• Published 16th Jan 2013
  • 1,774 Views, 14 Comments

Wheatley's Mishaps - Tardis of Dr Whooves

Humanised Wheatley finds himself to've landed in ponyville. Madness ensures!

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Wheatley vs Twilight: Research Edition

Falling....that's all he could remember before hitting the ground. Falling and yelling. Wheatley began to regain consciousness as he looked around whilst rubbing his head. "Agh...the portal...THE PORTAL! Oh my word!" He leapt up from the dirt monster called the ground and took in his surroundings. "Huh. Looks like something one of those kids would draw from bring your daughter to work day.....that did NOT end well." He soon found his vision lined with the nearby town of Ponyville. "Ooooh, heh heh heh. Ok then!" As he began his approach he soon found himself face to face with a certain pink pony we all know too well. Pinkie Pie!
"Gah! Talking equines!"
"Talking what now? No! I'm Pinkie Pie! We're all ponies! Except you! You're not a pony! What are you? I've never seen anything like you before! Are you new here?" Pinkie stopped and gasped suddenly. "Oh my goodness! I have to introduce you to all my friends! There's Fluttershy, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Da-hey! Where are you going?"
During Pinkie's rant Wheatley had taken off past her into the town with alot of thoughts running through his mind. "That portal must've got some gel in its workings. Opened up a dimensional portal sending me here! HAH! I'm in a land of talking ponies!" he quickly paused his thoughts as he ran straight into the side of the library. "Ow that smarts. Yeesh. Been ages since I've ever been outside...hm." he picked himself up just as the purple unicorn herself walked out and stared at him with a curious gaze.

Wheatley just looked down to her without emitting a word. They both stared at each other for a while before Twilight, with a ever so excited tone spoke first, breaking the awkward silence.

Wheatley merely looked back blankly before uttering, "Hello!" Twilight took in a deep breath to break the dam of another flood of questions, that is until Wheatley pressed a finger against her muzzle. "Hold on with the questions! It's cold and I'm not used to be outside. No questions, is that a library? Hm." He began to walk up, leaving Twilight left in place with a very dumbfounded look on her face. "Hah! It is! The books tell all!" He turned back to Twilight who was clearing her mind a the time.
She gave off one of those squeaks and announced herself. "Ahem, my name is Twilight Sparkle! Personal student to Princess Celes-"
"WOA WOA WOA! Back up against the chamber lock!"
"Chamber wha-?"
"Princess? Gah! They- urgh. They never tell me anything these days! Nooo, why should I be kept informed about what’s going on! What with having to look after all the bloody test subjects. Yet this is another dimension....hmmm."
Twilight decided now would be a good time to pick him up using her magic and carry him back into the library. She turned to him, with him hanging there in mid-air. She calmly let out a breath and started to question Wheatley about his species, where he's from and everything else.


"So you're saying you were sucked into a faulty portal, and you only use science, and magic doesn't even EXIST!? That's impossible!" Twilight said whilst she paced in the library, Wheatley was sat on a sofa watching her.
"Nope! It's all about science. Or testing. Depends if you're like the ones above. It's strange."
"GAH! First the freeing of Luna from Nightmare Moon, signs of Discord's return and now this!" Twilight mumbled to herself.
"I'm still here y'know!"
Twilight jumped and broke out of her thinking trace. "Oh! I'm so sorry! My assistant, Spike, is away at Canterlot and has been for a while now. I got used to thinking with nobody around!" she quickly said with a nervous chuckle. "Oh! I need to introduce you to all my best friends! There's Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pi-"
"Oh I know her. She popped up right as I was walking! Y'know, they said that if I ever used a portal, I would DIE! Honestly, they told me that about everything! I mean I don't know why they'd bother giving me all this stuff if I couldn’t even use it I mean it's pointless! Mad!"

Twilight eventually pulled him up with magic and opened the door. She looked back to him with a smile and said, "Well there's no time to lose! You've met the craziest one so far so you'll fit in perfectly! Let's go!"
"Craziest? Fit in perfectly? ARE YOU CALLING ME A MORO-gah!" Wheatley's sentence was cut off as he was dragged outside, about to be fully introduced to the outside world. Where all the ponies are calm, collected and very polite for privacy.....