• Published 13th Jan 2013
  • 2,532 Views, 39 Comments

Doctor Whooves Episode 8: Maiden Voyage - Doctor Perseus

The Doctor, Twilight, Derpy, and the others arrive on a luxury spaceship in 4376 and soon find that there are some unwanted guests on board.

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Blackout in Space

Chapter 4: Blackout in Space

Captain's Deck, The Queen Philippine, Orbit of Denum, Space, Winter, 4376 C.E.

The Doctor could feel the heat emanating from the spirit's body. The creature was nothing like anything the Doctor had encountered before but it gave him bad memories of his time on the S.S. Pentallian with Martha. The only thing the Doctor could gather about the spirit was that it was hungry for something...and the Doctor wasn't keen on finding out what that was exactly. A blast of cold air rushed past the Doctor and smashed into the spirit. Twilight had just conjured a ball of ice and had launched it at the spirit. It didn't do much damage but it did cause it to become disoriented for a few seconds.

"Good shot!" said John.

"What do we do now, Doctor?" Derpy asked. The spirit glared at them with its ruby-red eyes.

"At the moment...run," the Doctor replied as he beckoned the others towards the door. The spirit yelled as they ran out of the room and into the hallway. The spirit flew after them. Fire propelled from its hooves, sending it down the hallway at breakneck speed. Twilight launched another ice ball at the creature but it was slowly becoming immune to Twilight's ice attacks.

"Not good!" Twilight said as she launched another ball of ice. Derpy grabbed a nearby chair and chucked it at the spirit. Upon contact with the spirit's ghostly skin, the chair burst into flames. The wallpaper in the hallway burned and charred as the spirit zoomed past it and the carpet became singed and burnt in some areas.

"Where are we running to?!" Spike asked.

"I don't know!" the Doctor replied. "I'm trying to think of a way to defeat this fire spirit!"

"I think I know just the thing! Follow me!" said John as he made a sudden left. The Doctor, Twilight, Derpy, and Spike followed him with the spirit in hot pursuit. The hallway eventually led them to a medium-sized kitchen. John jumped over a table and began tweaking with what appeared to be a thermostat of sorts. The spirit kicked in the doors, causing them to burst into flames. Twilight and Derpy looked for another way out of the room from any direction. They were trapped.

"This plan of yours better work, Captain!" Derpy croaked.

"If it doesn't then you have my permission to buck me in the face repeatedly when we arrive in the next world!" John replied as he quickly pressed a green button on the thermostat. A metallic, female voice echoed throughout the room.

"Ice rinse engaged," said the voice.

"Everything, burn. Burn! Burn! BURN!" the creature ordered.

"Not today, hot-head!" John said back. At that moment, a shower of ice-cold water began pouring down from the ceiling. Twilight and Derpy couldn't help but scream as the freezing liquid pelted their unprotected skin. The water was like acid to the spirit and it yelled in agony as its fiery body began to melt and dissipate. Within seconds, the water had stopped falling and the spirit had been reduced to a puddle of moist, red ash. The Doctor and John couldn't help but clap their hooves with success while Twilight, Derpy, and Spike were still shivering their rumps off.

"G-Good p-pl-plan!" Derpy said as she strung the cold water out of her mane.

"Y-Yeah! G-Good p-plan, J-J-John!" said Twilight. The Doctor smiled. He couldn't help but think how cute Twilight and Derpy looked when they shivered. He quickly realized that he was staring and proceeded to walk over to a nearby cupboard to get some towels out for everypony. He tossed a towel to Twilight, Derpy, Spike, and John and proceeded to dry himself off with the last towel.

"What was that thing?!" Spike asked.

"A demon," said John.

"That's a good name for it," Derpy added.

"I wouldn't call it a demon. There was certainly something alien about it," said the Doctor.

"You think it was an alien, Doctor?" Twilight asked.

"Well the possibility of that is pretty large. There's obviously plenty of them on this ship."

"None of the aliens on this ship are anything like that spirit. I should know. I have a list of all the types of passengers on board the ship at the current moment," said John.

"Well maybe it got on board during the trip," Derpy suggested. "It probably happened when the ship shook earlier."

