing at the sticky clear fluid on his chest, which only got more sticky and made his fur stand up. He glared at her, thoroughly annoyed.

The nymph sat back and stared at him. Something had happened while she'd been avoiding him to make him much more tolerant, like he was before he became depressed. It was almost vexing. "All right, fine. I was angry, but I missed you." She started pacing around in the room. "I wanted to come back and be with you and Orea, I did, but I was mad. I was furious! When that moving...'thing' came to get you, I knew I'd missed my chance and I wouldn't see you again for days and days, and that wouldn't set well with me. So, I followed you to that large moving 'thing'-"

"Train," Spark offered.

"...Train, then followed you through the town, snuck onto the big floaty thing and waited. I kept others away from this room and lured you here so I could sleep with you," she finished with a happy smile.

"Wait, 'lured me'?"

"Yes, you know...pheremones," she said. She raised a vine in front of Spark and made it twitch. It exuded a small, nearly invisible cloud of moisture. It was too close not to inhale it. He shivered and closed his eyes, feeling his body need...air? He lurched forward, nearly knocking Ampelus over as he ran to his door and made his way out to the deck of the ship. He stopped once he got out of the cabin and took in a deep breath of fresh air, and suddenly the urge for fresh air was gone. He looked around, having forgotten why he'd come outside.

Ampelus emerged from the door and sat beside him, grinning in in the light of the waning gibbous. "See? Pheromones. I could make you do so many things..." she whispered to him, then walked around him in a tight circle, her tail flirtatiously brushing under his chin.

"So why don't you? Why go through all the trouble you do?" he asked her, stepping away from her and towards the side of the ship.

"It's a game, Spark, and I don't cheat when I want to win," she responded, then came to stand beside Spark and look down at the water. The nymph took in a deep breath, then let it out in a luxurious sigh. "I think I could get used to being out here in this giant lake. It's very windy, and the smell is glorious." She reached down with a vine and cupped a good amount of seawater into it and brought it to her lips. Spark watched with amusement as she drank it slowly, then spat it out furiously.

"Wh-what?! I can't drink that! This isn't pure lake water!" She turned to Spark, her eyes dilating. "Spark, where is the water that I can drink? There is water, right?"

Spark smirked victoriously. Finally, finally it felt like he had the upper edge in this game that Ampelus kept making him play. "Well..." he said, tipping his head up and tapping his chin with a hoof. "...there might be water on the ship, but I dunno. There are a lot of ponies here that need to drink too, and you soak up water like a sponge. We might need to throw you overboard so we don't run out of water."

Ampelus stared at Spark in utter dismay. Unlike Spark, the nymph was taking this seriously. "Hey!" a voice called from above. Several ponies came down above. Spark and Ampelus both glanced upwards as the five crew members left awake came down to the deck, either with ropes or with wings. "This is an undocumented traveler, sir," the one pegasus crew member told him. He was a tall adult, with ivory fur and a black mane. "We do not tolerate stow-aways, you'll be thrown overboard, you...you..." he trailed off, now close enough to see that Ampelus was indeed not a pony.

Thrown overboard? Ampelus' vines stretched out over her head. Multiple snapping sounds indicated she'd pulled out her thorns, ready to tear flesh to shreds. The crew backed away from the nymph in horror. "Ampelus..." Spark said carefully. "Just take it easy. I was not being serious when I said we'd have to throw you overboard. Are you listening to me?"

Ampelus let out a loud, rattling hiss. Her survival instincts had taken over, and she would not listen to reason. Luckily, Spark had experience. Standing very still, he called to the crew, "Listen to me. Do not move. Just let her cool down for a second. No sudden moves, no loud noises. Just stand there for a minute."

The crew did exactly as instructed. None moved, none spoke. Then, after a good two minutes of holding her threatening position, Ampelus began to calm down. She lowered her vines, and her thorns retracted. She looked inbetween the crew, then glanced at Spark Storm. "So...you're not throwing me overboard?"

Before Spark could answer, the worst possible thing happened: "Hey! What was with all the shouting a minute ago?" Flash Fire called as she stepped from the cabin quarters and approached the group. "That was really..." She paused when she saw Ampelus, her eyes widening in horrified recognition. "What in Celestia's name is that thing doing here?!" she screamed.

"Oooh!" Ampelus coo'd. "I remember you!"

Spark Storm brought a hoof to his face as he saw Flash Fire's horn lightning up the night air with a furious fire. Could this get any worse?