• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 3,048 Views, 84 Comments

Dropping the Bass - Taranasauruso_o

Vinyl Scratch was a successful DJ. But she always felt she was missing something. Trinyl

  • ...

Chapter One

The crowd roared. They didn’t cheer, nor did they clap or yell, they just roared. The noise echoed around the hall, filling each and every one of it’s occupants with an incredible ecstasy.

“Fillies and gentlecolts. Are you ready for the ride of your life?” A voice boomed over the speakers that hung each corner of the room. The crowd roared in response, stamping their hooves against the hard wooden floor.

“Well then, allow me introduce to you: the most accomplished artist in all of Equestria; the only pony to have over twenty platinum albums; the mare of music herself; DJ PON-3!” Another roar, this one deafening. The lights in the room cut off, causing a few stifled gasps from the assembled audience. The stage lit up, one single light shone downwards, illuminating a small desk. The desk’s only occupant was a small record player, out-dated and looking slightly worse for wear. The needle on the player dropped downwards, illuminated only briefly by an aura of blue mist. It scratched against the vinyl that sat beneath it, causing it to crackle and pop. Soft music began to play, slowly at first, creeping out at a comfortable speed, but speeding as other instruments began to start.The sounds of Violins and cellos filled the air, backed up only by the soft sound of a double bass, playing quietly in the background.

The light on the stage spread outwards, enveloping the rest of the stage with it’s warm glow. Vinyl Scratch stood behind a small desk on the other side of the stage, nodding her head slowly in time with the music. She lifted her hoof up and brought it down towards the top of the table, stopping slightly before she smashed into it. She lowered her hoof the rest of the way, bringing it into contact with a record that spun slowly on the needle. She pushed forwards, and it began to spin faster, bringing forth another set of crackles and pops. The speakers that sat nearest to her began to purr, and a simple kick then snare beat resonated from within them. A high-hat filled in the empty spaces left by the percussion’s pattern, bouncing slightly as it was crashed into by the drummer’s stick. A synth line faded in slowly, playing only in the highest register, yet still adding melody where there was none before. The crowd began to stamp their hooves in time with the beat, causing the floor to vibrate with the sheer amount of force they created.

A few loud whistles escaped from the crowd, general reactions from the type of ponies that came to visit Vinyl’s shows. The drummer stopped, leaving only the violins and the synth line to continue playing alone. The kick drum came in, slamming down on every beat and causing the assembled ponies to stamp in time. The pitch of the music began to rise, steadily increasing the speed of the song. The build of pitch and speed reached it’s climax, then cut off, leaving the hall silent.

The listeners all lifted themselves upwards, as if in anticipation. Not a sound broke the blissful silence that filled the room, everypony holding their breath for what came next.

Then, the bass fell.

It kicked in, hard, smashing against Vinyl with the force of a truck. She felt her ears numb with the sudden explosion of distorted noise. She lowered her hoof towards the dial labeled ‘bass’, clasping it in the nook that was created when she bent her leg. She twisted, and the bass raised in pitch, swinging wildly as she twisted and turned the knob. The crowd roared their approval, bringing their heads down with every new fluctuation of the bass. She could feel the floor rattling under the amount of vibrations the bass was causing.

Vinyl’s ears rung, and she loved it.


Vinyl lifted a cloth up to her forehead, wiping the sweat from her brow. Her heart still pumped from the adrenalin rush she had had whilst on stage. Reaching out with her magic, Vinyl picked up a cool glass of water and brought it to her lips, drinking slowly.

She could hear voices outside her door, arguing. “... what? No, she can’t do that.” Another, much lower voice replied, but Vinyl couldn’t quite hear it. “Ugh, fine. I’ll ask her.”

The door opened, and in walked Minty, Vinyl’s agent and best friend, looking slightly huffed.

“Hey Vyn, great show.” Minty walked over and sat down on the red, velvet couch next to Vinyl. “I would’ve congratulated you sooner, but somepony,” she glanced towards the partially open doorway. “Wouldn’t let me in.”

“Thanks, what does the guy want?” Vinyl asked, sipping her drink again.

“He’s the agent of some visual effects pony or something,” Minty waved her hoof in the air. “He saw your show today, and came to me with a proposition.”

Vinyl finished her drink and lowered the now empty glass to the coffee table. “Which was?”

“He wants you to put on a show with his client,” Minty raised her voice slightly. “Personally, I think it’s a terrible ide-”

“Sure, why not?” Vinyl interrupted, standing from the couch.

“Wha? Bu- I...” Minty was lost for words, so instead she just gaped. “You can’t be serious.”

“C’mon Mints, you saw my act tonight,” Vinyl said, turning towards her friend. “Sure, it was awesome, but it could use something to,” Vinyl paused, trying to think of a word to describe her thoughts, “spruce it up.”

Minty sighed, “I suppose you’re right.” She stood up and turned towards the door, “Mister Rich, you can come in now.”

The door swung open, and a brown colt walked in, wearing a suit and tie. Vinyl turned towards him and smiled, “Filthy, how are you?”

“Actually, I prefer Rich,” Filthy Rich said, sighing.

“Alright then. So, I understand you have a proposition for me?”

“Yes, my client wishes to meet with you tomorrow, to discuss a show that the two of you will work on.” Filthy Rich lifted a clipboard up in front of his face, studying it. “Are you free at lunch?”

“Minty?” Vinyl looked towards her friend, who sighed and lifted a clipboard of her own.

“Well, I would have to move your practise session...”

“Perfect,” Vinyl turned back to Filthy Rich. “Yes, I’m free.” Filthy smiled and jotted down something on his clipboard.

“Okay then, be at the Cornerside Cafe at eleven thirty sharp tomorrow,” Filthy said, lowering his clipboard. He turned and started to leave.

“Wait,” Vinyl called out, reaching a hoof out to stop him. “Who is your client.”

Filthy Rich paused at the door, looking back over his shoulder.

“My client is none other than the great and powerful Trixie.”

A/N: Hey there, Taranasaurus here. Just gonna talk 'bout my new story.

Want to bget your OC in a fic? Why not sned me a PM, I'll see what I can do. Hopefully I can write up a few cool stories. I'm really enjoying writing these things, and I hope your enjoying them as much. I can't really do anymore writing, seeing as I leave for Japan soon, but not to worry! I shall continue to write!

That's about all, hope you liked it. As always, comments, critism, yadda yadda yadda.