"That sounds like a reasonable scenario," said the Doctor.

"But where could it have come from?" Spike asked.

"Maybe they came from the planet we're flying by. What was the name of it again?" asked Derpy.

"Do you mean Denum? That's impossible. That planet is completely inhabitable. The surface of that planet must be at least five thousand degrees, and that's during the winter!" said John.

"But what about those purple ice caps?" Twilight asked.

"The ice caps aren't made out of ice. They're made out of solid crystal."

"Crystal?" Spike asked.

"Yes. Those ice caps are extremely dense. We've sent thousands of land rovers down onto Denum's surface. No traces of life have been discovered so far."

"But what about underground?" asked the Doctor. The ship suddenly shook again. The lights began to flicker and the ship groaned like an angry dragon.

"This doesn't look good!" said Spike. A light popped above Derpy and she jumped into Twilight, knocking her over.

"Sorry, Twilight!" Derpy apologized.

"I'm fine," said Twilight as she began to stand up. The ship lurched again and Twilight fell back onto the ground. The floor began to shake underneath their hooves.

"Everypony hold onto something!" yelled John. Spike and John held onto a nearby cupboard while the Doctor and Derpy held onto a nearby table that was bolted into the wall. Twilight tried to pull herself towards something but she couldn't get any traction on the vibrating ground. One more light popped and a second later every light on the Queen Philippine went out. The groaning stopped and everypony and everything on the ship found themselves in a world of dark silence.

Ballroom 11, The Queen Philippine, Orbit of Denum, Space, Winter, 4376 C.E.

Rarity illuminated her horn to find herself standing in the middle of a dark ballroom. She, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy had been calmly passing through the room a moment ago but were now trapped in a world of darkness and silence. Rarity turned around but could see no sign of her two friends.

"Pinkie Pie? Fluttershy? Where are you two?" she asked.

"Over here!" called Pinkie Pie's voice from the darkness. Rarity followed Pinkie's voice until she came across the pink pony sitting next to Fluttershy, who was curled up in a ball with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"How did you two get all the way over here?"

"I don't know. The shaking must have knocked us over here."

"Are you okay, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy could only let out a frightened squeal. It was obvious that the blackout and the shaking had frightened the pegasus half to death. Pinkie hugged her softly until she stopped crying.

"I...I'll be okay. Thank you, Pinkie," she said as she stood up.

"No problem!" Pinkie said with a happy smile. "That's what friends are for, right?!"

"So what do you girls think happened?"

"I haven't the foggiest idea," Rarity replied. She felt the box in her arm grow slightly heavier. The air was beginning to grow somewhat warm and Rarity could feel a few drops of sweat strolling down from her head. "I do hope the Doctor's close!"

"Let's find him and get things back in order. I don't like being in the dark for very long," said Fluttershy. Pinkie nodded in agreement. The mares turned around to head out of the room when the sound of heavy footsteps echoed from the darkness. "Is...is somepony there?"

Rarity tried to strengthen her illumination spell but found that her efforts bore no fruit. She watched as a tall, burnt creature limped out from the darkness. A torn suit covered its body and its skin was black like charcoal. The eyes and the mouth were intact though. The most noticeable feature of the creature was its ears: the ears of a rabbit.

"R...Reginald? Reginald O'Hare?!" Rarity asked. The burnt Reginald looked at the mares and picked up his speed. His eyes began to glow red and blood began trickling out from cracks in his burnt skin.

"Burn with me! Everything, burn! Burn! Burn! BURN!" Reginald screamed as he began to charge for them. Fluttershy screamed as she ran off into the darkness. Rarity and Pinkie ran after her. Reginald quickly disappeared back into the darkness but Rarity could still hear his footsteps running close behind her.

"Fluttershy! Wait up!" Pinkie cried. Rarity and Pinkie's eyes widened as the sound of Fluttershy screaming emanated through the darkness.

"FLUTTERSHY!" Rarity cried. There was a sudden burst of red light and both Pinkie and Rarity were temporarily blinded. They looked to see Fluttershy lying on the ground, a red burn mark was slashed into her stomach. A fiery spirit was hovering over her. It looked exactly like Reginald except with red skin, fiery hair, ruby-red eyes, and teeth as sharp as knives. The spirit laughed as it began descending towards Fluttershy. The mares turned back to see the burnt Reginald slowly advancing towards them.

"Burn! Burn with us! Burn with all of us! Burn! Burn! BURN!" cackled the Reginald fire spirit. It began reaching towards Fluttershy. The heat coming off of the spirit was enough to make Rarity feel like she was going to crumple up like a fall leaf at any second.

"Stay away from Fluttershy!" Pinkie ordered as she charged at the spirit. The spirit shot a plume of fire at Pinkie but she managed to dodge it. Rarity aimed her horn at the spirit and thought back to a short magic lesson she had had with Twilight. A small, but effective, stream of water shot out from her horn and hit the spirit. The spirit stumbled back for a few seconds, allowing Pinkie to run in and sling the unconscious Fluttershy onto her back. Rarity illuminated her horn as she and Pinkie ran through the nearby doorway, leaving the burnt Reginald and the fiery spirit back in the ballroom.

They didn't stop running until they came to a restroom with a backup light on inside of it. Pinkie began using some of the faucet water to treat Fluttershy's burn.

"Is she okay?" Rarity asked.

"I think so. She just fainted," Pinkie replied. Suddenly a voice echoed from the back of the restroom.

"Pinkie Pie? Rarity?" asked a familiar voice. They looked to see Rainbow Dash walking towards them.

"DASHIE!" cried Pinkie as she proceeded to wrap up Rainbow in a giant bear hug.

"What are you doing in here? I thought you got arrested!" said Rarity.

"I managed to break AJ and I out of the room when the blackout hit. It wasn't easy dragging her through the darkness but I still managed to get her here safe and sound."

"Wait...what do you mean by you dragged her here?"

"She fainted a little while before the blackout hit. She's lying on the floor just over there."

Rarity looked to see an unconscious Applejack lying on the bathroom floor.

"Is she okay?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I think so. She's just got this nasty burn on her leg," Rainbow replied.

"A burn? How did she get burned?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know. She fell asleep and began screaming in her sleep. When I woke her up, she had those burns on her leg. I have no idea how they got there. What happened to Fluttershy?"

"Some fire spirit of sorts attacked her. She's fine, just unconscious."

Rainbow knelt down next to Fluttershy and examined her burn.

"That's funny," she exclaimed.

"What is?" Pinkie asked.

"Fluttershy's burn kind of resembles Applejack's."

"Um...girls," Rarity croaked.


"Something's happening to Applejack!"

The mares looked to see that Applejack was twitched violently on the ground. Her skin began to crack and burn like a marshmallow over a fire pit. Her mane became singed and she began to give off choking sounds.

"APPLEJACK!" Rainbow cried. Rainbow rushed towards her friend but found a blast of hot steam smashing into her face. When the steam cleared, the burnt Applejack was standing before them. Her eyes began to slowly burn ruby-red. Rainbow, Pinkie, and Rarity backed up as the burnt Applejack looked at them and began to approach them.

"Burn with me, Rainbow. Burn with me, Pinkie Pie. Burn with me, Rarity. Everything, burn. We're all gonna burn!" Applejack said with a crooked smile.

11th Level Living Quarters, The Queen Philippine, Orbit of Denum, Space, Winter, 4376 C.E.

Twilight led the group through the darkness with her illumination spell. The entire ship was extraordinarily quiet.

"Pretty quiet for a ship housing over two million passengers," said the Doctor.

"I know. That's what's worrying me," John admitted.

"Do you think we're going to come across more of those...things?!" Spike asked.

"I have a feeling that we will."

"I think I'm going to throw up," said Derpy.

"Not on me, please!" Spike snapped. Just then, a series of footsteps began emitting from the darkness.

"Who's there?!" asked the Doctor, Twilight, and John together. The Doctor aimed his Sonic Screwdriver, Twilight aimed her horn, and John aimed a futuristic pistol that he had kept on a belt around his hip. A figure slowly emerged from the darkness. John's eyes grew wide as he realized just who exactly had appeared from the darkness.

"Captain...what the hell's going on?" asked Lee.